Conversation Between FAZESTIENDE~ and RC_19

48 Visitor Messages

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  1. FAZESTIENDE~ has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space.
    masih bgtu pak
  2. udah mas, haha gak pernah di hapus
  3. pak tolong inbox d bersihin.. mau pm ga bisa pak
  4. $16 itu di rahasiakan kok malah di share kayak gitu
  5. Mohon bantuannya pak..
    apakah benar 90% atau karna issue pak..
  6. wkwkkwkw..
    sip sip..
    paling tar sibuk ngajarin yang baru2 dan krng ngerti..
    good luck pak
  7. ma'acih qaqa ,

    biar gak numpuk itu case , gw sendiri terlalu sibuk sekarang
  8. Good luck buat recruite team matnya
  9. done ko faze
  10. oke bentar
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 48
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