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  1. #196
    v!Q's Avatar
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  2. Hot Ad
  3. #197
    Creative.10's Avatar
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  4. #198
    v!Q's Avatar
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  5. #199
    v!Q's Avatar
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  6. #200
    ALmost-[S]'s Avatar
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    Absen malam kang hwie

  7. #201
    v!Q's Avatar
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    yuhu...thx uda mampir

  8. #202
    ALmost-[S]'s Avatar
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  9. #203
    v!Q's Avatar
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    ayuk dota ga?

  10. #204

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  11. #205
    v!Q's Avatar
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    hehehe....baru bangun gw rick wkwkwk

  12. #206

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    buset siang amat

  13. #207
    v!Q's Avatar
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    hahaha iyah bis bergadang semalem latian war di nusa

  14. #208
    v!Q's Avatar
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    00:00:00 Game starting
    00:02:01 Creep spawning
    00:04:13 neoronaldo First Kill: Killed Mucikari_gaul
    00:12:41 MASTER_DBZ Disconnected
    00:12:41 Gochin Stats: 25 creep kills - 3 denies - 0 neutrals
    00:15:27 MUAK_NYOSS Destroyed external sentinel top Tower
    00:16:14 Gochin Destroyed external sentinel bottom Tower
    00:16:53 MUAK_NYOSS Destroyed external sentinel mid Tower
    00:17:33 Gochin Destroyed intermediate sentinel bottom Tower
    00:23:42 Gochin Destroyed intermediate sentinel mid Tower
    00:25:01 sh_in Destroyed base sentinel bottom Tower
    00:25:08 neoronaldo Destroyed sentinel bottom melee Barracks
    00:25:13 Gochin Destroyed sentinel bottom ranged Barracks
    00:26:09 neoronaldo Destroyed intermediate sentinel top Tower
    00:26:50 RED_LABELS Disconnected
    00:26:50 MUAK_NYOSS Stats: 44 creep kills - 0 denies - 10 neutrals
    00:27:16 Gochin Destroyed base sentinel mid Tower
    00:29:28 Gochin Destroyed final sentinel mid Tower
    00:32:40 neoronaldo Destroyed sentinel mid melee Barracks
    00:32:45 Gochin Destroyed sentinel mid ranged Barracks
    00:32:55 Gochin Destroyed final sentinel mid Tower
    00:33:02 World Tree at 75%
    00:37:27 World Tree at 50%
    00:37:32 World Tree at 25%
    00:37:34 World Tree at 10%
    00:37:35 MUAK_NYOSS Left the game
    00:37:36 Scourge Won
    00:37:36 TEST Finished
    00:37:37 sh_in Finished
    00:37:37 neoronaldo Finished
    00:37:37 Mucikari_gaul Finished
    00:37:37 Gochin Finished
    00:37:37 Alcindor Finished
    00:37:37 bLp-ZhenD- Finished
    00:37:37 Game terminated

  15. #209
    kimaru's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Thanks: 20 / 36 / 27


    Game name :APSP IDGS LVL(B) SES#10b #401
    Game length :34:54
    Dota winner side :Scourge
    Saver :ronyxqd
    Host :evo-bronze1
    Dota mode :apsp
    Spoiler untuk SS PING :

