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    dWaVezZ-'s Avatar
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    Thumbs up NeverMore The ShadowFiend Guide BY NXM

    Maap kalo pake bahasa inggris ! (malas nerjemahinnya)

    ini Guide Orang Luar Negeri yang Pro sekali memainkan SF jadi akan beda dengan pemikiran2 orang2 indo

    kalo mao comment jgn nyesek2 ,, soalnya saya orangnya emosian

    This guide was created by NXM.NunnoX. Good job!
    I have decided to write a guide for the Nevermore, the Shadowfiend because he is one of my favorite heroes in DotA Allstars, and in my opinion, very hard to play. His primary nuke can be devastating, his Necromastery can destroy last hit depending heroes and his ultimate also can be devastating. Now that sounds a little bit to imbalanced, but it isnt. Shadowraze definitely requires some skill(although not as much as most think), Necromastery requires some serious last hit skills and his ultimate is only useful if timed correctly and if you are able to use it. His ultimate needs an item. Let it be Lothar’s Edge or Black King Bar.
    The Shadowfiend should be played as a carry hero, so farming and staying alive are very important for him.

    Skill Build
    Level 1. Necromastery
    Level 2 and 3. Shadowraze
    Level 4. Necromastery
    Level 5. Shadowraze
    Level 6. Necromastery
    Level 7. Shadowraze
    Level 8. Necromastery
    Level 9. Presence of the Dark Lord
    Level 10 and 11. Requiem of Souls
    Level 12 - 14. Presence of the Dark Lord
    Level 15. Stats
    Level 16. Requiem of Souls
    Level 17 - 25. Stats
    Additional notes
    Getting Necromastery at level 1 is a must, but you can switch the order of Necromastery and Shadowraze thereafter. It depends on your lane control. If you aren’t able to get any creeps, level Shadowraze as soon as possible. If you just have too few damage to do anything against your enemy, level Shadowraze. If your opponent isn’t in your lane quite a while (example: when you solo Beastmaster, he ganks a lot) level Necromastery.
    You can get Requiem of Souls at level 9, and Presence of the Dark Lord at 10, it doesn’t matter at all.

    This build is the cookie cutter build, the build that always should be used. Shadowraze is your primary weapon of achieving lane control, but don’t underestimate Necromastery. Requiem of Souls is a good ultimate, yet not so devastating as many think. At level 1, it sucks, it deals less damage then Shadowraze then so you’d better use that mana for Shadowraze.

    Item Build
    This actually is the main reason why i decided to write this guide. So many items work on the Shadowfiend. I think the best idea to get to a decent item build is thinking in steps, so let’s start:
    Step 1
    The very first step is buying 2 Circlets and 2 sets of Tango’s, that is for me the ideal start on the Nevermore.

    Step 2
    Buy Bottle. For a hero who always should solo mid this will always remain the best item. It establishes your lane control. Get it AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, KTHX.

    Step 3
    Buy Boots of Speed.

    Step 4
    Lothar’s Edge or Black King Bar? In the previous version, you should always get Dagger. It owned. Nowadays, it has been nerfed, and Lothar’s has been buffed. However, Lothar’s provides little in teambattles, in my opinion. However, it also depends a lot on your line-up. Against an line-up with Beastmaster and Magnus, BkB has very little use, since both ultimates go trough BkB.
    Anyway, get one of these items as soon as possible, just after Boots of Speed.

    Step 5
    In my opinion, staying alive is the MOST important factor for a carry hero. So in my opinion, Bracers are almost always preferable over Wraith Bands. But for 70% it is personal preference. So now use your 2 Circlets that you have already bought to finish your Bracers/Wraith Bands. If you go for Treads, you only have 2 slots left (Power Treads, TP-scroll, Bottle, BkB/Lothar’s), so you should buy 2 of them. With Boots of travel, you have 3 slots left, so get 3 of them.

    Step 6
    Boots of Travel or Power Treads? In this version, my opinion goes for Power Treads. Boots of Travel is more farm orientated. It mostly depends on the current game. Are we losing, need i to get powerful fast? Get Power Treads. Do we have 4 (early game) ganks heroes, do i need to be the powerful one later? Get Boots of Travel. Again, my opinion goes for Power Treads, but for a more farm orientated game, go for Boots of Travel. If you go Power Treads, you should get or a AGI Treads, or STR Treads. My vote again goes for STR Treads. REMEMBER: When going for Power Treads, ALWAYS CARRY A TP-SCROLL, I REPEAT, ALWAYS CARRY A TP-SCROLL. With that being said, remember that Power Treads takes two slots(Treads + Scroll(s)). Anyways, extremely late game, always get Boots of Travel. It saves you a slot +it makes you able to teleport anywhere on the map where a creep is, that ability is invaluable.

    Step 7
    So you have finished what i call the core build, so what now? In the earlier versions, Skadi was the ****. In the newer versions, Skadi is just too slow. Skadi is an EXCELLENT item on Nevermore, don’t get me wrong, but i think it is too slow. Yet if you are farming extremely well, and if you got Boots of Travel, Skadi still is an excellent choice. Anyways, i think it is too slow so you’d better move on to other items. In my opinion, the very two best items after the core build are Stygian Desolator and Helm of the Dominator. As you notice, they both are Orbs, so you cannot get them both. They both are cheap (the other even MUCH cheaper), and they both give you mid game bonuses. Stygian isn’t one of the best very late game items, so you should buy it before the 40 min mark. Stygian is also a lot more expensive. So you should get Stygian if you are farming decently well mid game, and you need some quick assistance to your team (if your team does (really) fine, get Skadi) get Stygian. However, if your team does need quick(er) assistance, and you aren’t farming that well get Helm of the Dominator. Other items like Mjollnir and Butterfly own, but they take TOO long to farm and don’t give any survivability unlike Skadi. (My opinion goes for Stygian)
    An other advantage of Helm of the Dominator is that it can be upgraded to Satanic, which is one of the power items very late game.
    On a further note, Skadi leaves the path open for other orb effects like Lightning, unlike Stygian and HotD.
    You won’t have enough item slots, you should sell a Bracer/Band or Bottle by now. I would go for selling Bottle.

