Pernah liat Tournament DotA?
Dimana battle pertama dan kedua : Sentinel vs Scourge
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Pernah liat Tournament DotA?
Dimana battle pertama dan kedua : Sentinel vs Scourge
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"Ye of detestible name and virtue.. false apostle; thou art bayed back to the abyss!"
"Hark, lightning that rides within the ashen depths; descend down as a storm upon my foes!"
"If ye shall accept the benedictions of beauty, then yea; let these chains of aster surround thee!"
"No mercy for the damned; thus, thou has no escape from the grasp of catastrophe"
ID BattleNet Indogamers PRO/Public/Evolution/Free : dark_messenger
kok sepi ya?
pada kaga suka bahas strategi ya?
mau bahas strategi ya?
ikut ya
ok deh gua yg mulai...
Pada Hari Minggu kuturut Ayah ke Kota, ....
eh salah....
ok serius deh,
Hero2 Team di Sentinel antara lain :
- Crystal Maiden
- Trent Protector
- Enigma
- Omniknight
- Keeper of The Light
- Silencer
- Earthshaker
- Moon Rider
- Stone Giant
- dll...
Mungkin gua ksh gambarannya... :
serem kl engima, omnikngiht, earthshaker, crystal maiden, dan trent protector maju bersamaan...
kemungkinan menang besar banget dlm big battle...
engima : black hole
earth shaker : echo slam
trent protector : overgrowth
omniknight : guardian angel
crystal maiden : freezing field
gimana mo slamet???
"Ye of detestible name and virtue.. false apostle; thou art bayed back to the abyss!"
"Hark, lightning that rides within the ashen depths; descend down as a storm upon my foes!"
"If ye shall accept the benedictions of beauty, then yea; let these chains of aster surround thee!"
"No mercy for the damned; thus, thou has no escape from the grasp of catastrophe"
ID BattleNet Indogamers PRO/Public/Evolution/Free : dark_messenger
Coba buka di forum dota-allstars... disitu mayan banyak dibahas kok
tambahin silencer di sentinel biar musuh silence g isa ngelawan
- Domini Fiat Mihi Secundum -
Ω INDOGAMERS Battle Net ID : Blitzzone
"Ye of detestible name and virtue.. false apostle; thou art bayed back to the abyss!"
"Hark, lightning that rides within the ashen depths; descend down as a storm upon my foes!"
"If ye shall accept the benedictions of beauty, then yea; let these chains of aster surround thee!"
"No mercy for the damned; thus, thou has no escape from the grasp of catastrophe"
ID BattleNet Indogamers PRO/Public/Evolution/Free : dark_messenger
oh klo aku seh g perna di praktekin.. cuma teori doank, cuma silencer bener kan biar musuh g isa pk skill jd ga ada perlawanan
- Domini Fiat Mihi Secundum -
Ω INDOGAMERS Battle Net ID : Blitzzone
hmm... kalau gitu coba deh kamu sering2 lihat repaly turnamen di dota - allstars... seru loh.. ada juga replay team DOta indonesia AZR vs Evolve..., 2 clan terkuat indo..., mungkin juga asia... wajib tonton...
iya... makanya buat yg lom liat plz bahas disini...
o iya hero team sentinel tuh ada lagi : Phropet, Lord of Olympia
"Ye of detestible name and virtue.. false apostle; thou art bayed back to the abyss!"
"Hark, lightning that rides within the ashen depths; descend down as a storm upon my foes!"
"If ye shall accept the benedictions of beauty, then yea; let these chains of aster surround thee!"
"No mercy for the damned; thus, thou has no escape from the grasp of catastrophe"
ID BattleNet Indogamers PRO/Public/Evolution/Free : dark_messenger
klo bisa kirim aj replaynya k sini ntar ku DL
- Domini Fiat Mihi Secundum -
Ω INDOGAMERS Battle Net ID : Blitzzone
koq bristleback ngga turut serta kk dark messenger ?
The land founded by the Valar after Melkor's destruction of their ancient dwelling of Almaren.
wah lom tau tuh kalo bristleback...
si valinor maniak bristleback kayanya... buatin thread nya donk...
"Ye of detestible name and virtue.. false apostle; thou art bayed back to the abyss!"
"Hark, lightning that rides within the ashen depths; descend down as a storm upon my foes!"
"If ye shall accept the benedictions of beauty, then yea; let these chains of aster surround thee!"
"No mercy for the damned; thus, thou has no escape from the grasp of catastrophe"
ID BattleNet Indogamers PRO/Public/Evolution/Free : dark_messenger
lah kalo ikut semua gak isa 5 vs 5 donk
Hoam...bristleback ga isa maen team mas...@dark masenger si pmniknight kurang effective mending di ganti ama venge...klu wa sih gini
pertama2 ilangin semua hero dipohon iket lalu eclipse lalu freezing+stun bersamaan ud itu klu msh lepas swap venge..kenapa stun ama freezing sama2??krn biar ga da hero musuh yg bisa stun/batalin freezing....sekian ad pertanyaan?
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