Looking for Web Programmer and Web Designer, to join with Indogamers DevTeam

Skill requirement:

Web Programmer,
- Javascript / Ajax
- Strong Object Oriented Programming with PHP and Javascript
- Having Knowlede in PHP Programming Framework (Cake, Code Igneter and etc)
- Accustomed to working individual and Teams
- Having Experience as Web Programmer Min: 1 year

Web Designer,
-. Having Knowledge in visual layout, drawing and illustration skills.
-. Having Knowledge in HTML, CSS ( Cascading Style Sheet ), Javascript, Flash and Design Concept.
-. Having Experience min 1 years.
-. Having Knowledge in Ajax is advantage
-. Creative and capable to work individual and team.

Please send your resume to [email protected] or [email protected], include your sample site template.

Send your resume to [email protected] or [email protected]
For more information http://www1.indogamers.com/karir

"Jangan Cuma dibaca, ayo di kirim resume nya,,"

Salam Dangdut !!!