Conversation Between Y4KUZ4 and v!Q

38 Visitor Messages

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  1. tembak cendol donkkk
  2. Oalaaa

    New owner toh
  3. ini untung~ bang tris haha
    dah new owner :P
  4. Walaa,

    Ini id msh vicky kan yg pegang ?

    Nnti begitu sdh abis antrian nya, ku kasi cendol gratis deh
  5. You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Y4KUZ4 again.
  6. Kasi dluan aja cendol nya

    Nnti gw bales

    Antrian segambreng bro

  7. barcen bang ..
  8. Thanks vick

    Yg hwie ? Udh kok dr dulu

  9. done~ tris

    tris add id pub gw
  10. <dewi> ChV-ATMostfear sudah dilock.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 38
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