Conversation Between jiker and eHOME_DGC-

7 Visitor Messages

  1. imortal pride
  2. gw dah gk pake bb
    gw pake samsung skrng
    sms no gw aj 08979569854
  3. yog masi pake bb ga
    besok jam 7 malem ol ya...
    kalo ol disuru asep buka ym tq
  4. test
  5. wkwk makanya rajin kek gw XD
  6. gk Berasa Ed''
    gw aj blom bisa Kasih Cendol XD blom post 1000
  7. da tembak cendol noh
    bales kalau berkenan hehe
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7