Karena semakin banyaknya pemain yang maen LOD atau Legends Of Dota...Maka saya akan sedikit berbagi ilmu dengan teman-teman guna mengetahui mode-mode apa saja yang ada di Map ini...Bila ada pertanyaan..silakan...
Ya jadi LOD ini adalah penerus dari map DOTA OMG yg terdahulu...Dan karena map ini tidak resmi maka akan terjadi crash sehingga mengakibatkan FE (Fatal Error) jika kita memasukkan mode tidak tepat..
Ini mode dan kegunaan pada Dota LOD :
AP : All pick. Semua pemain bisa memilih semua hero
SD : Single Draft. Tiap pemain memilih satu hero dari 3 hero yang disediakan
AR : All random. Pemain mendapat hero secara acak
MD : Mirror Draft. Dapat memilih hero yang sama
d2 (20)/d3 (30)/d4(40)/d5(50) : Draft...Mode dengan piliha draft hero yang disediakan sesuai dengan perintah..
s6 : Six skills..Mode dengan masing hero bisa memperoleh 6 skill dalam tiap kali permainan
s5 : Five skills..Mode dengan masing hero bisa memperoleh 5 skill dalam tiap kali permainan
UL : Unlimited Level...level tak terbatas
SS : See skills..Dapat melihat skill musuh hanya pada saat melakukan pick skills..
AB : Anti Backdoor...Tidak bisa melakukan backdoor
FN : Fast Neutral....Neutral creep aka spawn lebih cepat
OS : One Skill..Supaya dalam satu tim hanya bisa memperoleh satu skill (tidak kembar)
BO : Balance Off...Untuk menghindari skill yg sama di kedua tim (skill player tidak ada yg sama)
RA : Random Ability...Skill secara acak
NP :No Power Up
adapun perintah saat game berlangsung dgn mengetik -sp 1,-sp 2,-sp 3, -sp 4...dst...ini digunakan untuk menyembunyikan skill shg bisa mempermudah player dalam casting/mengeluarkan jurus...
Mode normal yang biasa di pake supaya tidak terjadi FE
-sdnpab (mode normal LOD dgn 4 skill)
-sdabs5 (mode normal LOD dgn 5 skill)
-sdabs6 (mode normal LOD dgn 6 skill)
Mungkin ini informasi yang bisa saya bagikan dengan teman-teman sekalian...Selamat Bermain
NB: Untuk menghidari error harap tidak membeli item dolo sebelum semua hero dipilih oleh para pemain.
-bo Balance Off
-d2 Provides a choice of 20 heroes.
-d3 Provides a choice of 30 heroes.
-d4 Provides a choice of 40 heroes.
-d5 Provides a choice of 50 heroes.
-s5 allows you to pick 5 skills.
-s6 allows you to pick 6 skills (1 extra ultimate and 1 extra normal ability).
-ra Random Abilities, the extra abilities from s5 & s6 are chosen randomly.
-fn Fast Neutrals, first neutrals spawn already after drafting, then 30 seconds after, then the normal 1 minute spawn
-ss See Skills, allows you to see the enemy skills while drafting as well
-ab Anti Backdoor
-ul Unlimited Level
-os One Skill, skills can't be picked twice on each side
-ls Limit Skills, you cannot have more than 2 passive skills and more than 2 skills from a single hero
Spoiler untuk Balance :
*The silence from Last Word lasts only 0.75/1/1.25/1.5s.
*Multicast chances reduced x2 by 7%/3.5%/0%, x3 by 7%/3.5%, x4 by 7%
*Rearm has a 15/10/5 hidden cooldown after refreshing before being able to refresh again
*Feast only regenerates/deals 1/2/3/4% HP on ranged heroes.
*Greater Bash only has a 10% proc chance on ranged heroes.
*Dispersion disperses only 6/8/10/12% damage on STR heroes and heroes morphed from a STR metamorphosis.
*Essence Shift only works on half the attacks for ranged heroes.
*Spell with a cooldown less than or equal to 3s can not proc Aftershock, Fiery Soul, Static Field, Warpath, Overload (except if they originally could proc the spell).
