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  1. #16
    LunarCrusade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by High elf ranger View Post
    hehe, saya juga ada masalah di grammar nih, tapi ga papa kok, pas pertama mau post disana saya juga rada takud, tapi senior membernya bilang:
    "post your story, dont be afraid. we also not a native english speaker at all, and most of us here starting with terrible grammar"
    yah...dan berhubung gw bukan player Dota, jadi kalo gabung di forum" lain yg Dota-oriented, suka ogah

    Well, lagian secara keseluruhan gw cukup suka kok cerita" yg berkisar ttg Azeroth, uda baca timeline sejarahnya

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    The moment you say a word of parting, you've already parted.
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    Shichimiya Satone - Sophia Ring S.P. Saturn VII

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  3. #17
    M~'s Avatar
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    okee dehh...
    Sory deh

    Saya kan ngak tau kalo kk ngak suka dota dan cumen pngen lebih detail..
    namanya juga penasaran

  4. #18

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    hehe, cerita gua sih soal dota, tapi digabungin sama sedikit sejarah di warcraft (adaptasi?) juga ga pake hero dota sebagiai main character nya

  5. #19
    LunarCrusade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by M~ View Post
    okee dehh...
    Sory deh

    Saya kan ngak tau kalo kk ngak suka dota dan cumen pngen lebih detail..
    namanya juga penasaran
    ya elah serius banget lu

    gw ngomong gitu ga berarti ngamuk juga kok

    *kabur dulu ah, nunggu TS nya ngepost ceritanya

    Quote Originally Posted by High elf ranger View Post
    hehe, cerita gua sih soal dota, tapi digabungin sama sedikit sejarah di warcraft (adaptasi?) juga ga pake hero dota sebagiai main character nya
    oke ditunggu

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    The moment you say a word of parting, you've already parted.
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    So long as you don't say it, you haven't parted.
    That is the way of the world:
    The Law of Linkage.

    Shichimiya Satone - Sophia Ring S.P. Saturn VII

  6. #20

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    eh ceritanya di thread ini apa thread lain? kalau di playdota marah mereka?

  7. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by High elf ranger View Post
    eh ceritanya di thread ini apa thread lain? kalau di playdota marah mereka?
    bikin thread baru aja biar rapi, tapi jgn lupa tetep di dalem Creative Corner, jangan langsung under SF Menulis nya

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    The moment you say a word of parting, you've already parted.
    So long as you and I are both somewhere in this world, we haven't parted.
    So long as you don't say it, you haven't parted.
    That is the way of the world:
    The Law of Linkage.

    Shichimiya Satone - Sophia Ring S.P. Saturn VII

  8. #22

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    okay dah bakalan gua post disini

    kalau di character background agak gua copaz sih, tapi beberapa gua buat sendiri, okay enjoy!!

    Defense of the Ancient story

    Author: Bagus surya, I also called High_elf_ranger in and
    Genre: Action, romance, mild violence

    Once the general archer from the silvermoon named Anasterian crystal arrow.
    The last general ranger of the high elven kingdom, Quel’Thalas.
    Some day his head troubled when he gets a report that his enemies the Scourge who have been defeated, rise again and reassembling their powers to revive they master Lich king.
    Anasterian try to warned the alliance to aid the sentinels to purging the scourge from this world. But they ignore him, disappointed, he bring him self to the battle against the scourge. But unpredictable he meats with his love who have been lost for along time ago, thus exclaimed his final task is to destroying the scourge and rebuild his relationship with his love.

    Character in the story

    Main character;

    1. Anasterian crystal arrow
    Once he is the ranger general in his homeland Quel’thalas. After missing in action on his journey, he back to the Quel’thalas and learned that his beloved homeland has razed and many of his friends has been murdered. Anger by this state, he decide to aid the alliance to destroying the scourge in norhrend. They made it; the scourge has destroyed and kills their champion, Arthas. But after the month passed by, his mind and soul trembled and haunted by the scourge’s claws, in fear if the scourge back to terrorize this world. At last his concernment realized. The scourge has return and reassembling their power. He tried to warn the alliance but they ignored. With disappointment and the old hatred he brings his marksmanship into the battlefield to aid the sentinels and purging the scourge once and for all.