    Step 8
    Buy Butterfly. This item is the **** by now. It not only gives you tremendous DPS, it also helps a lot against heroes like Mirana and Terrorblade by now. Again you won’t have enough item slots, sell a Bracer/Band or Bottle now.

    Step 9
    Filling the last slots. If you went Skadi, you should buy a Mjollnir or a Satanic. If you went Helm of the Dominator, you should finish Satanic. With Stygian, you should go for Buriza by now. Again you won’t have enough item slots, sell a Bracer/Band or Bottle now.

    Step 10
    If you went Boots of Travel, you will have one slot (semi) free. With Skadi and Helm of the Dominator, get Buriza. With Stygian, get Heart of Terrasque.
    If you went Power Treads, sell it and get Boots of Travel.

    Step 11
    If you went Power Treads and you sold it by now, repeat step 10.

    First off you should buy 2 Circlets of Nobility and 2 Set’s of Tangs. You don’t need very much early regeneration because you are going for Bottle anyway.
    In 90% of all cases you should go solo mid. Solo mid is the most ideal lane for the Nevermore. He can farm there undisturbed and he can fight uphill to get the maximum out of his Razes and last hits.
    The Shadowfiend has the potential of a great solo hero. Yet against some heroes, he is gonna lose horribly if not played extremely cautious. Your worst solo enemies are these, especially the first one;
    Viper the Netherdrake

    Boush the Tinker

    Dual lanes, such as the Slayer and the Skeleton King
    Your best bet against these heroes is using Shadowraze © to it’s maximum. You can hit creeps at 900 range then (Raze has a 225 AoE if i remember correctly). A Viper cannot hit you from there. Remember when facing heroes as Viper, always wear a TP-Scroll, so you can always teleport back to base when you are getting Orb-owned.
    The most important factors for carries are staying alive and FARM. Farm is possibly the most important thing in whole DotA, no hero can go without farm, and especially not carries. Normally i don’t point out “checkpoints” too much, but for a hero like Nevermore, the best farmer in the game, you really should have reached the 200 cs by the 50 minutes mark, preferably even a little sooner.
    The things that “make” Nevermore is his ability to farm and his early lane control. He is one of the very few agility heroes that have such lane control. Yet don’t go too aggressive in your lane. Even with a hero with so potential, you should play “careful”. This all because you cannot afford to die. A 0-0 Nevermore with 100 cs does better in general than a 5-3 Nevermore with 70 cs.
    Anyways, coming back to the things that make Nevermore, he isn’t naturally the most powerful carry, not by far. Any Terrorblade rapes Nevermore by the 60 min mark if they are almost equally farmed. But Nevermore can farm more than any other hero in the game because he has the potential of destroying creep waves in less than 3 seconds, over and over again. Of all carry heroes, Nevermore is probably the weakest, yet with his potential to farm, Nevermore suddenly gets a lot stronger. That is why Nevermore should always have the most creep score in the game. This is of course not always possible, but you should at least try to. For a comparison, if you have the same cs as a _LightOfHeaven_ in any game, you are doing fine.
    If you have chosen to get Boots of Travel, you must have a different play style then when you would have gone for Treads. With Boots of Travel you should always look for the spot in the map where there are a lot of creeps. Use your Razes to destroy the wave and take another wave. Then go back and get some neutrals and wait for your TP to cooldown again. Remember, don’t go in the dangerous spots unless you surely know that you cannot be ganked or that you can escape the gank. Always watch your mini map, not only to look for nice farm spots, but you should always know for 50% where the enemies are.
    In team battles, it depends a lot on your items how to play. For example, you wait for the best time to use your Black King Bar. When magic immunity is activated, walk further in and make sure to kill at least one enemy support hero (Lina/Lesh/Lich/low HP heroes). Make sure you don’t die directly after the 9 second during magic immunity.
    However, if you have Lothar’s, you must make sure they cannot spot you when you go invisible. So you depend more on your (supporting) allies that they can save your ass with Sentries for example.
    When having Skadi, you can go LITTLE more aggressive in team battles, you have more EHP now.
    Anyways, in general, make sure not to die in team battles, if you survive during it, you are doing fine. Preferably go stand behind trees, make sure you are attacking enemy heroes and get as much razes off as possible. Now your tanking ally should go in (Skelly/Sven for example). If you can THEN activate BkB and get Requiem of Souls off. When having Lothar’s you must initiate, however, you have to make sure your allies will go in after you so that you can back off a little.
    You can in general playing carries like this: Always wear a TP-Scroll and farm and farm. Then you see your team is having a fight, and TP to your team. Rarely YOU should be the one looking for a gank. It’s ok to assist in ganks (although also not too much), but you’d better farm and only be there during important battles.
    Early game, you should try to reach the maximum amount of souls as soon as possible, you can do this with last hit or with Shadowraze. Try to mix both methods to reach the best result. For me, early game is almost over when you have level 4 Shadowraze.
    Mid game you SHOULD, so it goes as fast as possible, use 2 Razes to destroy a whole creep wave, i always do it like this: Attack a creep at maximum range with your normal attack. Then press C and then press X. If you want to save some mana, attack all melee creeps twice and the ranged creep(s) once, then use Shadowraze (X). If you want to save a lot of mana, just auto attack-last hit/last hit them. This isn’t very preferable since you are wasting your potential to farm then.
    Late game comes when 2 Razes aren’t enough to destroy a whole wave. If you aren’t pushing (so intentionally farming) you must attack all creeps once, and then use press X and C. You also can attack all melee creeps twice and the ranged creeps once and then use Shadowraze (X), you will have enough damage for that by now. “Why shouldn’t i just use X and C first and then attack the remaining creeps?” I have done this for a long time, but after experience i noticed that you ALWAYS miss at least 2 creeps. With the same easiness (first attacking, then Razing) you will get all creeps, whole game long. For the same reason you shouldn’t use your 3 Razes.

