Thread pertama neh...
mari kita bahas duet hero Abaddon & Viper...
tau skill mereka khan...
sapa yg bisa lawan mereka ber2 kalo kita dpt 1 line bareng mereka???
Thread pertama neh...
mari kita bahas duet hero Abaddon & Viper...
tau skill mereka khan...
sapa yg bisa lawan mereka ber2 kalo kita dpt 1 line bareng mereka???
"Ye of detestible name and virtue.. false apostle; thou art bayed back to the abyss!"
"Hark, lightning that rides within the ashen depths; descend down as a storm upon my foes!"
"If ye shall accept the benedictions of beauty, then yea; let these chains of aster surround thee!"
"No mercy for the damned; thus, thou has no escape from the grasp of catastrophe"
ID BattleNet Indogamers PRO/Public/Evolution/Free : dark_messenger
yah klo nggak mau susah kabur aja^^.. tp menurut gw masih ada hero yang bisa ngelawan mereka ber 2, kayak lich ama sk, soalnya mereka kan nggak punya stun, anti magic, ato blink, klo soal dmg memang sih viper sakit, tapi badannya kayak tisu..
combo mereka ngincer skill ke 3 abaddon ama slow poisonnya viper kan? yang kayak gini kurang efektif kombonya klo ketemu yang bisa ngilang ama blink ato yang punya mirror image..
The land founded by the Valar after Melkor's destruction of their ancient dwelling of Almaren.
"Ye of detestible name and virtue.. false apostle; thou art bayed back to the abyss!"
"Hark, lightning that rides within the ashen depths; descend down as a storm upon my foes!"
"If ye shall accept the benedictions of beauty, then yea; let these chains of aster surround thee!"
"No mercy for the damned; thus, thou has no escape from the grasp of catastrophe"
ID BattleNet Indogamers PRO/Public/Evolution/Free : dark_messenger
duetnya kurang mantep tuh ga gigit emang ada apotic shieldnya abadon tapi ngandalin viper bwt bikin lambat dolo biar abadon bisa ngejar untuk gebuk tp kalo awal vipernya di fokus bakal kewalahan juga tuh.... ::thumbdown::
yg asik tuh levi + viper bakal manteb tuh yg 1line ama mereka bakal jerit2 ::music_band::
"Ye of detestible name and virtue.. false apostle; thou art bayed back to the abyss!"
"Hark, lightning that rides within the ashen depths; descend down as a storm upon my foes!"
"If ye shall accept the benedictions of beauty, then yea; let these chains of aster surround thee!"
"No mercy for the damned; thus, thou has no escape from the grasp of catastrophe"
ID BattleNet Indogamers PRO/Public/Evolution/Free : dark_messenger
"Ye of detestible name and virtue.. false apostle; thou art bayed back to the abyss!"
"Hark, lightning that rides within the ashen depths; descend down as a storm upon my foes!"
"If ye shall accept the benedictions of beauty, then yea; let these chains of aster surround thee!"
"No mercy for the damned; thus, thou has no escape from the grasp of catastrophe"
ID BattleNet Indogamers PRO/Public/Evolution/Free : dark_messenger
counternya sie gang aja sama hero tim kita ::
counternya pake hero yg bisa stun (mencegah aphotic shield) dan hero yg badak + attnya gede
coba dicari deh, soalnya klo aphotic kena stun, dah lgsg ilank
- Domini Fiat Mihi Secundum -
Ω INDOGAMERS Battle Net ID : Blitzzone
gw setuju ama Valinor keknya bisa dilawan ama duet magina+Maiden....bisa mokad tuh abadon ama viper...
klo maiden dikroyok viper mah abadon bisa2 tewas doloan kgk ad yg support
- Domini Fiat Mihi Secundum -
Ω INDOGAMERS Battle Net ID : Blitzzone
dah pernah coba pake zeus+purist?
menurut gw sih counter nya lion + rotun jere
abadon pake shield di hex ilang terus rotunnya last hit pake ulti gituu
lagian kalo ulti aba da keluar terus darahnya 1/2 pasti mati / sekarat bangetttt
sori kalo salah, soalnya setau gue kalo di hex masih ada apothic shieldnya, cuma ga keliatan aja, bisa pecah juga kok, tapi ini gue pernha nyobanya waktu di versi yang ga terlalu baru sih, ga tau kalo di 6.36 sampe 6.37
---Beyond the Invisible---
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