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  1. #31
    gabrielle's Avatar
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    ya sudah kl itu terbukti hoax...

    tp sarannya baik juga..agar kita siap untuk menghadapi sesuatu yg tidak terduga dan hidup sehat.. ^_^

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  3. #32
    luna_croz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeoZ View Post
    minta bukti dari wikipedia klu itu hoax kk. .

    SAnThE dOnK kLU U NGERASA GA BASI. .ELO BISA BUAT THREAD & SHARE kE anak2 indogamers..
    WeW maksa amat ente..?
    lagian percaya dengan adanya mesin Waktu sama saja membodohi diri sendiri.. sekolah tinggi2 tapi nontonnya doraemon.
    klo mesin Waktu itu ada, berarti pembodohan terhadap Tuhan telah terjadi bahkan sangat2 jelas..
    lu ngerampok bank disebutlah anda berdosa. lalu anda naek mesin Waktu muterin Waktu kembali kepada anda sebelum merampok.. anda belum berdosa diWaktu itu bukan? Well apakah terjadi pembodohan disini? atau sebuah kejeniusan yg luar biasa sampai2 bodoh dan jenius itu sudah tidak dapat dibedakan?

    kalu u org masi ngotot.. kenapa ga ada yg sanggup muterin Waktu dengan kekuatan iblis ato setan2 ato dukun2?nga perlu teknologi bukan? setan2 mempunyai kekuatan tetapi kenapa ga ada 1 pun yg sanggup?
    ga perlu diperpanjang lebar karena mesin Waktu dan memutar balikkan WAktu itu adalah hal yg mustahil
    Last edited by luna_croz; 11-12-08 at 07:16.

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  4. #33
    jkt-vedz's Avatar
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    mustahil bagi kau..biarkan org mau berangapan apa..itu kebebasan mereka kk


    kalau ente gk pecaya jgn baca lg.ssh amad

  5. #34
    GeoZ's Avatar
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    xOrie G repostnya lama. .

    G ucapin trima-kasih buat comment2nya d thread na. .
    buaT yg nyampein aspirasinya dengan bukti2 otentik/pun cuma ngekor2 tanpa bisa memberikan kesimpulan & cuma berteriak2 dari blakank ini hoax ini hoax. .
    BuaT yg MenduKuNG maupuN KoNTra DaN haNyA MeLontaRKaN kata-kata PEdas. .
    G disinI seBagai pemiliK ruuM Therad ini. .
    perLu G garis-besari. .disini G berusaha memberikan sesuatu yg bisa menjadi bahan pertimbangan untuk dibahas & sekali lagi G berusaha untuk berada di pihak yg netral. .dgn maksud bersama-sama dengan anak2 forum untuk membahas masalah sesuatu dengan alasan!!bukan hanya dengan NaLaR-PemiKiRaN!!

    APA kah di jaman dulu pernah terlintas adanya pesawat-terbang?adanya televisi?adanya listrik?adanya komputer?dan bahkaN i-Net yg sekaranK menghubungKan kita di dunia-MAYA. .

    G perCaYa deNgaN adaNyA TIME-PORTAL. .
    LagipuLa bagi G pRiBadi adaNya TiME-PoRtaL itu GA JELEK. .
    kaReNa Menurut G . .BaNyaK haL yg bisa diPELAJARI dari masalah LaLu. .

    OK muNGkiN jOhN-tiToR is a HOAX one or sOmEwhat!!
    taPi G yaKiN masi BaNyAK GeNerasI tiToR2 laiNnyA yang suatu SaaT MampU menyUmbanGkan Suatu PRODuk yg disEbuT "TIME MACHINE"

    "SETIAP ORG BOLE BERMIMPI,MiMpI adalah sEsuaTu TanPa BATASAN,deNgaN adanya SuatU BaTASaN ManuSIa hanya akan berputar2 di suatu garis tanpa BiSA MAJU "

    DaN 1 lagi EinsteIn tHE SMARTEST ONE. .Pernah MengataKan kLu MANUSIA hanya menggunakan 1% untuk melakukan aktifitas sedangkan EiNSteiN sendiri hanya menggunakan 3-5% dari otaknya untuk menciptakan PeneMuan2 yang LUAR BIASA (xoRie G lupa nemuin kata2 ini dimana correct me if WroNG)

  6. #35
    Menara_Jakarta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeoZ View Post

    xOrie G repostnya lama. .

