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  1. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Black Zero View Post
    You want to be an author? Do you have education background in writing?
    I'm planning to take a course in Creative Writing one day. That day is still a couple of years away for me : |

    Quote Originally Posted by Princeofpeace View Post
    I`m interested in Reading so I `m definetly will love writing.

    How about write your life story? i think it more easier than write a fairy tale. It would be interesting to read.
    Gosh my life story is boring

    Anyway, I learned a thing or two about writing from an internet celebrity satirist (fratirist) called Tucker Max in his website. He has, in the extras section, something like how to write where he said that he was being asked how to write like him (he's successfully written a book about his adventures which weren't that interesting to begin with his awesome story-telling skills even though he didn't take a course in English and the book got to #1 NYT Bestsellers and is going to have its own show/movie I forgot).

    Then he said stuff bla bla bla. You go find out. Too lazy to post link :P. After I read it, I got so inspired I wanted to be a writer and after I took his advices my writing improved rather drastically compared to the year before reading that. Maybe that's because I haven't had/listened to great advices that much.

    Quote Originally Posted by Volcanflame View Post
    Why thank you

    Well, I usually end up changing the story, though @_@
    lol, come on, just ask us, no worries even if I don't find the word I can look it up in my supar huge dictionary of teh epicest proportions evarrrrr (meaning I've got that huge red Merriam-Webster Dictionary) =D

    Quote Originally Posted by SenichiSaga View Post
    yes definitely...
    i was just curious about you finding so hard to make a plot...
    i might learn some lesson from your story... ha ha..
    lets learn together kay...

    How the hell do I attach file??

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    Never mind -_-

    Here's the link TIEMZZZ!!.txt

    btw that's just a short thing. A few minutes ago I just tried writing something horribly descriptive with a bit hint of a plot that I don't even know anything about. You guess what the plot is! Hell, I would even take your plot suggestions and make it the main plot if you contributed a hell of an epic plot.

    Anyway, my writing is barf-barf-****-****-pass-out-and-wake-up-in-the-morning-and-realize-you've-been-sleeping-on-the-grass-in-the-park-the-whole-night-naked awful, thank you

  4. #18
    g10v4nd1's Avatar
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    kdg di SENTINEL kdg di SCOURGE kdg di FOUNTAIN kdg di ROSHAN .. duh ga tentu tuh ...
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    yes,i am .. im very interested in writing english but i just can do little2.. how can i improve my skill?

  5. #19
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    Read books voraciously and once you think you've read enough, continue writing - you'll get the hang of it.

  6. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by reb3llist
    lol, come on, just ask us, no worries even if I don't find the word I can look it up in my supar huge dictionary of teh epicest proportions evarrrrr (meaning I've got that huge red Merriam-Webster Dictionary) =D
    Chances are, none of you are online when I need the word o:

  7. #21
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    lol I've been coming to the international forums everyday and I've only bothered posting here because I think this is the only thread with decent discussion or something so just post something here if you want

  8. #22
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    Okay, I know this is a stupid question from me. But I really want to know about making summary. Any suggestion?

  9. #23
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    A summary? Well you need to recognize the important parts first.

    For example, Warcraft III's climax, I'll try to summarize a bit.

    "Illidan chased after Arthas to cease the Lich King's rise to the icy depths of the Icecrown Glacier. He brought along with him his finest fighters and had done extremely well to foil the Lick King's plan but they were ultimately defeated and a fierce duel between Illidan and Arthas was fought, with Arthas emerging the victor. The once loyal and patriotic knight who has turned into the knight of death has now merged with the Lich King as one."

    Well, I don't remember the plot too well. If I remember correctly they were channeling something to stop the rise of the Lich King but they were interrupted and eventually the two fought and I think Arthas won. Anyway, that was a summary. I didn't take all the time and effort to write everything in it. I first looked at the story in an overall way and then I recognize the key points and then we put the key points into paragraphs.

    Unimportant events, like minor battles and interruptions and even introductions of Kael and that Medusa hero, I skipped. Even the humans' presence in the whole story, I skipped because I didn't think it was too beneficial to the plot and it didn't really affect anything significant here and there. Just skip some minor events that need not be said fully and just describe the ones you need to write briefly.

  10. #24
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    That was an extremely short summary

  11. #25
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    A summary? Well you need to recognize the important parts first.

    For example, Warcraft III's climax, I'll try to summarize a bit.

    "Illidan chased after Arthas to cease the Lich King's rise to the icy depths of the Icecrown Glacier. He brought along with him his finest fighters and had done extremely well to foil the Lick King's plan but they were ultimately defeated and a fierce duel between Illidan and Arthas was fought, with Arthas emerging the victor. The once loyal and patriotic knight who has turned into the knight of death has now merged with the Lich King as one."

