Conversation Between ~luckyping~ and ADRUT

4 Visitor Messages

  1. fastest FB at the moment! can you guys challenge it? ???????
    cekidot :
  2. ohhh kwkwkwkw sip sip

    tetep ga bisa euyy
    gw udah PM darkmaster tetep katanya ga bisa
  3. wakwkawka,
    tuh di market kolom ^^^^ atas
    lalu beli yg transfer itu, tpi gpp de, uda dapat point nya ,
    klu mau isi lg, hubungi vgame crew na , biar di ganti 1 ganti 100
  4. gw ga tauu euyy cara transfer point
    katanya harus blii gift2 gitu di market
    g ngerti -___- haha
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4