    Remember The NIck B-Net as I use in B-net Public _LightOfHeaven_
    Last edited by dWaVezZ-; 04-12-09 at 08:32.

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  3. #2
    dWaVezZ-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dWaVezZ- View Post
    Maap kalo pake bahasa inggris ! (malas nerjemahinnya)

    ini Guide Orang Luar Negeri yang Pro sekali memainkan SF jadi akan beda dengan pemikiran2 orang2 indo

    kalo mao comment jgn nyesek2 ,, soalnya saya orangnya emosian

    This guide was created by NXM.NunnoX. Good job!
    I have decided to write a guide for the Nevermore, the Shadowfiend because he is one of my favorite heroes in DotA Allstars, and in my opinion, very hard to play. His primary nuke can be devastating, his Necromastery can destroy last hit depending heroes and his ultimate also can be devastating. Now that sounds a little bit to imbalanced, but it isnt. Shadowraze definitely requires some skill(although not as much as most think), Necromastery requires some serious last hit skills and his ultimate is only useful if timed correctly and if you are able to use it. His ultimate needs an item. Let it be Lothar’s Edge or Black King Bar.
    The Shadowfiend should be played as a carry hero, so farming and staying alive are very important for him.

    Skill Build
    Level 1. Necromastery
    Level 2 and 3. Shadowraze
    Level 4. Necromastery
    Level 5. Shadowraze
    Level 6. Necromastery
    Level 7. Shadowraze
    Level 8. Necromastery
    Level 9. Presence of the Dark Lord
    Level 10 and 11. Requiem of Souls
    Level 12 - 14. Presence of the Dark Lord
    Level 15. Stats
    Level 16. Requiem of Souls
    Level 17 - 25. Stats
    Additional notes
    Getting Necromastery at level 1 is a must, but you can switch the order of Necromastery and Shadowraze thereafter. It depends on your lane control. If you aren’t able to get any creeps, level Shadowraze as soon as possible. If you just have too few damage to do anything against your enemy, level Shadowraze. If your opponent isn’t in your lane quite a while (example: when you solo Beastmaster, he ganks a lot) level Necromastery.
    You can get Requiem of Souls at level 9, and Presence of the Dark Lord at 10, it doesn’t matter at all.

    This build is the cookie cutter build, the build that always should be used. Shadowraze is your primary weapon of achieving lane control, but don’t underestimate Necromastery. Requiem of Souls is a good ultimate, yet not so devastating as many think. At level 1, it sucks, it deals less damage then Shadowraze then so you’d better use that mana for Shadowraze.

    Item Build
    This actually is the main reason why i decided to write this guide. So many items work on the Shadowfiend. I think the best idea to get to a decent item build is thinking in steps, so let’s start:
    Step 1
    The very first step is buying 2 Circlets and 2 sets of Tango’s, that is for me the ideal start on the Nevermore.

    Step 2
    Buy Bottle. For a hero who always should solo mid this will always remain the best item. It establishes your lane control. Get it AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, KTHX.

    Step 3
    Buy Boots of Speed.

    Step 4
    Lothar’s Edge or Black King Bar? In the previous version, you should always get Dagger. It owned. Nowadays, it has been nerfed, and Lothar’s has been buffed. However, Lothar’s provides little in teambattles, in my opinion. However, it also depends a lot on your line-up. Against an line-up with Beastmaster and Magnus, BkB has very little use, since both ultimates go trough BkB.
    Anyway, get one of these items as soon as possible, just after Boots of Speed.

    Step 5
    In my opinion, staying alive is the MOST important factor for a carry hero. So in my opinion, Bracers are almost always preferable over Wraith Bands. But for 70% it is personal preference. So now use your 2 Circlets that you have already bought to finish your Bracers/Wraith Bands. If you go for Treads, you only have 2 slots left (Power Treads, TP-scroll, Bottle, BkB/Lothar’s), so you should buy 2 of them. With Boots of travel, you have 3 slots left, so get 3 of them.

    Step 6
    Boots of Travel or Power Treads? In this version, my opinion goes for Power Treads. Boots of Travel is more farm orientated. It mostly depends on the current game. Are we losing, need i to get powerful fast? Get Power Treads. Do we have 4 (early game) ganks heroes, do i need to be the powerful one later? Get Boots of Travel. Again, my opinion goes for Power Treads, but for a more farm orientated game, go for Boots of Travel. If you go Power Treads, you should get or a AGI Treads, or STR Treads. My vote again goes for STR Treads. REMEMBER: When going for Power Treads, ALWAYS CARRY A TP-SCROLL, I REPEAT, ALWAYS CARRY A TP-SCROLL. With that being said, remember that Power Treads takes two slots(Treads + Scroll(s)). Anyways, extremely late game, always get Boots of Travel. It saves you a slot +it makes you able to teleport anywhere on the map where a creep is, that ability is invaluable.

