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    Default Daddy Bear's Tanking Guide..

    Dibuat untuk para Kebo & Elf yang pengen jadi Beruang!
    Spoiler untuk Beruang yang dimaxud :

    Spoiler untuk Bukan yang ini :

    3.Basic Stats
    6.Bonus Profesi
    7.Consumable (Food&Potion)

    A.Druid Tanking Articles
    B.Q&A (sengaja dikosongkan untuk ditambahkan dari comments warga AMPM)

    Apa hal pertama yang terlintas di pikiran kita k'lo mendengar (membaca) DRUID?

    Spoiler untuk Kesan pertama untuk Druid :

    Sebenarnya druid punya peranan lain,namun di server kita layaknya di negara kita yg demokrat dng menganut prinsip suara terbanyak (umum/pasaran/ikut2an)..peranan lain druid ini tentunya tidak terlalu diminati dng alasan yang tidak jelas atau minoritas bahkan hampir punah seperti beruang kutub.

    Druid is considered the truest "hybrids",as each them can cover the three roles of tanking,damage,and healing. (Ada 4 class selain druid yang dikategorikan hybrid ato istilah gue semi-hybrid)

    Druid adalah class (bukan job) yg mempunyai fungsi (core role) yg berbeda2 bukan hny bentuk shape) yg berbeda2.

    Tree-Support (healer)

    Untuk saat ini akan dibahas salah satu fungsinya yaitu Tanking (Bear) versi Kerbull a.k.a Daddy Bear!

    Spoiler untuk Build :

    Spoiler untuk Suggested Basic Talent :

    Quote Originally Posted by aldyman View Post
    aku ngasih masukan talentnya yah *boleh kan?*
    ini buat yang expertisenya blum cap. dan beberapa ada yg beda dengan ku

    Spoiler untuk Talent :

    menurut ku, aku milih feral agresion dr pada ferocity soalnya rage di beruang tepatnya di icc itu ampir ga pernah abis walaupun emang sering jatoh, tapi pengurangan 5 rage itu ga signifikan, sedangkan Demoralizing Roar lumayan buat ngurangin atk power si bos *not stacking with Vindic + Demoralizing Shout*

    aku ga ambil charge, soalnya selama aku tank blum ngerasain butuh charge, kecuali TM2 Boss mungkin, itupun kalo jadi OT saja.

    Infected Wounds aku ambil 1 aja, untuk dongkrak damage fire mage *torment of the weak* dan partner tanking ku biasa paly jadi mereka punya Judgements of the Just

    untuk 1st threating, karena saya blum maen 4 set T10, awal2 saya pake fraerie fire => lacerate => Mangle => Lacerate.
    Quote Originally Posted by aldyman View Post
    oh yah belum ada yg share macro kan yah?
    Spoiler untuk Useful Macro :
    /cast Lacerate
    /cast Maul

    /cast Swipe(Bear)
    /cast Maul

    /cast Mangle(Bear)
    /cast Maul

    maul tuh heroic strike nya warrior, ati2 rage seret :P

    sgitu aja tambahan dari aku *duh maap kebanyakan, maap kalo banyak yg ngawur, perbedaan itu penting :P
    terima kasih

    Suggested Glyph..
    Glyph of Maul:
    *Maul hits 1 additional target
    *Sangat membantu untuk AoE threat

    Glyph of Frenzied Regeneration:
    *Healing effects +20% more powerful while FR is active

    Glyph of Growl:
    +change for your Growl to work successfully by 8%
    Krn Growl itu dikategorikan spell jadi ada chance to miss,tp dng glyph ini seakan2 Growl mencapai melee hit cap.