    G ucapin trima-kasih buat comment2nya d thread na. .
    buaT yg nyampein aspirasinya dengan bukti2 otentik/pun cuma ngekor2 tanpa bisa memberikan kesimpulan & cuma berteriak2 dari blakank ini hoax ini hoax. .
    BuaT yg MenduKuNG maupuN KoNTra DaN haNyA MeLontaRKaN kata-kata PEdas. .
    G disinI seBagai pemiliK ruuM Therad ini. .
    perLu G garis-besari. .disini G berusaha memberikan sesuatu yg bisa menjadi bahan pertimbangan untuk dibahas & sekali lagi G berusaha untuk berada di pihak yg netral. .dgn maksud bersama-sama dengan anak2 forum untuk membahas masalah sesuatu dengan alasan!!bukan hanya dengan NaLaR-PemiKiRaN!!

    APA kah di jaman dulu pernah terlintas adanya pesawat-terbang?adanya televisi?adanya listrik?adanya komputer?dan bahkaN i-Net yg sekaranK menghubungKan kita di dunia-MAYA. .

    G perCaYa deNgaN adaNyA TIME-PORTAL. .
    LagipuLa bagi G pRiBadi adaNya TiME-PoRtaL itu GA JELEK. .
    kaReNa Menurut G . .BaNyaK haL yg bisa diPELAJARI dari masalah LaLu. .

    OK muNGkiN jOhN-tiToR is a HOAX one or sOmEwhat!!
    taPi G yaKiN masi BaNyAK GeNerasI tiToR2 laiNnyA yang suatu SaaT MampU menyUmbanGkan Suatu PRODuk yg disEbuT "TIME MACHINE"

    "SETIAP ORG BOLE BERMIMPI,MiMpI adalah sEsuaTu TanPa BATASAN,deNgaN adanya SuatU BaTASaN ManuSIa hanya akan berputar2 di suatu garis tanpa BiSA MAJU "

    DaN 1 lagi EinsteIn tHE SMARTEST ONE. .Pernah MengataKan kLu MANUSIA hanya menggunakan 1% untuk melakukan aktifitas sedangkan EiNSteiN sendiri hanya menggunakan 3-5% dari otaknya untuk menciptakan PeneMuan2 yang LUAR BIASA (xoRie G lupa nemuin kata2 ini dimana correct me if WroNG)
    Yah, memang gw juga yakin bisa ditemukan. Bahkan, sekarang ini ada anak Indonesia yang mengungkapkan teori mesin waktu dan masih berusaha untuk mewujudkannya, bisa dibaca di

    Tapi kalo John Titor sudah dikonfirmasi hoax.
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  7. #36
    fazameonk's Avatar
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    menurut gw....

    klo mesin waktu bner2 bisa di ciptain....

    banyak hal negatif yang bkl di timbulkan....

    mending jalanin aja kehidupan kita apa ada nya....

  8. #37
    RaLpH's Avatar
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    [balik ke inti ah ] ..

    oo iya .. bagaimana jikalau .. wikipedia tersebut di set sndiri oleh badan set intelijen amrik [CMIIW] untuk mengatakan ini hanya hoax?? mungkinkah ?? kan mereka suka yg rahasia"an .. hehe

  9. #38
    JasonBlake's Avatar
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    @atas gue
    buat apa sperti ini d rahasiain?
    klo pun d rahasiain kan sbelum msk wikipedia ada beberapa org yg dah tau prediksi2 nya ..
    dan emank bner meleset jauhh , jd buat apa d rahasiain? =="

  10. #39
    luna_croz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fazameonk View Post
    menurut gw....

    klo mesin waktu bner2 bisa di ciptain....

    banyak hal negatif yang bkl di timbulkan....

    mending jalanin aja kehidupan kita apa ada nya....
    dan gW sangat- sangat sangat yakin sekali kalau ada mesin Waktu maka kejahatan akan dimana2.. Well abis rampok bank lsng baWa kabur semua hasil rampokan ke Waktu sebelum dia ngerampok..

    ga perlu pembuktian nyata cukup dengan logika aja semua udah keungkap.
    kecuali klo logika nya emang ga jalan dan keseringan nonton doraemon sih ga tau da g

    Quote Originally Posted by GeoZ View Post

    xOrie G repostnya lama. .

    G ucapin trima-kasih buat comment2nya d thread na. .
    buaT yg nyampein aspirasinya dengan bukti2 otentik/pun cuma ngekor2 tanpa bisa memberikan kesimpulan & cuma berteriak2 dari blakank ini hoax ini hoax. .
    BuaT yg MenduKuNG maupuN KoNTra DaN haNyA MeLontaRKaN kata-kata PEdas. .
    G disinI seBagai pemiliK ruuM Therad ini. .
    perLu G garis-besari. .disini G berusaha memberikan sesuatu yg bisa menjadi bahan pertimbangan untuk dibahas & sekali lagi G berusaha untuk berada di pihak yg netral. .dgn maksud bersama-sama dengan anak2 forum untuk membahas masalah sesuatu dengan alasan!!bukan hanya dengan NaLaR-PemiKiRaN!!

