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  1. #151
    DoOs_101's Avatar
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    Yah bagaimana dengan ide Hero Story? Saya lg shortage nih @@, butuh ide crita2 hero yang baru.
    Quotes of the week:
    "He vanishes only to return as a tyrant."

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  3. #152
    superfabian's Avatar
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    ok gw usahain tapi.. GOLD rush mu ke delete ... abis format T_T

  4. #153
    DoOs_101's Avatar
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    Moderator note: Not the same as Goldrush versions below 1.80

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    Travel through time, did the Ancient Elves achieved; their marvelous works of history that is coveted in the ruins of Arathi beneath the mysterious earth. No heroic effort struggle to find this marvel, only evil that obscure, a sleepless curiosity that greeds for its powers. Unto the depths was forth unleashed, a finding.

    War, a taste that all man concede. Wealth and power are its instruments, for beneath the mysterious earth of Arathi Highlands, is the ruin, Nar'shadok. A sacred vault that mysteriously shines like a gold - secretely the great Shammans studied its capabilities. Knowing it killed them all in a spree of betrayal.

    Behold, at these times of desparation comes one power, one ruin, one purpose; unlimmited wealth and unlimmited gold.

    So forth all nations, all races, in allmighty power wage a war to capture the Nar'shadoks. There are no evil, no good, its all gray, that is our purpose, to win...


    Altered Arena - (5v5) (4v4) (3v3)

    Two Teams
    Azeroth (5 players; 1 computer)
    Lordaeron (5 playesr; 1 computer)

    Focus - Beneath the highlands of Arathi lies a hidden cavern which holds 5 Nar'shadoks (Gold Shrines). The purpose of each team is to capture these Gold Shrines. Different game modes will serve different focuses and what to do with these Gold Shrines. Currently there are three dominant game modes:
    • Conquest: Each team will be given 200 score (ticket points). Every period their ticket points will be deducted. Capturing Gold Shrines will increase the number of deduction the enemy has every period. Killing a hero will also deduct the enemy's score by 1. A team will win the game when it has successfully dimminish the opposing team's score to 0.
    • Expansion: Each team will have one-shot chance to capture all Gold Shrines. A team can win the game when it has conquered all five Gold Shrines.
    • Deathmatch: Each team must achieve a certain score in order to win the game. Killing heroes and capturing Gold Shrines will increase the team's score by a specific amount.
    • Upcoming Quest: Each team must gather gold resource from these Nar'shadoks (Gold Shrines). When a team captures a Gold Shrine, it will gain a certain amount of gold every period. A team will win the game when it has collected 50,000 gold. The law of dimminishing returns apply, as a team gets better, its income every period will dimminish.


    So far there are 20 customized heroes. The number of heroes will grow rapidly for every updates.

    Blunderbluss Rifleman - Grudges over wealth, the Blunderbluss Rifleman are known to bounty hunters the common gishmo'k. They kill their opponent with a single sniper shot aimed accurately at the heads. With their Blunderbluss flintlock, surely an opponent claim greater than him will meet a true jurisdiction.

    Orc Slayer - Pure hearted, the Orc Slayer slays his foes for justice of kingdom come. He masters the holy magic, using it increases his connection to the gods of Aeons. In every fight, he prays that the foe he meets will have true torment from holy power.

    Dracorian Sage - An exile among the Azerothian consul, he seeks revenge of his lost pride and respect. He travels to the forgotten realm of Outland, where he meets a true master born Necromancer. From this master he learns powerful skills and demonoid forth returns to the peaceful land to disturb.

    Ice Mage - The beautiful and fairest, Jaina Proudmore serves the Human Legion campaign during Kalimdor. She returns with pride and new powers brought of new spells. From her campaign she learned many abilities involving ice elementals. Now she became known as Ice Mage.

    Vindicate Priest
    - Smiles like ******, the Vindicate Priest are known to Azerothian the unholly scum. They live near woods as shammans while in cities pretending to be a priest of holy interpreter. To the Azeroth troll gang, his skills are useful of healing powers even though they follow the dark arts of magic.

