Which damage is returned by Blademail?
Any damage dealt by units under your command will be returned to your hero. This includes damage done by summons (e.g. Lycanthropy Wolves), dominated creeps, dummy units casting spells or dealing damage, or units such as Death Prophet's Exorcism Ghosts
If someone with Blademail runs through a minefield (Remote Mines or Landmines) will Techies get damaged.
Yes, Techies will take return damage from Blademail, no matter where he is
quoted from dota-allstars.com forum, credits to saguine
swt banget la...
yang kedua bisa dipake untuk maenin Techies hohohoho.... Pilih hero badak, aktifin BM sebelon pergi ke tempat yang dicurigai... n Bum! Techies meninggal dunia @@
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