    APA kah di jaman dulu pernah terlintas adanya pesawat-terbang?adanya televisi?adanya listrik?adanya komputer?dan bahkaN i-Net yg sekaranK menghubungKan kita di dunia-MAYA. .

    G perCaYa deNgaN adaNyA TIME-PORTAL. .
    LagipuLa bagi G pRiBadi adaNya TiME-PoRtaL itu GA JELEK. .
    kaReNa Menurut G . .BaNyaK haL yg bisa diPELAJARI dari masalah LaLu. .

    OK muNGkiN jOhN-tiToR is a HOAX one or sOmEwhat!!
    taPi G yaKiN masi BaNyAK GeNerasI tiToR2 laiNnyA yang suatu SaaT MampU menyUmbanGkan Suatu PRODuk yg disEbuT "TIME MACHINE"

    "SETIAP ORG BOLE BERMIMPI,MiMpI adalah sEsuaTu TanPa BATASAN,deNgaN adanya SuatU BaTASaN ManuSIa hanya akan berputar2 di suatu garis tanpa BiSA MAJU "

    DaN 1 lagi EinsteIn tHE SMARTEST ONE. .Pernah MengataKan kLu MANUSIA hanya menggunakan 1% untuk melakukan aktifitas sedangkan EiNSteiN sendiri hanya menggunakan 3-5% dari otaknya untuk menciptakan PeneMuan2 yang LUAR BIASA (xoRie G lupa nemuin kata2 ini dimana correct me if WroNG)
    hey bung.. 1 hal yg emang harus u pikir pake otak dan logika u sendiri aja de..
    klo mesin Waktu ada.. sejarah uda berubah.. dinosaurus pasti ga punah karena diselamatkan.. perang dunia tak akan terjadi..
    atau sebaliknya dunia lsng ancur berantakan karena semuanya melakukan kejahatan dan kabur ke masa lalu..
    n Well klo emang mesin Waktu itu emang bener ada, sudah pasti bnyk yg ketaun ini atau tahun2 sebelumnya dengan time machinenya itu.. lalu terjadilah gap Waktu yg kontras yg mengakibatkan kacaunya masa depan..
    tapi mpe sekarang ga ada tuh..

    om please use your head before u dream bout something.. emang ga ada yg larang u ngimpi.. tapi hati2lah mimpi u yg akan membunuh u sendiri.
    Last edited by luna_croz; 12-12-08 at 22:38.

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  11. #40
    D-nee's Avatar
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    hoax ato bukan ga penting
    yg penting gw dapet info baru yang mak nyuzzzz
    bdw gw lebih seneng kalo semua bencana yg diramalkan itu meleset
    why ???
    bukankah itu yg kita semua harapkan ??
    get a better life for future ^^
    dan gw yakin pasti seorang "john titor"-pun juga berharap demikian.
    time machine , black hole theory, natural disaster, civir war,Epidemi, WORLD WAR III, etc...
    O M G !!!
    that was amazing story
    ambil positifnya aja deh ^^
    thx for TS for this thread
    very useful to me
    Last edited by D-nee; 13-12-08 at 01:46. Reason: salah ketik
    visit here ^^
    gabung MMM yuk ^^

  12. #41
    GeoZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by luna_croz View Post
    hey bung.. 1 hal yg emang harus u pikir pake otak dan logika u sendiri aja de..
    klo mesin Waktu ada.. sejarah uda berubah.. dinosaurus pasti ga punah karena diselamatkan.. perang dunia tak akan terjadi..
    atau sebaliknya dunia lsng ancur berantakan karena semuanya melakukan kejahatan dan kabur ke masa lalu..
    n Well klo emang mesin Waktu itu emang bener ada, sudah pasti bnyk yg ketaun ini atau tahun2 sebelumnya dengan time machinenya itu.. lalu terjadilah gap Waktu yg kontras yg mengakibatkan kacaunya masa depan..
    tapi mpe sekarang ga ada tuh..

    om please use your head before u dream bout something.. emang ga ada yg larang u ngimpi.. tapi hati2lah mimpi u yg akan membunuh u sendiri.
    HoAmmmZzz. .mE?or U must use BRAIN?

    Baca sesuatu yg detail jgn setengah2!!
    jgn karena eLO yg banyak NONTON DOraemOn lantas PRINSIP TIME mesin sesuai dengan pemikiran U!!
    1. Apapun yg saya lakukan dgn pergi ke masa silam tidak akan merubah masa depan saya, karena kita hidup di dimensi yg berbeda. Jadi menurut dia bahwa masa depan adalah keputusan. apa pun keputusan yg dibuat, di masa depan sudah ada jawaban nya.

