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  1. #151
    BeloveD's Avatar
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    heheh ini resep dari tempat dosen saya wkkwkw kalo mo di comot comot ajah . kabur pak!!!
    Healthy Fruit Protein Shake Recipes
    Apricot-Pineapple-Strawberry Shake
    1 fresh apricot, diced
    1/4 cup crushed pineapple
    1/2 banana
    6 strawberries
    1 tbsp. skim milk powder
    1 1/2 cup water
    1 heaping tbsp. high- quality protein powder (optional)
    1 tsp. flax seed oil (optional)

    In a blender, process fruit with the rest of the ingredients. Blend until thoroughly mixed and serve.

    Banana-Strawberry Smoothie
    6 strawberries, frozen
    1 banana, frozen
    1 tbsp. skim milk powder
    1 1/4 cup water
    1 heaping tbsp. high- quality protein powder (optional)
    1 tsp. flax oil (optional)

    In a blender, process all the ingredients until thoroughly mixed and serve.

    Tropical Shake
    1/2 banana, frozen
    4 strawberries, frozen
    1/2 mango
    1 1/4 cup water
    2 tbsp. frozen pina coloda mix (or 1/8 tsp. natural coconut extract)
    1 heaping tbsp. high- quality protein powder (optional)
    1 tsp. flax oil (optional)
    6 ice cubes

    In a blender, process all the ingredients until thoroughly mixed and serve.

    Banana-Berry Smoothie
    1/2 pear, cored
    1/2 banana, frozen
    1/4 cup frozen blueberries or frozen mixed berries
    1 tbsp. skim milk powder
    1 1/4 cup water
    1/8 tsp. cinnamon
    1 heaping tbsp. high-quality protein powder (optional)
    1 tsp. flax oil (optional)
    In a blender, process all the ingredients until thoroughly mixed and serve.

    Banana-Orange-Strawberry Shake
    6 strawberries, frozen
    1/2 banana, frozen
    1/2 cup water
    1/2 cup orange juice
    1 tbsp. skim milk powder
    1 heaping tbsp. high- quality protein powder (optional)
    1 tsp. flax oil (optional)
    In a blender, process all the ingredients until thoroughly mixed and serve

    Healthy Icy Fruit Sorbet Recipes
    Recipes are from the downloadable drinks cookbook:
    I Hate Counting Calories! Smoothies, Fruit Juices and Other Drinks!

    Berry Sorbet
    1/2 cup frozen mixed berries
    1 cup ice
    1/2 cup water
    1 tsp. fruit sugar, or Stevia to taste

    Process all the ingredients in a blender until the ice has turned to slush.

    Peach Slushie
    1 frozen peach, skin removed
    1/4 cup peach yogurt
    1 cup ice

    Process all the ingredients in a blender until the ice has turned to slush.

    Fruit Fizz
    1 cup fruit juice, fresh or from concentrate, any type
    (preferably without added sugar)
    1/2 cup sparkling water
    1/2 cup ice


    Blend the ice with the fruit juice in a blender until the ice has turned to slush.

    Pour into a tall glass and add the sparkling water.

    Lemon Lime Slushie
    Juice from two limes
    Juice from one lemon
    1 cup water
    1 cup sparkling water
    1 cup ice
    4 tsp. fruit sugar, or Stevia to taste

    Blend the ice with the lemon and lime juice in a blender until the ice has turned to slush.

    Pour into two tall glass and add the sparkling water.

    Cappuccino Ice
    1/2 cup low-fat cappuccino yogurt (or any coffee flavored yogurt)
    1/4 tsp. instant coffee
    1 cup ice
    1/4 cup water

    Blend all the ingredients in a blender until the ice has turned to slush.
    Healthy Smoothie Recipes! So creamy!

    It is amazing what you can do with a fridge full of fresh fruit and a blender. The difference between blender recipes and juicing is the added advantage of soft fibers.

