Yah, seperti yg tertulis... Spying itu 'ngintip' keadaan sekitar... dalam kebiasaan yg paling sering diintip adalah kondisi hutan, roshan, keadaan sekitar, etc. etc. Banyak hal yg diperlukan dalam dota, tapi seperti komputer, input sama menentukannya dengan proses, begitu juga di dota, pengetahuan akan keadaan sekitar sama menentukan kemenangan kita dengan skill+experience kita dalam bermain (daya analisis kita)
Updated for 6.59
06-05-2009 Removed Meat Hook from the list... my mistake >.<
1. Dummy-unit-based skills
2. Immobile wards
3. Mobile units
4. Buffs n shared visions
5. Invisibles
1. Dummy-unit-based skills
merupakan skill-skill yang memanfaatkan dummy unit dalam penggunaan spyingnya
Shiva Guard - Arctic Blast 2/5
Vengeful Spirit - Terror 3.5/5
Lord of Olympia - Lightning Bolt 4/5 reveal invisible
Lord of Olympia - Thundergod's Wrath (one of the best) reveal invisible
Morphling - Waveform 3/5
Crystal Maiden - Freezing Field 1/5
Keeper of the Light - Illuminate 3.5/5
Prophet - Sprout 2.5/5
Phantom Lancer - Spirit Lance 1/5 dmg goes through invisibility
Beastmaster - Wild Axe 1.5/5 dmg does NOT go through invisibility
Twin-headed Dragon - Ice Path 2/5 stun does NOT go through invisibility
Alchemist - Unstable Concoction 3/5 stun does NOT go through invisibility
Priestess of the Moon - Elune's Arrow 4/5 stun does NOT go through invisibility, dmg does
Storm Spirit - Static Remnant 2.5/5 invisible unit triggers explosion
Faerie Dragon - Illusory Orb 3.5/5
Faerie Dragon - Dream Coil 2/5 does not affect invisible heroes, coil reveals the position of the invisible heroes
Clockwerk Goblin - Power Cog 1/5
Clockwerk Goblin - Rocket Flare 4.5/5 does NOT reveal invisible units
Clockwerk Goblin - Hookshot 0.5/5
Admiral - Torrent 2/5 reveal Permanent Invisible units
Admiral - X Marks the Spot 1/5 returns already invisible heroes
Admiral - Ghost Ship 2.5/5
Windrunner - Shackleshot 1/5 does NOT stun invisible units
Windrunner - Powershot 2.5/5
Dwarven Sniper - Scattershot 2.5/5
Lich - Chain Frost 1.5/5 does NOT hit invisible units
Venomancer - Venomous Gale 1/5
Broodmother - Spin Web 2/5
Phantom Assassin - Stifling Dagger 1/5
Doombringer - *Scorched Earth 0.5/5
Faceless Void - Chronosphere 1/5 reveal Permanent Invisible units
Lifestealer - Infest 2/5
Spectre - Spectral Dagger 3/5 removed vision as of 6.58, path trails invisible units
Geomancer - Earthbind 1.5/5 does NOT ensnare invisible units
Shadow Priest - Weave 2/5 affect invisible heroes
Pit Lord - Pit of Malice 1.5/5 does NOT ensnare invisible units
Dark Seer - Wall of Replica 1.5/5
Invoker - Ice Wall 1/5
Invoker - Tornado 2.5/5
Invoker - Sun Strike 2/5
Invoker - Deafening Blast 2/5
*Scorched Earth memberikan vision pada player yg terkena dmg dari scorched earth di mana luci berada... agak jengkel emang bagi yg pake luci -.-"
2. Immobile Wards
skill-skill yg summon wards yg ga bisa bergerak....
Observer wards 4/5 does NOT reveal invisible units
Sentry wards 3/5 reveal invisible units
Juggernaut - Healing Ward 1/5 can move with slow movement speed
Rooftrellen - Eye in the Forest 4/5 reveal invisible units
Goblin Techies - Landmine 1.5/5 invisible unit triggers explosion
Goblin Techies - Stasis Trap 2/5 invisible unit triggers explosion
Goblin Techies - Remote Mine 3.5/5
Templar Assassin - Psionic Trap 3/5
Shadow Shaman - Mass Serpent Wards 2/5
Venomancer - Plague Ward 4/5
Oblivion - Netherward 1/5
Undying - Tombstone 1/5
3. Mobile units
Skill-skill yang membuat unit yg bisa bergerak. Hero2 ini bisa dibagi jadi hero summoner dan hero ilusi.