    Rambler - Cold headed, the Rambler are feared among warriors of Azeroth, the raging beast. Ramblers carries a divine axe and holy hammer for battle. They are the ultimate killing machine, timeless in melee fights.

    Gnome Warlock - Short and blunt, the Gnome Warlock are seemless with their appearance, the Inn folks usually procrastinate against him. When the true battle comes, his magic power goes beyond wildest guess. He posseses the white power of Dragonite magics.

    Nevarent Scorched-Mage - A lord that darkens the day, once an honorable mage has now turned into the dark side of magic. He is known in his dark side, to influence the weak mind and drain power from them. He masters control magic to will energy and negative energy. He is born destroyer of life, follower of satanic believes.

    Assassin - The calm yet a killer, feared by those who have a bounty on their head. Geisha is like a deathbringer that walks swiftly in the shadows. She is poisonous and quick at killing her target without trace. She is a shadow of cold blood that breathes emptyness.

    Master Thief - The nimble and crafty, although very bold with his target this day he aims for high ones. Yes, in the eve of Goldrush Competition, Jubei the Master Thief plans to steal luxurious amount of gold from his foes. Thievery is his mastery and addiction in battle.

    Mortar - Lousy and barbaric, the Mortar brothers are anoying to the Inn people. They drink to much, talk to much, to loud, but when judgement comes, they are too ready. The Mortar brothers are master of range and explosives, they are used many times by the law enforcements to blow up criminal hideouts.

    Spiritualist - Sultry in her appearance, the Spiritualist is famously known as the sexual jab in Barney's Inn. Yet she has the desire of wealth, which though she is intimidating to the nuances of male, she enjoys a taste of battle. Thus in this battlefield she calls upon her powerful stimulation to serve the team and for wealth.

    Acolyte - Despite his fallen legion, Araj the Summoner purge his way into the depths to seek favoring powers. At dusk, he warns himself of his malace will to conquer the living. He consumes his time with unknown forces of the dead, which in turn made him become known as Dead Summoner.

    Banshee Queen - Enchanted with dark tales, this old woman unapprised in her rasp cabin, carries out the darkest magic secrets that are born out of her vigilant whispers. She can bring about a dark attraction, that evil touch an undisruptive prey, bringing about its mind closer and closer to the witch that she can corrupt the mind into a dull thought. With an unexpected thought, as the prey tries to run away from her, the speed at which mysteriously decay prevents the prey from running away.

    Beastmaster - The sleepless master, who serves day and night to preserve the survival of the beast. He came all the way from Kalimdor, to answer the calls of dying beast comrades. He can exploit his power of beast mastery to explore uncharted wilderness and pound enemies with his bear disciple. When the enemy escapes with fear of his existence, he calls upon his quill pig disciple to poison the enemy.

    Capitaine - Honorable to the legionaire, Captain Arthemis has won many battles. His expirience with fighting are enormous although the test in this field of mining will be different than his ordinary epic wars. With his plated armor and broad sword he is ready to meet challenge.

    Drunken Master - From far distance, the Drunken Master unknown to tavern folks became a supreme macho beast. With his martial art skills he whacks any cocking humanoids with his drunken style. His weakness is that being a risky merchant, he never had a real business, so now he set his foot upon goldrush, for the real folk blues.

    Ranger - Unto the wilds, where heroism lies in rarity comes enchanted, a woman of the north winds. At displeasing times, when heroic is not achieved, where lands are disturbed by evil, come this enchanted woman she is, unto the very strength to liberate the people. When rumor cross borders, speaking of which this woman grandly soar, the restless words speak of an appellation. Forth this appellation, known to be Sylvanus Windrunner, became greatly known in its heroic effort.

    Spell Breaker - Blood, magic, power, these are the words of lust, an undying gluttony of the Blood Elves. Coming far from the city of Silvermoon, Tanin Hawkin, of the Spellbreaker union seeks out knowledge that consumes power for his undying ambition. His specialty comes unto magic, but secretly he follows the dark arts, which obscure magic, steal and consume blood magic which contravenes nature. He hunts opponents for magic.

