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    Default Nevermore the Shadow Fiend Guide (belom slesai jgn dcomment thx)


    Nevermore Character Story :

    A demon of the burning legion so abhorred that he makes the skin of even his fellow demons crawl, Nevermore is a creature of the shadows that consumes the souls of those around him. When the Shadow Fiend comes forth to battle, he augments his power with the souls he has consumed, bearing down on his enemies with spiritually enhanced attacks and powerful spiritual blasts. The Shadow Fiend is a terrifying opponent whom few have survived, and those who have perished under his tyranny have faced the most despicable fate of all.

    Advanced Statistic :

    * Affiliation: Scourge
    * Attack Animation: 0.5 / 0.54
    * Damage: 35 - 41
    * Casting Animation: 0.67 / 0.4
    * Armor: 1.9
    * Base Attack Time: 1.7
    * Movespeed: 300
    * Missile Speed: 1200
    * Attack Range: 500
    * Sight Range: 1800 / 800

    Strengths and Weaknesses

    Strengths :

    -Control Lane yang baik
    -Farming yang sangat enak dengan shadowraze
    -Ulti na termasuk damage terbesar dalam game .
    -Setelah Necromastery bertambah terus damage juga bertambah

    Weaknesses :

    -Base damage yang kecil
    -Base armor yang kecil
    -Bukan disable , hanya slower

    Nevermore Skill :

    Shadowraze (Z) Mana Cost : 75

    *Ability Type: Active
    *Targeting Type: Instant
    *Ability Hotkey: Z

    Blast an area 200 units in front of the Shadow Fiend.

    Shadowraze (X)
    Mana Cost : 75

    *Ability Type: Active
    *Targeting Type: Instant
    *Ability Hotkey: X

    Blast an area 450 units in front of the Shadow Fiend.

    Shadowraze (C)
    Mana Cost : 75

    *Ability Type: Active
    *Targeting Type: Instant
    *Ability Hotkey: C

    Blast an area 700 units in front of the Shadow Fiend.

    Necromastery (N)

    *Ability Type: Passive
    *Targeting Type: N/A
    *Ability Hotkey: N

    Whenever the Shadow Fiend kills a target, he stores the unfortunate soul inside of him. For each stored soul he gains 2 bonus damage until his own death releases half of them from bondage.

    * Level
    * Mana Cost
    * Cooldown
    * Casting range
    * Area of Effect
    * Duration
    * Allowed Targets
    * Effects

    * 1
    * N/A
    * N/A
    * N/A
    * N/A
    * N/A
    * Any unit
    * 16 damage limit

    * 2
    * N/A
    * N/A
    * N/A
    * N/A
    * N/A
    * Any unit
    * 32 damage limit

    * 3
    * N/A
    * N/A
    * N/A
    * N/A
    * N/A
    * Any unit
    * 46 damage limit

    * 4
    * N/A
    * N/A
    * N/A
    * N/A
    * N/A
    * Any unit
    * 60 damage limit


    • Heroes, denies and neutral creeps also provide Bonus damage through Necromastery.
    • The more souls Nevermore has, the more powerful Requiem of Souls will be.

    Presence of the Dark Lord (P)

    *Ability Type: Passive
    *Targeting Type: N/A
    *Ability Hotkey: P

    The presence of such a horrible creature terrifies nearby enemies, reducing their armor.

    * Level
    * Mana Cost
    * Cooldown
    * Casting range
    * Area of Effect
    * Duration
    * Allowed Targets
    * Effects

    * 1
    * N/A
    * N/A
    * N/A
    * 900
    * N/A
    * Enemy units
    * 2 armor reduction

    * 2
    * N/A
    * N/A
    * N/A
    * 900
    * N/A
    * Enemy units
    * 3 armor reduction

    * 3
    * N/A
    * N/A
    * N/A
    * 900
    * N/A
    * Enemy units
    * 4 armor reduction

    * 4
    * N/A
    * N/A
    * N/A
    * 900
    * N/A
    * Enemy units
    * 5 armor reduction


    • Fully stacks with other armor reduction abilities and auras.

    Requiem of Souls (R) Ultimate Mana Cost : 150/175/200

    *Ability Type: Active
    *Targeting Type: Instant
    *Ability Hotkey: R

    Summons evil spirits around you dealing damage to units in the area. Number of spirits is related to the number of souls stored and the movement/damage reduction is related to the distance from the Shadow Fiend. Lowers movement speed and damage of nearby units. The closer the units are the greater the effect.
    * Level
    * Mana Cost
    * Cooldown
    * Casting range
    * Area of Effect
    * Duration
    * Allowed Targets
    * Effects

    * 1
    * 150
    * 120 seconds
    * N/A
    * 1300
    * 5 seconds
    * Enemy units
    * 80 damage for each line, 15% reduction

    * 2
    * 175
    * 110 seconds
    * N/A
    * 1325
    * 5 seconds
    * Enemy units
    * 120 damage for each line, 20% reduction

