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    Default dark_messenger's diary is here ... ^_^


    Diary pertama...

    para OP dan Mod pada pensiun padahal kerja mereka bagus...
    pasti ada masalah internal atau apa yg mereka tak bisa toleransi sehingga harus mengambil keputusan seperti itu walau sebetulnya keputusan tersebut berat untuk diambil...

    tapi percaya dengan OP dan Mod yg masih aktif... moga2 kepercayaan ini tidak disalahgunakan... tolong jgn KKN ok? itu doank yg gua mao... temen seh temen bole tp kl uda ga bisa ditolelir ya plz gitu jgn main asal kenal ya perkara beres... gua tau ini indonesia... tolong budaya seperti itu dihilangkan walau sudah merajalela... ya itu doank seh...

    buat gamers bogor jangan lupa kita gath ya tgl 12 november 2006 dan ntar gua post photo2 kalian disini...
    "Ye of detestible name and virtue.. false apostle; thou art bayed back to the abyss!"
    "Hark, lightning that rides within the ashen depths; descend down as a storm upon my foes!"
    "If ye shall accept the benedictions of beauty, then yea; let these chains of aster surround thee!"
    "No mercy for the damned; thus, thou has no escape from the grasp of catastrophe"

    ID BattleNet Indogamers PRO/Public/Evolution/Free : dark_messenger

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  3. #2
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    7 november 2006

    si kumbang temen masa lalu gua yg tinggal di karawaci dan uda jarang kontek ini sedang berulang tahun hari ini... tp tau dasar sok **** sok pura2 ga tau di telepon... benernya uda cape jg ma nih anak uda males maen tp mo gimana namanya gua pasti gua yg mendekatkan diri...

    bosen da bbrp hari ini kerjaan cm posting di forum doank... lg ga ada kerjaan di kantor dan besok berangkat lagi ke t4 client yg pasti ga bs posting di forum 1 harian... wkwkwkwk...

    gua perna denger... lucu abis... lagi maen dota. Temen gua pake Slithreen guard... bisa tau letak musuh dan dibilang MAP HACK... jelas2 kena amplifire damage ya ke track di peta lha... gila yach... cupu abis.... tambah lagi bukan save replay nya tapi malah game nya di save... gubrag ga seh...??? adoh2... uda cupu, bacod, ga ngerti apa2, sok galak pula.... ke laud aja tuh...
    "Ye of detestible name and virtue.. false apostle; thou art bayed back to the abyss!"
    "Hark, lightning that rides within the ashen depths; descend down as a storm upon my foes!"
    "If ye shall accept the benedictions of beauty, then yea; let these chains of aster surround thee!"
    "No mercy for the damned; thus, thou has no escape from the grasp of catastrophe"

    ID BattleNet Indogamers PRO/Public/Evolution/Free : dark_messenger

  4. #3
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    Default 8 November 2006 (Hari Stress)

    Pagi2 bagun tidur lgs beres2 mo ke t4 client (Mobile-8) ada meeting... tp pas meeting anehnya gua ngantuk berat... dengan terpaksa makan permen... biar mata gua ga nutup pas meeting... meeting berjalan 95% sukses, tp kurang 5% lg kl ga sudah clear semua...

    Siang2 di kantor... biasa kerjaan coding ada bbrp bug.... kerjaan berjalan biasa trus pulang dari kantor... biasa ada penghibur stress gua si **bon (OceanKing) yg selalu gua ceng2in di channel... hari ini ngacangin gua mulu... --> KECEWA 1

    Malem2 ngejar waktu buat badminton... gua inget aqua gua abis... gua beli aqua di kost gua, eh malah keabisan. Gua pergi ke tukang air dan msh ada aqua... dah tau telat 30mnt gua tungguin 30mnt ga dateng2 uda gua telepon 3 kali msh lom dateng padahal jarak 50 meter doank... parah dah... akhirnya gua tinggal dan mencak2 di tukang aqua... --> STRESS 1

    Dateng2 ke lapangan badminton uda telat 1 jam... trus lama nunggu giliran... pas jam 21.45 ada 4 orang main uda 2 set ga mo gantian dan buat mod gua maen uda ilang... --> STRESS 2... dengan berat hati meninggalkan lapangan padahal mo maen malah jadi ga mod

    Sampe di kost ada si n***n symphonia ngajakin main DotA... trus gua lom mandi ya gua mandi dulu dia main.... gua beres mandi malah ga mo maen sama gua... KECEWA 2... pas diajakin main sama anak2 lain ga bisa ***** ke Kayanya port IP gua di blok... --> STRESS 3 ... untung gua bs ngatasin. Masuk uda ga mod maen... ya uda beres deh...