    Glyph of Survival Instincts:
    *SI +15% of your max health

    Spoiler untuk Basic Stats :


    Agility: +Crit,Armor,Dodge
    1 Agi = 1.18932 AP (1.308252 AP) (Cat only)
    1 Agi = 0.0129744% (0.01427184%) Crit
    1 Agi = 0.0225641% (0.0248206%) Dodge
    1 Agi = 2.1624 (2.37864) Armor

    77.075 (70.068) Agi = 1% Crit
    44.318 (40.289)Agi = 1% Dodge

    Stamina: +Health
    1 Sta = 10.812 (11.8932) Health (Cat)
    1 Sta = 14.8665 (16.35315) Health (Bear)

    Strengh: +Attack Power
    1 Str = 2.37864 AP (2.616504 AP) (Cat)
    1 Str = 2.1624 AP (2.37864 AP) (Bear)
    1 Str = 2.292144 AP (2.5213584 AP) (Bear with PotP)

    Crit Rating: +proc chance dari Savage Defense
    1 Crit Rating = 0.022% Crit
    45.91 Crit Rating = 1% Crit

    Dodge Rating: lebih banyak dodge didptkan dari Agility..jadi,NEVER gem for Dodge Rating
    1 Dodge Rating = 0.0220982% Dodge
    45.2525 Dodge Rating = 1% Dodge

    Haste Rating: membantu dlm membangun threat
    1 Haste Rating = 0.03965% Haste
    25.223 Haste Rating = 1% Haste

    Hit Rating: menghindari miss dalam hit/attack
    Cap is 263 (8%)
    1 Hit Rating = 0.030% Hit
    32.79 Hit Rating = 1% Hit

    Cap vs. Level 80 mob = 5% Hit = 163.95 Hit Rating
    Cap vs. Level 81 mob = 5.5% Hit = 180.34 Hit Rating
    Cap vs. Level 82 mob = 6% Hit = 196.74 Hit Rating
    Cap vs. Level 83 mob = 8% Hit = 262.32 Hit Rating (Raid Bosses)

    Expertise: +threat
    Cap is 6.5%
    1 Expertise Rating = 0.0305% reduction in dodge & parry chance
    32.79 Expertise Rating = 1% reduction in dodge & parry chance

    Cap vs. Level 80 mob = 5%(Dodge) / ?%(Parry) = 163.95 / ? Expertise Rating
    Cap vs. Level 81 mob = 5.5%(Dodge) / ?%(Parry) = 180.345 / ? Expertise Rating
    Cap vs. Level 82 mob = 6%(Dodge) / ?%(Parry) = 196.74 / ? Expertise Rating
    Cap vs. Level 83 mob = 6.5%(Dodge) / 15%(Parry) = 213.135 / 491.85 Expertise Rating (Raid Bosses)
    *perhitungan dng +10 dari talent Primal Precision

    Armor Penetration Rating: +threat yang cukup diambil dr gear stats (ngga perlu di gem)
    1 ArPen Rating = 0.07145% Armor Penetration
    13.9957272 ArPen Rating = 1% Armor Penetration
    ArPen Cap (100%) = 1400 ArPen

    Defense Rating: +chance untuk mob dan boss untuk miss hit/attack
    1 Defense Rating = 0.008% dodge and 0.008% chance to be missed and 0.008% reduced chance to be crit
    122.96 Defense Rating = 1% chance to dodge and 1% chance to be missed and 1% reduced chance to be crit (Crit reduction not needed for PvE if you have SotF )

    1 Def Rating = 0.64 Dodge Rating

    Spoiler untuk Gemming :

    Agility?Stamina?Dodge?Defense Rating?
    Banyak yang bingung pdhal sederhana aja.

    Austere Earthsiege Diamond: +32 Stamina & 2% increased Armor Value from Items
    Nightmare Tear: +10 to all stats!
    *unique-equipped > hanya bisa digunakan 1 secara bersamaan
    *biasanya digunakan jika ingin mendapat socket bonus yang bagus
    Delicate Cardinal Ruby: +20 Agility
    Solid Majestic Zircon: +30 Stamina
    Shifting Dreadstone: +10 Agility & +15 Stamina

    Spoiler untuk Enchant :

    Arcanum of the Stalwart Protector: +37 stamina & 20 Defense
    (Argent Crusade Quartermaster > Reputation = Revered)

    Greater Inscription of the Pinnacle: +20 Dodge rating & 15 Defense Rating
    (Son of Hodir Quartermaster > Reputation = Exalted)
    Greated Inscription of the Gladiator: +30 Stamina & 15 Resilience
    (Wintergrasp PvP Zone)