    G kan mengikuti PRinsIP MultiPly LiFE. .JAdi apapun yg eLO lakukan di masa depan/masa lalu tidak aKan Mempengaruhi aPApun!!
    dan ketika ad MESIN-WAKTU. .apakah eLO yakin?eLo merupakan salah-satu org yg diperbolehkan Menggunakannya?
    Justru KAreNa BANYAK ORG seperti eLO memulai semua dimulai dari Pemikiran yg NEGATIF-NEGATIF. .Maka tindakan MEnjadi NEGATIF!!
    "MIMPI tidak akan PERNAh bisa membunuh selama eLO BISA & mau mewujudkannya dalam bentuk tindakan NYATA"

    org2 seperti ELO lha yang ga pernah Mau menerima pemikiran org lain dan berpikiran INI tidak bisa itu tidak bisa?karena APA?hanya karena pada masa sekarank beLum ad yg SANGGUp menciptakan time-machine itu sendiri. .

    apakah PADA jaman duLu ADA i-NET?
    apakah Perginya manusia ke buLan dipercaya pada saat itu?itu semua MUSTAHIL!!
    G bersyukur karena Setiap org berbeda2. .Seandainya tidak ad org giLa (hitungan pada masa org tersebut) & percaya sesuatu itu mungkin. .& G berandai2 semua org itu kEk U yg berpikiran ini mustahiL-itu NEGATIF. .
    mungkin G masi hidup jalan kaki. .no handphone. .no televisi. .no I-net. .no alat transportasi. .

    Quote Originally Posted by D-nee View Post
    hoax ato bukan ga penting
    yg penting gw dapet info baru yang mak nyuzzzz
    bdw gw lebih seneng kalo semua bencana yg diramalkan itu meleset
    why ???
    bukankah itu yg kita semua harapkan ??
    get a better life for future ^^
    dan gw yakin pasti seorang "john titor"-pun juga berharap demikian.
    time machine , black hole theory, natural disaster, civir war,Epidemi, WORLD WAR III, etc...
    O M G !!!
    that was amazing story
    ambil positifnya aja deh ^^
    thx for TS for this thread
    very useful to me
    ^^. .
    thX buat attentionnya. .
    appreciate xo much. .
    seandainya G ketemu haL yg Layak/seru diBahas. .
    nanti G share ke anak2 indogamers. .
    maksud G. .seorang jOhn-titor (hoax or true i don't know) aj bisa memberikan haL mustahiL yg disebut time-machine. .knp kita ga melakukan sesuatu yg berguna & possible sejak dini?

  13. #42
    luna_croz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeoZ View Post
    HoAmmmZzz. .mE?or U must use BRAIN?

    Baca sesuatu yg detail jgn setengah2!!
    jgn karena eLO yg banyak NONTON DOraemOn lantas PRINSIP TIME mesin sesuai dengan pemikiran U!!
    1. Apapun yg saya lakukan dgn pergi ke masa silam tidak akan merubah masa depan saya, karena kita hidup di dimensi yg berbeda. Jadi menurut dia bahwa masa depan adalah keputusan. apa pun keputusan yg dibuat, di masa depan sudah ada jawaban nya.

    G kan mengikuti PRinsIP MultiPly LiFE. .JAdi apapun yg eLO lakukan di masa depan/masa lalu tidak aKan Mempengaruhi aPApun!!
    dan ketika ad MESIN-WAKTU. .apakah eLO yakin?eLo merupakan salah-satu org yg diperbolehkan Menggunakannya?
    Justru KAreNa BANYAK ORG seperti eLO memulai semua dimulai dari Pemikiran yg NEGATIF-NEGATIF. .Maka tindakan MEnjadi NEGATIF!!
    "MIMPI tidak akan PERNAh bisa membunuh selama eLO BISA & mau mewujudkannya dalam bentuk tindakan NYATA"

    org2 seperti ELO lha yang ga pernah Mau menerima pemikiran org lain dan berpikiran INI tidak bisa itu tidak bisa?karena APA?hanya karena pada masa sekarank beLum ad yg SANGGUp menciptakan time-machine itu sendiri. .

    apakah PADA jaman duLu ADA i-NET?
    apakah Perginya manusia ke buLan dipercaya pada saat itu?itu semua MUSTAHIL!!
    G bersyukur karena Setiap org berbeda2. .Seandainya tidak ad org giLa (hitungan pada masa org tersebut) & percaya sesuatu itu mungkin. .& G berandai2 semua org itu kEk U yg berpikiran ini mustahiL-itu NEGATIF. .
    mungkin G masi hidup jalan kaki. .no handphone. .no televisi. .no I-net. .no alat transportasi. .

