Conversation Between ~Be~ and -OtOy-

15 Visitor Messages

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  1. wah sombong ne sih demek skrg :*
  2. ga bisa, sibuk
  3. otoy demek ..
    bantu buzz ..
    Mini Gathering @Sun Plaza, Medan - Sumatera Utara. Sabtu 16 November 2013
  4. oi toy , bagi points dong ..
  5. woi otoy demek ..
    points gath ke lo ya ?
    gw + 5 orang tmn'' gw akumulasiin ke gw aja ya toy ..
    thanks toy ..
  6. Oi nama gw ga ada di list commdev ?
  7. gampang
  8. toy icon toy vop ..
  9. blm di update juga toy userbar nya ..
  10. wkwkw ..
    gpp toy ..
    slow ..
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 15
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