    Powerful Stats: +10 to all stats

    Eternal Belt Buckle: +gem slot

    Frosthide Leg Armor: +55 Stam & 22 Agi

    Greater Fortitude: +22 Stamina

    Major Stamina: +40 Stamina

    Major Agility: +20 Agility

    Major Agility: +22 Agility

    120 Agility = 2.978% dodge, 1.71% Crit and 285 Armor
    2% haste > bagus utk threat

    Spoiler untuk Bonus Profesi :

    Jewelcrafting > Sangat Flexible dng Dragon's Eye 3x
    3x Solid Dragon's Eye > 63 Stamina (1030 HP)
    3x Delicate Dragon's Eye > 42 Agility (1.04% Dodge,99.9 Armor,dan 0.599% Crit)

    Blacksmithing> Tambahan 2 Blacksmith socket
    2x Solid Majestic Zircon: +60 Stamina (981 HP)
    2x Delicate Cardinal Ruby: +40 Agility (0.99% Dodge,95 Armor,dan 0.57% Crit)
    2x Shifting Dreadstone: +20 Agility dan 30 Stamina (0.496% Dodge,47.5 Armor,0.285% Crit dan 490 HP)

    Leatherworking > Tambahan Wrist Enchant
    Fur Lining: +102 Stamina atau +62 stamina dari yang biasa (+40 stamina)
    Fur Lining - Frost Resist: +70 Resistant untuk tipe magic tertentu dalam hal ini Frost (lumayan buat ICC)

    Mining: +60 Stamina Bonus dari Toughness (981 HP)

    Enchanting: Tambahan enchant untuk Ring
    2x Enchant Ring - Stamina: +60 Stamina (981 HP)

    Inscription: Enchant Shoulder
    Master's Inscription of the Pinnacle: +60 Dodge rating dan 15 Defense rating
    +40 Dodge Rating dibanding Son's of Hodir Enchant (+20 Dodge rating)

    Alchemy > Mixology
    Flask of Stoneblood +650 HP selama 2 jam bukan 1 jam

    Tailoring > Special Tailoring Cloak Enchant
    Swordguard Embroidery: Proc +400 AP 15 sec.
    Ini tidak disarankan karena mengorbankan +22 Agility

    Herbalism > Lifeblood (self heal)

    Skinning > Penambahan pada Critical Strike Rating
    Master of Anatomy +40 Crit Strike Rating (0.88% Crit)

    Engineering > Susah dijelaskan
    Flexweave Underlay +23 Agility dan parachut buat lucu2an (cuman +1 Agi)
    Reticulated Armor Webbing +885 Armor mengorbankan 20 Agility

    Spoiler untuk Consumable :


    Blackened Dragonfin: +40 Agility dan +40 Stamina (654 HP,0.99% Dodge,0.57% Crit,dan 95 Armor)
    Fish Feast: +80 Attack Power,+46 Spell Power,dan +40 Stamina. (654 HP & 80 AP)
    Rhinolicious Wormsteak: +40 Expertise Rating & +40 Stamina (654 HP & 1.22% Expertise)

    Runic Healing Potion: Restores 2700-4500 HP secara instant
    Indestructible Potion: Increases Armor +3500 untuk 2 mins. (sekitar 2.38% Damage Reduction)

    Spoiler untuk ROTATION :

    Persiapan sudah semua,sekarang bagaimana cara mainnya.

    Kita mulai dengan keterangan singkat ability yg menghasilkan threat:
    Maul - Attack dengan threat terbesar oleh karena meningkatkan Melee damage by 578.
    Efek yang meningkatkan Bleed damage juga meningkatkan damage Maul..artinya,Mange & Lacerate akan meningkatkan damage Maul begitu juga dng threat yang dihasilkan.
    *Maul tidak share GCD (Global Cooldown).

    Mangle - Damage yang cukup besar dengan 155% normal damage +260 dan +30% bleed damage selama 12 detik,tentunya meningkatkat threat juga.

    Lacerate - Threat terjaga oleh DoT yang dihasilkan,selain itu dengan mengambil talent Rend and Tear > +damage Maul (+threat) dan dengan Primal Gore memberikan kemungkinan untuk crit > Proc Savage Defense.