    Troubled Admiral - Unfortunate and despaired, this honorable admiral who brings a tyrant of fleet is always misfortunate at times of fortune. After his failure in the golden sea expedition, only the Goldrush Competition can restore his prideness. Thus with his sea combat skills he is passionate to win.

    Special Event:

    This game is supported by an online server. It has a unique ranking system that is in-game and also out-game. In other words, players gets to be ranked inside the game but also outside the game which is at the official website rank Azeroth Inn

    The procedure works simple, but requires the player to do work. Players get ranked based on the number of times they win a game. If they win a game they get code that encrypt their previous score + 1, which is why in the beginning of the game players must load their code if they have one.

    In the official website, a player can simply make an account and in the user cp they can update their score by typing in their latest code that encrypt their score.

    FIRST POST updated dengan content yang sama.
    Quotes of the week:
    "He vanishes only to return as a tyrant."

  5. #154
    DotaFV's Avatar
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    Haha doos... saya ranking nya cupu nih... score nya masih baru 1... Kk tar sering host ya, saya tar kl di warnet juga akan sering host biar bisa naek pangkat.

    Komentar saya oke bgt doos mapnya, ayo kalahkan dota map ini, map terbagus yang sy pernah lihat so far.

    Cuma doos as always waktu itu wa make hero Mortar kurang balance bgt... masalahnya bnyk yang cupu kgk tau kalo artillery itu ada tanda biru2nya. Sekali damage apalagi bisa 500-700...

  6. #155
    reb3llist's Avatar
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    kalo mau bikin hero idea contest/topic
    btw, kalo mau ngepost gambar harus pake html yah? (img src dsb)

    EDIT: doos, ada tempat ngepost pertanyaan2 spell gak? kayak spell punya dracorian mage itu yg kayak meat hook trus lompat orgnya? thx

  7. #156
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    Quote Originally Posted by reb3llist View Post

    kalo mau bikin hero idea contest/topic
    btw, kalo mau ngepost gambar harus pake html yah? (img src dsb)

    EDIT: doos, ada tempat ngepost pertanyaan2 spell gak? kayak spell punya dracorian mage itu yg kayak meat hook trus lompat orgnya? thx
    Maaf saat ini blog Azeroth Inn sedang error, apabila anda mengakses post akan dapet server buisy error.

    Untuk saat ini kalo mau bikin hero idea, contest, dan discussion topic dapat dilakukan di subforum mapmaking.

    Kalo mau ngepost pertanyaan tentang spell bisa disini, tetapi nanti akan dipindahkan ke blog setelah blog tersebut sudah dibenarkan.

    :n00b: wow kamu masuk Quick Rank di bagian news :whistle2:
    Quotes of the week:
    "He vanishes only to return as a tyrant."

  8. #157
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    DoOs blog nya gak ada error koq @@,

    Saya mau post hero idea dan spell idea nih di blog nya, gpp yah

  9. #158
    superfabian's Avatar
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    doos" itu kok ga ada perkembangaannya ?? mana mapnya yg baru ?? btw ... skarang km maen di prublic servernya ?? kpn" ke free server dong -_-

  10. #159
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    Quote Originally Posted by superfabian View Post
    doos" itu kok ga ada perkembangaannya ?? mana mapnya yg baru ?? btw ... skarang km maen di prublic servernya ?? kpn" ke free server dong -_-
    Maksudnya gak ada perkembangan @@? bingung saya...

    Saya jarang ke free server, tp kapan2 akan coba host disana.
    Quotes of the week:
    "He vanishes only to return as a tyrant."

  11. #160
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoOs_101 View Post
    Maksudnya gak ada perkembangan @@? bingung saya...

    Saya jarang ke free server, tp kapan2 akan coba host disana.
    Ngomong2 tentang perkembangan, next updatenya kapan nih doos?