    Well, I don't remember the plot too well. If I remember correctly they were channeling something to stop the rise of the Lich King but they were interrupted and eventually the two fought and I think Arthas won. Anyway, that was a summary. I didn't take all the time and effort to write everything in it. I first looked at the story in an overall way and then I recognize the key points and then we put the key points into paragraphs.

    Unimportant events, like minor battles and interruptions and even introductions of Kael and that Medusa hero, I skipped. Even the humans' presence in the whole story, I skipped because I didn't think it was too beneficial to the plot and it didn't really affect anything significant here and there. Just skip some minor events that need not be said fully and just describe the ones you need to write briefly.
    I see...that makes sense at all. Whenever I try to summarize my own story, I always stuck in explaining minor details. As a result, the one that I supposed to make as a summary turned into something different instead .

    That was an extremely short summary
    well, you did say

    Well, I don't remember the plot too well. If I remember correctly they were channeling something to stop the rise of the Lich King but they were interrupted and eventually the two fought and I think Arthas won. Anyway, that was a summary. I didn't take all the time and effort to write everything in it. I first looked at the story in an overall way and then I recognize the key points and then we put the key points into paragraphs.
    Never mind -_-

    Here's the link TIEMZZZ!!.txt

    btw that's just a short thing. A few minutes ago I just tried writing something horribly descriptive with a bit hint of a plot that I don't even know anything about. You guess what the plot is! Hell, I would even take your plot suggestions and make it the main plot if you contributed a hell of an epic plot.

    Anyway, my writing is barf-barf-****-****-pass-out-and-wake-up-in-the-morning-and-realize-you've-been-sleeping-on-the-grass-in-the-park-the-whole-night-naked awful, thank you
    By The Way...

    I have read your story. Yep, it lacks on plot. Yet, I think the way you describe the situation and things are great!

    unlike my story, which contains a rather short explanation about the situation and atmosphere.

  12. #26
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    do you have another story to share?

  13. #27
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    I dunno, that one was just a short description. I haven't found a good plot

    How about you senichi? share your writing skills

  14. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by AzerArcacia View Post
    unlike my story, which contains a rather short explanation about the situation and atmosphere.
    Compared to me, your story has a plot. It's pretty interesting but I think it's kinda short on description and atmosphere-setting. Most of the time they're just conversing or the character tells me briefly what he's doing right now.

    I think he should have more thoughts on things and a bit more description. I think your story doesn't stress on something very deeply (other than the plot).

    Grammar-wise, it doesn't look good. Your tense is pretty jumbled up. Earlier I saw a past-tense word and the next he's saying something in the present. It's a bit weird for me because I'm that snob who likes near-perfect grammar.

    Somehow, your writing style is a bit too.. I dunno how to describe it. A bit too direct maybe? The dialouge is also a bit off to me, maybe a bit unrealistic.

    “Yuuki? Don’t you want to order something?”

    “The same goes for me.”

    “Is that so? Then it makes all of these as two.”

    “I understand. Please enjoy your time. The meal will be ready to be served after a while.”

    In the real world, I don't think waitresses would say that, it sounds too bland and that screams out bad service in many ways. Also, I find that the characters all speak a bit too formally for me.

    For example:

    “Ahem. I am sorry to disturb you two. But what are your orders, customers?”

    I don't think waitresses would blandly address their customers as 'customers', if I was a waiter, I would address them as sir or miss. You should put yourself in their position and think what you would've said to make it sound realistic
    Then, the waitress left with our orders.

    I don't know, the structure of the sentence kinda bothers me. I guess this is what I mean by being too direct or something, I can't help it though. I don't find anything wrong with that above sentence but I feel weird reading it. Maybe just me.
    “Hey, Yuuki.”

    “What is it?”

    I think you should describe a bit more. Instead of the direct approach, you could do something like:

    “Hey, Yuuki.” She said.
    “What is it?” I replied

    Just my opinion
    I don’t know if she emits a smirk or a smile this time. Then she continues her speech.

    Again, to me, it's a bit too direct, I don't know how I'd put it though. Maybe I'll try.. Uhh..

    "While she said that, she made a face that I couldn't make out clearly, it looks very similar to her smirk and her but I couldn't point a finger at it."

    And then cross out the "Then she continues her speech" and put it below
    “Don’t blame me if you can’t finish all of those foods, okay?”