    ^^. .
    thX buat attentionnya. .
    appreciate xo much. .
    seandainya G ketemu haL yg Layak/seru diBahas. .
    nanti G share ke anak2 indogamers. .
    maksud G. .seorang jOhn-titor (hoax or true i don't know) aj bisa memberikan haL mustahiL yg disebut time-machine. .knp kita ga melakukan sesuatu yg berguna & possible sejak dini?

    Multiple life? justru ente yg kebnyakan nonton film.. kalo multiple life? hub sebab akibat jadi hilang begitu saja donk?
    sekarang emang ga ada mesin Waktu dan masa depan kan ada.. nah sekarang orang dari masa depan naek mesin Waktu ke kita dan lalu bla - bla -bla
    g negatif? hey bung u hidup di zaman apa? masi zaman purbakala?
    sekarang adalah zaman dimana kejahatan menjadi kebaikan.. jarang nonton berita ya?

    nah sekarang klo u beranggapan bahWa masa depan tidak dapat berubah.. lalu kenapa u post john titor ke masa lalu untuk menyelamatkan masa depan?
    dan mengapa dia memberitahukan rahasia masa depan? bukan kah dengan demikian semuanya akan melakukan tindakan preventif buat mencegah hal itu terjadi?
    kalo begitu apa yg terjadi dengan post elo tentang masa depan tidak dapat diubah??

    nah disini ketauan kan siapa yg kebanyakan nonton film doraemon?

    "MIMPI tidak akan PERNAh bisa membunuh selama eLO BISA & mau mewujudkannya dalam bentuk tindakan NYATA"
    (nanti elo jg ngerasain gmn rasanya kok.. tenang aja..)

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  14. #43
    GeoZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by luna_croz View Post
    Multiple life? justru ente yg kebnyakan nonton film.. kalo multiple life? hub sebab akibat jadi hilang begitu saja donk?
    sekarang emang ga ada mesin Waktu dan masa depan kan ada.. nah sekarang orang dari masa depan naek mesin Waktu ke kita dan lalu bla - bla -bla
    g negatif? hey bung u hidup di zaman apa? masi zaman purbakala?
    sekarang adalah zaman dimana kejahatan menjadi kebaikan.. jarang nonton berita ya?

    nah sekarang klo u beranggapan bahWa masa depan tidak dapat berubah.. lalu kenapa u post john titor ke masa lalu untuk menyelamatkan masa depan?
    dan mengapa dia memberitahukan rahasia masa depan? bukan kah dengan demikian semuanya akan melakukan tindakan preventif buat mencegah hal itu terjadi?
    kalo begitu apa yg terjadi dengan post elo tentang masa depan tidak dapat diubah??

    nah disini ketauan kan siapa yg kebanyakan nonton film doraemon?

    "MIMPI tidak akan PERNAh bisa membunuh selama eLO BISA & mau mewujudkannya dalam bentuk tindakan NYATA"
    (nanti elo jg ngerasain gmn rasanya kok.. tenang aja..)
    iF U dOn'T READ until CLEAR . .sO PlizZz don't speak anyThiNK. .
    G jawab satu2 YG g bOLD. .
    1.JAMAN keJAHATan jadi keBAIKAN?contohNya?NGOMONK yg detail!!!
    2.jOhN titor k masa lalu untuk menyelamatkan MASA-DEPAN?di paragraph mana?G kan cuma copy-paste dari sumber biar MURNI bisa dibahas disini sama2 anak IDGS. .LAGIAN BACA THREAD na. .JOHN TITOR PENJELAJAH WAKTU bukan PENYELAMAT MASA DEPAN!!
    3.walaupun PREventiF juga APAKAH mungkin ad yg BISA mencegah PERANG dunia ke 3?eLO BACA DONK G disini cuma memberikan sesuatu buat IDGS. .dan berusaha berpihak senetral MUNGKIN!!eManK disana G ngetik ini true U BACA donk terakhir G ketik apa?it's TRUE or just HOAX. .BACA PLIZZz. .kLU GA BACA AMPE JELAS MENDINKAN GA USAH COMMENT apa2!!
    TINDAKAN ELO DISINI dari tadi UDah termasuK OFFense ke GUA!!
    (nanti elo jg ngerasain gmn rasanya kok.. tenang aja..)
    eLO ngancam G?
    kLU eLO GA Bisa Menerima Pemikiran seseorank lebih BAiK U ga perlu ngisi THREAD. .eLO berpikir eLo yg paling BENER!!G bisa menerima PEMIKIRAN eLO dari tadi. .tapi G liat eLo terus BERUSAHA memojoKan seseorang. .dan berusaha menempatkan G di pihak PRO si John-titor. .SEKALI LAGI LU BACA SEMUA THREAD G!!G disini buat ngeshare BUKAN sebagai PRO TITOR!!& G tanya eLO kan ga percaya adanya teknologi?lantas NGAPAIN U pake i-NET?fasilitas yg pada jaman duLu GA ad yg percaya?
    Last edited by GeoZ; 13-12-08 at 07:40.