    * 3
    * 200
    * 100 seconds
    * N/A
    * 1350
    * 5 seconds
    * Enemy units
    * 160 damage for each line, 25% reduction


    • Damage type: magical
    • The amount of damage dealt is related to the number of souls captured with Necromastery.
    • Requiem of Souls generates damaging lines around Nevermore, 1 per 2 souls stored, for a maximum of 15 lines.
    • The closer the targeted unit is, the bigger the amount of lines affecting him.
    • Reduces both movement speed and attack damage of units in a 700 AoE.
    • This skill breaks invisibility a short time before it's released.
    • This skill has a 1 second cast time

    Skill Build :

    1. Necromastery
    2. Shadowraze
    3. Shadowraze
    4. Necromastery
    5. Shadowraze
    6. Necromastery
    7. Shadowraze
    8. Necromastery
    9. Requiem of Souls
    10. Presence of the Dark Lord
    11. Requiem of Souls
    12-14. Presence of the Dark Lord
    15. Stats
    16. Requiem of Souls
    17-25. Stats

    Necromastery diambil d awal untuk menambah damage , usahakan deny dan last hit creep .
    Shadowraze dinaikkan 2 level di awal untuk instant damage yang lumayan , dan bisa untuk creeping .
    Ultimate diambil ketika level 9 , karena damage ulti di level 1 , tidak terlalu besar . dan kita butuh soul penuh untuk melakukan ulti .
    Ulti tanpa shadowraze , sama seperti Eclipse Luna , tanpa Lucent Beam .
    Presence of the Dark Lord diambil setelah ultimate , dan 5 armor itu sangar untuk hero killer seperti nevermore .

    Items :

    Botol berguna untuk hero seperti SF . pengisian hp dan mana yang cukup baik .
    dan bisa bertahan lama di lane .

    nice item untuk SF .
    bisa tele untuk membantu teman dan farming yang enak karena bisa tele ke tmpat farming .

    OR ??

    Pro dan kontra Lothar Edge :
    Pro :
    -Bisa untuk kabur , dan ms ketika windwalk cukup kencang .
    -AS dan damage
    Kontra :
    -Bisa dicounter dengan ward or gem .
    -Lebih mudah dihindari ketika ulti .

    Pro dan kontra Kellen Dagger :
    Pro :
    -Lebih murah
    -Pemosisian Ultimate yang baik
    Kontra :
    -3 detik setelah menerima damage hero baru bisa blink lagi
    -Tanpa AS dan damage .

    Jadi lothar or kellen ?
    kalo gw sih lothar .
    windwalk berguna , dan ada damage + AS .

    Item wajib gw , kalo di Nvm .
    Damage yang bagus , dan corruption yang dipadukan dengan Presence of the Dark Lord .

    nice nice nice .
    lifesteal yang berguna untuk farming terutama .
    Roshan .

    BKB , item yang bagus untuk nvm .
    casting ulti yang aman , dan penambahan hp dan damage yang lumayan .

    aspd yang baik .
    armor yang baik , karena armor nvm yang kerupuk.
    minus armor yang dipadukan dengan Presence of Dark Lord .

    damage,mana,hp,armor,ms,as .
    semua diberikan oleh manta style .
    item yang bagus , dan illusion yang membantu push d late game .

    item wajib hero agi .
    hhehe .
    kga usah dijelasin lagi,semua pemain dota juga tau ni nice item . ^^

    tarras tarras .
    nice hp , nice regen . ^^

    PlayStyle :

    Early game : (Level : 1-10)anda harus dan harus solo mid ! ! !
    karena dengan solo mid anda bisa mendapatkan level lebih .
    creeping lebih , karena solo .
    otomatis gold juga lebih .
    usahakan mendapat lothar dan bot dengan cepat .
    jgn ragu" untuk shadowraze , bila anda sulit untuk creeping .
    karena base damage nevermore yang kecil . ^^

    Mid game : (Level : 11-16)Kill kill dan kill

    war war sudah sering dilancarkan .
    anda bisa membuka war / datang belakangan .
    gunakan lothar atau kellen untuk melancarkan ultimate anda .
    cari posisi yang pas ( dekat hero ) .

    Late game : (Level : 16-25)

    ulti anda kurang begitu berasa oleh hero yang memiliki hp tebal .
    tapi jangan takut .
    dengan equip yang tepat dimiliki oleh anda .
    lawan tanker bukan masalah.
    usahakan streak sampai BeyondGodlike ^^

    The Friends and the Foes

    Friends :

    Hero yang membantu anda dalam pemosisian ulti yang baik , adalah best friend anda .

    Foes :

    aduh benci deh ketemu hero kya gini .
    d awal game ,di combo bisa langsung mati or skarat. mengingat hp SF yang kerupuk.

    Final Words

    Mungkin guide saya tidak terlalu bagus .
    maklum ini guide pertama saya .
    kalo ada yang ditanyakan boleh comment,dan jgn comment yang nyesek" yah .
    hhehe .


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    momod tolong apus ni thread yah .
    soal na judul na kga bisa dganti .
    mohon maaf

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