Conversation Between [OMG]-CinepleX- and Leash

27 Visitor Messages

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  1. wakakakka koko liem
  2. ocirr nemplex , wes ya

    tolong diaccept , drpd tetap usebar red brown tp ga da hasil apa2
  3. itu td msk 477 malah cpt diproses, tp ga plock jdna. nungu mh , mat nya spawn 1mgg 1x, mcm dokter mw ngecek rumah sakit ja, leh uga. ayo
  4. leh uga u afk
  5. yuk lg gk...
    ini mau edit post muter muter..
    dia pkir komedi puter kali
  6. leh uga u msh ol wkwkw. pake usebar dari lu cir, yg orange 1 1

    thanks krenn
  7. oh jelas

    cem macem
  8. oe... leh uga u nongol" gt
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 27
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