  15. #44
    Detasement_7's Avatar
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    Bukan mimpi, tapi memang benar ada teori Closed timelike curve.

    In a Lorentzian manifold, a closed timelike curve (CTC) is a worldline of a material particle in spacetime that is "closed," returning to its starting point. This possibility was raised by Willem Jacob van Stockum in 1937 and by Kurt Gödel in 1949. If CTCs exist, their existence would seem to imply at least the theoretical possibility of making a time machine, as well as raising the spectre of the grandfather paradox. CTCs are related to frame dragging and the Tipler time machine, one of the many interesting side-effects in general relativity.

    Light cones

    The lower light cone is characteristic of light cones in flat space - all spacetime coordinates included in the light cone have later times. The upper light cone not only includes other spatial locations at the same time, it doesn't include x=0 at future times, and includes earlier times.

    When discussing the evolution of a system in general relativity, or more specifically Minkowski space, physicists often refer to a "light cone". A light cone represents any possible future evolution of an object given its current state, or every possible location given its current location. An object's possible future locations are limited by the speed that the object can move, which is at best the speed of light. For instance, an object located at position p at time t0 can only move to locations within c(t1 − t0) in time t1.

    This is commonly represented on a graph with physical locations along the horizontal axis and time running vertically, with units of t for time and ct for space. Light cones in this representation appear as lines at 45 degrees centered on the object, as light travels at ct per t. On such a diagram, every possible future location of the object lies within the cone. Additionally, every space location has a future time, implying that an object may stay at any location in space indefinitely.

    Any single point on such a diagram is known as an event. Separate events are considered to be timelike if they are separated across the time axis, or spacelike if they differ along the space axis. If the object were in free fall it would travel up the t axis, if it accelerates it moves across the x axis as well. The actual path an object takes through spacetime, as opposed to the ones it could take, is known as the worldline. Another definition is that the light cone represents all possible worldlines.

    In "simple" examples of spacetime metrics the light cone is directed forward in time. This corresponds to the common case that an object cannot be in two places at once, or alternately that it cannot move instantly to another location. In these spacetimes, the worldlines of physical objects are, by definition, timelike. However this orientation is only true of "locally flat" spacetimes. In curved spacetimes the light cone will be "tilted" along the spacetime's geodesic. For instance, while moving in the vicinity of a star, the star's gravity will "pull" on the object, affecting its worldline, so its possible future positions lie closer to the star. This appears as a slightly tilted lightcone on the corresponding spacetime diagram. An object in free fall in this circumstance continues to move along its local t axis, but to an external observer it appears it is accelerating in space as well – a common situation if the object is in orbit, for instance.

    In extreme examples, in spacetimes with suitably high-curvature metrics, the light cone can be tilted beyond 45 degrees. That means there are potential "future" positions, from the object's frame of reference, that are spacelike separated to observers in an external rest frame. From this outside viewpoint, the object can move instantaneously through space. In these situations the object would have to move, since its present spacial location would not be in its own future light cone. Additionally, with enough of a tilt, there are event locations that lie in the "past" as seen from the outside. With a suitable movement of what appears to it its own space axis, the object appears to travel though time as seen externally.

    A closed timelike curve can be created if a series of such light cones are set up so as to loop back on themselves, so it would be possible for an object to move around this loop and return to the same place and time that it started. An object in such an orbit would repeatedly return to the same point in spacetime if it stays in free fall. Returning to the original spacetime location would be only one possibility; the object's future light cone would include spacetime points both forwards and backwards in time, and so it should be possible for the object to engage in time travel under these conditions.

    General relativity

    CTCs have an unnerving habit of appearing in locally unobjectionable exact solutions to the Einstein field equation of general relativity, including some of the most important solutions. These include:

    * the Kerr vacuum (which models a rotating uncharged black hole)
    * the van Stockum dust (which models a cylindrically symmetric configuration of dust),
    * the Gödel lambdadust (which models a dust with a carefully chosen cosmological constant term).
    * J. Richard Gott has proposed a mechanism for creating CTCs using cosmic strings.

    Some of these examples are, like the Tipler cylinder, rather artificial, but the exterior part of the Kerr solution is thought to be in some sense generic, so it is rather unnerving to learn that its interior contains CTCs. Most physicists feel that CTCs in such solutions are artifacts.