    #  Nick         Hero           Flame.Reason              Time           AFK1          AFK2      APM  K  D   C  D  G  A   N
    1  KaizerJR     Lifestealer        0Disconnected        26:44  37s at 26:07  27s at 18:28  55( 63)  1  8  47  1  9  5 14
    2  Kopi_DauN    Spectre            2Finished            34:59  67s at 00:01  66s at 33:22  61( 81)  5 10  62  11479 12  0
    3  PusherStreet Stone Giant        1Finished            34:57  49s at 00:59  40s at 16:33  94(110) 11 10  93  3892  5  0
    4  ronyxqd      Bloodseeker        1Finished            35:05  38s at 00:20  36s at 20:14  88(104)  6 12  24  1212  9  6
    5  silenze_corp Phoenix            1Left the game       20:26 230s at 00:01  32s at 16:18  53( 77)  3 10  25  3 10 11  0
    6  tau-lah      Faerie Dragon      1Finished            34:57  30s at 31:52  25s at 01:01  68( 75) 14  8  70  21826 15  0
    7  aLL-b        Prophet            0Finished            34:57 402s at 00:00  46s at 32:28  43( 62) 10  3  84  3 87 24  9
    8  ahak         Axe                1Finished            34:59  47s at 20:17  44s at 33:18  49( 71)  8  8  64  02541 18 22
    9  starcraft    Spiritbreaker      0Finished            34:58  37s at 31:32  25s at 00:01  61( 73) 12  5  29  12768 21 11
    10 ada          Phantom Lancer     0Finished            34:59 155s at 00:00  56s at 26:15  65( 75)  3  3  72  04396 15 27
    Spoiler untuk Chat Log :
    00:00  ada          Phantom Lancer All     Shortest load by player [ada] was 4.59 seconds.
    00:00  ada          Phantom Lancer All     Longest load by player [tau-lah] was 15.55 seconds.
    00:00  ada          Phantom Lancer ada  Your load time was 8.60 seconds.
    00:00  ada          Phantom Lancer All     This game was hosted by IDGS (
    00:32  ronyxqd      Bloodseeker    Allies  ane AGI
    00:43  PusherStreet Stone Giant    Allies  6.78 masi aja make naix
    00:55  ronyxqd      Bloodseeker    Allies  emang naix di nerf  ??
    01:00  PusherStreet Stone Giant    Allies  ya
    01:03  PusherStreet Stone Giant    Allies  jelek
    01:07  KaizerJR     Lifestealer    Allies  ou
    01:10  PusherStreet Stone Giant    Allies  jarak wound kecil bgt
    01:12  ronyxqd      Bloodseeker    Allies  amor nya ?? di nerf ??
    01:13  PusherStreet Stone Giant    Allies  [sa-1] - 
    rage bisa di rupture
    01:25  ronyxqd      Bloodseeker    Allies  wow 
    01:25  PusherStreet Stone Giant    Allies  blod skarang imba
    01:31  PusherStreet Stone Giant    Allies  itu rupture jd fisik\
    01:38  PusherStreet Stone Giant    Allies  gk ngaruh ama bkb rage
    01:39  ronyxqd      Bloodseeker    Allies  owwww
    02:02  PusherStreet Stone Giant    Allies  melee aja smua 
    02:04  PusherStreet Stone Giant    Allies  uda ada ax
    02:13  tau-lah      Faerie Dragon  All     wah
    04:07  Kopi_DauN    Spectre        Allies  was mid
    04:08  Kopi_DauN    Spectre        Allies  bara mid
    04:23  starcraft    Spiritbreaker  All     wew
    04:25  PusherStreet Stone Giant    Allies  buset
    04:28  PusherStreet Stone Giant    Allies  botol gw
    04:29  PusherStreet Stone Giant    Allies  sejengkal
    04:46  silenze_corp Phoenix        Allies  sry abis eeq gw
    05:14  ronyxqd      Bloodseeker    Allies  bangkekenacas
    06:51  aLL-b        Prophet        All     APA KABAR DUNIA
    07:01  silenze_corp Phoenix        Allies  begh
    07:02  silenze_corp Phoenix        Allies  eeq
    07:08  Kopi_DauN    Spectre        Allies  ga blg miss
    07:51  silenze_corp Phoenix        Allies  was
    07:52  KaizerJR     Lifestealer    Allies  wew
    08:06  ronyxqd      Bloodseeker    Allies  kelahi-dekat-creep-ya-kena-spin
    08:35  silenze_corp Phoenix        Allies  no mana dia
    08:52  KaizerJR     Lifestealer    Allies  axe miss
    09:15  silenze_corp Phoenix        Allies  miss
    09:43  PusherStreet Stone Giant    Allies  ******* bener
    09:46  PusherStreet Stone Giant    Allies  gw di incer2
    09:49  KaizerJR     Lifestealer    Allies  *** ini blood
    10:52  Kopi_DauN    Spectre        Allies  b
    10:52  ronyxqd      Bloodseeker    Allies  [sa-1] - 
    11:19  silenze_corp Phoenix        Allies  b
    11:39  Kopi_DauN    Spectre        Allies  naix ****
    11:42  Kopi_DauN    Spectre        Allies  ga di bantu
    11:43  KaizerJR     Lifestealer    Allies  *****
