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992 Visitor Messages

  1. View Conversation
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    eh klo aplikasi detect mh skrg ada ga?

    map lod soalnya jd ga auto detect kyk map dota biasa
  3. View Conversation
    udah di edit ya om pemilikan id di laporannya
  4. View Conversation
    minta aplikasi parser dongg
    upload in aja ke 4share ato apa gt
  5. View Conversation
    om mau tanya, ini server idgs public di merger ya semua ?
  6. View Conversation
    User id : KingOfAlien

    Maaf niknya salah
  7. View Conversation
    Pak , ini ada case id saya : kingpfqlien

    Id tersebut di banned stayer tanpa start thread atau postingan emang boleh ya pak? Bukti umtik stayer nya ga ada. Dibanned langsung oleh OP whyalwqysme

    Apakah memang di perbolehkan begitu?

    Mohon advisenya pak leader.
  8. View Conversation
    cuk ,, makane ajari lah
    wes lali kabeh
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About M15

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Tanggal Lahir
March 28, 1986 (38)
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02-02-23 21:56
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03-03-21 12:01
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  • 21:36 - retzstyLe mentioned M15 in post [Stayer] DJ-Emboet
    ...1947-Leaver-DJ-Emboet?p=9566657#post9566657 M15 6



  • 16:44 - 6 mentioned M15 in post [Flame Ortu/Kerabat] sandking~pro
    ...aya nyatakan flame ortu dengan sengaja = banned M15; MUSTARD;
  • 13:35 - 6 mentioned M15 in post [Stayer] dontlikenoob
    ... 5 saya nyatakan stayer dengan sengaja = banned M15; WHYALWAYSME;
  • 13:33 - 6 mentioned M15 in post [Leaver] jamrud
    ...s ping dari format tga ke jpg bro btm-proplayer; M15; WHYALWAYSME;
  • 11:55 - 6 mentioned M15 in post [Leaver] DJ-Emboet
    ... 5 saya nyatakan leaver dengan sengaja = banned M15; WHYALWAYSME;
  • 11:53 - 6 mentioned M15 in post [Stayer] free-chinpo
    ... 5 saya nyatakan stayer dengan sengaja = banned M15; WHYALWAYSME;
  • 11:46 - 6 mentioned M15 in post [Stayer] D_luffy
    ... 5 saya nyatakan leaver dengan sengaja = banned M15; WHYALWAYSME;
  • 11:42 - 6 mentioned M15 in post [Leaver] LIMAPULUHribu
    ...maklum dengan kondisinya bro Free-RetzstyLe; M15; WHYALWAYSME;
  • 11:33 - 6 mentioned M15 in post [Stayer] fooreverlove
    ...takan ID fooreverlove tidak stayer = not banned M15; WHYALWAYSME;
  • 10:57 - 6 mentioned M15 in post [Stayer] cunsen
    ... 5 saya nyatakan stayer dengan sengaja = banned M15; WHYALWAYSME;
  • 10:51 - 6 mentioned M15 in post [Stayer] entay4p chanibal
    ...anibal tidak stayer dengan sengaja = not banned M15; WHYALWAYSME;
  • 10:42 - 6 mentioned M15 in post [Stayer] luckys
    ... 5 saya nyatakan stayer dengan sengaja = banned M15; WHYALWAYSME;
  • 10:34 - 6 mentioned M15 in post [Leaver] renesmee- M15; WHYALWAYSME;
  • 10:21 - 6 mentioned M15 in post [Stayer] Renesmee-
    ...sisi 5 vs 5 saya nyatakan stayer dengan sengaja M15; WHYALWAYSME;
  • 10:15 - 6 mentioned M15 in post [Stayer] silentassasin
    ... 5 saya nyatakan stayer dengan sengaja = banned M15; WHYALWAYSME;


