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    Default DOTA 2 - Are We Heroes Yet?

    Release Date: Valve Time ESRB rating : PENDING Genre: ARTS/MOBA Publisher: Valve Developer: Valve Software

    DOTA 2 Official FAQ
    Q: Is there reconnect support for DotA 2? (by Vanes-UT)
    A: This was actually one of the very first things we added early on, before the game was stable, in order to help with testing. You’ll also be able to have a friend of similar skill level substitute for you in case you have to leave. Players that want to improve their reputation in the game and community will also be able to help out by joining ongoing games that are missing players.

    Q: Can I still play with my friends from America even though I am European? (by Adam Mosley)
    A: Yes, a lot of people have friends in different regions and we want to allow them to easily interact. One of the things that makes DotA special is how big the community is, so we will do our best to make it easy to connect and communicate with one another.

    Q: How are you going to handle delay and lag between players? (by Alex)
    A: This is something we are putting a lot of time and resources into. Minimizing delay to servers, along with optimizing networking code, is very important to being able to enjoy DotA on both a casual and competitive level. We’re expanding the Steam infrastructure around the world so the matchmaking service for DotA 2 is able to provide the lowest possible ping wherever you are playing. There will also be some uniquely located servers that are optimized regionally for handling longer distance matches.

    Q: What kind of hardware requirements will the game have? (by S.Hong)
    A: We don’t have an official minimum spec just yet. The goal is to make sure that people with older computers and the PCs at LAN centers will be able to support the game, while also allowing for newer computers to scale well.

    Q: I heard there was going to be an AI feature for when a player leaves. Is there going to be an option to take direct control of the hero? (by Stephen)
    A: The AI features will be optional to the players in the game. You can have teammates use it, send it to the base, or give it AI modes and behaviors to follow.

    Q: Will there be anything like the AI maps in DotA or a “training mode” with difficulty levels? (by L.Pham)
    A: Yes there will be bot support if you just want to play by yourself, or you can create a party of friends and fill the rest of the slots with bots. There are a variety of different settings you can use in order to configure the bots, ranging from selectable difficulty levels to specific behaviors that you want to practice against. For example, if you want to practice your lane control, you could configure the bots to be stronger at denying, last hitting, and harassing. We’ll also have some specially crafted challenge scenarios, similar to things like Pudge Wars, which I’ll elaborate on in the future.

    Q: Will the replay system allow me to move freely backwards and forwards in time rather than having to watch a whole replay? (by Luciando)
    A: You’ll be able to jump around to any point in the replay, add bookmarks for easy referencing, view detailed stats and graphs while the game is going, and watch through a specific player’s view (with regards to their camera movement). You’ll also be able to watch replays with friends if you want to review a game or learn from your mistakes. To aid videomakers, the replay system will have flexible camera angle and speed controls. There will also be a bunch of commentating and editing features you can add to your replays.

    Q: Don’t you think you should make a lot of changes to the gameplay? (by Robert)
    A: Significant changes would not necessarily make it a better game. There are countless features we are building around the game that will make the experience a much better one. The gameplay itself, though, has always evolved step by step, and it will continue with that methodology. We consider this a long term project, in the same way DotA has always been. We want to provide a quality experience and not just change for the sake of change. You’ll naturally see additions and improvements to the game as time passes, but it would be a natural progression aimed at improving the game for the players and not for other arbitrary reasons. Valve and I strongly believe that the player focused development process the game has gone through is what will allow us to continue making the best decisions with regards to where we spend our development time.

    Q: Can you spectate an already ongoing DotA 2 game? (by Valo)
    A: A lot of the game will be built around spectating and shoutcasting support. You will be able to join most ongoing games (unless the players marked it as private) and just watch them. You can join a game your friend is in, see what your favorite clan is doing, or simply pick a skill level and a hero you like and it will find you one to watch. We also have a system in place that automatically distributes the load to multiple servers so that the game itself won’t be affected by users joining to spectate. Our distribution network will allow us to support any number of users that want to watch, by dynamically assigning more servers to the task. There will also be special tags and search options to help you find live or old shoutcasted games. Shoutcasters will be able to operate as directors, so anyone watching will have his camera looking at the same things the shoutcaster is viewing. There is also an optional anti-cheat mechanism built in so that the game you are spectating can be time delayed by any amount of time to reduce potential abuse.