    This is wonderful for cleaning and maintaining a healthy colon. Blender recipes are an excellent addition to a healing and cleansing program.

    Apricot Pineapple Smoothie Recipe
    1/4 cup crushed pineapple
    1 fresh apricot, diced
    6 strawberries
    1/2 banana
    1 1/2 cup water
    1 tbsp. skim milk powder
    1 heaping tbsp. high- quality protein powder (optional)
    1 tsp. flax seed oil (optional)

    In a blender, process fruit with the rest of the ingredients. Blend until thoroughly mixed and serve.

    Banana-Strawberry Fruit Smoothie Recipe
    1 banana, frozen
    6 strawberries, frozen
    1 1/4 cup water
    1 tbsp. skim milk powder
    1 heaping tbsp. high- quality protein powder (optional)
    1 tsp. flax oil (optional)
    In a blender, process all the ingredients until thoroughly mixed and serve.

    Tropical Fruit Shake
    1/2 mango
    2 tbsp. frozen pina coloda mix (or 1/8 tsp. natural coconut extract)
    1/2 banana, frozen
    4 strawberries, frozen
    6 ice cubes
    1 1/4 cup water
    1 heaping tbsp. high- quality protein powder (optional)
    1 tsp. flax oil (optional)
    In a blender, process all the ingredients until thoroughly mixed and serve.

    Banana-Berry Fruit Smoothie
    1/2 pear, cored
    1/4 cup frozen blueberries or frozen mixed berries
    1/2 banana, frozen
    1 1/4 cup water
    1/8 tsp. cinnamon
    1 tbsp. skim milk powder
    1 heaping tbsp. high-quality protein powder (optional)
    1 tsp. flax oil (optional)
    In a blender, process all the ingredients until thoroughly mixed and serve.

    Banana-Orange-Strawberry Fruit Shake
    1/2 cup orange juice
    1/2 banana, frozen
    6 strawberries, frozen
    1/2 cup water
    1 tbsp. skim milk powder
    1 heaping tbsp. high- quality protein powder (optional)
    1 tsp. flax oil (optional)
    In a blender, process all the ingredients until thoroughly mixed and serve.

    Homemade Refreshing Fruit Juice Recipes
    Recipes are from the downloadable drinks cookbook:
    I Hate Counting Calories! Smoothies, Fruit Juices and Other Drinks!

    Lemon~Lime Ginger Ale
    handful of grapes
    1 apple, cored and sliced
    ½ inch fresh ginger (less if you find the taste too strong)
    1/2 lime
    1/4 lemon
    sparkling mineral water

    Remove the grapes from the stem. Juice the apple and ginger together, then juice the rest of the fruit. Pour the juice in a large glass and fill to the top with sparkling water and serve with ice.

    Sparkling Tropical Fruit Juice
    Recipe taken from I Hate Counting Calories!

    1 kiwi, peeled
    1 orange, peeled and sectioned
    1/2 mango, peeled and sliced
    sparkling mineral water

    Process the fruit in a juicer. Pour the juice in a large glass and fill to the top with sparkling water and serve.

    Gingered Apple Cider Juice
    1 inch piece ginger
    3 apples or 1 cup apple cider

    Process through a juicer and serve.

    Peach Pear Apple Juice Recipe
    1 apple, cored and sliced
    2 peaches, remove seed
    1 pear, sliced

    Process through a juicer and serve.

    Fruit Punch (Juice)
    6 strawberries, fresh or thawed from frozen
    1 apple, cored and sliced
    1/2 orange, peeled and sectioned

    Process the fruit in a juicer and serve.

    Fruit Nectar Recipe
    1/2 cup raspberries, fresh or thawed from frozen
    1 orange, peeled and sectioned
    1 nectarine, pitted and sliced

    Process the fruit in a juicer and serve.

    Blueberry Cherry Juice Recipe
    handful of cherries, pitted
    3/4 cup blueberries
    1 apple, cored and sliced

    Process the fruit in a juicer and serve.

