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Thread: Translations.
  1. #16


    98 ^^

    hohohohoo ada bagian yg salah tapi gak gw kasi tau skarang

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  3. #17


    wakz.. huaaa curious2
    which part?
    rugged things? the geographic condition? pigs? goatherd?

  4. #18
    VileTooth's Avatar
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    It is olive, it should be = buah zaitun. And
    And yet the pastoral life lives on = dan begitu, kehidupan pedesaan tetap berlanjut

    Kayaknya ya, kalo soal translating gw juga dibawah Angles
    "Nearly all men can stand adversity. But if you want to test a man's character, give him power." - Abraham Lincoln

  5. #19
    MimiHitam's Avatar
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    and if translating, three kingdom jago ^^

  6. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by MimiHitam View Post
    and if translating, three kingdom jago ^^
    youzen, please delete this junk...

    there's no more update, so i'll update ::Jumpy::

    Abbess Germaine's Diary excerpt:

    All the goodbeasts of these woods are so helpful to us. Ever since Loamhedge fell to that dreadful plague, we have not since been able to find a home. Thanks to Martin's help, and his followers, we have been able to begin building a new home.

    We shall call it Redwall. It is a name we have imagined from the look of the stones from the quarry north of here, which are quite red in color. Sandstone, it's called, or at least that's what Foremole says.

    We are almost finished with the main building, but we do need the walls before things will be completely finished. A great deal of stone is needed for that project so we will have to quarry more of it. I advised Martin yesterday to begin harvesting great deals of food, if we're to build an abbey where we can all live, it will need food aplenty, so that nobeast will go hungry until we get our own gardens and orchards.

    Martin has been worried of late, though. He says that vermin bands have been seen in Mossflower, and he worries that our small group of fighters may not be enough to handle them all. We may need more fighters to prevent being overrun.

    I admire Martin. His ability to lead is beyond impressive, more like, unbelieveable. Oh, the candle's gone out. It appears I am done. I don't want to write long in the dark.

  7. #21
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    by: rosedragon/arutema

    Terror at the Train Tracks

    No one knows why the train gates decided to stop working that day. No one knows why the light after them decided to stick on red. But whatever the reason, it caused utter chaos for one family..
    Twelve year old Tess was sitting in the backseat of the car next to her two year old brother, Cole. Their mother was taking them on a grocery trip. She had other things to do as well, so she was in a small hurry.
    The red light and the small line of cars waiting for it to turn green loomed up in front of their car as they pulled up. Her mother sighed as the car pulled to a stop to wait. Her fingers tapped the wheel in impatience. Tess glanced out the window, watching the still view of the train tracks ahead of the car.
    Another car added itself to the line of cars waiting, the driver also seeming a little impatient. As if noticing at the last second that he had to stop, he pushed his brakes, though bumped into Tess's car. Her mother was slightly startled and let go of her own brakes. The car went over the bump that was the train tracks. "Mom..." she started worridly. "It's alright," her mother said with a small wave of her hand, "The light will change soon."
    Tess sat back, still doubtful. The light didn't change. Her ears caught the sound of a whistle piercing the air. The train was coming. But why didn't the gates go down? 'It probably isn't coming this way.' she thought, since the gates weren't going down. The whistle grew louder. "Mom!" Tess said, worried again. She could see the outline of the steam emitted when the whistle went off. Her mother noticed it as well and beeped her horn. No one moved. The light still didn't change. When the whistle blew again and the train could be seen coming down the track, her mother ordered her to get her brother out of his car seat. She did as she was told, first unbuckling her own seatbelt and then getting Cole unhooked. She lifted him out of the seat, wondering what was going to happen. Her mother was fumbling with her own seatbelt, which seemed to be stuck. "Get out of the car." she ordered. Tess started to protest, but her mother repeated herself. Tess, still holding Cole, switched the car to unlocked and then climbed out of the car. Doing as her mother wanted, she moved away from the tracks. Her mother couldn't seem to get her seatbelt unbuckled. The train was almost there, visually trying to slow down. The other cars were now moving, trying to make way for the stranded car. Tess watched it all with frightened eyes. The light still didn't change. The train was unable to stop, and as if in slow motion, crashed into the driver's side of the car. Her mother's mouth was opened in a scream, but it was muffled by the closed windows. The glass shattered, the car moved and was crushed. Cole was crying, burying his head in her shirt. Tess did the only thing she felt capable of doing. She screamed.

  8. #22
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    okay.. i have a lesson 4 u

    it's a little hard.. so if you can translate it, i'll give you GRP because it's pretty hard

    Research team member Xavier Delfosse expects that the actual surface temperatures will only be hotter; for instance, the corresponding calculation for Earth yields an "effective surface temperature" of 256 K (−17 °C), yet Earth's true surface is 32 K warmer, an average of 288 K (15 °C), due to the greenhouse effect of its atmosphere.[6]

    Because of its close orbit around its parent star, the planet would experience tides about 400 times as strong as those that the Moon causes on the Earth. It may be tidally locked to the star, with one hemisphere always lit and the other always dark.[7] The lit hemisphere might be extremely hot and the dark hemisphere extremely cold, while the narrow terminator or "twilight zone" between them might have a moderate climate more suitable for life similar to Earth's.[8]

    A theoretical model predicts that volatile compounds such as water and carbon dioxide might evaporate in the scorching heat of the sunward side, migrate to the cooler night side, and condense to form ice caps. Over time, the entire atmosphere could become frozen as ice caps on the night side of the planet. Alternatively, if it has an atmosphere large enough to be stable, it should circulate the heat more evenly, allowing for a wider habitable area on the surface.
    physics languange

  9. #23
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    hello, nobody interested, is it?

  10. #24
    SeiLi's Avatar
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    so poor you mimi..
    just gimme reputation..

    my eyes will explode if i translate that..

  11. #25
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    Anggota Team Peneliti Xavier Delfosse memperkirakan bahwa suhu permukaan yang sebenarnya akan menjadi lebih panas; sebagai contoh, perhitungan di Bumi menghasilkan "suhu permukaan yang efektif" sebesar 256 K (−17 °C), tapi suhu permukaan Bumi sebenarnya adalah 32 K lebih hangat, dengan rata-rata sebanyak 288 K (15 °C), yang disebabkan oleh efek rumah kaca. [6]

    Karena Orbit yang dekat dengan planet utama, planet akan mengalami turun naiknya sekitar 400 kali lebih kuatnya dengan yang disebabkan oleh Bulan di Bumi. Secara pasang terkunci ke bintang, dengan satu belahan bumi selalu terang dan yang lainnya selalu gelap. [7] belahan bumi yang terang mungkin sangat panas dan yang gelap teramat dingin, sedangkan terminator yang sempit atau "zona twilight" di antara mereka mungkin mempunyai iklim yang lebih cocok seperti yang di Bumi. [8]

    Model teoretis memprediksikan bahwa unsur yang mudah menguap seperti air dan karbon dioksida mungkin akan menguap di panas yang membakar bagian sunward, pindah ke bagian yang lebih dingin yaitu malam, dan memadat untuk membentuk tutup es. Melewati waktu, suasana seluruh atmosfir bisa menjadi dingin seperti tutup es di bagian malam dari planet. Cara lain, jika mempunyai atmosfir yang cukup besar untuk menjadi stabil, itu sebaiknya mengedarkan panas yang lebih merata, membolehkan untuk ke area yang lebih luas di permukaan.

    MIMI Don't Forget The GRP!! smile:

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