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Thread: [Nibelung]
  1. #1

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    Default [Nibelung]

    Nama Item : Nibelung
    Status Error :
    - Val'kyr proc dari nibelung adalah val'kyr yang salah.
    Harusnya :
    Val'kyr Guardian
    - Spawn with 12,600 health and no mana bar.

    Ukuran yang ini jauh lebih besar daripada yang in-game di AMPM

    Yang keluar adalah :
    Val'kyr Guardian
    - Spawn dengan 28,740 health dan ada mana bar 6,630
    SS tidak di capture

    Error/Bug Fix :
    Keluarkan Val'kyr yang benar
    Aturan di bawah ini semua sudah ada di val'kyrnya cuma procnya salah keluar mahluknya

    Nibelung harusnya mempunyai beberapa fact seperti ini val'kyr nya :
    - Val'kyr created from this proc will hit for around 1100 damage every 1,4 seconds. They are considered Guardians. (tidak cast)
    - This has no internal cooldown (ICD). I've managed to summon as many as 5 Val'kyr at the same time. (sudah benar)
    - This will proc off DoT-like skills. In my case (a mage), this procs off Living Bomb (every tick and the final boom) and also Blizzard (every wave). (sudah benar)
    - This will proc off pinpoint damage skills, of course. Spells like Fire Blast, Frostbolt, Arcane Blast, do proc it. It does not, however, proc off the DoT part of pinpoint skills, like Fireball, Frostfire Bolt, or Pyroblast (it procs off the initial hit, but not the DoT). Flamestrike falls in this last category (sudah benar)
    - This will not proc off Ignite. (tidak tahu)
    - The chance to proc increases with the number of targets damaged. Hitting more targets with Blizzard/Flamestrike/Living Bomb boom increases chance to proc. (Sudah benar)
    - 2% proc rate with no internal CD. There is no limit on the number that can be out at one time.
    - Spawn with 12,600 health and no mana bar. (Spawn dengan 28,740 health dan ada mana bar 6,630, salah)
    - Heal themselves for 25% of the damage they deal. (tidak heal diri sendiri)
    - Cast smite (holy damage) an average of 16.6 casts per summon or an instant cast every 1.81 seconds. The actual GCD of the val'kyr is probably 1.35 seconds and 0.45-0.5 additional seconds are added from server delay/lag. (It's the same affect that raises a water elemental's cast time from 2.5 up to 2.95-3.0 seconds.) (belom benar)
    - Deal 1591 - 1785 damage, 5% crit chance, 1.5 crit multiplier, and hit capped.(belom benar)
    - They do not scale with your stats. (tidak benar)
    - Benefit from curse of elements, but not arcane empowerment, ferocious inspiration, or sanctified retribution. (benar)
    - Benefit from +5% spell crit debuff from imp. scorch, imp. shadowbolt, and winter's chill and all other boss debuffs. (benar)
    - Benefit from the spell haste buffs from wrath of air and imp. moonkin aura/swift retribution.
    Val'kyr proc off living bomb dot ticks and those from locks and priests. They do not proc off pyroblast or fireball's dot or ignite or any other dot that are an after-effect of a spell. (sudah benar)
    - Proc off each spellcast of arcane explosion, each wave of blizzard, and the detonation of living bomb. It does NOT proc off each target hit. (sudah benar)
    - Do not proc off waterbolt or mirror image spells. (benar)
    - Proc off molten armor. (sudah benar)
    - Val'kyr target the mob that caused the proc (not based on your aggro). If the target dies, they will wait and attack the next target you deal damage to, whether directly or indirectly. Thus, they will never randomly target mobs and break CC. If a Val'kyr appeared to break a CC, look to the master of the Val'kyr instead. (tidak benar... ini sering target ke mob lain2)
    - To get the most from the Val'kyr, stand between 10 and 30 yards. If outside that range, the Val'kyr will fly around a bit until in minimum/maximum range and eat away at the 30 seconds it's summoned. It's worth noting for pvp that once the Val'kyr is in minimum range, it won't need to readjust if the target moves closer than 10 yards until a new target is acquired. (tidak tahu)
    - Val'kyr obey the commands you give to your pets. (tidak bisa di command)

    Server : Server AMPM
    Referensi :
    Nibelung at Wowhead
    Nibelung at wowwiki

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  3. #2

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    iya dong tolong ini difix, klo pake nibelung yg skrg masa dpsnya msh kalah sama pake staff anub toc
    I must live longer, cause they will still need me

  4. #3

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    Tambahan lagi.. Val'kyrnya bisa terbang huahuaa :P Ada di comment section wowhead link di atas bawah sendiri.
    Tapi ini yang perlu dibenerin itu cuma Smite nya aja... ga cast SMITE dia

  5. #4
    --Miakis--'s Avatar
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    Sudah ada yang report kk..
    to Anyone
    2NE1 Blackjack

  6. #5

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    Setelah dilihat2 lagi.. kayaknya ini salah link Proc yang dicreatenya.... gambarnya lain dari yang di wowhead. Mungkin bisa dilihat lagi GM... kayaknya salah link ke val'kyr guardian. Healthnya 12600 yang ini dan no mana bar.... instant cast smite dia. Yang dilink itu proc ngehasilin val'kyr guardian dengan health di atas..... Pls check

    SS yang asli :

  7. #6

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    Masih error di 3.3.5... Valkyr nya bukan yang seharusnya Masih melee dia. proc udah bener.. tinggal yang dispawn itu beda

  8. #7

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    Bump for selfish :P

  9. #8

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    Apa ini sdh di benerin ya? ada yg bisa kasih info,thks sebelumnya.

  10. #9
    sunlounger's Avatar
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    npc valkyr dari nibelungnya , apa namanya and brp id kalo ada info
    Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.

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