    Fruit Juice Recipe Ideas ...
    1 cup strawberries
    2 med. apples
    1 tsp. lemon juice


    1/2 red grapefruit
    1 med. orange
    2 handfuls cranberries


    1 pear
    1 peach
    1 apple


    1 orange
    1 mango
    1 apple

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  3. #152
    3agl3one's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeloveD View Post
    ini resep dari tante gode. jadi gue tulis ajah dari tante gode. dia punya blog. sebenarnya sih. kadar minyak dalam kulit itu berpengaruh bila membuat roti. contoh roti bulan sabit(croissant) yang pakek pastry margarine yang 3x single atau 2x double.

    kalo untuk jalangkote sih gak pengaruh minyak dalam kulit karena jalangkote di goreng.
    kalo pembuatan kulit paste. biasanya sih gue gak pakek air+kanji wkwkwk.gue biasa buat jalangkote yang versi dimsum ^^
    soal sauce pedas sebenarnya sih ya. gak semua orang makasar suka pedas hahah. contoh temen2 gue di sana kluarga gue di sana wkwk gak ada yang suka pedas ^^.lagipula gue lagi coba buat sauce tipe baru. tapi kalo u mo tambah cabe bisa di kasih cabe rawit ajah di chop di masukin. tetep enak kok. hoisin sauce di campur cabe tetep mak nyus. kalo ga di kasih chili oil.
    owh, gw kirain ngaruh minyak ke kulitnya. hehe, ga semua deh...
    mayoritas lah
    hoisin sauce, price nya brp-an tuh? bisa2 jualan malah tekor
    yang suka becanda autis, BACA

  4. #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by 3agl3one View Post
    owh, gw kirain ngaruh minyak ke kulitnya. hehe, ga semua deh...
    mayoritas lah
    hoisin sauce, price nya brp-an tuh? bisa2 jualan malah tekor
    antara 20 ribuan. hoisin sauce botolan dah biasa di jual di super market. biasanya bareng light soy sauce, mushroom soy sauce(untuk warna hitam).
    btw kalo gue ke makasar ketemuan yuk ^^. gue sering ke makasar kluarga besar ada di sana ^^. cuma takutnya kalo lagi cuaca buruk sempat pesawat gak bisa mendarat

  5. #154
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    ya lu kabarin aja...
    pasti gw samperin
    sama2 si apv_butut whihi:
    yang suka becanda autis, BACA

  6. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by 3agl3one View Post
    ya lu kabarin aja...
    pasti gw samperin
    sama2 si apv_butut whihi:
    yes!! di jemput pake mobil apv butut hahaha.

  7. #156
    Malingayem's Avatar
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    Bro minta resep Penne Carbonara Dunk >.<
    ngidam nih
    WoW : Cocoli / Cocobo

  8. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by Malingayem View Post
    Bro minta resep Penne Carbonara Dunk >.<
    ngidam nih

    250 gr penne(termasuk dalam jenis2 pasta)
    Beberapa sdm minyak goreng
    1 bh bawang bombay dan 3 siung bawang putih (saya masukin ke wadah penggiling di blender, proses selama 1 menit)
    8 potong sosis sapi
    80 jamur champignon (setara 3 sdm. merk Natura, 8 ribuan/ bungkus 175 gr. Saya pakai 1/2 bungkus) potong jadi 4.
    200 ml air masak
    1 bh tomat, bagi 4
    Garam 1/2 sdt
    Gula 1 sdt
    Merica hitam (crushed black pepper), oregano dan daun thyme. @ 1/2 sdt
    1 bh wortel diserut (kalo terlalu banyak, jadikan 1/2 saja)

    Tips : Sebelum mulai memproses penne dan saus-nya, keluarkan sosis dari freezer. Rendam di air biasa/hangat.

    Semua bahan campur jadi satu dengan urutan: telur dikocok – susu cair – parutan keju.

