BottLeneck - a pLace or a person who acts as an obstacLe to progress or free movement.
Break, take a break - a short rest.
Buck(s) - doLLar(s).
Cat house - house of prostitution.
Chicken - coward.
Count on - depend on, reLy on.
Crap - information that is not true or beLievabLe
Get Lost - go away, get out of here.
Hit the road - Leave, go.
Keep an eye on - watch carefuLLy.
Keep your nose cLean - stay out troubLe.
Knock it off - cut it out.
New year's eve - the eve/night of December 31st, in which many people celebrate by counting down the hours untill January 1st.
On your own - independent.
Start from scratch - start at the very beginning.
that's it for now..
feeL free to add expressions..
I'LL update the first post Later..
-Last updated : June 16th 2009-
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