    Step 7
    So you have finished what i call the core build, so what now? In the earlier versions, Skadi was the ****. In the newer versions, Skadi is just too slow. Skadi is an EXCELLENT item on Nevermore, don’t get me wrong, but i think it is too slow. Yet if you are farming extremely well, and if you got Boots of Travel, Skadi still is an excellent choice. Anyways, i think it is too slow so you’d better move on to other items. In my opinion, the very two best items after the core build are Stygian Desolator and Helm of the Dominator. As you notice, they both are Orbs, so you cannot get them both. They both are cheap (the other even MUCH cheaper), and they both give you mid game bonuses. Stygian isn’t one of the best very late game items, so you should buy it before the 40 min mark. Stygian is also a lot more expensive. So you should get Stygian if you are farming decently well mid game, and you need some quick assistance to your team (if your team does (really) fine, get Skadi) get Stygian. However, if your team does need quick(er) assistance, and you aren’t farming that well get Helm of the Dominator. Other items like Mjollnir and Butterfly own, but they take TOO long to farm and don’t give any survivability unlike Skadi. (My opinion goes for Stygian)
    An other advantage of Helm of the Dominator is that it can be upgraded to Satanic, which is one of the power items very late game.
    On a further note, Skadi leaves the path open for other orb effects like Lightning, unlike Stygian and HotD.
    You won’t have enough item slots, you should sell a Bracer/Band or Bottle by now. I would go for selling Bottle.

    Step 8
    Buy Butterfly. This item is the **** by now. It not only gives you tremendous DPS, it also helps a lot against heroes like Mirana and Terrorblade by now. Again you won’t have enough item slots, sell a Bracer/Band or Bottle now.

    Step 9
    Filling the last slots. If you went Skadi, you should buy a Mjollnir or a Satanic. If you went Helm of the Dominator, you should finish Satanic. With Stygian, you should go for Buriza by now. Again you won’t have enough item slots, sell a Bracer/Band or Bottle now.

    Step 10
    If you went Boots of Travel, you will have one slot (semi) free. With Skadi and Helm of the Dominator, get Buriza. With Stygian, get Heart of Terrasque.
    If you went Power Treads, sell it and get Boots of Travel.

    Step 11
    If you went Power Treads and you sold it by now, repeat step 10.

    First off you should buy 2 Circlets of Nobility and 2 Set’s of Tangs. You don’t need very much early regeneration because you are going for Bottle anyway.
    In 90% of all cases you should go solo mid. Solo mid is the most ideal lane for the Nevermore. He can farm there undisturbed and he can fight uphill to get the maximum out of his Razes and last hits.
    The Shadowfiend has the potential of a great solo hero. Yet against some heroes, he is gonna lose horribly if not played extremely cautious. Your worst solo enemies are these, especially the first one;
    Viper the Netherdrake

    Boush the Tinker

    Dual lanes, such as the Slayer and the Skeleton King
    Your best bet against these heroes is using Shadowraze © to it’s maximum. You can hit creeps at 900 range then (Raze has a 225 AoE if i remember correctly). A Viper cannot hit you from there. Remember when facing heroes as Viper, always wear a TP-Scroll, so you can always teleport back to base when you are getting Orb-owned.
    The most important factors for carries are staying alive and FARM. Farm is possibly the most important thing in whole DotA, no hero can go without farm, and especially not carries. Normally i don’t point out “checkpoints” too much, but for a hero like Nevermore, the best farmer in the game, you really should have reached the 200 cs by the 50 minutes mark, preferably even a little sooner.
    The things that “make” Nevermore is his ability to farm and his early lane control. He is one of the very few agility heroes that have such lane control. Yet don’t go too aggressive in your lane. Even with a hero with so potential, you should play “careful”. This all because you cannot afford to die. A 0-0 Nevermore with 100 cs does better in general than a 5-3 Nevermore with 70 cs.
    Anyways, coming back to the things that make Nevermore, he isn’t naturally the most powerful carry, not by far. Any Terrorblade rapes Nevermore by the 60 min mark if they are almost equally farmed. But Nevermore can farm more than any other hero in the game because he has the potential of destroying creep waves in less than 3 seconds, over and over again. Of all carry heroes, Nevermore is probably the weakest, yet with his potential to farm, Nevermore suddenly gets a lot stronger. That is why Nevermore should always have the most creep score in the game. This is of course not always possible, but you should at least try to. For a comparison, if you have the same cs as a _LightOfHeaven_ in any game, you are doing fine.
    If you have chosen to get Boots of Travel, you must have a different play style then when you would have gone for Treads. With Boots of Travel you should always look for the spot in the map where there are a lot of creeps. Use your Razes to destroy the wave and take another wave. Then go back and get some neutrals and wait for your TP to cooldown again. Remember, don’t go in the dangerous spots unless you surely know that you cannot be ganked or that you can escape the gank. Always watch your mini map, not only to look for nice farm spots, but you should always know for 50% where the enemies are.
    In team battles, it depends a lot on your items how to play. For example, you wait for the best time to use your Black King Bar. When magic immunity is activated, walk further in and make sure to kill at least one enemy support hero (Lina/Lesh/Lich/low HP heroes). Make sure you don’t die directly after the 9 second during magic immunity.
    However, if you have Lothar’s, you must make sure they cannot spot you when you go invisible. So you depend more on your (supporting) allies that they can save your ass with Sentries for example.
    When having Skadi, you can go LITTLE more aggressive in team battles, you have more EHP now.
    Anyways, in general, make sure not to die in team battles, if you survive during it, you are doing fine. Preferably go stand behind trees, make sure you are attacking enemy heroes and get as much razes off as possible. Now your tanking ally should go in (Skelly/Sven for example). If you can THEN activate BkB and get Requiem of Souls off. When having Lothar’s you must initiate, however, you have to make sure your allies will go in after you so that you can back off a little.
    You can in general playing carries like this: Always wear a TP-Scroll and farm and farm. Then you see your team is having a fight, and TP to your team. Rarely YOU should be the one looking for a gank. It’s ok to assist in ganks (although also not too much), but you’d better farm and only be there during important battles.
    Early game, you should try to reach the maximum amount of souls as soon as possible, you can do this with last hit or with Shadowraze. Try to mix both methods to reach the best result. For me, early game is almost over when you have level 4 Shadowraze.
    Mid game you SHOULD, so it goes as fast as possible, use 2 Razes to destroy a whole creep wave, i always do it like this: Attack a creep at maximum range with your normal attack. Then press C and then press X. If you want to save some mana, attack all melee creeps twice and the ranged creep(s) once, then use Shadowraze (X). If you want to save a lot of mana, just auto attack-last hit/last hit them. This isn’t very preferable since you are wasting your potential to farm then.
    Late game comes when 2 Razes aren’t enough to destroy a whole wave. If you aren’t pushing (so intentionally farming) you must attack all creeps once, and then use press X and C. You also can attack all melee creeps twice and the ranged creeps once and then use Shadowraze (X), you will have enough damage for that by now. “Why shouldn’t i just use X and C first and then attack the remaining creeps?” I have done this for a long time, but after experience i noticed that you ALWAYS miss at least 2 creeps. With the same easiness (first attacking, then Razing) you will get all creeps, whole game long. For the same reason you shouldn’t use your 3 Razes.