    Swipe - K'lo ngga ada ini,kurang balance Tanking Ability untuk Druid.Dengan Swipe + Glyph Maul = AoE threat!

    Farie Fire (Feral) ato sering disingkat FFF:
    -Pulling Method utama Druid selain mengurangi armor target 5% selama 5 menit.
    *Di tooltip dituliskan deals 0 damage tapi seingat gue Deals [AP*0.15+1] damage yang menghasilkan jumlah threat yang sama dengan Mangle,makanya bny yg menggunakan ini dalam rotasi mereka.

    Growl - Fungsinya ada 2:
    a)Memaksa agar target menyerang kita selama 3 detik
    b)Set threat kita = threat player paling tinggi
    Growl bisa di resist oleh mob/boss dan bbrp juga immune.

    Challenging Roar - Taunt yang serupa dengan Growl namun fungsi untuk AoE dan bukan Single Target.

    a)Single Target..
    Kebo > SS Bear > Rage > Queue Maul (tekan) > Charge > FFF (Ketika Charge) > Mangle+ > Lacerate+ > Enrage > Mangle+ (2x) > Build Lacerate+ (sampe stack 5) dengan tetap menggunakan Mangle+.
    Lacerate stack 5,rotasi berubah lebih kepada prioritas:
    1)Lacerate harus selalu di refresh agar tetap stack 5
    2)Selalu queue Maul
    3)Gunakan Mangle setiap CD
    *Ada juga yg menyarankan untuk memasukkan FFF pada rotasi tapi menurut pengalaman gue tidak terlalu berpengaruh (Cata FFF bisa stack) dan bingung juga mo nyempilin di mana
    4)Demoralizing Roar hrs tetap up
    5)Jika yang lain CD gunakan Swipe+
    Yang ada tanda + artinya Mangle+Maul/Lacerate+Maul/Swipe+Maul hanya untuk menekankan pentingnya Maul

    b)AoE Threat..
    Basically sama aja hanya perlu bny latihan aja change target (Default:TAB) untuk stack up Lacerate+ > Mangle+ > Swipe+

    Spoiler untuk BIS :

    Spoiler untuk Credits :

    Media Source..
    (masih ada lagi tp lupa,akan ditambahkan..k'lo masih bisa dapet source-nya)

    AMPM teach-me-how-to-WOW..
    -Special credit goes to one of my bestfriend Thuul (AMPM) > Taurfang (Frostmourne-US),who introduced me to World of Warcraft!K'lo bukan karena loe gue masih stuck maen DotA.
    -Guild The Kauravas (Horde-AMPM) di mana Kerbull banyak (banget) belajar dan dilatih,no words can't express my gratitude to all of you.
    -My AMPM friends,thank you for the great friendship and respect you share.
    -Last but not least..semua yg pernah join raid gue,WOW won't be as great without all of you.

    Spoiler untuk Druid Tanking Articles :

    Spoiler untuk Article 1 :

    Can a Bear be a main tank/do they make good tanks?
    When WotLK was first released the developers made it a core goal to bring all tanks in line with each other and for the most part do away with gimmicks that didn’t allow certain tanks to perform. Ghostcrawler, beta forum CM extraordinaire, has posted a big (well, big for a blue post) overview of some of the goals and decisions for tanking in Wrath. It goes something like this:
    • All four tanking classes should be viable.
    • Tanking should be "a little more fun."
    • Most characters in tanking classes (Warriors, Druids, Paladins, Death Knights) should be able to tank a normal five-man just fine, with heal specs (for Druids and Paladins) being the exception.
    • Heroics and raids will require investment in tanking talents, but all tanking classes should be able to tank them if appropriately specced. Ghostcrawler notes that this is a change of strategy for Blizz; previously, for instance, feral druids were positioned by the devs as being better off-tanks than main tanks. Now, he says, "If nearly all guilds want the same class as their MT, we've failed."
    This is great news for us and so far has definitely proven to be true. A bear is completely capable of tanking all content currently in game as a main tank or as an off tank!!

