Conversation Between Dnaz-Sky7~Pro and MNA26

80 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hadehhh....
  2. gpp, oh pantes u gk on wkwkkw
  3. ape ?barusan pulang beli vga gw -_-
  4. Fresh meat
  5. Cendolnya kalau spread yang lainnya yang penting timbal baliknya
  6. gpp cuk, biar gk ada yg copy ntr itu ava
  7. njerr
    VM gw di apos !!

  8. yg itu ya, wkwk kasih tulisan (To You Muach Miftah)

  9. zzzzzzzzz.....
    pelit lu...

    wtf ? what kind of this post

  10. itu profile picture + ava lu siapa ?
    share please A_A
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 80
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