    Hari ini :
    1. Hari Tanpa Dota
    2. Hari Tanpa Guide
    3. Hari Double Kecewa
    4. Hari Triple Stress

    sambung besok2...
    "Ye of detestible name and virtue.. false apostle; thou art bayed back to the abyss!"
    "Hark, lightning that rides within the ashen depths; descend down as a storm upon my foes!"
    "If ye shall accept the benedictions of beauty, then yea; let these chains of aster surround thee!"
    "No mercy for the damned; thus, thou has no escape from the grasp of catastrophe"

    ID BattleNet Indogamers PRO/Public/Evolution/Free : dark_messenger

  5. #4
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    Default 10 November 2006

    Aaaaa... jam 00.00 masih main sama anak2 clan baru... akhirnya clan berhasil dibuat... main RUN RUN panda ngakak2an... aduh deh...

    Pagi bangun tidur males banget tau napa... trus pas di jalan ketemu temen SMA booo... lama ga ketemu kangen banget... cewe pula... Aeeee... dah seru deh cerita di jalan. Eh pas sampe kantor gua lupa kalo hari ini tuh mo clan war jam 9 malem plus deadline kerjaan hari ini... karena gua rasa ga memungkinkan so clan war hari ini dibatalkan... padahal temen2 gua uda ready semua... pihak lawan pun ada yg ga bisa...

    Pas sore2 tengah kelaparan mo pergi makan eh ada yg masak spaghetti di kantor... waaaaaaaw enak... tau aja gua ga makan daging... sampe gua nulis ini gua msh makan spaghetti neh... thx pa wima thx ipan...
    "Ye of detestible name and virtue.. false apostle; thou art bayed back to the abyss!"
    "Hark, lightning that rides within the ashen depths; descend down as a storm upon my foes!"
    "If ye shall accept the benedictions of beauty, then yea; let these chains of aster surround thee!"
    "No mercy for the damned; thus, thou has no escape from the grasp of catastrophe"

    ID BattleNet Indogamers PRO/Public/Evolution/Free : dark_messenger

  6. #5
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    Default 14 November 2006


    Kemaren tanggal 12 November 2006... pertama kali gath para IDGS bogor... ada **** imutz (ardi), dolz (iqbal), dan holykidz (arie) dan pengen bener2 cari moderator di subforum bogor soalnya isinya pada ga jelas semua... karena itu dibuatlah voting untuk mod bogor dengan jangka waktu 1 bulan...
    bagi yg belum vote silahkan vote yach!!! (ada di signature gua)

    Pada hari tsb, pertama janjian ketemu ama si ardi trus jalan ke diztrix... akhirnya nemuin jg diztrix cm kira2 doank deket indomaret katanya seh gitu... abis itu mulai deh masuk trus tanya yg jaga nya... mana yg namanya arie ma iqbal... bah terkenal semua... lg pada main dota... trus gua ama ardi jg main... ketemu anak2 jambu2 jg para gamers bogor...

    Battle DotA dimulai dengan main BNET bersama di diztrix... dengan result : LOSE alias kalah... hehehehe... lawannya berat booo... AR gua dpt Tormented Soul trus si ardi ga mao pake Necrolic ya diswap... biar uda ada HoT x 2 juga tetep kalah booo....

    Setelah itu iqbal ama arie mo pulang makan dulu... Gua laper ngajak si ardi makan di Ayam Goreng Fatmawati... bah enaknya... Empalnya enaaaaaaaak banget tp sakit ati liat harganya jatah makan 1 hari cm 1 kali makan. Eh ternyata hari tak mengizinkan kita untuk bertemu dgn arie dan iqbal lg soalnya lgs ujaaaaan deras...