Ingame Commands:
-FF (Fast Finish)
-WFF (Who FF'd)
-SP #(Toggle passive skill display, # is the skill's place number while drafting)
-SDDON/-SDDOFF (System Display Damage)
-ADDTIME (Adds 1 minute to the clock when picking skills, can be entered at most once)
-READY (During the skill picking phase, chooses your remaining skills randomly)
bentar,masi rada rancu ,katanya game meskipun no bug,tp bila ad skill combo jurus dikombinasikan dgn jurus lain bisa ngebug y? bener gak tuh? macem lvl 3 raigor ma jurus lain,tiap keluar jurus keluar stunnya terus"an
Originally Posted by Edy
ini orang 3 ribut ae ..
tak gunting manukmu kapok loh
baru juga gua omongin,ni gua baru main lod versi yg ini,tiap x tekan angka 1 / 2 buat key pengendalian hero, fatal eror terus,sebenarnya map ini ud fix blm? soalnya mapnya kok beda bgt ma server n sebelah
Originally Posted by Edy
ini orang 3 ribut ae ..
tak gunting manukmu kapok loh
bentar,masi rada rancu ,katanya game meskipun no bug,tp bila ad skill combo jurus dikombinasikan dgn jurus lain bisa ngebug y? bener gak tuh? macem lvl 3 raigor ma jurus lain,tiap keluar jurus keluar stunnya terus"an
Itu bukan bug kk..tapi emang efek afterschock emg spt itu baca penjelasan skilll raigor itu masih bisa diatasi kok...krn aftershock areanya pendek (aoe)...itu bukan bug
baru juga gua omongin,ni gua baru main lod versi yg ini,tiap x tekan angka 1 / 2 buat key pengendalian hero, fatal eror terus,sebenarnya map ini ud fix blm? soalnya mapnya kok beda bgt ma server n sebelah
Yap karrena ini map tidak resmi..Tapi ini yg bisa dikatakan mendekati sempurna jadi bisa terjadi crash yg menyebabkan FE...untuk menghindari fe tambahkan mode yg sudah saya jelaskan di atas kk..Trims
Buat Kalian Para Pecinta LOD (Legends Of Dota) ada kabar gembira....Map Baru LOD versi terbaru LoD 6.77c v1c Sudah ada dan Ini Link buat para LODers buat sedot :
* Fixed Marksmanship, Tidebringer, Moment of Courage, Psi Blades, Hunter in the Night, Jinada, Atrophy Aura, Necromastery, Dragon Tail, Brilliance Aura
* Fixed Dragon Tail not working correctly with morphs (deactivated being able to get range version of Dragon Tail for now)
* Fixed game breaking bug with players not finishing picks before the time runs out
* Fixed -repick allowing to pick wrong heroes (like having a range-only spell and being able to pick a melee hero)
* Fixed low vision on Buyback
* Fixed castpoints for Morphling and Phoenix
* Fixed castpoints in hero descriptions for Batrider, Morphling, Ursa, Phoenix, Naga Siren & Troll Warlord
* Fixed Arcane Bolt & Sanity's Eclipse not dealing the extra INT damage when multicasted
* Removed bugfix "* Fixed transformation skills reducing the movespeed of faster heros while morphed" as it was causing bugs, might return later
* Aftershock cooldown from 1.75 to 1.85
* Static Field cooldown from 1.75 to 1.2
* Rearm now can't be picked with the following spells: Call Down, Hand of God, Chronosphere, Reincarnation, Thundergod's Wrath, Dragon Form, Shapeshift, Metamorphosis, Supernova, Wrath of Nature, Flesh Golem, Chemical Rage, Spirit Form, Firefly, Arctic Burn
* Supernova refresh-restrictions removed (refreshes everything now)
Spoiler untuk features :
2 New heroes with 7 new spells:
Arc Warden Zet's Flux, Magnetic Field & Spark Wraith!
Winter Wyvern Auroth's Arctic Burn, Splinter Blast, Cold Embrace & Winter's Curse!
25 remade or highly changed spells:
Spoiler untuk spells :
Stampede, Trueshot Aura, Marksmanship, Sunray, Icarus Dive, Last Word, Test of Faith, Devour, Level Death, Ice Path, Omnislash, Sadist, Spiked Carapace, Atrophy Aura, Supernova, Requiem of Souls, Charge of Darkness, Ancestral Spirit, Empowering Haste, Greater Bash, Metamorphosis, Reflection, Conjure Image, Living Armor
1 new item: Shadow Amulet!