    2. Alleria windrunner
    The Sentinel's search for new recruits stretches beyond Azeroth, and in the broken pieces of Dreanor they found Alleria Windrunner, a superb High Elf ranger who, along with the other members of the Alliance Expedition, stopped the Orcs' invasion by closing the very portals connecting the two worlds from Dreanor's side, and have been roaming in this forsaken land ever since. The Sentinel brought back a sorrowful and vengeful ranger who learned that her former home which she sacrificed so much to defend has fall to the Scourge's invasion. The Windrunner is ready to fight alongside the Sentinel in order to hunt down Ner'Zhul the Lich king and his undead minions.

    3. Sylvanas windrunner
    Sylvanas windrunner is the Alleria windrunner’s sister. She formerly is the one of the ranger who protects her city silvermoon when the undead invasion landed on Quel’thalas. Unfortunate for her, she killed when try to protect the sunwell from the scourge’s corruption. But her soul is not rest in piece, she possessed her own dead body and after get he physical form, she manage to make an undead army to seek vengeance upon Arthas. Now Arthas has killed, but her insane actions are getting crazy. She even had a plan to make some plague that could made any living creature who contact with it will being an undead to expand her army and learned the forbidden knowledge, the Necromancy.
    However her sister Alleria who heard about her sister’s fate, go to the undercity to resuscitate her sister and offering her the second chance to get her life again. But sylvanas refuse her sister offers recklessly and resist her. Alleria who don’t have any choice but manhandling her beloved sister and drag her to the well of eternity in kalimdor to purify her sister’s body and cleansed her soul.
    Now Sylvanas realize her soul have been free from corrupted by vengeance have no choice but to aid the sentinels to destroying the scourge, as her payback to the sentinels who have gave her the second life and to redeem her sins.

    Secondary character:

    1. Furion stormrage
    The leader of the Sentinels and all of the Night Elves, Furion tirelessly works to protect the sanctity of his woods. It comes as no surprise that he who helped defeat scourge would be called upon once more in the Sentinel's hour of need. The fury of nature is at his disposal, the trees come to life at his command, the wind carries him to lands far away, and nature itself strikes all who defy his will. He is more than just a Keeper or a Prophet, he is a savior.

    2. Magina stormrage
    Twin sons to the great Prophet Furion stormrage, Terrorblade and Magina were blessed with divine powers: Terrorblade granted with an unnatural affinity with life forces; Magina gifted with energy manipulation. Magina's eventual overexposure to the magics gradually augmented his elemental resistances and bestowed him the unique ability to move faster than light itself. Now, broken by Terrorblade's fall to the dark side, Magina answers the Sentinel's call in a desperate bid to redeem his brother. Every bitter strike turns the Scourge's evil essences upon themselves, culminating in a finale that forces his enemy to awaken to the void within and spontaneously implode.

    3. Purist thunderwrath
    A former member of the Order of the Silver Hand, Purist has joined the Sentinel to avenge the death of the Order's leader, Uther the Lightbringer. Trained by Uther himself in the ways of the Paladin, Purist brings the power of the Holy Light to the battlefield. He can purify the souls of allies, harming any nearby Scourge in the process. Able to protect allies from harmful unholy magic, the mere presence of a man of the Holy Light atrophies any nearby enemies. In times of dire need, Purist can call upon God himself to protect him and his allies

    4. Lina inverse
    A renowned elven mage roaming the lands, Lina Inverse originally joined the Sentinel to take revenge to the scourge that have destroying her homeland. However, weeks turned into months, and fighting alongside the many holy warriors with fearless souls inspired her with the responsibility of protecting the sanctity of the World Tree. With her devastating abilities to summon vaporizing flames, she wreaks havoc among the enemy ranks. In dire situations, she would imbue herself with an ultimate fervor, or even call forth a massive beam of lightning which is said to instantly slay any single foe. A most feared enemy of the Scourge, a most unswerving defender of the Sentinel.

    5. Nortrom
    Hailing from the magical community of Quel'Thalas, Nortrom is one of the strongest Elven warriors defending the integrity of the lands. Mastering the ancient art of glaive-throwing, and combining it with the volatile nature of the Blood Elves' arcane magic, he is able to disrupt the magical energies in his enemies. By binding his magical powers to his glaive, he is able to cause damage beyond devastation, gaining intelligence from every kill. Concentrating all his energies, he can cause chaos within his enemies' magical pools, making them unable to cast spells. He is determined to fend off the Scourge and their demon magic until he has breathed his last.

    6. Chen
    Prophesying a new dawn, a new world cleansed of the old evils, the Holy Knight's entrance into the war against the Scourge forever changed the course of history. Aiding the sentinels and adapted with a healing magic, and will stop at nothing to see the Scourge destroyed. If ever the redeeming hand of God touched earth, its name was Chen, the Holy Knight.

