Dono..low profile orangnya..tapi tegas..
aku ingin sepertimu om dono >,<
Dono..low profile orangnya..tapi tegas..
aku ingin sepertimu om dono >,<
Aburame Shino is a cool, collected, confident Genin from Naruto's graduating year who is quite mysterious and who always wears sunglasses. As a part of the Aburame clan tradition, Shino was infused with a special type of insects that feed on his chakra since birth and in return, they attack and do other tasks as he commands.
Comming Soon
bagan !!!!
No Cheat Just Skill
Dono . . .
dono ..
My Life is My Rules
dono dunk...tukang sapu yg tegas
i'm so sick..
Woi Dono ......................
Ketika perasaan sedang biru, kadang susah mengubah suasana biru itu menjadi merah.
Nothing is so common as the wish to be remarkable. - Shakespeare
Dono Gak Pandang Bulu
Dono dong ^^
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Jadi rapi dah, gak ada lagi orang2 yang bikin kesel.
"Nearly all men can stand adversity. But if you want to test a man's character, give him power." - Abraham Lincoln
Dono Is The Best
Bible Say`s "nothing impossible in God". Means that God Can Do anything.But Do you Know One thing What He Can`t to Do ??!?..He Never Stop Loving you Forever.
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