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    Kyubito's Avatar
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    Default Gears of War for Windows - Denied

    After a magazine published a photo of a "Games for Windows" stand in a game store with a bunch of Gears of War for PC boxes, rumors started flying around on the net that a PC version was in the works. Microsoft have now explained how this whole situation eventuated, denying that a PC version of the Xbox 360 shooter will ever be released:

    "Here's what happened: These images were created using draft templates for the Games for Windows box art and a variety of Microsoft Game Studios cover images. Gears of War was accidentally included by the artist as one of the MGS titles used as examples to show what our retail setup would look like. This DOES NOT indicate a confirmation that Gears of Wars will be a Games for Windows title -- it was a concept image created by a concept artist, nothing more. In fact, if you look closely you’ll also see that Age of Empires III and Rise of Legends are also branded Games for Windows, and this is not actually the case (Age of Empires III: The Warchiefs is a Games for Windows branded game, but not the original Age III).

    We created this image around the E3 timeframe when we were first preparing to announce and show our Games for Windows retail efforts. Shortly after the insanity that is E3, we noticed the box art, and the image was supposed to be removed from circulation. When we provided the package of art assets to PC Gamer for their cover story, we zipped up a directory of our already-public E3 assets as well as more current images (many of which PC Gamer did not use). Unfortunately, we didn't realize that this image was in that directory, and it just happens to be the one that PC Gamer figured prominently in their story. Our bad."
    So there you have it, no Gears of War on PC. This is unfortunate, however there is still hope for an Xbox 360 keyboard and mouse adapter. Apparently, a third party company is set to release one in the near future. It's not the same as a PC release but it could be the next best thing for mousing gamers.

    Nov 23, 2006

    News by Richard Manley.

    this game succesfully make the resistance fall of the man become to resistance fall of PS3

    belive your eye, this is not the fuckin FMV like SONY always tricks your eyes...
    GS: With this generation, Sony and Nintendo are doing different things from each other and also from Microsoft. Each has its own strategy this time. What do you think of their individual approaches? Do the things they're doing make you want to develop for either of their systems?

    HS: [in English] Ah, Kutaragi-san's DSPs and a low-powered CPU. I don't like the PS3's architecture.

    GS= Gamespot
    HS= Hironobu Sakaguchi (Father of FF)

    gak mati hebat

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  3. #2
    Kyubito's Avatar
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    GS: With this generation, Sony and Nintendo are doing different things from each other and also from Microsoft. Each has its own strategy this time. What do you think of their individual approaches? Do the things they're doing make you want to develop for either of their systems?

    HS: [in English] Ah, Kutaragi-san's DSPs and a low-powered CPU. I don't like the PS3's architecture.

    GS= Gamespot
    HS= Hironobu Sakaguchi (Father of FF)

    gak mati hebat

  4. #3
    ~TIK's Avatar
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    Thanks Bro For Your Info

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