    7. Davion
    Abandoned and forsaken as a child, the Half-bred Dragon Davion sought refuge from the evils of the world, and from the uncontrollable power growing within him. His search led him to the doorstep of a mighty Druid Furion stromrage, who taught him to tap into the massive energies that lay concealed in his blood - a tribute to his ancient Draconian heritage. A master swordsman, Davion smites his foes in his raging frenzy - transforming at will into an Elder Dragon of destructive fiery rage to crush all the scourge, that threaten to vanquish his new home.

    Antagonist character:

    1. Kel’thuzad
    Forcibly raised from the dead by the Lich King to serve as his elite magical guard, the Kel’thuzad has the burning cold of Northrend in his realm of control. Being the leader of the scourge and Evoking numerous freezing blasts, his talent in life still remains in death. Delving into the essence of cold magic, he has the power to cause ice to condense into an orb that bounces from foe to foe, causing tremendous pain in its wake. Sacrificing his allies for magical power, the Kel’thuzad is a murderer without a trace of warmth

    2. Mortred
    Born into the reclusive Night Elf order known as the Wardens but she shunned by mainstream Night Elf society, Mortred pledged allegiance to the Scourge to take revenge And betraying her kin. A perfect blend of strength and speed, the years spent alone in the forests of Ashenvale allowed her to blend into the terrain, appearing phantomlike at times and striking when you least expect it. The deadly precision with which she carries out her attacks has made her a valuable member of the Scourge even being them second in command, and it is clear why she is known as the Phantom Assassin.

    3. Leoric
    Once a noble knight protecting his kingdom, the man was thrown into Hell, where he was ripped apart over and over for centuries. Now, lich king has thrown him back into the soil, corrupted and mindless, as King Leoric, the Skeleton King. He marches on, leading his minions with an unfaltering gaze, knowing only one thing: the orders given to him by the lich king himself. Able to cripple his opponents by drawing power from the fiery depths of hell itself, King Leoric is a major threat on the battlefield. His mighty blade allows him and others in his presence to drain the blood of their enemies. It is said that he is unkillable, and those who are struck down by his hellfire don’t wake up again.

    4. Anub’arak
    Anub'arak was once the greatest champion of the Nerubians, but fell in the Second War of the Spider. He was resurrected by the Lich King Ner'zhul, who promised him eternal undeath in exchange for his unswerving loyalty. When threatened, he shoots these spikes through enemies, maiming and disorienting them. He channels his dark powers into a bolt of disarming negative energy, and those who witness him blending into the shadows of the frozen tundra have never lived to tell the tale.

    5. Akasha
    Akasha is one of the many souls claimed by the blade, Frostmourne. Raised to serve the Lich King as a Banshee, she desired to become pure substance once more. Driving deep into the forests, she was able to subdue and possess a Succubus minion. Rightly bearing the title, Queen of Pain, she enjoys nothing more than inflicting massive damage on her foes, using both the poisonous strikes of her succubus host and the vicious howls retained from her Banshee nature. Akasha breaks her enemies' eardrums with torturing screams, some so loud they manifest into powerful waves that ripple across the lands, shattering all in their wake.

    6. Terrorblade stormrage
    Terrorblade is the twin brother of the Magina Anti-Mage. Both of Night Elf descent, Terrorblade was drawn in by the powers of the Undead, plunging deeper into the abyss of no return, growing large, gargoyle-like wings to symbolize his breaking from the Night Elf world. Having mastered the art of image-creation and soul manipulation, he has the ability to transform into a fearsome and terrifying demonic form, obtaining the powers to hurl energy at his opponents. Large moon blades slashing, he is one to fear on the battlefield.

    7, Strygwyr
    An unusual hybrid of Demon and Orc, Strygwyr is an outcast amongst all mortal creatures. By thriving on and bathing himself with the blood of those he slays, Strygwyr can heal his wounds - even those that could prove fatal. Beware the fool who dares venturing alone, for Strygwyr can sense his blood miles away and gain vision through his helpless prey's eyes. Having ruptured the enemy with mighty blows in his bloodthirsty

    Chapter 1
    The Disappointments

    The winter has come in Lordaeron, every side covered with snow and freezing air. Some stormy nights, the air was so cold blowing into the city garden, numbing anyone who dared to stand against it.
    But it didn't mean anything for the man who had been there for three hours abstracting something that had been haunting his mind for years. He is Anasterian Crystalarrow, the strategic general of the Alliance.
    Substantively, he shouldn’t have worried about anything like most generals in the Alliance command. Sure, the Scourge was destroyed in the Northrend, resembling with their champion, Arthas, three years ago, but to date there’s nothing to prove their further existence.
    In spite of it, there is always something bothering his mind. One of the biggest questions that have not been answered yet: if the scourge was destroyed, why can’t we find the frozen throne? If they evacuated their master's throne, it would mean the Scourge still existed in this world, waiting for the right time to launch the counter attack against us. A thousand questions have his mind blowing in his head.

