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  1. #16
    Xanvial's Avatar
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    New Features
    The pandarens are the new race.
    The female model isn't done yet.
    At level 10, you will get to choose between horde and alliance.
    Pandaren Classes: Hunter, Mage, Monk, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warrior
    Racial - Epicurean - Increase the stat benefits from food by 100%
    Racial - Gourmand - Cooking skill increased by 15.
    Racial - Inner Peace - Your rested experience bonus lasts twice as long.
    Racial - Bouncy - You take 50% less falling damage.
    Racial - Quaking Palm - You touch a secret pressure point on an enemy target, putting it to sleep for 3 sec.

    Monk New Class
    Brewmaster - Tank spec
    Mistweaver - Healer, a healer who can stand up in melee and will let players experience a "new healing style"
    Windwalker - Melee DPS
    This is not a hero class, and it will start at level 1
    The class is very martial-arts based
    Lots of monk-only animations, the healer and tanks will have different stances they can stand in, etc ...
    Monk Races - All of them except Goblin and Worgens

    Monk Equipment
    Leather Armor (Agility or Intellect)
    They hit a lot with hands and feet
    They will need weapons for some finishers: Staves, Fist Weapons
    They will also be able to use 1H Axe and maces, swords
    Healers will get off-hands, they don't want healers to use shields.

    Monk Resources
    Chi (energy) slowly regenerates and is only used for your Jab and Roll abilities.
    Jab generates Light and Dark force, which are used for everything else. Some finishing move uses dark force, some use the light force.
    No auto attack! Devs want you to have this street fighter feel where you punch a lot
    My Guild Website
    DPS is Science, Healing is Art, Tanking is Strategy

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  4. #17
    lumine99's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xanvial View Post
    New Features
    No auto attack! Devs want you to have this street fighter feel where you punch a lot
    maen pake controler bisa gak ya?? lol
    *kasian keyboard gw...

    btw ini info dari mana? di wowwiki masih blom ada...

    "Racial - Quaking Palm - You touch a secret pressure point on an enemy target, putting it to sleep for 3 sec."
    dan ini pengapplikasiannya kira2 gimana ya?? keknya lebih bagusan war stomp punya tauren...
    Last edited by lumine99; 22-10-11 at 04:28.
    pindah ke PS seberang(seberang mana??) karena banyak alasan....

  5. #18
    marchorizon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lumine99 View Post
    maen pake controler bisa gak ya?? lol
    *kasian keyboard gw...

    btw ini info dari mana? di wowwiki masih blom ada...

    "Racial - Quaking Palm - You touch a secret pressure point on an enemy target, putting it to sleep for 3 sec."
    dan ini pengapplikasiannya kira2 gimana ya?? keknya lebih bagusan war stomp punya tauren...
    di website officialnya ada kok td udh dikasi xanvial (thanks) sama saya post di post #1

    yg racial quaking palm itu tooltipnya dibikin "wah" aja haha. intinya dibikin sleep 3 detik
    Last edited by marchorizon; 22-10-11 at 05:03.

    Steam - fahmindrawan
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  6. #19
    lumine99's Avatar
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    iya.. kan buat sleep... nah kalo sleep kan di hit jadi sadar... cuman 3 second.... single target lagi..>< keknya bagusan war stomp punya tauren.. dah area, stun pula(di hit gak bangun.. kalo gak salah)
    makannya quaking palm kelihatannya gak guna banget.....

    Racial - Epicurean - Increase the stat benefits from food by 100%
    Racial - Bouncy - You take 50% less falling damage.
    Racial - Gourmand - Cooking skill increased by 15.
    Racial - Inner Peace - Your rested experience bonus lasts twice as long.

    kayaknya cuman 4(2 kalo udah maximal cooking dan lvl) ini aja yang kelihatan jelas gunanya...
    pindah ke PS seberang(seberang mana??) karena banyak alasan....

  7. #20
    TeraPatrick's Avatar
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    kapan saya bisa pensiun??!!!!

