View Full Version : Ignite rusak lagi

24-01-11, 17:28
abis server maintainance barusan igniteny rusak ;_; bisa dibetulinlagi ga tuh? :D

24-01-11, 17:35
sabar aja gan, mungkin ada yg kelewatan waktu maintenance.. harap kesabarannya, pasti nanti di fix kok


24-01-11, 17:35
saya disable dolo bang , masi cari tau knp bisa jutaan damage tiba2

25-01-11, 17:59
so far sih om sun, selama saya nge raid fire mage blm nemu damage nya error kaya piercing shot hunter.
setelah abis update core kemaren, yg sering nemu error sih yg hunter. mungkin ada cycle tertentu yg nge-trigger multiplier damage nya segitu.
just my 2 cents.

25-01-11, 23:16
klo ignite nya masih susah di fix, Torment the weak yang attack speed debuff betulin dong bang. Baru jalan yg movespeed debuff

Quote wowwiki:
Torment the Weak is a Mage talent in the Arcane tree. It increases damage dealt by key Mage spells to targets under snare effects such as chills (like that of Frostbolt and Cone of Cold), the spell Slow or ASPD slows such as Thunder Clap.


25-01-11, 23:28
seal of vengeance / corruption nda di disable juga ?

bisa trigger jutaan damage juga loh

25-01-11, 23:50
seal of vengeance / corruption nda di disable juga ?

bisa trigger jutaan damage juga loh

bukan sealnya kl ga salah.. tp Righteous Vengeance di talent Retri.. cb cek recounya de, CMIIW