    Remember The NIck B-Net as I use in B-net Public _LightOfHeaven_
    nih wa kasih yang indonesian versinya

    tapi maap kalo salah2 bahasa

    Panduan ini dibuat oleh NXM.NunnoX. Good job!

    Saya telah memutuskan untuk menulis panduan untuk NeverMore , Karena Shadowfiend adalah salah satu Hero favorit saya di DotA Allstars, dan pendapat saya, sangat sulit untuk memakainya. ShadowRaze darinya dapat menghancurkan musuh,Necromastery darinya dapat Mendominasi Last Hit di lane dan Requiem Soul dapat menjadi senjata yang mengerikan. Tapi itu cukup adil bukan? , Karena ShadowRaze miliknya memerlukan Skill dan Keterampilan , NecroMastery Harus Di imbangin Skill Last Hit dan Requiem of souls membutuhkan timing penggunaan dan saat efektif jika tepat.Requiem Of Souls Membutuh bebarapa item seperti Lothar atau Black King Bar .Karena ShadowFiend adalah Carry Hero , jadi stay alive and farming sangat penting baginya
    Skill Build
    Level 1. Necromastery
    Level 2 dan 3. Shadowraze
    Level 4. Necromastery
    Level 5. Shadowraze
    Level 6. Necromastery
    Level 7. Shadowraze
    Tingkat 8. Necromastery
    Level 9. Presence of the Dark Lord
    Level 10 dan 11. Requiem of Souls
    Level 12 - 14. Presence of the Dark Lord
    Level 15. Stats
    Level 16. Requiem of Souls
    Level 17 - 25. Stats
    Catatan tambahan
    MendapatkanNecromastery pada level 1 adalah suatu keharusan, tetapi Anda dapat beralih urutan Necromastery dan Shadowraze setelahnya. Hal ini tergantung pada lane yg anda control. Jika Anda tidak bisa mendapatkan creep, tingkatkan Shadowraze sesegera mungkin. Jika Anda hanya perlu memiliki sedikit damage untuk melawan musuhmu, tingkatkan Shadowraze. Jika lawan bukan hero stay in lane (contoh: ketika Anda melawan solo Beastmaster, yang banyak melakukan ganking lane lain) take Necromastery.
    Anda bisa mendapatkan Requiem of Souls di level 9, dan Presence of the Dark Lord di 10, itu tidak masalah sama sekali.

    Guide ini adalah guide cetakan kue, yang dimana selalu harus digunakan. Shadowraze adalah senjata utama Anda untuk mengontrol lane, tapi jangan meremehkan Necromastery. Requiem of Souls adalah ultimate yang baik, namun tidak begitu parah seperti yang kita pikirkan. Pada level 1, itu menyebalkan, Karena R.O.S mengeluarkan damage kurang dari shadowRaze . jadi pakai mana anda untuk ShdwRaze

    Item Build
    Ini sebenarnya adalah alasan utama mengapa saya memutuskan untuk menulis panduan ini. Jadi banyak item efektif untuk Shadowfiend. Saya pikir ide terbaik untuk mendapatkan barang yang tercantum dalam langkah-langkah berikut , jadi mari kita mulai:
    Langkah 1
    Langkah pertama adalah membeli 2 CiRClet dan 2 set Tango's, yang ideal bagi saya untuk awal bagi Nevermore
    Langkah 2
    Beli Botol. Bagi seorang carry hero yang selalu harus solo , ini akan selalu tetap item yang terbaik. Ini agar anda dapat melakukan lane control dengan baik. DAPATKAN SECEPAT MUNGKIN MUNGKIN, KTHX.

    Langkah 3
    Beli Boots of Speed.

    Langkah 4
    Lothar's Edge atau Black King Bar? Pada versi sebelumnya, Anda harus selalu mendapatkan Dagger. Itu wajib . Saat ini, telah terkena delay jika di serang, dan Lothar telah di improve menjadi lebih baik. Namun, Lothar tidak begitu efektif untuk teambattles, itu menurut pendapat saya. Namun, hal ini juga tergantung banyak pada enemy lane. Melawan Beastmaster dan Magnus, BKB sedikit lebih berguna , semenjak ultimate nevermore menggunakan BKB
    Pokoknya, dapatkan salah satu item ini secepat mungkin, tepat setelah Boots of Speed.