    One feature of a CTC is that it opens the possibility of a worldline which is not connected to earlier times, and so the existence of events that cannot be traced to an earlier cause. Ordinarily, causality demands that each event in spacetime is preceded by its cause in every rest frame. This principle is critical in determinism, which in the language of general relativity states complete knowledge of the universe on a spacelike Cauchy surface can be used to calculate the complete state of the rest of spacetime. However, in a CTC, causality breaks down, because an event can be "simultaneous" with its cause – in some sense an event may be able to cause itself. It is impossible to determine based only on knowledge of the past whether or not something exists in the CTC that can interfere with other objects in spacetime. A CTC therefore results in a Cauchy horizon, and a region of spacetime that cannot be predicted from perfect knowledge of some past time.

    No CTC can be continuously deformed as a CTC to a point (that is, a CTC and a point are not timelike homotopic), as the manifold would not be causally well behaved at that point. The topological feature which prevents the CTC from being deformed to a point is known as a timelike topological feature.

    Existence of CTCs places restrictions on physically allowable states of matter-energy fields in the universe. Propagating a field configuration along the family of closed timelike worldlines must eventually result in the state that is identical to the original one. This has been explored by some scientists as a possible approach towards disproving the existence of CTCs.
    Il faut plus d'amour dans le monde.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Detasement_7 View Post
    Bukan mimpi, tapi memang benar ada teori Closed timelike curve.

    In a Lorentzian manifold, a closed timelike curve (CTC) is a worldline of a material particle in spacetime that is "closed," returning to its starting point. This possibility was raised by Willem Jacob van Stockum in 1937 and by Kurt Gödel in 1949. If CTCs exist, their existence would seem to imply at least the theoretical possibility of making a time machine, as well as raising the spectre of the grandfather paradox. CTCs are related to frame dragging and the Tipler time machine, one of the many interesting side-effects in general relativity.

    Light cones

    The lower light cone is characteristic of light cones in flat space - all spacetime coordinates included in the light cone have later times. The upper light cone not only includes other spatial locations at the same time, it doesn't include x=0 at future times, and includes earlier times.

    When discussing the evolution of a system in general relativity, or more specifically Minkowski space, physicists often refer to a "light cone". A light cone represents any possible future evolution of an object given its current state, or every possible location given its current location. An object's possible future locations are limited by the speed that the object can move, which is at best the speed of light. For instance, an object located at position p at time t0 can only move to locations within c(t1 − t0) in time t1.

    This is commonly represented on a graph with physical locations along the horizontal axis and time running vertically, with units of t for time and ct for space. Light cones in this representation appear as lines at 45 degrees centered on the object, as light travels at ct per t. On such a diagram, every possible future location of the object lies within the cone. Additionally, every space location has a future time, implying that an object may stay at any location in space indefinitely.

    Any single point on such a diagram is known as an event. Separate events are considered to be timelike if they are separated across the time axis, or spacelike if they differ along the space axis. If the object were in free fall it would travel up the t axis, if it accelerates it moves across the x axis as well. The actual path an object takes through spacetime, as opposed to the ones it could take, is known as the worldline. Another definition is that the light cone represents all possible worldlines.

    In "simple" examples of spacetime metrics the light cone is directed forward in time. This corresponds to the common case that an object cannot be in two places at once, or alternately that it cannot move instantly to another location. In these spacetimes, the worldlines of physical objects are, by definition, timelike. However this orientation is only true of "locally flat" spacetimes. In curved spacetimes the light cone will be "tilted" along the spacetime's geodesic. For instance, while moving in the vicinity of a star, the star's gravity will "pull" on the object, affecting its worldline, so its possible future positions lie closer to the star. This appears as a slightly tilted lightcone on the corresponding spacetime diagram. An object in free fall in this circumstance continues to move along its local t axis, but to an external observer it appears it is accelerating in space as well – a common situation if the object is in orbit, for instance.

    In extreme examples, in spacetimes with suitably high-curvature metrics, the light cone can be tilted beyond 45 degrees. That means there are potential "future" positions, from the object's frame of reference, that are spacelike separated to observers in an external rest frame. From this outside viewpoint, the object can move instantaneously through space. In these situations the object would have to move, since its present spacial location would not be in its own future light cone. Additionally, with enough of a tilt, there are event locations that lie in the "past" as seen from the outside. With a suitable movement of what appears to it its own space axis, the object appears to travel though time as seen externally.