    Sambil nunggu ujan gua ama ardi ngomong2 ga jelas aja... trus ardi ngajakin ke e-life (kandang si babie)... jam 7an lgs berangkat ke e-life... sampe sana ketemu si babie imutz... lho KOk eN Te Ou eL...!!! **** = ardi uda ketemu daritadi...

    Diajakin main LAN game, dapet Necrolic lageeee... la la la hari gath malah mainin Necrolic terus... SWT dah!!! trus main bareng ama anak2 clan brq... gua dpt Lord of Avernus dan resultnya : WIN alias menang.... trus jam 10an gua ama ardi balek trus gua bilang ketemuan lagi minggu depan... karena belom ada dokumentasinya gath kemarin...
    "Ye of detestible name and virtue.. false apostle; thou art bayed back to the abyss!"
    "Hark, lightning that rides within the ashen depths; descend down as a storm upon my foes!"
    "If ye shall accept the benedictions of beauty, then yea; let these chains of aster surround thee!"
    "No mercy for the damned; thus, thou has no escape from the grasp of catastrophe"

    ID BattleNet Indogamers PRO/Public/Evolution/Free : dark_messenger

  7. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by BaBi•Imutz View Post
    haiyahhhhhh gw lagi rusak di tulis nih diary si dapid man..
    babie... muncul sini lg gua bomb tuh layung sari!!!::showoff::
    "Ye of detestible name and virtue.. false apostle; thou art bayed back to the abyss!"
    "Hark, lightning that rides within the ashen depths; descend down as a storm upon my foes!"
    "If ye shall accept the benedictions of beauty, then yea; let these chains of aster surround thee!"
    "No mercy for the damned; thus, thou has no escape from the grasp of catastrophe"

    ID BattleNet Indogamers PRO/Public/Evolution/Free : dark_messenger

  8. #7
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    Default 16 November 2006

    hari demi hari berlalu...

    Muka gua dirusak sama bum2 di thread junker... adoh bener2 dah... gua sendiri aja sampe ngakak... rusak dah muka gua yg ganteng ini... ini semua gara2 si leo beruk neh... maen upload photo seenak jidat... was aja lu le...!!!

    Kerjaan di forum tetep buat guide2 terus permintaan berjibun tp buat guide khan ga bentar... lumayan lama... anak2 IDGS bogor mo ketemuan lagi tgl 19 Nov... tp gua ga yakin nih takut jalan2 uda pada ditutup or dsb... tp dicoba aja deh.. rencananya seh mo ngumpul di e-life max di suryakencana bogor...

    Hari ini si **** alias si ardi maen pajang photo orang sembarangan... gua tegur masih aja... adoh tuh anak bener2 bandelnya... ga bs dibilangin harus digertak baru diem... wkwkwkwk!!! mo buka2in dia jg da males uda tau semua nya... jelas banget dari testimonial FS nya.. wkwkwk...

    Besok mao Clan War lagi lawan Clan si Andre... doain menang yach... wkwkwkw... asli neh Real Battle ahead...!!! Lagi coba2 pake Vengeful Spirit yg enak banget damage nya wujubuneng gede nya...!!! Para Trio Loli plus Tomat yg ada disisi gua alias team gua!!! Main yg bener yach!!!

    All plz pray 4 my victory!!! THX ALL...
    bobo dulu ah ngantoook!!!
    "Ye of detestible name and virtue.. false apostle; thou art bayed back to the abyss!"
    "Hark, lightning that rides within the ashen depths; descend down as a storm upon my foes!"
    "If ye shall accept the benedictions of beauty, then yea; let these chains of aster surround thee!"
    "No mercy for the damned; thus, thou has no escape from the grasp of catastrophe"

    ID BattleNet Indogamers PRO/Public/Evolution/Free : dark_messenger

  9. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by cellia View Post
    Kenal sama Andre "Ugly_Anz" nda?
    ga kenal cel... taunya andre cukong...
    "Ye of detestible name and virtue.. false apostle; thou art bayed back to the abyss!"
    "Hark, lightning that rides within the ashen depths; descend down as a storm upon my foes!"
    "If ye shall accept the benedictions of beauty, then yea; let these chains of aster surround thee!"
    "No mercy for the damned; thus, thou has no escape from the grasp of catastrophe"

    ID BattleNet Indogamers PRO/Public/Evolution/Free : dark_messenger

  10. #9
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    Default 20 November 2006

    Hari boseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen banget...
    cuma diem di rumah ga bisa keluar gara2 George W Bush dateng ke Bogor!!!!