    Q: Will you keep loyal to casting times like Torrent and will it still be possible to do the advanced tricks, like animation canceling, fog of war tricks we’ve learned, etc? (by Lycan)
    A: Yes, those mechanics are implemented. They are a very integral part of the game and it wouldn’t feel the same without them.

    Q: How will we manage replay files? (by Nikos)
    A: They will be automatically saved with your identity online utilizing the Steam Cloud storage system, so you don’t have to worry about losing them. You’ll be able to use the replay browser tools to search, sort, tag, rank, and favorite them.

    Q: Are you going to work on DotA after DotA 2 is released? (by Jack Lee)
    A: I plan to keep DotA updated for as long as the community wants. That being said though, I think that DotA 2 represents the long term future for the game.

    Q: How will development change with regards to your role, current beta testers, community feedback, etc? (by Basel)
    A: All that stuff will remain the same, except that now I also get to work with the developers at Valve. All of our current playtesters and even contributors like Kunkka are helping. One of the most important things for me has always been getting input from the community. There will be a lot of opportunities, throughout the next year, to give your feedback on all the things we are working on, ranging from features to visuals.

    Q: Are the upgraded graphics going to be distracting? New graphics are great, but when there’s too much, you can’t see what’s going on anymore. (by Lycan)
    A: Gameplay is definitely the most important aspect, everyone on the team understands this concern. The number one priority is making sure players can quickly and easily tell what’s happening on the screen at all times. Fine tuning the right visual balance with each ability, effect, hero, etc., will be an ongoing process as the game is playtested and we get your feedback. A clean and understandable visual representation of the action is important to everyone from experienced players, spectators, to new players.

    Q: Will I be able to help test DotA 2? (by Sing Liu)
    A: There will certainly be an opportunity to get involved with beta testing DotA 2 and help us with your feedback. We’ll release more information about how to sign up in the future.

    Q: Are you going to do anything to make it easier for new players to get into the game and feel welcome? (by Arvin)
    A: Some of what makes it hard, in current DotA, stems from the lack of services around the game that can help foster a better relationship between players and that it’s hard for players to be matched up with equally skilled allies and opponents. Things like tutorials, matchmaking, AI bots, identity, coaching, and community contribution will go a long way to making it easier for new players to fit in.

    Q: What hotkey setup will exist in DotA 2? (by Stany Kaff)
    A: We have a few default templates that cover the most popular configurations, but you’ll also be able to fully customize them to your liking. You can customize it on a global level or on a per hero basis if you choose. The hotkey configuration will include everything, not just heroes and items, but also how you navigate in the game, control the camera, autocast, set control groups, etc. Your settings are saved to your identity online, so if you go to a LAN center you will not have to reconfigure your keys.
    Spoiler untuk D2 Heroes List (will be updated) :

    Spoiler untuk D2 Item List :

    Spoiler untuk VIDEO :

    Spoiler untuk System Requirement :
    DotA 2 Minimum System Requirements:

    * OS: Windows® 7 / Vista / Vista64 / XP
    * Processor: Pentium 4 3.0GHz
    * Memory: 1 GB for XP / 2GB for Vista
    * Graphics: DirectX 9 compatible video card with 128 MB, Shader model 2.0. ATI X800, NVidia 6600 or better
    * Hard Drive: At least 2.5 GB of free space
    * Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card

    DotA 2 Recommended System Requirements:

    * OS: Windows® 7 / Vista / Vista64 / XP
    * Processor: Intel core 2 duo 2.4GHz
    * Memory: 1 GB for XP / 2GB for Vista
    * Graphics: DirectX 9 compatible video card with Shader model 3.0. NVidia 7600, ATI X1600 or better
    * Hard Drive: At least 2.5 GB of free space
    * Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
    Last edited by mehhh; 02-01-12 at 16:39.