    A closed timelike curve can be created if a series of such light cones are set up so as to loop back on themselves, so it would be possible for an object to move around this loop and return to the same place and time that it started. An object in such an orbit would repeatedly return to the same point in spacetime if it stays in free fall. Returning to the original spacetime location would be only one possibility; the object's future light cone would include spacetime points both forwards and backwards in time, and so it should be possible for the object to engage in time travel under these conditions.

    General relativity

    CTCs have an unnerving habit of appearing in locally unobjectionable exact solutions to the Einstein field equation of general relativity, including some of the most important solutions. These include:

    * the Kerr vacuum (which models a rotating uncharged black hole)
    * the van Stockum dust (which models a cylindrically symmetric configuration of dust),
    * the Gödel lambdadust (which models a dust with a carefully chosen cosmological constant term).
    * J. Richard Gott has proposed a mechanism for creating CTCs using cosmic strings.

    Some of these examples are, like the Tipler cylinder, rather artificial, but the exterior part of the Kerr solution is thought to be in some sense generic, so it is rather unnerving to learn that its interior contains CTCs. Most physicists feel that CTCs in such solutions are artifacts.


    One feature of a CTC is that it opens the possibility of a worldline which is not connected to earlier times, and so the existence of events that cannot be traced to an earlier cause. Ordinarily, causality demands that each event in spacetime is preceded by its cause in every rest frame. This principle is critical in determinism, which in the language of general relativity states complete knowledge of the universe on a spacelike Cauchy surface can be used to calculate the complete state of the rest of spacetime. However, in a CTC, causality breaks down, because an event can be "simultaneous" with its cause – in some sense an event may be able to cause itself. It is impossible to determine based only on knowledge of the past whether or not something exists in the CTC that can interfere with other objects in spacetime. A CTC therefore results in a Cauchy horizon, and a region of spacetime that cannot be predicted from perfect knowledge of some past time.

    No CTC can be continuously deformed as a CTC to a point (that is, a CTC and a point are not timelike homotopic), as the manifold would not be causally well behaved at that point. The topological feature which prevents the CTC from being deformed to a point is known as a timelike topological feature.

    Existence of CTCs places restrictions on physically allowable states of matter-energy fields in the universe. Propagating a field configuration along the family of closed timelike worldlines must eventually result in the state that is identical to the original one. This has been explored by some scientists as a possible approach towards disproving the existence of CTCs.
    yah si om pake bahasa ingris..saya oon ingris nya T.T

    Quote Originally Posted by GeoZ View Post
    iF U dOn'T READ until CLEAR . .sO PlizZz don't speak anyThiNK. .
    G jawab satu2 YG g bOLD. .
    1.JAMAN keJAHATan jadi keBAIKAN?contohNya?NGOMONK yg detail!!!
    2.jOhN titor k masa lalu untuk menyelamatkan MASA-DEPAN?di paragraph mana?G kan cuma copy-paste dari sumber biar MURNI bisa dibahas disini sama2 anak IDGS. .LAGIAN BACA THREAD na. .JOHN TITOR PENJELAJAH WAKTU bukan PENYELAMAT MASA DEPAN!!
    3.walaupun PREventiF juga APAKAH mungkin ad yg BISA mencegah PERANG dunia ke 3?eLO BACA DONK G disini cuma memberikan sesuatu buat IDGS. .dan berusaha berpihak senetral MUNGKIN!!eManK disana G ngetik ini true U BACA donk terakhir G ketik apa?it's TRUE or just HOAX. .BACA PLIZZz. .kLU GA BACA AMPE JELAS MENDINKAN GA USAH COMMENT apa2!!
    TINDAKAN ELO DISINI dari tadi UDah termasuK OFFense ke GUA!!
    (nanti elo jg ngerasain gmn rasanya kok.. tenang aja..)
    eLO ngancam G?
    kLU eLO GA Bisa Menerima Pemikiran seseorank lebih BAiK U ga perlu ngisi THREAD. .eLO berpikir eLo yg paling BENER!!G bisa menerima PEMIKIRAN eLO dari tadi. .tapi G liat eLo terus BERUSAHA memojoKan seseorang. .dan berusaha menempatkan G di pihak PRO si John-titor. .SEKALI LAGI LU BACA SEMUA THREAD G!!G disini buat ngeshare BUKAN sebagai PRO TITOR!!& G tanya eLO kan ga percaya adanya teknologi?lantas NGAPAIN U pake i-NET?fasilitas yg pada jaman duLu GA ad yg percaya?
    saya setuju bgt neh..

    mau hoax atau bukan yg penting saran baik dilaksanakan aje....

    walau bohong tp untuk kebaikan why not?

    g pro sama lo kk

    jgn pikirin org mau ngom apa..sirik tanda tak mampu

    wong cm mau share koq mala jd ngotot2an

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