    19 November 2006 acara gath dimulai jam 13.00. **** Imutz alias si Ardi Mesum uda dateng, Valinor juga dari jam 11.00... si dolz babal jg da dateng alias gua yg telat gara2 makan siang dulu bareng bonyok di Ginzie...
    Game 1 gara2 ping gua gede di kick dan game di start... swt...
    gua main bareng si cyneve malah dianya leave... 3 vs 4 jadinya, main AR dapet pugna... pake 2 HoT, Radiance lvl 18 uda GG wkwkwkwkwk... 10-0. lvl 20 baru beli power thread...
    Game 2 main bareng semua dan ampir kalah gara2 nerubian weaver gua ga jadi T_T... uda jadi Radiance GG deh...
    Game 3 main bareng dolz... babie ga ikutan gara2 stress dimasukin ke wkwkwkwk dikerjain leo abis2 sampe stress ga bs main dota. valinor main wtf.
    Game 4 game terlama gua main 110 mnt, lvl 25 pake QoP item aja BF, EoS, PT, Aegis, Radiance... gila dah.... dari 2 sisi barak uda ancur sampe menang nembusin ancient musuh... main bareng si cecep(vaynard) n johan (tallgaze)

    "Ye of detestible name and virtue.. false apostle; thou art bayed back to the abyss!"
    "Hark, lightning that rides within the ashen depths; descend down as a storm upon my foes!"
    "If ye shall accept the benedictions of beauty, then yea; let these chains of aster surround thee!"
    "No mercy for the damned; thus, thou has no escape from the grasp of catastrophe"

    ID BattleNet Indogamers PRO/Public/Evolution/Free : dark_messenger

  11. #10
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    Default 21 November 2006 (Hari Sakit Ati)

    sepertinya males gua menjabarkan nya disini...

    orang kenal juga kaga ngomong kaya t** gitu... ::FIREdevil:: liat aja ketemu mah gua tonjok ditempat dah... percuma mo diapain jg ga bisa sembuh...

    tau uda mulai males gua... da ga niat ngapa2in... hararese kabeh!!!
    "Ye of detestible name and virtue.. false apostle; thou art bayed back to the abyss!"
    "Hark, lightning that rides within the ashen depths; descend down as a storm upon my foes!"
    "If ye shall accept the benedictions of beauty, then yea; let these chains of aster surround thee!"
    "No mercy for the damned; thus, thou has no escape from the grasp of catastrophe"

    ID BattleNet Indogamers PRO/Public/Evolution/Free : dark_messenger

  12. #11
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    Default 22 November 2006

    Clan dibentuk... mulai invite2 member...

    hm... ada 2 temen gua ultah hari ini... hari biasa kerja... pas mo badminton tau jadi ga mod abis ga enak badan gara2 kemarinnya sakit ati bawa2 sampe ke fisik... susah dah gua kalo gini... yg ada bobo jah terus...

    gua online di bnet jg pada sibuk sendiri semua... makin sakit dah... makanya uda males main jg...

    ada yg tau? mengatasi sakit gua???
    "Ye of detestible name and virtue.. false apostle; thou art bayed back to the abyss!"
    "Hark, lightning that rides within the ashen depths; descend down as a storm upon my foes!"
    "If ye shall accept the benedictions of beauty, then yea; let these chains of aster surround thee!"
    "No mercy for the damned; thus, thou has no escape from the grasp of catastrophe"

    ID BattleNet Indogamers PRO/Public/Evolution/Free : dark_messenger

  13. #12
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    Default 23 November 2006

    Hari ini main sama si anak t**. ya benernya seh gua males tp nemenin orang2 yg mo maen aja... ga perna talk ke dia... macem2 mah gua samperin... ribut2 dah disitu...

    Hm... hari curhat dgn beberapa anak dari clan lain... hm... sepertinya kata2 mereka bisa dipercaya... dan gua baru tau kebenaran yg ada. Seseorang telah menyalahgunakan kepercayaan gua, ya liat aja... tau sendiri gua orangnya gimana... so... biar lah waktu berlalu... kita lihat apa bener dia itu cocok ato kaga... ngaca deh... soal gituan gua lebih banyak pengalaman. Dan gua ga mungkin jatuh ke lubang yg sama 2 kali...