    Langkah 5
    Menurut pendapat saya, Staying alive adalah FAKtor Paling penting untuk carry Hero. Jadi menurut pendapat saya, hampir selalu Bracers lebih baik atas Wraith Bands. Tapi untuk 70% itu adalah pilihan pribadi. Jadi sekarang Gunakan 2 Circlet Anda untuk menyelesaikan Bracers / Wraith Bands. Jika Anda akan memilih PT, Anda hanya memiliki 2 slot Sisa(Power Tread, TP-sCroll, Botol, BKB / Lothar 's), Anda harus membeli 2 Bracer atau Wraith Band. Dengan BOT, Anda memiliki 3 slot sisa, sehingga memperoleh 3 Bracer atau Wraith Band

    Langkah 6
    Boots of Travel atau Power Trade? Dalam versi ini, pendapat saya pergi untuk Power tread. Boots of Travel adalah lebih orientasi farming. Ini sebagian besar tergantung pada permainan saat ini. Apakah kita harus melakukan Solo Kill n strong in early? Dapatkan Power Tread. Apakah kita memilih untuk ganking hero dan strong in Late ? Dapatkan Boots of Travel. Sekali lagi, pendapat saya pergi untuk Power tread, tetapi untuk Farming yang lebih berorientasi, Gunakan Boots of Travel. Jika Anda memilih Power tread, Anda harus mendapatkan status AGI atau STR PT.Voting saya lebih bagus untuk STR. INGAT: Ketika memilih Power trade, SELALU BAWA TP-Scroll, Saya ULG, SELALU BAWA TP-Scroll. Dengan itu dikatakan, ingat bahwa Power trade membutuhkan dua slot (PT + TP-Scroll). atau, Jika permainan berlasung lama maka dapatkan BOT. Ini menghemat slot + itu membuat Anda dapat teleport di mana pun pada peta di mana creep, kemampuan itu sangat Berguna.

    Langkah 7
    Jadi anda telah mengerti apa yang saya sebut inti Guide, jadi apa sekarang? Pada versi sebelumnya, Skadi adalah sampah. Dalam versi yang lebih baru, Skadi adalah membuat slow lbh efektif. Skadi adalah EXceLLent item pada Nevermore, jangan salah paham, tetapi saya pikir terlalu lambat. Namun, jika Anda farming sangat baik, dan jika Anda mendapat Boots of Travel, Skadi masih merupakan pilihan yang sangat baik. atau, saya pikir itu terlalu lambat sehingga Anda akan lebih baik pindah ke item lain. Menurut pendapat saya, dua item terbaik inti Guide ini adalah Stygian Desolator dan Helm of Dominator. Seperti yang Anda perhatikan, 2 item itu mengandung Orbs, sehingga Anda tidak bisa mendapatkan kedua duanya. Selain itu dua barang itu murah , dan memberi Anda bonus di pertengahan permainan. Stygian bukan salah satu yang terbaik untuk late game, jadi Anda harus membeli sebelum menit 40., Anda harus mendapatkan Stygian jika Anda melakukan good farming di pertengahan permainan, dan Anda memerlukan Respond yg cepat ke tim Anda (jika tim Anda mendapat lane control yang baik),(dapatkan Skadi(jika sangat baik) mendapatkan Stygian. Namun, jika tim Anda tidak, dan anda tidak mendapatkan farming yang baik ,Helm Of Dominator. Barang lain seperti Mjollnir dan ButterFly sendiri, tetapi mereka mengambil TERLALU banyak untuk farming dan tidak memberikan kemampuan mempertahankan diri seperti Skadi.
    Sebuah keuntungan lain dari Helm Of Dominator adalah dapat menjadi Satanic yang merupakan salah satu late game item yang baik. Pada catatan selanjutnya, Skadi meninggalkan jalan terbuka untuk Orbs lain seperti Lightning, tidak seperti Stygian dan HotD.
    Anda tidak akan memiliki cukup item slot, Anda harus menjual Bracer / Band atau Botol sekarang /

    Langkah 8
    Membeli Butterfly. Item ini adalah Semakin menjadi jadi sekarang. Tidak hanya memberi Anda DPS luar biasa, tetapi juga membantu banyak untuk menanggulangi hero seperti Mirana dan Terrorblade seperti sekarang. Lagi Anda tidak akan punya cukup item slot, menjual Bracer / Band atau Botol sekarang.

    Langkah 9
    Mengisi slot terakhir. Jika Anda memilih Skadi, Anda harus membeli Mjollnir atau Satanic. Jika Anda memilih Helm Of Dominator, Anda harus menyelesaikan Satanic. Dengan Stygian, Anda harus membeli untuk Buriza sekarang. Lagi Anda tidak akan punya cukup item slot, menjual Bracer / Band atau Botol sekarang.

    Langkah 10
    Jika Anda take Boots of Travel, Anda akan memiliki satu slot gratis. Dengan Skadi dan Helm Of Dominator, dapatkan Buriza. Dengan Stygian, dapatkan Heart of Terrasque.
    Jika Anda memilih Power trade, jualnya dan dapatkan Boots of Travel.

    Langkah 11
    Jika Anda memilih Power trade dan jual sekarang, ulangi langkah 10.