    Spoiler untuk Q&A :

    Quote Originally Posted by falcond. View Post
    mau nanya prioritas stats buat druid tanking apa ya? apakah agi,armor,stm,def?

    thanks before
    Quote Originally Posted by Kerbull View Post
    Agility dan Stamina!
    Gue cukup banyak baca tentang Bear Stacking Agi vs Stam dan banyak pro dan kontra (pastinya).
    Jawaban yang gue dapat..tergantung,itu pilihan k'lo mo stack AGI semua/STAM semua/mix of AGI&STAM.

    K'lo saran gue (belom tentu pilihan gue) stack Stamina secukupnya baru kemudian stack Agility.
    Spoiler untuk Article Agi vs Stam :

    Get health when you need to make sure you can survive the absolute worst case situation, as health scales far more quickly for a druid than armor does any more. If you know you can survive the worst case situation reasonably, health is much less useful and you should either go for more avoidance (which will help overall damage intake on average) or more armor (which will also help damage intake, but more reliably) depending on what the encounter is like. Finally, stamina does something that armor and avoidance do not: it helps with magical soaking. If the fight has a lot of magic damage stamina is going to be better than armor.

    Again, ultimately you have to think about it. Having tools handy is good, but there's no one set that will be optimal for all situations. When you've got a nail, use a hammer. When you've got a screw, use a screwdriver.

    Koreksi,tambahan,saran,dan kritik akan sangat dihargai.
    Semoga Guide ini dapat memberikan kontribusi untuk Komunitas Kita - AMPM!
    Last edited by Kerbull; 10-01-12 at 13:01. Reason: Updated sampe post #16

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  4. #2
    falcond.'s Avatar
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    mau nanya prioritas stats buat druid tanking apa ya? apakah agi,armor,stm,def?

    thanks before

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  6. #3
    fajarfajar's Avatar
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    uwhokkk !!!! banyak yang ngeremehinn Druid Tank yah sekarang, padahal "pribadi" menurut gw diantara job2 Protec/TB, yang paling bisa survive itu Druid !!

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    ariefalfahrian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fajarfajar View Post
    uwhokkk !!!! banyak yang ngeremehinn Druid Tank yah sekarang, padahal "pribadi" menurut gw diantara job2 Protec/TB, yang paling bisa survive itu Druid !!
    tp yah gitu di AMPM mah FIRST LOOKING is TOGE !!! gmn coba gk ksel dah cape" build tanker eh ujung"nya TOGE (***** gede) hahahaha

    Quote Originally Posted by falcond. View Post
    mau nanya prioritas stats buat druid tanking apa ya? apakah agi,armor,stm,def?

    thanks before
    kalo yg terbaru aq amati sch agi bang falcond seperti di katakan sama bang kerbull yang embul seperti kerbull loh kok hahaha. aq dah coba dan khasiatnya memuaskan pelanggan lah di kata pijet ++ hahaha.

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  10. #5
    aldyman's Avatar
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    aku ngasih masukan talentnya yah *boleh kan?*
    ini buat yang expertisenya blum cap. dan beberapa ada yg beda dengan ku

    Spoiler untuk Talent :

    menurut ku, aku milih feral agresion dr pada ferocity soalnya rage di beruang tepatnya di icc itu ampir ga pernah abis walaupun emang sering jatoh, tapi pengurangan 5 rage itu ga signifikan, sedangkan Demoralizing Roar lumayan buat ngurangin atk power si bos *not stacking with Vindic + Demoralizing Shout*

    aku ga ambil charge, soalnya selama aku tank blum ngerasain butuh charge, kecuali TM2 Boss mungkin, itupun kalo jadi OT saja.

    Infected Wounds aku ambil 1 aja, untuk dongkrak damage fire mage *torment of the weak* dan partner tanking ku biasa paly jadi mereka punya Judgements of the Just

    untuk 1st threating, karena saya blum maen 4 set T10, awal2 saya pake fraerie fire => lacerate => Mangle => Lacerate.

    oh yah belum ada yg share macro kan yah?

