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    Default wargame for coder

    ssh ke [email protected] dengan port tujuan 2224

    password: level1

    ketika login silahkan liat readme file, sebagai petunjuk,. ada 25 level di dalamnya,. gud luck ^^

    Welcome to the IO wargame at the smash the stack network.
    You have done the hard part and found our realm. Here we allow you to play with
    classic, and up to date vulnerabilities in software. Since many of you may be
    unfamiliar with how a wargame works, we will give a quick introduction in the
    following paragraphs. If you are an experienced wargamer, all this will be
    familiar to you so you might want to skip to the last section which iterates
    the specifics of this game.
    The problems will be presented to you as a series of programs. Which will vary
    in size from a few lines containing an obvious bug, over to larger, and finally
    real software. The point is always to exploit this bug in such a way that you
    can grab control of the programs execution and make it do what you want. For
    example you will often want it to drop a shell.
    The way this works is that the binaries are SUID binaries
    ( This means in short that they run as
    a different user than you do. The point is to grab control of the program
    and make it execute your own shellcode. Which will in turn allow you to read
    the password for the next level.
    How to get started
    Right now I will talk you through the first level. Currently you are "level1" user.
    This means you can access only files that are owned by level1, or are accessible
    by everybody.
      level1@io:~# cd /levels
      level1@io:/levels# ls -las level1
      8 -r-sr-x--- 1 level2 level1 7500 Nov 16  2007 level1
    When you run it will ask you for a password. Which you must somehow find. And
    when you supply it you will get a new shell which has level2 rights. Using this
    shell you can read the file
      level1@io:/levels$ ./level1 [something you have to figure out goes here]
      level1@io:/levels$ id
      uid=1001(level1) gid=1001(level1) euid=1002(level2) groups=1001(level1),1029(nosu)
    as you can see, by the output of the "id" command you now have euid (effective user id)
    of level2. You can now read files that belong to level2. The point is to use this right
    to read the password file for the next level.
      level1@io:/levels$ cat /home/level2/.pass
    Now you have the level2 password. You can now login as level2. Disconnect the current
    connection. Login as level2 and use the password you just found. When you do this
    You'll notice that you are level2. At this point you may want to tell the world of
    your achievement. And you can do so by adding your tag, comment, or pretty much
    anything you want to the tags file. For example by using the following command
      level2@io:~$ echo "<p>superleetzor was here and pwnd level1</p>" >> tags
    This will then become visible online at:
    And that's pretty much it. We allow pretty much everything in the tags files. So feel free
    to be creative. Though use some common sence. Also disable javascript when you view these
    files in a browser...
    Q: I'm very new to all this, will I be able to solve this game? Is it hard?
    A: Well it's a staged game. The first stage wich lasts about to level10 is
       relatively simple. You should be able to solve these levels regardless of
       your background, age, sex, ... If you are willing to persevere and ask
       for a little bit of help. After that point you will have had the pleasure
       of learning the basics pretty well. The game then moves on to slightly
       more advanced levels. There is no shame in getting stuck here, and asking
       for some help or guidance. Or just leave it be for the time being.
       Smashthestack has been and will continue to be stable for at least the
       foreseeable future.
    Q: Is there somewhere I can write files?
    A: Yes, you can write in the /tmp directory.
       However this directory is set up in such a way that you can not
       list the files that are present. This is done so you can't easily
       access the files other players are working on. You are encouraged
       to make your own subdirectory to work in. For example by issueing
       the following commands.
       mkdir /tmp/somethinghardtoguess
       cd /tmp/somethinghardtoguess
       you can now write list, store temporary files, and whatnot in this
       directory. We will periodically clear out this directory whenever
       the needs arise. This will usually be announced in the chat room.
       however it's typically a good idea to have a local backup of your
    Q: Do you have a list of papers i can read for level X?
    A: Typically there are some things you can read, but there no level
       specific list. Feel free to try you luck in the chatroom with that
       question. Though independent research and figuring out what the
       problem is part of the game. And hence you will not always be
       provided with a say all document. IO is not a comprehensive reading
    Q: Why can't i use su?
    A: Su ties op processes. For no good reason. And since we aim to keep
       the box stable for everybody we limit the amount of processes.
       Hence to prevent problems we disable su, and require you to reconnect.
    Q: Why can't i use nano, vim, ... to edit the tags file?
    A: The tags files are set to "append only", and due to something called
       the editor bug, editors tend to rewrite portions of the file at once
       instead of appending. You will have to use the append (>>) output
    Q: I really like this readme, do you want me to translate it?
    A: Sure, feel free to log on to our IRC or email it to somebody. There
       should be email addresses in the motd.
    Q: I'm trying hard to learn, but any shellcode i try or test still segfaults wth?!
    A: You are probably compiling the levels or your testcode manually without taking
    into consitderation that some sections of memory are not executable by
    default. This is the current setting and we have no intention of hiding
    this from the players. The levels on this game all have their stack
    executable. There are several reasons for this. Mainly because the
    workarounds to bypass certain protections are too cumbersome for the
    scope of this game.
    When you want to test shellcode you can use code similar to the one
    included below in order to test:
    #include <sys/mman.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    char sc[]= "your shellcode here";
    int main(){
            void * a = mmap(0, 4096, PROT_EXEC |PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_SHARED, -1, 0);
            printf("allocated executable memory at: %p\n", a);
            ((void (*)(void)) memcpy(a, sc, sizeof(sc)))();
    Q: Why does this document contain so many spelling errors?
    A: It was written by bla.
    Game specifics
    - levels are in the directory /levels
    - passwords are stored in the home directory for the level, in a file called .pass.
      for example /home/level2/.pass contains the password for the user "level2"
    - Chat:
            There is a chatroom at our irc network, ssl port 6697
            You can also use the webclient to connect
    - forum:
            at our website though using the chat room will
            probably help you out quicker and better.
    - aslr is off and most levels have an executable stack
    Last edited by bl00d13z; 07-10-09 at 06:22.

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