* LoD now allows modes that have up to 100 characters (relevant for mostly HCL host bot command strings for modes)
* Added a skill- & heropicktimer in the tavern area
* -fastfinish (-ff) disabled on default, it is now a mode. Increased the wait time for -ff from 10 to 20 minutes.
* -antibackdoor (-ab) changed to work like original DotA anti backdoor, but with much higher regen rate.
* New -3ls mode (similar to -limitskills / -ls), allows 3 passives and 3 spells from the same hero
* -sd3lszm is now the default mode if no or an invalid mode is entered
* -addtime can now add up to 2 minutes to the picktime, each team can issue 1 minute
* You now deselect taverns after the spell-pick time is over or everyone is finished (to prevent missclicks)
* In -s5 & -s6 modes the fountain cannot miss & now has Resistant Skin (Spells targeted on fountain act like it is a hero, e.g. Frostbite)
* You may now write -random melee or -random range to pick a random melee or range hero from your pool for 100 extra gold
* -random (and -random melee / range) now works in -SD mode
- Quelling Blade can now be purchased with Tidebringer but does not work on attacks that proc Tidebringer
- Tidebringer is now usable on range heroes
Nerubian Weaver
- Geminate Attack is now usable on melee heroes
- Moon Glaives is now usable on melee heroes
- Kelen's Dagger can now be purchased if you have Hook
Vengeful Spirit
- Kelen's Dagger can now be purchased if you have Nether Swap
Drow Ranger
- Trueshot Aura grants either melee or ranged heroes the benefits, depending on your own hero state. Always affects range creeps, regardless whether you're melee or range.
- Added Marksmanship active ability for melee heroes or heroes with melee transform. 50 Manacost, 30s CD, 8s duration. Adds the full 40/60/80 Agility even if an enemy hero is in the 375 detection AoE.
Templar Assassin
- Meld is now usable on melee heroes
- Added a cancel spell to Ghost Walk to stop it without the need to use a spell or attack
- in -AP mode, you may cycle through all of Invoker's spells by re-selecting the tavern and Invoker
Spoiler untuk balance :
(balance is active on default, add -balanceoff / -bo to your mode to deactivate
Spoiler untuk passive :
* Revamped low-cooldown spells in combination with spell-proc passives:
Lina, Bristleback, Storm Spirit
Fiery Soul, Warpath & Overload now work with balance mode on for spells with a
cooldown lower than or 3. Now every 2nd cast of low-cooldown-spells will proc
the effect.
- Rearm cooldown from 15/10/5s to 9/6/3s
Spoiler untuk Rearm now can not be picked with the following spells :
Thundergod's Wrath, Chronosphere, Dragon Form, Shapeshift, Metamorphosis,
Chemical Rage, Spirit Form, Firefly, Arctic Burn, Ice Blast, Tombstone, Flesh
Golem, Rain of Chaos, Supernova, Call Down, Stampede, Hand of God, Wrath of
Nature, Bear Form, Song of the Siren, Haunt, Sunstrike or Reincarnation.
- Range Tidebringer will only splash 60% damage
- Ranged illusions will only deal 10/14/18/22 damage with Desolate
- Rebalanced Dispersion for STR + STR-morphs: from 6/8/10/12% to 8/10/12/14%
- Enchant Totem only provides 50/100/150/200% damage increase if you have
Jinada, Tidebringer or Walrus Punch
- Aftershock duration changed from 0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5 to 0.6/0.8/1.0/1.2 and
damage from 50/75/100/125 to 40/60/80/100
- Aftershock now has a 1.75s cooldown.
- Static Field now has a 1.75s cooldown.
- Grow! now adds only 30/60/90 damage if used on a range hero or if you have a
range transform (Firefly, Arctic Burn, Spirit Form, etc.)
- While using Ember Spirit's Sleight of Fist, you lose half the base damage
gained through Grow!