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  3. #2
    mehhh's Avatar
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    information :
    How To Get Your Own Beta Key (Updated 5/11/2011)
    Ada beberapa cara biar bisa main ini game tanpa harus lama - lama nunggu full release. Walaupun terkesan gampang, lo butuh hoki yang gede supaya bisa dapet. Soalnya gue sendiri udah ngikutin semenjak international, ikutan kontes sana sini ampe sekarang juga kaga dapet2. Ni cara2nya :
    Spoiler untuk From Play Dota (20 Key Giveaway @day) :
    Masuk ke Playdota terus lo post di sini, dan tinggal nunggu nama lo keluar disini. Oh ya sebagai tambahan, kalo mau chance lo kepilih lebih gede sebaiknya lo punya id playdota yang didaftarin sebelom oktober 2011 dan punya lebih dari 20 post.

    Spoiler untuk From Gosugamers raffle (5 Key Giveaway) :
    Daftar ke gosugamers, isi bener2 biodata yang lo punya terus isi surver mereka di sini

    Spoiler untuk From Steam :
    Step 1: Install Steam, kalo lom punya dafter aja terus download gratis ko
    Step 2: Cek inbox email lo ntar ada message dari valve ntar tinggal ikutin instruksi dari sana. Bentuk Messagenya kek begini

    Step 3: Lo pantengin tu inbox email lu sambil terus neken F5. Nah ntar kalo keluar msg kek begini
    Voila, lo dah bisa main deh tu Dota 2.
    Step 4: Terus lo pm gw kalo lo dah dapet, ntar lo add steam gw terus lo kirim deh tu dota 2 nya buat gue
    Tambahan :
    1. buat yang udah punya steam tapi ga dapet email dari valve coba update steam nya terus restart steam.
    2. Buat yang ga bisa buka "steam://takesurvey/1/" coba buka folder steam lo terus cari file yang namanya Client.Registry.Blob terus lo hapus. Buka ulang steam, log in terus copy-paste "steam://takesurvey/1/" (without quote) ke browser punya lo

    Read online
    Spoiler untuk Useful Console Commands List :
    To set console mode
    1) In steam, right cilck on "Dota 2" and click on properties
    2) Click on Set Launcher Options and type in: -console
    3) Press OK and enter the game, to remove the console from view press the ` key.
    dota_minimap_hero_size 700 - will make the size of the hero dot on the minimap as big as you want. Default = 600.
    dota_disable_range_finder 0 - by default you only see the range of spells when you hover your mouse on the spell icon. With this set to 0 it will show you the range when you actually click to use the spell on someone. Default = 1.
    dota_always_show_player_names - 0 will disable, 1 will enable player name on top of health bars. Default = 0.
    dota_hud_healthbars - 1 will make your health smoother without the lines you see on health bars (the blocks in the health that divides at around 200 life per block). 3 will enable it back on and 0 will make all health bars disappear, the others do nothing apparently. Default = 3.
    dota_unit_use_player_color - As the command suggests, it colors it player either individually or an unified color by team. 1 Enables individual colors, 0 Team color. Default = 1.
    dota_player_units_auto_attack - This is in the settings, but I find it too darn useful. 0 Will stop auto-attacking and only attacks IF you click to attack, whereas 1 will auto-attack at all possible times. Default = 1.
    EDIT: More commands,
    dota_camera_accelerate 49 - This will make the camera stop exactly where you want it, 0 will make you unable to move your camera. Thanks uw_NB and Pyros.
    dota_force_right_click_attack 1 - This will enable right click deny!!!!!!!!!!
    dota_health_per_vertical_marker 200 - This will determine how much health you wish to divide the vertical lines by. In the demonstration value it will draw a line each 200 health, but you can choose your own value.
    tv_nochat 1 - Disable spectator chat, which can really be annoying some times. Thanks Shabazza
    Opposing team color combination:
    The RGB for the enemy team is dota_enemy_color_r, dota_enemy_color_g, dota_enemy_color_b (ie: dota_enemy_color_r 1). Below are some colors the enemy team can be:
    R, G, B all set to 0: Black
    R, G, B all set to 1: White
    R 1, G 0, B 0: Red
    R 1, G 1, B 0: Yellow
    R 1, G 0, B 1: Fuchsia
    R 0, G 1, B 0: Green
    R 0, G 1, B 1: Cyan
    R 0, G 0, B 1: Blue
    The RGB for the friendly team is dota_friendly_color_r, dota_friendly_color_g, dota_friendly_color_b (ie: dota_friendly_color_r 1). Same colors as above.
    To change Avatar
    Get into a practice game with bots and type one of the following command in console and then leave the match:
    dota_set_avatar 0 - Default
    dota_set_avatar 1 - Crystal Maiden
    dota_set_avatar 2 - Kunkka
    dota_set_avatar 3 - Faceless Void
    dota_set_avatar 4 - Furion
    dota_set_avatar 5 - Yurnero
    dota_set_avatar 6 - Bloodseeker
    dota_set_avatar 7 - Lich
    dota_set_avatar 8 - Axe
    dota_set_avatar 9 - Pudge
    dota_set_avatar 10 - Puck

