Conversation Between Y4KUZ4 and MUFC

29 Visitor Messages

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  1. mantap

    arigatho senpai
  2. Udh kehapus

    Itu km accept kmren mnggu , jam stngh 4 an

    Utk BBm, history notif ada bates nya, 21 smpe 22 jam kmudian, yg lama2 lngsung ilang, kecuali notif dr channel
  3. kok di gw gk ada notif.
  4. Udh kaliii dr kmnre sore

    Farrel Alvaro kan
  5. Dah gw add pin lu

    But lom masuk ya. Coba bang tris yg add ni pinku 53EFE9EE
  6. Ga jdi bro, udh bisa

  7. Adhi, tlng re-upload kan SR ke speedyshare jg ya

    Udh ku cb donlod, ga bisa2 terus

    Pdhl link speedyshare yg laen bisa

    Thanks brooo
  8. Okee, thanks broo
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 29
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