Conversation Between phantom_ex and BoYBoY

9 Visitor Messages

  1. boyboyjc id steam gw
    coba di add tom

    profile nya trolololol
  2. idlu apa boy? gak ada yg add gw
  3. oi tom, gw uda add lu tuh di steam
  4. zzzzz
  5. tom

    post lo belakangan bijak2

    makan apa lu?
  6. iya no problem
  7. iye sorry

    tadi ga ada cara laen
    ga bisa ngetik ga bisa gerakin mouse

    mau ga mau cabut kabel lan trus pindah pc

  8. udah maen gw
  9. oi

    pc gw macet

    keyboard ama mouse nya macet ==a
    ini gw uda ganti pc swt
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9