Conversation Between humisar and [OMG]-CinepleX-

22 Visitor Messages

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  1. wew UB pink bisa spread skrg ? parah ye cir
  2. ni id forum udh di pake 2 org cir , si ambon fazes ex leder mat ccd.

    gw udh trlalu tua di IDGS mknya di rename
  3. You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to humisar again.

  4. kangen cir ?
  5. wewww jadi pinkers ocir,

    bercen brangkali udah gk muter cir
  6. ,.,.,.,
    BIRU LAGI........
  8. Gak usah deh cir. Soalnye dipake tugas buat besok wkwkwkwk
  9. ntr tgl 23 yak wkkw..
    mau cuti dlo ini
  10. Occir minta tolong dong buatin gambar muka orang tapi versi kartun.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 22
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