    Anasterian was breathing deeply, letting the cold air filling his lungs. It was a really cold weather as it is used to be in the middle of winter, especially given that it was 12 o’clock at that moment. But the moonlight was still shining to accompany his lonely heart. In this his close friend Varressa came.

    Surprised to see him there Varressa asked: Anasterian, you still here? You better go to bed, General. It’s midnight and the air is so cold out here.

    Anasterian: Midnight? I guess I should be in my bed by now. But no thanks, fellow, I’ll stay here. Even if I went home, I couldn't sleep a wink. So I could as well stay here in fresh air... I’ve much to ponder about.

    Varressa: It’s up to you, General, but mind that tomorrow morning we have a meeting with the leader of the Sentinels, Arch druid Malfurion Stormrage. Make sure not to be too late for it.

    Then Varressa gave her beautiful smile to her comrade. She has already known the habitually of her dear friend and the “ritual” he always does when the moonlight revealed. Soon she walked out and left him alone with his daydream. Varressa is one of Windrunner’s youngest sisters who have married with Anasterian’s close friend, Rhonin about 7 years ago.

    Anasterian insisted on staying there. Standing wistful just like a mad man, mumbling, thinking, worried over things the most people even do not think about.
    The night became darker as time passed by, the cold wind blowing and beating against his body. But he stayed there, for some time at least. An hour or so later the ranger general felt the entire of his body shaking. Heading for home he was mumbling: The winter is getting mad… Varressa is right. I shall not challenge the snow storm or I will be back with some frostbite, huh… I need to get some sleep...

    Once walking lazily to his lodge he noticed that the city of Dal’aran ally looked as deserted and terrifying as the result of this midnight and the terrible winter.
    Arriving in his bed he closed his eyes trying to forget his problems at least for a while.

    Next morning at the meeting hall, the entire of the alliance generals and leaders attended in this convention.
    • Anasterian Crystalarrow as the Alliance strategic general and the general from the archers division.
    • Magni bronzebeard, the leader of the dwarf armies and the king of Khaz modan kingdom.
    • Rhonin redhair, the chief of Dal’aran wizards and the chairman of Dal’aran council.
    • Dane ironforge, the Alliance general from the equipment and troops also being the second in command in Alliance leadership.
    • King Terenas, the leader of Alliance itself and deliberate decision maker in every meeting.

    Soon the leader of the Night elves, Malfurion Stormrage, took his place and the leader of human alliance spoke to him.

    King Terenas: Greetings, Arch druid Furion Stormrage. You’ve travelled so far from the Kalimdor and we all sit here, ready to hear you and aid you as the member of the alliance.

    Furion: Thanks, old friend. I bring terrible news and it may seem unbelievable. But I got the report from my trustworthy scout that the undead Scourge made their headquarters in the east Moonglade forest five miles away from the well of the eternity. They do not play games; they are reconstituting their powers and recruiting their generals from the entire of this world for the Lich King’s bidding. I am here to require your assistance, my old friends.

    The audience became restless not quite believing that news. As far as they knew, the Scourge had been annihilated from this world in the war of the Frozen Throne. Thus many of the listeners started to complain saying this had to be a disinformation.

    Magni bronzebeard: Terenas!! Explain to him. We, the human, are not going to get involved in the war against the Scourge … again. We are done with that! Too much blood has been shed; too many sacrifices have been made…. I am sorry; Furion, but I and my brethren will not entangle ourselves in your restless war!!!

    Anasterian: King Terenas, the Night Elves is our ally. Their problems are ours.
    If the undead reach the well of eternity, reviving their master, Lich King, will not be so unlikely anymore. Remember, they almost succeeded in the battle of the mount Hyjal. Shall they be given the opportunity to afflict the entire world with their undead plaque? No Magni, I will not agree with you!