    Spoiler untuk Useful Macro :
    /cast Lacerate
    /cast Maul

    /cast Swipe(Bear)
    /cast Maul

    /cast Mangle(Bear)
    /cast Maul

    maul tuh heroic strike nya warrior, ati2 rage seret :P

    sgitu aja tambahan dari aku *duh maap kebanyakan, maap kalo banyak yg ngawur, perbedaan itu penting :P, maap kalo banyak sok tau*
    terima kasih
    Last edited by aldyman; 09-01-12 at 08:40.
    "The Great Man is Not a Mere Receptacle"

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    MonyetCeria's Avatar
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    Thread untuk Pedobear kah ?
    kalo gitu saya absen dulu

    bukan nya di talent Feral nya druid masih ada yang error ?

  13. #7
    Kerbull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by falcond. View Post
    mau nanya prioritas stats buat druid tanking apa ya? apakah agi,armor,stm,def?

    thanks before
    Agility dan Stamina!
    Gue cukup banyak baca tentang Bear Stacking Agi vs Stam dan banyak pro dan kontra (pastinya).
    Jawaban yang gue dapat..tergantung,itu pilihan k'lo mo stack AGI semua/STAM semua/mix of AGI&STAM.
    K'lo saran gue (belom tentu pilihan gue) stack Stamina secukupnya baru kemudian stack Agility.
    Spoiler untuk Article Agi vs Stam :

    Get health when you need to make sure you can survive the absolute worst case situation, as health scales far more quickly for a druid than armor does any more. If you know you can survive the worst case situation reasonably, health is much less useful and you should either go for more avoidance (which will help overall damage intake on average) or more armor (which will also help damage intake, but more reliably) depending on what the encounter is like. Finally, stamina does something that armor and avoidance do not: it helps with magical soaking. If the fight has a lot of magic damage stamina is going to be better than armor.

    Again, ultimately you have to think about it. Having tools handy is good, but there's no one set that will be optimal for all situations. When you've got a nail, use a hammer. When you've got a screw, use a screwdriver.

  14. #8
    fajarfajar's Avatar
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    eh kalo Druid thu threat output itu paling besar dari apa ya ?? trus biar gag noleh2 kudu nyepam apa ???

  15. #9
    falcond.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ariefalfahrian View Post
    kalo yg terbaru aq amati sch agi bang falcond seperti di katakan sama bang kerbull yang embul seperti kerbull loh kok hahaha. aq dah coba dan khasiatnya memuaskan pelanggan lah di kata pijet ++ hahaha.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerbull View Post
    Agility dan Stamina!
    Gue cukup banyak baca tentang Bear Stacking Agi vs Stam dan banyak pro dan kontra (pastinya).
    Jawaban yang gue dapat..tergantung,itu pilihan k'lo mo stack AGI semua/STAM semua/mix of AGI&STAM.
    K'lo saran gue (belom tentu pilihan gue) stack Stamina secukupnya baru kemudian stack Agility.
    Spoiler untuk Article Agi vs Stam :

    Get health when you need to make sure you can survive the absolute worst case situation, as health scales far more quickly for a druid than armor does any more. If you know you can survive the worst case situation reasonably, health is much less useful and you should either go for more avoidance (which will help overall damage intake on average) or more armor (which will also help damage intake, but more reliably) depending on what the encounter is like. Finally, stamina does something that armor and avoidance do not: it helps with magical soaking. If the fight has a lot of magic damage stamina is going to be better than armor.

    Again, ultimately you have to think about it. Having tools handy is good, but there's no one set that will be optimal for all situations. When you've got a nail, use a hammer. When you've got a screw, use a screwdriver.
    soft cap buat agi sama stm brp y?
    thanks before

  16. #10
    Kerbull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fajarfajar View Post
    eh kalo Druid thu threat output itu paling besar dari apa ya ?? trus biar gag noleh2 kudu nyepam apa ???
    Pake Maul,kk..

    Quote Originally Posted by falcond. View Post

    soft cap buat agi sama stm brp y?
    thanks before
    Setau gue ngga ada Soft Cap utk Agi atau Stam,yang ada Dodge Cap (berhubungan dengan Agi) dan itu juga tidak mungkin dicapai.
    Kurang tau dengan Heroic (maklum belum tembus2 ICC,ROFL..),tapi untuk Normal (Unbuff) menurut gue sekitar:
    35-40k HP
    40% Dodge
    30k++ Armor
    Lagi blom sempet cek char gue di AMPM,ntar gue koreksi k'lo ada angka yang salah.

