Conversation Between [S]HUN[S]UKE and Nx-Garm

41 Visitor Messages

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  1. ***** dopost wae - delete
  2. urang ker translate itemna , hararese wkwk
    mun interface ges , sistem acan , loba
    mun urang sorangan lila pret
  3. hooh MT makana off urng ge nyobaan di LAN td
    tapi lier aslina, meli item scroll anu 1k aya pertanyaan 3 te pararuguh oge WKWKK
  4. delete deui dopost
  5. mepet shun
    ieu idgs aya MT jam 3 subuh enya ? GMT+7 / WIB
    estimasi 2-3 jam
    tadi asup room tahan 2 menit langsung dc wkwk
    nyoba kumaha wkwk mun dc2an wae wkwk
  6. nyobaan maen ges lier ti awal kudu kamana aslina
  7. hayang nyoba translate shun? wkwkw jamin lieur oge
  8. delete
  9. hese uy loba nu teu jelas artina wkwk
    teu ngeunah mun artina engke aya spermtozoon wkwkw , skillna si negi contract wkwk
    engke pada ngakak kabeh skill naon eta aya kitu"an wkwkw
  10. hatuh translate buru
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 41
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