    Let's begin the real dark_messnger is....
    "Ye of detestible name and virtue.. false apostle; thou art bayed back to the abyss!"
    "Hark, lightning that rides within the ashen depths; descend down as a storm upon my foes!"
    "If ye shall accept the benedictions of beauty, then yea; let these chains of aster surround thee!"
    "No mercy for the damned; thus, thou has no escape from the grasp of catastrophe"

    ID BattleNet Indogamers PRO/Public/Evolution/Free : dark_messenger

  14. #13
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    Default 24 November 2006

    Hari ini dd gua ultah...

    cepet lulus kuliahnya...
    dpt nilai bagus...
    dpt cewe...
    dll... pokoknya yg bagus2 to my beluv... brother...

    ya... start pembicaraan... gua lupa ngapain aja ya... yg jelas gua msh sakit neh... tau deh main dota terus sampe kapan ya???

    rencana hari ini mo clan war bareng temen gua lg di empo ga jadi alias batal gara2 dia ga bisa... apa takut ya kwkwkwk....

    main seperti biasa bareng ajak2 jomblo... wkwkwk seru jg...
    "Ye of detestible name and virtue.. false apostle; thou art bayed back to the abyss!"
    "Hark, lightning that rides within the ashen depths; descend down as a storm upon my foes!"
    "If ye shall accept the benedictions of beauty, then yea; let these chains of aster surround thee!"
    "No mercy for the damned; thus, thou has no escape from the grasp of catastrophe"

    ID BattleNet Indogamers PRO/Public/Evolution/Free : dark_messenger

  15. #14
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    Default 25 November 2006

    seperti biasa hari sabtu badminton dipagi hari.....

    siang2 bobo... cape abis badminton....
    trus kamar gua seperti biasa diserang orang rampok2in barang gua... wkwkwkwk....

    sore2 ke menara peninsula... dateng ke pernikahan temen gua si chen2... set dah mewah abis... MC nya kocak kaya orang ulang taon aja... masa sukses selalu... ???? jelas2 menempuh hidup baru donk... aneh2 aja tuh MC...

    tujuan makanan pertama : **** panggang.... trus kambing guling.... trus es krim nya keabisan... gara2 mo ambil diliat biasa2 aja ternyata uda abis....

    malem2 gua ke CL nunggusin si sims n3n*n... wkwkwkwk... jalan ke warnet dia... diculik sampe pagi... trus Clan War sama anak2 MyS... bah salah dink gua di sisi anak MyS... lawan team jomblo... yg ada swt semua dah....

    "Ye of detestible name and virtue.. false apostle; thou art bayed back to the abyss!"
    "Hark, lightning that rides within the ashen depths; descend down as a storm upon my foes!"
    "If ye shall accept the benedictions of beauty, then yea; let these chains of aster surround thee!"
    "No mercy for the damned; thus, thou has no escape from the grasp of catastrophe"

    ID BattleNet Indogamers PRO/Public/Evolution/Free : dark_messenger

  16. #15
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    Default 26 November 2006

    (continued from 25 November....)

    lanjut sampe pagi bener.... maeeeen terus ampe bosen2 main game ngakak2an sama si boss **bi... wkwkwkwk....

    paket abis lanjut balik ke kost... eh diajakin main lagi jadi baru bobo jam 9 pagi deh... diajak si yopi suru OL jam 10 jelas2 gua baru bobo... jam 2 gua bangun eh si yopi da ilang.... main bareng anak2 seperti biasa ama pendod dkk....

    sore ada urusan seperti biasa ama si nicho....

    malem maen lagi ama si boss **bi... ternyata anak clan yg sama gubrag dah gua...!!! pantez nick nya ga asing....
    "Ye of detestible name and virtue.. false apostle; thou art bayed back to the abyss!"
    "Hark, lightning that rides within the ashen depths; descend down as a storm upon my foes!"
    "If ye shall accept the benedictions of beauty, then yea; let these chains of aster surround thee!"
    "No mercy for the damned; thus, thou has no escape from the grasp of catastrophe"

    ID BattleNet Indogamers PRO/Public/Evolution/Free : dark_messenger

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