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  9. #21
    Xanvial's Avatar
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    information overload...
    dikit2 aja postnya

    PvE Scenarios
    PvE Scenarios are a way to give new interesting content that doesn't make sense in a dungeon content.
    Scenarios are more about reusing parts of the world in interesting new ways, and introducing new types of PvE gameplay that we've never seen before like PvE battlegrounds.
    They are short instances for a few players, the amount of players can vary depending on the scenario, some of them can be for 3 players.
    You don't need the typical tank/heal/dps setup, you will just be able to enter and play your role no matter what it is.
    It will be a staged experience where you will try to accomplish some greater goal
    For example, a scenario might require you to kill 25 kobolds in stage 1, then find and return 4 goldshire children, and then kill the boss.
    Developers would like to do PvE battlegrounds, where you will have to slay 50 alliance/horde soldiers, destroy 6 towers and the barracks, and then defeat the enemy General.
    They could replace group quests.
    It uses the same queue system as the dungeon finder
    Since there is no role requirements, queues should be instant.

    Challenge Mode Dungeons
    Complete a dungeon in x minutes
    To earn Bronze, Silver, Gold medals.
    Gear levels are normalized, all your gear will be brought to the same level to make the competition even.
    You can't just get better gear to overpower it.
    It will reward sweet looking gear with no stats, and valor points!
    Challenge Mode will reward you with very unique looking gear to show off how awesome you are to your friends
    A new challenge dungeons UI will be added, you will be able to check your medals, your ranking, show what rewards you can unlock, etc ....

    Pet Battle System
    You will be able to collect, level, and battle with companion pets.
    It will be accessible to all players.
    Works with almost every pet
    Pet Customization, you will be able to name your pet, give them visual abilities, etc ...
    There will be "Wild pets", you can find them in the world and engage in battle with them. You will then be able to get that pet and add it to your Pet Journal.
    Pets have random stats, some of them will be very good at tanking, some will have a CC ability, etc ...
    Some pets will only be found during a specific season, while it's raining, or during the day or the night. Some of them will only spawn in the spring, when it's raining, in elwynn forest at night!
    Most pets will become tradable, even after it's leveled, etc ...
    Pets will be account wide
    Your pet journal will display info on all your pets, including stats, skills, and also drop locations and lore info for the pets you don't have yet!
    Winning battles earns you experience, and levels your pets.
    You will learn new abilities. Every pet can use 3 abilities in a battle at one time.
    Every time you level you will also increase the stats of your pet.
    You will level multiple pets to build your team.
    You have 3 battle slots, one for each pet in your team.

    Pet Battle System - Battle
    PvE and PvP Battles
    It will be turn based.
    A simple combat system.
    Fight with a team of 3 pets
    Queuing system, you will be able to find a fight pretty fast depending on the level of your pets.

    Pet Battle System - Customization
    You will finally be able to name your pets, and see that name in battle.
    Items for your pets, you will have an item slot for your pet and might be able to socket gems in those items, etc ...
    Individual builds of abilities and different teams.
    Masters and Masters abilities, there will be different NPC pet masters in the world who will let you earn abilities when you beat them. For example, beating the master of mechanical pets will get you a new ability for your pet!

    Talents 2.0
    Major change to class talent trees, and this is a new phase of development for the talent system.
    The goal is to have you sit to another next to another combat rogue, and this combat rogue will actually have different talents than you do!
    Character customization was the original point of talents in the first place but overtime cookie cutter builds dominated the scene.

    New Model
    Class Abilities are available to all specs in the class. All warriors learn heroic strike for example.
    Spec Abilities are available to certain specs. Only Arms warriors learn Slam. Retribution and Protection paladin get Hammer of the Righteous, etc ...
    Talents are optional skills/bonuses available to all specs. Any warrior can choose Throwdown, and you will have to pick between 3 different crowd control abilities on this level of talent.
    Level 15 - You pick your first talent. For example, warriors have to pick between Juggernaut / Double Time / Warbringer and players will have to pick which mobility ability they want to pick depending on their playstyle.

