Conversation Between ERICKLIM and -rezon-

29 Visitor Messages

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  1. Introduce-ing New RJ (trial) @ http://radio.indogamers :

    id bnet : ~be~ (public)
    jadwal on air : on progress
    jabatan : moderator + vOP COMM
    real name : eric steven
    umur : 24thn
  2. bner dong. basically itu pekerjaan dr IDGS itu sukarela rata2 , dan klo ada org yg bertanya "di gaji ga ya ini (SAMBIL TERTAWA)" mcm orang '****' yg pura2 '****'
  3. bacotin jekate....
  4. userbar gw lama !
  5. sepi room lod jem sgini. molor aje mending
  6. no problem
  7. gw tambahin post pengumuman di thread op gw + lodc no problem dong ?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 29
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