    To set console mode
    1) In steam, right cilck on "Dota 2" and click on properties
    2) Click on Set Launcher Options and type in: -console
    3) Press OK and enter the game, to remove the console from view press the ` key.
    dota_minimap_hero_size 700 - will make the size of the hero dot on the minimap as big as you want. Default = 600.
    dota_disable_range_finder 0 - by default you only see the range of spells when you hover your mouse on the spell icon. With this set to 0 it will show you the range when you actually click to use the spell on someone. Default = 1.
    dota_always_show_player_names - 0 will disable, 1 will enable player name on top of health bars. Default = 0.
    dota_hud_healthbars - 1 will make your health smoother without the lines you see on health bars (the blocks in the health that divides at around 200 life per block). 3 will enable it back on and 0 will make all health bars disappear, the others do nothing apparently. Default = 3.
    dota_unit_use_player_color - As the command suggests, it colors it player either individually or an unified color by team. 1 Enables individual colors, 0 Team color. Default = 1.
    dota_player_units_auto_attack - This is in the settings, but I find it too darn useful. 0 Will stop auto-attacking and only attacks IF you click to attack, whereas 1 will auto-attack at all possible times. Default = 1.
    EDIT: More commands,
    dota_camera_accelerate 49 - This will make the camera stop exactly where you want it, 0 will make you unable to move your camera. Thanks uw_NB and Pyros.
    dota_force_right_click_attack 1 - This will enable right click deny!!!!!!!!!!
    dota_health_per_vertical_marker 200 - This will determine how much health you wish to divide the vertical lines by. In the demonstration value it will draw a line each 200 health, but you can choose your own value.
    tv_nochat 1 - Disable spectator chat, which can really be annoying some times. Thanks Shabazza
    Opposing team color combination:
    The RGB for the enemy team is dota_enemy_color_r, dota_enemy_color_g, dota_enemy_color_b (ie: dota_enemy_color_r 1). Below are some colors the enemy team can be:
    R, G, B all set to 0: Black
    R, G, B all set to 1: White
    R 1, G 0, B 0: Red
    R 1, G 1, B 0: Yellow
    R 1, G 0, B 1: Fuchsia
    R 0, G 1, B 0: Green
    R 0, G 1, B 1: Cyan
    R 0, G 0, B 1: Blue
    The RGB for the friendly team is dota_friendly_color_r, dota_friendly_color_g, dota_friendly_color_b (ie: dota_friendly_color_r 1). Same colors as above.
    To change Avatar
    Get into a practice game with bots and type one of the following command in console and then leave the match:
    dota_set_avatar 0 - Default
    dota_set_avatar 1 - Crystal Maiden
    dota_set_avatar 2 - Kunkka
    dota_set_avatar 3 - Faceless Void
    dota_set_avatar 4 - Furion
    dota_set_avatar 5 - Yurnero
    dota_set_avatar 6 - Bloodseeker
    dota_set_avatar 7 - Lich
    dota_set_avatar 8 - Axe
    dota_set_avatar 9 - Pudge
    dota_set_avatar 10 - Puck