    Pertama Anda harus membeli 2 Circlet of nobility dan 2 Set's of Tang0s. Anda tidak perlu banyak regenerasi dini karena Anda akan tetap untuk Botol.
    Dalam 90% dari semua kasus, Anda harus pergi solo mid. Solo mid adalah jalur yang paling ideal untuk Nevemore. Dia bisa dapat melakukan farming tanpa ternganggu dan dapat melakukan duel dengan Raze yang di milikinya dengan maksimal . Shadowfiend memiliki potensi yang besar untuk solo. Namun terhadap beberapa Hero, ia akan akan kalah mengerikan jika tidak bermain sangat berhati-hati. Terburuk Anda musuh solo ini, terutama yang pertama;

    Viper yang Netherdrake

    Boush yang Tinker

    Jalur ganda, seperti Slayer dan Sekeleton King


    Senjatamu melawan Hero itu yaitu menggunakan Shadowraze © untuk maksimum. Anda dapat memberikan damage pada 900 range lebih (ShadowRaze memiliki 225 aoe jika saya ingat dengan benar). Viper or Tinker tidak bisa memberikan damage dari sana. Ingat ketika menghadapi Hero seperti Viper, selalu memakai TP-Scroll, sehingga Anda dapat selalu kembali ke Fountain ketika Anda terkena Stuck Orb.

    Faktor yang paling penting untuk carry hero yaitu staying alive dan FARM. Farming mungkin merupakan hal yang paling penting di seluruh DOTA, tiada hero tanpa farming, dan terutama no carry hero. Biasanya saya tidak menunjukkan suatu keharusan yg terlalu banyak, tapi untuk seorang hero seperti SF, farming terbaik di game, Anda benar-benar harus telah mencapai 200 cs di menit 50, bahkan sedikit lebih cepat.
    itu hal-hal yang membuat SF dapat melakukan farming dan lane control yg baik . Dia adalah salah satu dari sedikit agi hero yang memiliki late control yang baik . Namun jangan terlalu agresif dalam lane anda.Ini semua karena say no for die to NvM. Frag 0-0 SF dengan 100 cs lebih baik secara umum dari 5-3 SF dengan 70 cs.
    Anyways, kembali ke hal-hal yang berhubungan dgn nvm, ia bukan carryhero yang paling baik, biarpun tdk terlalu jauh. Setiap Terrorblade akan membunuh SF di menit 60 jika mereka memiliki farm yg sama. Tapi SF memiliki potensi lebih dari hero lain karena dia dapat menghancurkan wave creep kurang dari 3 detik. Dari semua carry hero, Nvm mungkin adalah paling lemah(Low Str), namun dengan potensi farmingnya, SFdapat menjadi lebih kuat. Itu sebabnya SF harus selalu memiliki skor creeping paling atas dalam permainan. Hal ini tentu saja tidak selalu mungkin, tetapi Anda setidaknya harus mencoba. Untuk perbandingan, jika Anda memiliki cs yang sama Seperti _LightOfHeaven_ dalam setiap permainan, Anda sudah melakukannya dengan baik.

    Jika Anda telah memilih untuk mendapatkan Boots of Travel, Anda harus memiliki style bermain yang berbeda kemudian ketika Anda akan dengan tread. Dengan Boots of Travel Anda harus selalu mencari tempat di peta di mana terdapat wave creep terbanyak. Gunakan Raze untuk menghancurkan nya . Kemudian kembali dan mendapatkan beberapa nuetral creep dan menunggu BOT untuk cooldown lagi. Ingat, jangan Tele ke danger Spot kecuali jika Anda pasti tahu bahwa Anda tidak terkena ganked atau bahwa Anda dapat lolos dari gank. Selalu melihat peta mini Anda, bukan hanya untuk mencari tempat farming spot, tapi Anda harus selalu tahu sebesar 50% di mana musuh berada.
    Dalam pertempuran tim, itu tergantung banyak pada item dan Anda cara bermain. Sebagai contoh, Anda menunggu waktu terbaik untuk menggunakan Black King Bar. Ketika BKB diaktifkan, berjalan lebih jauh dalam dan pastikan untuk membunuh setidaknya satu hero support musuh (Lina / Lesh / Lich / HP Low Hero). Pastikan Anda tidak mati langsung selama BKB aktif 9 sec.
    Namun, jika Anda memiliki Lothar, Anda harus memastikan mereka tidak mengetahui Anda ketika Anda mengaktifkan invisible. Sehingga Anda lebih bergantung pada support allies bahwa mereka dapat menyelamatkanmu dari sentry misalnya.
    Jika dengan Skadi, Anda dapat SEDIKIT melakukan tim war yang lebih agresif dalam pertempuran, Anda memiliki HP lebih sekarang.

    Anyways, secara umum, pastikan untuk tidak mati dalam pertempuran tim, jika Anda dapat bertahan Anda sudah melakukannya dengan baik. Sebaiknya lakukan hide in trees untuk mencari Fog, dan pastikan anda dapat menyerang secara maksimal dengan ShdwRaze secara maksimal jg. Sekarang tergantung di tanking allies ( Sven misalnya)untuk Open war dan Anda dapat mengaktifkan BKB Kemudian melepaskan Requiem of Souls. Jika Lothar Anda harus melakukan open war Namun, Anda harus memastikan allies Anda akan masuk ke war setelah Anda sehingga Anda bisa mundur sedikit.
    Anda dapat bermain secara umum membawa seperti ini: Selalu memakai TP-Scroll dan farming dan farming. Kemudian jika Anda melihat tim Anda terpaksa melakukan duel karena terkena ganked misalnya, sebisa mungkin Gunakan teleport untuk back Up. Dan sebisa mungkin untuk lakukan counter ganks . It's ok jika anda hanya menjadi assist team(biarpun tdk begitu membantu), tetapi Anda akan lebih baik farm dan hanya berada di sana selama pertempuran penting.