Helm of Dominator - Dominate 3/5
Necronomicon - 4/5
*Manta Style - 3.5/5
Flying Courier - 3.5/5 cannot carry Gem of True Sight, use Dust of Appearance, Wards
Animal Courier - 2/5
Enchantress - Enchant 3/5
Morphling - *Replicate 4.5/5
Naga Siren - *Mirror Image 4.5/5
Lone Druid - Summon Spirit Bear 4.5/5 can carry Gem of True Sight
Enigma - Demonic Conversion 3/5
Prophet - Force of Nature 4/5
Phantom Lancer - *Spirit Lance 3/5
Phantom Lancer - *Doppelwalk 4/5
Phantom Lancer - *Juxtapose 3.5/5
Holy Knight - Holy Persuasion 4/5
Beastmaster - Call of the Wild 4/5
Pandaren Brewmaster - Primal Split 3/5
Soul Keeper - *Conjure Image 3.5/5
Necro'lic - Raise Revenants 4.5/5
Chaos Knight - *Phantasm 4/5
Lycanthrope - Summon Wolves 4/5
Broodmother - Spawn Spiderlings 3.5/5
Nerubian Weaver - Watcher 5/5
Spectre - *Haunt 5/5
Warlock - Rain of Chaos 3.5/5
Geomancer - Divided We Stand 4/5 only original Meepo can carry Gem of True Sight
Undying - Tombstone 2.5/5 zombies will still spawn on enemy invisible units
Dark Seer - *Wall of Replica 5/5
Invoker - Forge Spirit 3/5
*Illusions keeps the True Sight ability (including Gem of True Sight)
4. Buffs and shared visions (including Pause effect)
Yah, skill-skill ini memberikan sight tambahan dengan buff n shared vision... Shared vision salah satunya berguna terhadap invisible units... Pause effect adalah skill2 yang mempunyai Pause dalam triggernya sehingga unit2 dengan Permanent Invisible akan terlihat selama Pause, lalu fade lagi (untuk Rikimaru lvl 6 misalnya, 3 detik itu cukup lama...)
Dust of Appearance - reveals invisible units, does NOT give sight to the units 3.5/5
Gem of True Sight - gives True Sight 4/5
Orchid Malevolence - Soulburn 3/5 reveals Permanent Invisible units
Guinsoo's Sycthe of Vyse - Hex 2.5/5 reveals Permanent Invisible units
Eul's Scepter of Divinity - Cyclone 1.5/5 reveals Permanent Invisible units
Dark Troll Warlord - *Ensnare 2/5
Crystal Maiden - *Frostbite 2.5/5
Naga Siren - *Ensnare 3/5
Lone Druid - Summon Spirit Bear - *Entangle 2.5/5
Silencer - Last Word 3/5 reveals Permanent Invisible unit
Silencer - Global Silence 4/5 reveals Permanent Invisible units
Rooftrellen - *Overgrowth 3/5 does NOT affect invisible units
Dwarven Sniper - Assassinate 3/5 shared vision lasts approximately 3 sec
Shadow Shaman - Voodoo 3/5 reveals Permanent Invisible unit
Bounty Hunter - Track 5/5 reveals invisible unit
Drow Ranger - Silence 3/5 reveals Permanent Invisible units
Death Prophet - Silence 3/5 reveals Permanent Invisible units
Demon Witch - Impale 2/5 reveals Permanent Invisible units
Demon Witch - Voodoo 3/5 reveals Permanent Invisible unit
Night Stalker - Crippling Fear 3.5/5 reveals Permanent Invisible unit
Doombringer - Doom 4/5 reveals Permanent Invisible unit (and disables windwalking, etc.), disables True Sight ability
Nerubian Assassin - Impale 2/5 reveals Permanent Invisible units
Slithereen Guard - Amplify Damage 5/5 reveals invisible unit
Faceless Void - Chronosphere 3/5 reveals Permanent Invisible units
Tidehunter - Ravage 2/5 reveals Permanent Invisible units
Pudge - Meat Hook 1/5 reveals Permanent Invisible ENEMY unit
Spiritbreaker - Charge of Darkness 5/5 reveals invisible unit at 2500 range, else gives shared vision
Spiritbreaker - Greater Bash 2/5 reveals Permanent Invisible unit
Spiritbreaker - Nether Strike 2/5 reveals Permanent Invisible unit
Axe - Berserker Call 3/5 reveals invisible units as it forces them to attack Axe
Bloodseeker - Bloodrage 3/5 reveals Permanent Invisible unit
Bloodseeker - Strygwyr's Thirst 5/5 gives shared vision of low-hp heroes
Obsidian Destroyer - Astral Imprisonment 1/5 reveals Permanent Invisible unit
Geomancer - *Earthbind 3/5
Pit Lord - *Pit of Malice 3/5
Dark Seer - Vacuum 1.5/5 reveals Permanent Invisible units
*Ensnared and Rooted units will be revealed (and nearby surroundings) to the caster, even if the unit is invisible, but only within the duration
5. Invisibles
Seperti namanya, invisibility memungkinkan kita untuk scouting ke daerah musuh dengan bahaya minimal (tanpa ada True Sight etc. tentunya ^^)
Lothar's Edge - Windwalk 3/5
Stealth Assassin - *Permanent Invisibility 5/5
Rooftrellen - Nature's Guise 4/5
Phantom Lancer - Doppelwalk 3/5
Beastmaster - Greater Hawk - ??? 2/5
Priestess of the Moon - *Moonlight Shadow 5/5
Templar Assassin - Meld 1/5
Bounty Hunter - Windwalk 4/5
Lycanthrope - Summon Wolves - *Permanent Invisibility 4/5
Broodmother - Spin Web - *Permanent Invisibility 4/5
Nerubian Assassin - Vendetta 5/5
Bone Fletcher - Windwalk 5/5
Nerubian Weaver - Watcher - Ghost ability 5/5
Nerubian Weaver - Shukuchi 3/5
Invoker - Ghostwalk 3/5
*Permanent Invisibility can be broken (meaning you are visible and must fade again) using Pause-effect and getting Silenced.
hhh... akhirnya selese... >.<
Screenshots akan menyusul segera (mudah2an >.<)
I'm planning to add little details about the skills... n of course, kosmetik2nya >.<
to Icefrog, for making DotA ^^
to all other Mechanic Forum members... tq buat support n diskusinya selama ini ^^
Comments plz ^^
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