    Spoiler untuk List Anak IDGS Yang Main DOTA 2 :

    ID Forum IDGS : mehhh
    Steam ID : ryanwitsqo
    In-Game ID : ESCAPEARTIST NEVER DIE, gray_, Mehhh
    Signature Heroes : Ancient Apparition, QoP, Storm Spirit, Tiny
    Speciality : Ganker, Initiator, Solo lane, support.
    Messenger : via steam aja
    ID Forum IDGS : fiqicoolz
    Steam ID : fiqislol (link ke profile steam :
    In-game ID : Fiqiszxcv
    Signature Heroes : Sand king,Lina,Night stalker,Clockwerk,Bounty hunter
    Speciality : Solo(hard lane / mid),ganker,
    MSN : [email protected]
    ID Forum IDGS : Roughnight
    Steam ID : Aenthoven
    Signature Heroes : Pudge, CM, VS, shaker
    Role : All-rounder
    Msn : none
    Quote Originally Posted by NdRuw View Post
    ID Forum IDGS : NdRuw
    Steam ID : ndruw
    In-Game ID : NdRuw
    Signature Heroes : Tiny
    Speciality : Ganker, Support
    Messenger : [email protected]

    ID Forum IDGS : SponGers
    Steam ID : SponGers_
    Signature Heroes : CM, Dazzle , Jakiro
    Role : Support
    Msn : none
    Last edited by mehhh; 05-04-12 at 18:24. Reason: up info

  4. #3
    eLv-iN_a's Avatar
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    masih lama ini,, wkwkwkw,, yah moga2 lebih bagus dari hon deh, da gitu make sistem tat juga :d

  5. #4
    Axelz_'s Avatar
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    wah wah ditunggu deh

  6. #5

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    smoga ada ps-nya di indogamers..

  7. #6
    kodokbuntingz's Avatar
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    kata orang bakal bisa nyaingin DotA nya ice frog, ah yg boneng?
    let see aj dah....

  8. #7
    hunteress's Avatar
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    dtunngu aja dah kapan rilisnya

  9. #8
    kodokbuntingz's Avatar
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    kalo PS nya sih kata gw bakalan masih lama kluarnya,

    soalnya pasti yg official dulu, kcuali bocor dbnya

  10. #9
    F-DoraChinov's Avatar
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    bener nih dota 2 katanya keluar februari 2011

  11. #10
    eFRaiM14's Avatar
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    nunggu org `Ber-Duit` dulu yang nge tes game nya buat beli serial number / key / whatever nya..

    ditunggu video nya

    ID Steam: efraimz

  12. #11
    melloney's Avatar
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    Bagus nih kayaknya
    Kan dibantu sama IceFrog ini DOTA 2 nya
    Life Happy. Die Famous !

  13. #12
    Yu's Avatar
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    Bakalan keren..

    Idgs buat private server nya yah..


  14. #13
    -~H~E~A~V~E~N~-'s Avatar
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    hmmm. .
    moga ae cpat kluar ini dota 2. .
    da ga sbar ni

  15. #14
    MemeLouve's Avatar
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    da 2011 koq lum rilis juga yah ?
    bagus kayaknya u.u ~

  16. #15
    x[Y]z-Ex~Crucio's Avatar
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    kata nya mau di rilis 25-11-2011
    tapi ga tau juga bener pa ga??
    gw juga penasaran ma DOTA2

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