- Morph (Agility Gain) / Morph (Strength Gain) now has a bottom limit of 30
base strength and agility (can't morph under 30 AGI / STR)
Phantom Lancer
- Phantom Edge now generates images even when you do not have Juxtapose
- Rebalanced Feast for range heroes from 1/2/3/4% to 1.75/2.75/3.75/4.75%
Invoker balance slightly reworked (in effect even when balance is off):
Spoiler untuk invoker :
- Cold Snap CD from 20 to 18/16/14/12s
- Ghost Walk Manacost from 125/150/175/200 to 80/90/100/110
- Ghost Walk CD from 60 to 35s
- Ghost Walk self-slow from 30/26/23/20% to 30/20/10/0%
- Tornado CD from 30 to 28/26/24/22s
- EMP CD from 30 to 28/26/24/22s
- Sun Strike CD from 30 to 24s
- Forge Spirit Duration from 30/40/50/60 to 35 Cooldown from 30 to 25
- Ice Wall CD from 25 to 24/21/18/15
- Deafening Blast CD from 40 to 40/36/32/28s, Manacost from 125/150/175/200 to 100/115/130/145
Dan Para Buggers hehehhe..di sini sudah ada beberapa Bug yang sudah diperbaiki...Nah Tugas kalian para debugger untuk menemukan Bug-Bug terbaru supaya nanti bisa diperbaharui lagi...Cekidot ini dia bug yang sudah diperbaiki :
Spoiler untuk bugfixes :
* Fixed -spellinfo/-abilityinfo (-si/-ai) issue for The Scourge
* Fixed abuse with range/melee versions of Items (e.g. Stout Shield, Skadi...) with Transformation spells
* Fixed Xin permanent damage bonus after using Sleight of Fist
* Fixed Sleight of Fist issues while the hero can't attack (Being Ethereal or while using Shakram)
* Fixed -sp (-showpassive) sometimes not correctly working
* Fixed Transformation spells not working correctly with Illusion spells
* Fixed a vision issue at the start of the game when observers are present
* Fixed perma-invis issue with Aftershock or Fiery Soul in combination with Nature's Guise
* Fixed -ff not working correctly with leavers
* Fixed Reactive Armor lag with Transformation spells
* Fixed Greater Bash having no cooldown
* Fixed Fury Swipes dealing double the damage with Feast
* Fixed Fury Swipes sometimes being pickable on range heroes
* Fixed Craggy Exterior not granting bonus armor
* Fixed amount of Psionic Traps not being restricted under certain circumstances
* Fixed Spiked Carapace having no visual on many heroes
* Fixed Necromastery -st values not being updated
* Fixed Gravekeeper's Cloak not functioning correctly with transforms
* Fixed Anchor Smash not being able to multicast
* Fixed Shadowrazes + Transformation spell sometimes resulting in losing 2 Shadowrazes
* Fixed losing Cleave from Empower when transforming
* Fixed getting healed by Flesh Golem's effect even when it is not active
* Fixed being able to stack Ion Shell with Transformation spells
* Fixed Shapeshift not working correctly with stat-changing abilities
* Fixed acquisition range issue with Take Aim and Psi Blades
* Fixed losing Geminate Attack upon using any Transform spell
* Fixed sometimes losing a spell after using Spell Steal
* Fixed Nether Blast & Fade Bolt not working correctly with Multicast
* Fixed transformation skills reducing the movespeed of faster heros while morphed
* Fixed Rocket Barrage not working when casted in Shukuchi
* Fixed Fireblast not having the correct cooldown
* Fixed Phase Shift not applying self-effects such as Overload on usage
* Fixed Feral Impulse granting extra damage for a short time after leveling it up
* Fixed Frostmourne (ranged) applying the wrong visual to attacked targets
* Fixed Frostmourne (ranged) not granting allies the benefits
* Fixed an issue where vision was not updated correctly after picking
* Fixed Focus Fire & Static Field causing problems in s5 & s6 modes
* Fixed Meat Hook with Multicast not working correctly
* Fixed God's Strength damage being too low
* Fixed God's Strength being removed too soon after transforming
* Fixed Pugna's Life Drain with Aghanim's Scepter proccing Aftershock, Fiery Soul, Static Field, Warpath & Overload
* Fixed -swap not swapping spells and hero icon in scoreboard
Last edited by Blitzcrew; 02-06-13 at 12:46.
Reason: Map Baru
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