    Actually, being the grammar-snob I am, food cannot be plural. It should've been “Don’t blame me if you can’t finish all of those food, okay?” she said while having a cheerful face.
    What is the meaning of that? I don’t know what she meant by the line before.
    Saying "the line before" is like pointing at the book. You could say "I don't know what she meant by that" instead of the line before
    On a positive note though, it has a pretty good plot focusing on the characters and their developments well enough. It's a pretty good read but it's hindered by its (no offense) poor grammar and a bit too uninspired style.

    I suggest you reading more. My personal favourites are the Book Of Fate, jPod and Cell. Also, I think you should open the link below:

    It'll help if you write in YOUR VOICE not the style you THINK is right. Try saying it rather than just typing it.

    Huf what a lengthy post : |
    Last edited by reb3llist; 03-02-09 at 22:58.

  15. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by reb3llist View Post
    I dunno, that one was just a short description. I haven't found a good plot

    How about you senichi? share your writing skills
    actually don't have any right now.
    I'm planning to write a story this year tho... this is my 2009 resolution actually.
    but i have some "problem" about writing and I'm trying to solve it.
    ha ha... ^^

    I like readings other peoples writing and I usually like placing myself as the writer.
    It helps me understand their writing style.

    like above for example...
    I learned that he likes watching Anime.
    and each translated anme has a English translation with Japanese voice.
    he got that writing style from that...
    although I basically know that an Anime story style sometimes will be an awkward if they're translated it to be English.
    this is Indonesian forum. don't be so stiff.

    I also understand you reb3llist...
    you used to surf at international forum. so its kind of tickling your mind whenever there are some miss grammar or some wrong tenses ha ha... ^^

    however its fine with me though about his writing style.

    hey. no offense kay... ^^V
    Last edited by SenichiSaga; 02-02-09 at 23:08.

  16. #30
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    Compared to me, your story has a plot. It's pretty interesting but I think it's kinda short on description and atmosphere-setting. Most of the time they're just conversing or the character tells me briefly what he's doing right now.
    I guess you're right. Most of the time, I tend to explain everything as if the story itself were a "play". (Although you won't find any cut in/cut out or fade in/fade out here)

    Grammar-wise, it doesn't look good. Your tense is pretty jumbled up. Earlier I saw a past-tense word and the next he's saying something in the present. It's a bit weird for me because I'm that snob who likes near-perfect grammar.
    That's a real problem for me.

    In the real world, I don't think waitresses would say that, it sounds too bland and that screams out bad service in many ways. Also, I find that the characters all speak a bit too formally for me.

    For example:

    “Ahem. I am sorry to disturb you two. But what are your orders, customers?”

    I don't think waitresses would blandly address their customers as 'customers', if I was a waiter, I would address them as sir or miss. You should put yourself in their position and think what you would've said to make it sound realistic
    That's because I only have small basic knowledge on things like that. When someone using English as a Native Speaker, of course they won't put on that sentence. But here I am, another L2 (Second Language) of English and even my Mother Tongue isn't Indonesian. It's Javanese.

    I don't know, the structure of the sentence kinda bothers me. I guess this is what I mean by being too direct or something, I can't help it though. I don't find anything wrong with that above sentence but I feel weird reading it. Maybe just me.
    Nope. It's not just you.

    Actually, being the grammar-snob I am, food cannot be plural. It should've been “Don’t blame me if you can’t finish all of those food, okay?” she said while having a cheerful face.
    Ah, I see! My mistake then.

    Saying "the line before" is like pointing at the book. You could say "I don't know what she meant by that" instead of the line before
    Is that so? I thought "line" here refers to the last sentence of her. Again, it seems I need to learn a lot from you <3.

    like above for example...
    I learned that he likes watching Anime.
    and each translated anme has a English translation with Japanese voice.
    he got that writing style from that...
    although I basically know that an Anime story style sometimes will be an awkward if they're translated it to be English.
    this is Indonesian forum. don't be so stiff.
    Uh...well but he has a point here. While in Japanese the waiter/waitress uses "okyaku-san" to refer the customers as "customers"; English doesn't have that kind of thing. It is just as r3bellist said before.

    I don't think waitresses would blandly address their customers as 'customers', if I was a waiter, I would address them as sir or miss. You should put yourself in their position and think what you would've said to make it sound realistic
    On a positive note though, it has a pretty good plot focusing on the characters and their developments well enough. It's a pretty good read but it's hindered by its (no offense) poor grammar and a bit too uninspired style.

    I suggest you reading more. My personal favourites are the Book Of Fate, jPod and Cell. Also, I think you should open the link below:

    It'll help if you write in YOUR VOICE not the style you THINK is right. Try saying it rather than just typing it.

    Huf what a lengthy post : |
    Again, thanks.

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