    Awal permainan, Anda harus mencoba untuk mencapai jumlah maksimum Soul secepat mungkin, Anda dapat melakukan ini dengan auto last hit atau dengan ShdwRaze. Cobalah untuk mencampur kedua metode untuk mencapai hasil terbaik. Bagi saya, permainan awal hampir dapat d dominasi bila Anda
    telah mempunyai level 4 ShadowRaze

    Mid game adalah Timing (20-40 min) Terbaik bagi SF, Jadi Lakukanlah sebaik mungkin, menggunakan 2 Razes untuk menghancurkan seluruh wave creep, saya selalu melakukannya seperti ini: Serang yang creep di jangkauan maksimum dengan serangan normal Anda. Kemudian tekan C dan kemudian tekan X. Jika anda ingin menyimpan beberapa mana, menyerang semua creep melee dua kali dan range creep (s) sekali, kemudian gunakan Shadowraze (X). Jika Anda ingin menyimpan banyak mana, hanya serangan auto-last hit creep . Ini tidak terlalu disukai karena Anda akan menyia-nyiakan potensi untuk peternakan kemudian.
    di late game condition 2 shadowRaze tdk cukup untuk menghancurkan seluruh wave creep. Jika Anda tidak melakukan push line (farming), Anda harus menyerang semua creep sekali, dan kemudian gunakan tekan X dan C. Anda juga dapat menyerang creep berkisar dua kali dan range sekali dan kemudian menggunakan Shadowraze (X), Anda akan memiliki damage cukup untuk itu sekarang. "Mengapa sebaiknya hanya menggunakan X dan C terlebih dahulu dan kemudian menyerang sisa creep?" Saya telah melakukan ini untuk waktu yang lama, tapi setelah pengalaman saya perhatikan bahwa Anda SELALU menyisakan minimal 2 creep . Dengan kemudahan yang sama (pertama menyerang, kemudian meratakan) Anda akan mendapatkan semua creep, untuk game late. Untuk alasan yang sama Anda tidak boleh menggunakan 3 Raze Anda.

  4. #3
    dWaVezZ-'s Avatar
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    kok ga ada yang mampir sih?

  5. #4
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    oh, ini guide?

    cuma tulisan doang, gak ada yg mau baca, bosen

  6. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by iAmRock View Post
    oh, ini guide?

    cuma tulisan doang, gak ada yg mau baca, bosen
    tapi maknanya dalam kk

    baca deh!

  7. #6
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    norah dhe

  8. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by banzaiii View Post
    norah dhe
    np lo? ud wa bante aja masih gaya

    mo by1 lage > jgn dah! tar level 2 wa first Blood

  9. #8

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    ini yg buat lightofheaven?
    ko rada garing yah g bacanya,sumpah
    ga ada taktik yg bnr2 make nvm
    If you have chosen to get Boots of Travel, you must have a different play style then when you would have gone for Treads. With Boots of Travel you should always look for the spot in the map where there are a lot of creeps. Use your Razes to destroy the wave and take another wave. Then go back and get some neutrals and wait for your TP to cooldown again.

    ini mah buat smua hero juga bs kali --a

  10. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by doom_xyz_777 View Post
    ini yg buat lightofheaven?
    ko rada garing yah g bacanya,sumpah
    ga ada taktik yg bnr2 make nvm
    If you have chosen to get Boots of Travel, you must have a different play style then when you would have gone for Treads. With Boots of Travel you should always look for the spot in the map where there are a lot of creeps. Use your Razes to destroy the wave and take another wave. Then go back and get some neutrals and wait for your TP to cooldown again.

    ini mah buat smua hero juga bs kali --a
    tanya sama NXM.Nunnoxnya kk

    wa cuma mengopy aja


    tapi emang bener dunk

    jarang hero yang langsung incer travel

    n cuma nvm satu satunya yang dapat melakukan ini

    hero lain tele ke tempat banyak creep jg blom tentu mendapat creep secara maksimal beda dengan nevermore yang dapat memaksimal teleport dari BOt secara efektif

    ini yg buat bukan LightOfheaven kk tapi NXM.NunnoX

    dia cuma blg kalo bsa menyamai Cs dari _LightOfHeaven_ berarti kau melakukanya dengan baik

    demikian penjelasanya kk

    kalo penasaran saya bsa mempraktekan pro nvm untuk mu kk (biarpun rada2 ***** kalo maen team)

    demikian penjelasanya kk

    my nick: dWaVezZ- , _LightOfHeaven_ , jkt-gedebacot IDGS Public

    TRima kasih atas commentnya
    Last edited by dWaVezZ-; 06-12-09 at 09:36.

  11. #10

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    alah guide gaje aja .
    cuma ngopy doang ?
    alah cacad

  12. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by martinxz View Post
    alah guide gaje aja .
    cuma ngopy doang ?
    alah cacad
    ngomong sopan dkit lo !

    wa ga ada urusan ama lo?

    lo ud jago?

    by1 aja sne !

  13. #12

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    oee light
    lg ntn replay yg td kita by 1 ?

  14. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by martinxz View Post
    alah guide gaje aja .
    cuma ngopy doang ?
    alah cacad
    jgn gitu om...

    kau sendiri jg cuma copas =.=

  15. #14

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    Quote Originally Posted by chria5k View Post
    jgn gitu om...

    kau sendiri jg cuma copas =.=
    eh gw copas mnding . gw gnti" isi nya .
    gag smua copas .
    gag kya dya .

  16. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by TopStaR_hOI View Post
    oee light
    lg ntn replay yg td kita by 1 ?
    jadi malu kk

    knp di tonton trus ?

    bru liad nvm yang memukau ya?


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