Conversation Between Phuzz and vLz~

7 Visitor Messages

  1. hai, kindly help me just click like and if you dont mind please click share too.
    one vote from you gives me one step closer on winning the contest..

    Thanks alot and God bless !
  2. mksdnya format apa ?

    image url : ...................
  3. upload foto nya harus format apa?
  4. lu ketik di tmpt gw pasang foto

    reply with quote
    liat aja websitenya

    gw lupa jg
    abisnya ikut yg d ats gw website nya hahaa
  5. eh cara masukin gambar gimana sih?
  6. BRP


    nanti ijo2 lu bisa jadi merah

  7. BRP apaan ?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7