  12. #161
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    Quote Originally Posted by DotaFV View Post
    Ngomong2 tentang perkembangan, next updatenya kapan nih doos?
    Sry 2.01b gk sempet selesai hari minggu kemaren, akan diselesaikan hari minggu depan.
    Quotes of the week:
    "He vanishes only to return as a tyrant."

  13. #162
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoOs_101 View Post
    Sry 2.01b gk sempet selesai hari minggu kemaren, akan diselesaikan hari minggu depan.
    Ok deh sip2, tar lu ke 24 gk? Kita test bareng lg yuk ::laugh::

  14. #163
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    Quote Originally Posted by DotaFV View Post
    Ok deh sip2, tar lu ke 24 gk? Kita test bareng lg yuk ::laugh::
    Kgk men... gua harus mengelola lomba badminton di skul....
    Quotes of the week:
    "He vanishes only to return as a tyrant."

  15. #164
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    New version available!

    Azeroth Goldrush 2.01b



    Item price Stinger inflated by 110%
    Item price Shadow Orb inflated by 110%
    Item price Lightning Orb inflated by 110%
    Item price Icecrown inflated by 120%
    Item price Blood Orb inflated by 110%
    Item price Helm of Battlethirst inflated by 150%
    Item price Dagger of Betrayal inflated by 150%
    Item price Katana of Wonders inflated by 150%
    Item price Helm of Gladiator inflated by 150%
    Item price Basher inflated by 150%
    Item price Banesword inflated by 150%
    Item price Skeletal Rod inflated by 130%
    Item price Scepter of Light inflated by 120%
    Item price Mana Glove inflated by 150%
    Item price Elune's Grace inflated by 130%
    Item price Deathkeeper Totem inflated by 140%
    Item price Crown of the Deathlord inflated by 150%
    Item price Amulet of Spell Shield inflated by 130%
    Item price Hood of Cunning inflated by 140%
    Item classification Magic added
    Item Storm Hammers added to classification magic
    Item Fire Staff added to classification magic
    Item Air Staff added to classification magic
    Item Elemental Staff added to classification magic
    Item classification Medium added
    Item Broadsword added to classification medium
    Item Axe added to classification medium
    Item Shoulder Pads added to classification medium
    Item Ring of Regeneration added to classification medium
    Item Sobi Mask added to classification medium
    Item Elune's Grace stat changed to +4 stats to all attributes
    Item Medallion of Courage nerved
    Unit Defender attack speed changed to 1 hit / 2.00 sec
    Unit Rifleman attack power decreased by 0.35 factor
    Unit Goblin Engineer added to Recruiter base camp, with abilities: Build Tower, Repair
    Unit Goblin Robot added to Recruiter base camp, with abilities: Ensnare
    Unit Slave added to Recruiter base camp, with abilities: Unit Inventory (6)
    Building Guard Tower added to upgrade console Watch Tower
    Feature added on general info to provide explicit information on game modes
    Tower description fixed
    Terrain issue fixed, terrain update
    Fixed path issues to Doom Bringer
    Added quest system, features Quest Helper for beginners
    Added Doom Quest to quest system
    Added Quest type Bounty to quest system
    Added Quest type Infiltration to quest system
    Added quest rewards, item classification medium, gold, and item classification summoning
    Added loot system, features epic creep groups dropping items
    Added item classification general and hero to creep loot system
    Added rune spawn system
    Fixed general JASS systems
    Fixed save/load issues
    Fixed statistics system
    Fixed death camera
    Hero Orc slayer nerf down
    Hero Spiritualist nerf down
    Ability Pick Pocket nerf up
    Ability divine shield duration nerf down to 6,9,12 intervals
    Ability interrupt chance to hit reduced
    Ability healing spray damage reduced
    Ability divine stun base damage reduced to 200
    Ability Artillery casting period fixed
    Quest dialog interface label changed to Info with hotkey (F9)
    Quest dialog contents updated
    Quotes of the week:
    "He vanishes only to return as a tyrant."

  16. #165
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    Wow, sedot2 dolo.

    Ada hero baru gak? Trus kenapa item2 nya dimahalin @@, mo beli banesword jd lama bgt @@

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