Conversation Between Untung~ and jkt-nos-thegame

17 Visitor Messages

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  1. spread ke lu coba ke V!Q
  2. hen croot id forum V!QQQQQ
  3. bukan luar biasa coeg
    tpi luar binasah akowekaowe
  4. wow kk leader
  5. woi minta cendol coeg ..........................................
  6. id forum yg ini udah gw croot hen
    coba spread pa gak
  7. hen cendol da gw tembak tohhhhhhhhhh
  8. udah gw tembak hen
    jangan lupa sung bales ea
  9. hen minta cendol nya bentar lgi 1k post
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 17
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