    4 sdt susu bubuk, aduk dengan 200 ml air hangat
    1 btr telur
    125 gr keju parut (merk Kraft- cheddar, 16500 rp/180 gr. Saya pakai 3/4 blok)

    1. Rebus air satu panci sedang, saat sudah mendidik masukkan penne plus 1 sdm minyak goreng. Setelah 12 menit, angkat- tiriskan. Jangan matikan dulu apinya
    2. Dalam sisa rebusan penne, masukkan tomat. Biarkan mendidih sebentar, matikan. Diamkan beberapa saat lalu tiriskan dan masukkan ke mangkok berisi air biasa.
    3. Bawang putih + bombay yang sudah diproses sampai halus, campur dengan 1 sdm minyak goreng. Lalu tumis sampai harum.
    5. Masukkan adonan saus carbonara. Tambahkan 200 ml dan biarkan mendidih.
    6. Masukkan merica, oregano, dan daun thyme. Aduk sejenak sampai rata dan harum.

    7. Tumis sejenak sosis & jamur dengan 2 sdm minyak. Lalu campurkan kedalam saus diatas, aduk, dan masukkan wortelnya.
    8. Jika saus dirasa terlalu kental, tambahkan air masak secukupnya. Terakhir, jika ingin langsung disantap, masukkan penne dan aduk rata.

  9. #158

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    kk saya mw tanya cara buat :
    -semur jengkol
    -semur daging
    -semur empal
    -Tahu orek
    -ketang balado..

    kasih tw saya ya kk..

  10. #159

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    ada yang tau tips 'n trik membuat cincau hitam ndak ya(semarang bilang sih irengan cao)??
    cari referensi sana sini, coba bikin dg resep std tp tidak mau jadi keras..
    cm kayak bubur aja..
    resep std:
    janggelan, tepung pati..

  11. #160
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    Quote Originally Posted by be bhe View Post
    ada yang tau tips 'n trik membuat cincau hitam ndak ya(semarang bilang sih irengan cao)??
    cari referensi sana sini, coba bikin dg resep std tp tidak mau jadi keras..
    cm kayak bubur aja..
    resep std:
    janggelan, tepung pati..
    hmm saya ndak tau kak/ lom pernah belajar bikin cing cau sorry ya friend ^^

  12. #161

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    berhubung saia demen masak dan makan! mw tanya ni..

    japanese food. nabeyaki udon
    kecap asin soup based ny itu harus kikoman ato ada merek lain yg lebi bgs ya? hoho. di tgg rep/pm ny. tyty

  13. #162
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    gw pernah makan udang gitu ton
    pake mayonaisse, tapi ada rasa yoghurt nya
    minta dong resepnya

  14. #163
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    Quote Originally Posted by mcr-iero_2nd View Post
    gw pernah makan udang gitu ton
    pake mayonaisse, tapi ada rasa yoghurt nya
    minta dong resepnya
    sebenarnya sih mudah ya.
    kalo mo praktis di bikin kek salad aje.
    beli mayonaisse yang dah jadian trus di tambahin yogurt terserah rasa apa ajah aduk2 beres deh.

    1.untuk udang sih beli yang ukuran 1 kg 16 bj kasih garam trus rebus bentar
    2. kalo mo makan ya tinggal kupas kulitnya trus cocolin di mayonaise yang di campur yogurt tsb ^^
    3. thx ^^

  15. #164
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    Oh jadi simple ya? Cuma campurin mayonaise ama yoghurt nya, ic ic
    thx yo, buat makanan buka puasa hehe

    nb: lo jadi mod subforum ini aja hehe
    Last edited by Hesa; 30-08-09 at 13:40.

  16. #165
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    Quote Originally Posted by mcr-iero_2nd View Post
    Oh jadi simple ya? Cuma campurin mayonaise ama yoghurt nya, ic ic
    thx yo, buat makanan buka puasa hehe

    nb: lo jadi mod subforum ini aja hehe
    niatnya seh gitu. tapi lom tau ketrima apa ndak ^^

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