    Talent Philosophy
    Access to stuff you never could before. If you were a subtlety rogue you knew you weren't going to get something like Killing Spree. And because talents are going to be all in the same tree, you're going to be able to combine them in a way that you never could before. For example, any rogue can have Shadowstep!
    Several new, overpowered (feeling) talents will be added to the game.
    If you don't see a beloved talent in your new talents list, don't worry, it's probably something we gave your spec as a baseline. For example all Holy priests now have Circle of Healing.
    No mandatory talents anymore.
    Every choice should be hard but fun!

    Talent Preview
    Design will iterate a lot on individual talents
    Don't obsess about the numbers

    Devs like the way Resilience works in PvP, and how it gives a nice goal for players looking to progress/upgrade their gear in PvP
    Resilience is a pretty huge barrier for people who want to start PvPing.
    Resilience will become a base stat, and will increase a little every time you level.

    Ranged Weapons
    Hunter minimum range is gone!
    Hunter melee weapon is gone!
    Ranged slot for all other characters are gone.
    Relics are gone.
    Rogues and warriors can now throw their melee weapon
    Wands become main hand weapons

    New Zone view
    Last edited by Xanvial; 22-10-11 at 05:37.
    My Guild Website
    DPS is Science, Healing is Art, Tanking is Strategy

  10. #22
    marchorizon's Avatar
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    talent system yg baru
    keliatannya bisa jd amat sangat menarik/mematikan/ga balance lol

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  11. #23
    beesinv's Avatar
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    judulnya ntar ganti jadi World of Kungfu Panda

  12. #24
    fajarfajar's Avatar
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    Ranged Weapons
    Hunter minimum range is gone!
    Hunter melee weapon is gone!
    Ranged slot for all other characters are gone.
    Relics are gone.
    Rogues and warriors can now throw their melee weapon
    Wands become main hand weapon
    Berarti Hunter tetep bisa manah walo uda deket ??? Enak2

  13. #25
    MonyetCeria's Avatar
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    wih anjir lah keren bener >.<
    The mighty panda !!!

  14. #26

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    gmn caranya mo pensi klo kek gene?! T_T

    paaaaannnnnddddddddaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
    Some believe in God, some believe in science

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  15. #27
    gaptekbet's Avatar
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    Pet Battle System
    You will be able to collect, level, and battle with companion pets.
    It will be accessible to all players.
    Works with almost every pet
    Pet Customization, you will be able to name your pet, give them visual abilities, etc ...
    There will be "Wild pets", you can find them in the world and engage in battle with them. You will then be able to get that pet and add it to your Pet Journal.
    Pets have random stats, some of them will be very good at tanking, some will have a CC ability, etc ...
    Some pets will only be found during a specific season, while it's raining, or during the day or the night. Some of them will only spawn in the spring, when it's raining, in elwynn forest at night!
    Most pets will become tradable, even after it's leveled, etc ...
    Pets will be account wide
    Your pet journal will display info on all your pets, including stats, skills, and also drop locations and lore info for the pets you don't have yet!
    Winning battles earns you experience, and levels your pets.
    You will learn new abilities. Every pet can use 3 abilities in a battle at one time.
    Every time you level you will also increase the stats of your pet.
    You will level multiple pets to build your team.
    You have 3 battle slots, one for each pet in your team.
    Kyaaa pokemon!!!!

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  17. #28
    rizkiajos's Avatar
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    back on the topic gila gue pengen banget itu main panda roguee , asli no cure pasti gayanyaa

  18. #29
    jc fanz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xanvial View Post

    Talent Philosophy
    Access to stuff you never could before. If you were a subtlety rogue you knew you weren't going to get something like Killing Spree. And because talents are going to be all in the same tree, you're going to be able to combine them in a way that you never could before. For example, any rogue can have Shadowstep!
    Several new, overpowered (feeling) talents will be added to the game.
    If you don't see a beloved talent in your new talents list, don't worry, it's probably something we gave your spec as a baseline. For example all Holy priests now have Circle of Healing.
    No mandatory talents anymore.
    Every choice should be hard but fun!
    Ow ****...warr bladestorm with 2hands weapon in both hands x-p
    Makanlah kacang ijo pada waktu dan tempat yang tepat

  19. #30
    ╭∩╮(︶︿︶)╭∩╮'s Avatar
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    duh sepertinya untuk editing di masa yg akan datang akan lebih complex

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