    Rhonin: Pardon me, my friend… but I share Magni’s conviction. This is not our war.
    (Turning to King Terenas), Rhonin continued: We are tired of wars, King Terenas! I believe that not participating in the Sentinels’ wars is for the welfare of all.

    Anasterian (muttering): Damn you, Rhonin!!!

    Dane Ironforge: I also do not agree to the war, lads!!! I most certainly will not let my warriors getting killed and rot in the hand of the Scourge!!!

    King Terenas, who also was not convinced of the news’ verity, explained calmly his decision to Furion:

    King Terenas: I am sorry, Furion, but in consideration of the public interest I am afraid we cannot take part in this war against the Scourge. Having in mind the disadvantage we would face if engaged in battles against Scourge and considering the fact that they are out of our territory, I must confirm what has been said: I am very sorry, Furion, but you’re alone on you wars.

    Anasterian, who felt King Terenas’ decision was unfair, didn’t hide his anger about it and stood up to oppose the council’s decision stating:

    Anasterian: King Terenas!! This is most unjust! Aren’t we allies?! Aren’t we supposed to help each other? When, if not...

    Feeling a gentle pat on his shoulder, Anasterian stopped. Turning to his right, he saw Furion, who now said appeasing:

    Furion: enough…, enough, young general. Don’t waste your breath to convince them.
    (To the audience he spoke): Thank you for your attention, gentlemen, I do understand that the Alliance doesn’t want to aid us….. But I hope the battle of mount Hyjal was not our last common union.

    Finished talking Furion left the meeting hall and headed to his ship, preparing for the journey back to Kalimdor. Anasterian who was disappointed by his companions felt that it was his destiny to finish his task: purging the rest of the scourge out from this world. So he runs to chase Furion and talk to him...

    Anasterian shouted: wait…, Shan’ do Stormrage! I‘ll go with you. Your problem with the Scourge is my concern as well, and I’ve unfinished business with Lich King. Please let me aid you as one of your generals.

    Furion: ah…, general…..

    Anasterian: Anasterian…, Anasterian Crystalarrow, the last high elf ranger from the capital city of Quel’Thalas, Silvermoon. Please just call me Anasterian.

    Furion: All right, Anasterian then. It’s an honor if you want to fight alongside the Sentinels, young elf. But you better hurry for our ship will be on its way through the seas in less than an hour.

    Anasterian: Got it. Wait for me at the shore. I just need to bring my trusted bow, several arrows and some stuff before. See you Shan’ do.

    Anasterian run over his lodge. After packing and taking his bow on his back, he run back to the streets near the shore. He met Varressa and her husband Rhonin, who were surprised to see him hastening his run and carrying his stuff.
    Wondering about that Varressa asked: Where are you going, Anasterian?

    Anasterian replied: I am heading to Kalimdor, Varressa, To aid the Sentinels in the war against the Scourge…. And please, do not try to stop me, my companion...

    Varressa: I did not want to stop you, friend. But you would not go without saying good bye to your close friends, would you?

    Rhonin: Are you still upset because I did not support you in our last meeting?

    Anasterian: I was then, but am not anymore. Actually I can understand…, you as a human will never feel the same way about solidarity and confraternity. Well then you have to protect your city Dal’aran. Get on with it, mates.

    Then Anasterian shared his hug with his mates Rhonin and Varressa, saying: Stay close to your beloved husband, Varressa, and don’t worry. I shall mail you from Kalimdor, I promise. Rhonin, take good care of your wife.

    Varressa: I will.., but the alliance shall regret losing their best strategist.

    Anasterian: Well, that was their fault!..Okay I’ve got to go.

    Rhonin: Good bye, my friend. May your journey be successful.

    Anasterian just smiled and then run over the shores, where Furion has been waiting for him.

    Furion: well..., Anasterian you coming.

    Anasterian: course I am…

    Furion: right! Let’s embark; we have a long journey, young elf.

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    segitu dolo!!
    chapter 2 nyusul setelah ada feedback

  10. #24
    LunarCrusade's Avatar
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    thread baru kakak, itu namanya post baru bukan thread baru

    +Personal Corner | Lunatic Moe Anime Review
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    The moment you say a word of parting, you've already parted.
    So long as you and I are both somewhere in this world, we haven't parted.
    So long as you don't say it, you haven't parted.
    That is the way of the world:
    The Law of Linkage.

    Shichimiya Satone - Sophia Ring S.P. Saturn VII

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    okay okay bakalan gua remove dah

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    Uda di removed oleh Ts

    Close aja thread ini kk

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