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    SAPI TEMPUR's Avatar
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    say what what ?
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    daddy bear ke aja itu wotlk =D armorynya
    I'm not saying that we could do better, but given a chance we'd try

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    Quote Originally Posted by SAPI TEMPUR View Post
    daddy bear ke aja itu wotlk =D armorynya
    Udah tuh sebagian (bag.rotasi) tapi koq tooltip-nya ngga pop-out kaya di ya?
    Thanks anyway,Battlecow.

  21. #13
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    Ring TOC 10 H tepatnya dari boss Fjola Lightbane, loop of the twin valk'yr juga bagus

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  23. #14
    Xanvial's Avatar
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    soal rotasi

    charge buat apa ya? Kan boss ga bisa di stun, terus beda sama warrior yg klo charge generate rage (sedangkan druid makan rage)
    Faerie Fire sebaiknya masukin rotasi, threat nya lebih gede dibanding swipe soalnya (gratis juga)
    Klo aq sih, tergantung ambil imp mangle atau ga*
    klo ga ambil
    awal : Mangle, FFF, Lacerate, Lacerate, Mangle, lacerate, lacerate, lacerate, Berserk, Mangle sampe lacerate sisa 3 detik, lacerate, Mangle sampe berserk abis
    rotasi : Mangle, FFF, X, Y
    dengan X dan Y prioritas :
    1) Demo roar klo sisa 4 detikan dan ga da yg laen yg apply (vindication atau Demo shout)
    2) Lacerate klo sisa 4 detikan
    3) Swipe

    Klo ambil Imp Mangle
    awal : Mangle, FFF, Lacerate, Mangle, lacerate, lacerate, Mangle, Lacerate, lacerate, Berserk, Mangle sampe lacerate sisa 3 detik, lacerate, Mangle sampe berserk abis
    rotasi : Mangle, X, Y
    dengan X dan Y prioritas :
    1) Demo roar klo sisa 3 detikan dan ga da yg laen yg apply (vindication atau Demo shout)
    2) Lacerate klo sisa 3 detikan
    3) FFF
    3) Swipe

    *) liat talentmu korbanin precision demi imp mangle, setahuku precision ngasih threat paling gede di banding yg laen, jadi biasanya talent wajib, talent threat laen sesuai prioritasi :
    1. Master shapeshifter
    2. Improved mangle
    3. King of the jungle

    btw tes tooltip Maul
    bisa kok itu, pake www depannya jngn wotlk

    btw soal BIS
    kok pake senjata str? sta defensive nya cmn dari AP > Savage Defense
    mending bloodfall, ada agi > dodge, dan AP juga
    atau senjata pvp 264 keatas, stam nya gede
    Last edited by Xanvial; 09-01-12 at 21:30.
    My Guild Website
    DPS is Science, Healing is Art, Tanking is Strategy

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  25. #15
    wwow's Avatar
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    sebelumnya...nice guide...and finally.....ada juga yg berbahasa Indonesia
    Quote Originally Posted by Xanvial View Post
    btw soal BIS
    kok pake senjata str? sta defensive nya cmn dari AP > Savage Defense
    mending bloodfall, ada agi > dodge, dan AP juga
    atau senjata pvp 264 keatas, stam nya gede jg cenderung ke Bloodfall/wrathfull staff utk BiS weapon papabear.
    BiS untuk belt 264 (bukan heroic 277 ya), mending astrylian atau vengeafull noose (EoF NPC)? vengeafull noose punya stat agility lebih gede drpd astrylian (more dodge n armor). sementara astrylian unggul di attackpower (savage defense).

    kemudian, kembali ke kondisi server kita tercinta....dimana 4 set bonus T10nya blm jalan. BiS yg di release om kerbul itu sudah menghitungkan kondisi 4 set T10 blm jalan?

    last question : stamina atau agility?
    Last edited by wwow; 10-01-12 at 02:35.

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