Dono sang tukang sapu![]()
Dono sang tukang sapu![]()
NIZ KINGKONG....... hauhahuhahuaahuau nge fans berat gw ama idung nya kingkong..
don don don dorondondon
vote 4 dono![]()
Niz The Lil`Star*![]()
oddy, not odd ;p
gw respect ke dono..dia panutan gw..
Aburame Shino is a cool, collected, confident Genin from Naruto's graduating year who is quite mysterious and who always wears sunglasses. As a part of the Aburame clan tradition, Shino was infused with a special type of insects that feed on his chakra since birth and in return, they attack and do other tasks as he commands.
Comming Soon
No Cheat Just Skill
Dono. . . .
Cpt Balik yah om Don ^^
dono ..
My Life is My Rules
dono tegas dan tidak sombong :nosweat:
Ketika perasaan sedang biru, kadang susah mengubah suasana biru itu menjadi merah.
Nothing is so common as the wish to be remarkable. - Shakespeare
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