    11:47  Kopi_DauN    Spectre        Allies  ah
    11:48  KaizerJR     Lifestealer    Allies  gak liat rame
    11:50  Kopi_DauN    Spectre        Allies  parah lo
    11:54  Kopi_DauN    Spectre        Allies  kita 3
    12:16  silenze_corp Phoenix        Allies  atas
    12:30  silenze_corp Phoenix        Allies  [hel-1] - 
    need help atas
    12:45  silenze_corp Phoenix        Allies  b
    12:47  silenze_corp Phoenix        Allies  rame pasti
    13:21  silenze_corp Phoenix        Allies  miss atas
    13:25  silenze_corp Phoenix        Allies  tgl axe
    13:47  silenze_corp Phoenix        Allies  ae
    14:49  PusherStreet Stone Giant    Allies  bantu atas lah
    14:50  PusherStreet Stone Giant    Allies  zz
    15:44  silenze_corp Phoenix        Allies  tower mid yu
    16:21  silenze_corp Phoenix        Allies  ae sileny
    16:47  KaizerJR     Lifestealer    Allies  tai2
    16:53  KaizerJR     Lifestealer    Allies  bllod nya bloon
    17:02  ronyxqd      Bloodseeker    Allies  maunyagimana?
    18:13  KaizerJR     Lifestealer    Allies  slinte puck
    19:47  silenze_corp Phoenix        Allies  td
    19:49  silenze_corp Phoenix        Allies  yu
    20:26  ada          Phantom Lancer All     silenze_corp has left the game voluntarily.
    20:39  Kopi_DauN    Spectre        All     ban aja
    20:39  ahak         Axe            All     lah kok kabur
    20:42  tau-lah      Faerie Dragon  All     sedih dia
    20:43  tau-lah      Faerie Dragon  All     wkwkw
    20:53  ahak         Axe            All     [nap-1] - 
    sedih napa ?
    21:00  tau-lah      Faerie Dragon  All     lwnny kita
    21:01  tau-lah      Faerie Dragon  All     KWKW
    23:17  ronyxqd      Bloodseeker    Allies  bwdust
    26:44  ada          Phantom Lancer All     KaizerJR has lost the connection (connection error - ECONNRESET).
    26:46  tau-lah      Faerie Dragon  All     ea
    26:47  ahak         Axe            All     jiah
    26:48  ada          Phantom Lancer All     wkwkwk
    26:50  ada          Phantom Lancer All     jayus2
    26:51  Kopi_DauN    Spectre        All     parah benar
    26:52  PusherStreet Stone Giant    All     ,,,
    26:54  tau-lah      Faerie Dragon  All     smuany nyerah
    26:55  ahak         Axe            All     wkwkw
    27:00  ahak         Axe            All     di maki2 mulu sih ma lu orang
    27:45  ada          Phantom Lancer All     ea
    28:04  ronyxqd      Bloodseeker    Allies  baranya-seneng-bener-cas-aku
    28:59  starcraft    Spiritbreaker  All     jago tininya ya
    29:04  ada          Phantom Lancer All     pro banget
    29:04  PusherStreet Stone Giant    All     makasi ya
    29:08  ada          Phantom Lancer All     kalah bloodseker
    29:30  Kopi_DauN    Spectre        All     dah kaks,udahin aja
    29:42  Kopi_DauN    Spectre        Allies  [sa-1] - 
    ga usah di def
    30:33  Kopi_DauN    Spectre        Allies  [sa-1] - 
    ga usah d def lagi la
    30:42  ronyxqd      Bloodseeker    Allies  main-aja
    31:38  Kopi_DauN    Spectre        Allies  lawan
    31:59  ronyxqd      Bloodseeker    Allies  b-spec
    32:07  ronyxqd      Bloodseeker    Allies  kenacas
    34:11  ada          Phantom Lancer All     tq2
    34:13  tau-lah      Faerie Dragon  All     tq
    34:29  tau-lah      Faerie Dragon  All     ***** lu tiny
    34:32  tau-lah      Faerie Dragon  All     [sa-1] - 
    salah gw apa sama lu
    34:54  ada          Phantom Lancer All     This game was hosted by IDGS (
    34:57  ada          Phantom Lancer All     PusherStreet has left the game voluntarily.
    34:57  ada          Phantom Lancer All     aLL-b has left the game voluntarily.
    34:57  ada          Phantom Lancer All     tau-lah has left the game voluntarily.
    34:58  ada          Phantom Lancer All     starcraft has left the game voluntarily.
    34:59  ada          Phantom Lancer All     ada has left the game voluntarily.
    34:59  ronyxqd      Bloodseeker    All     ahak has left the game voluntarily.
    34:59  ronyxqd      Bloodseeker    All     Kopi_DauN has left the game voluntarily.

    Spoiler untuk Game Log :
    00:00:00 Game starting
    00:00:01 Mode : apsp
    00:02:01 Creep spawning
    00:03:20 ronyxqd      First Kill: Killed ahak
    00:00:00 aLL-b        AFK started for 402s
    00:10:27 Kopi_DauN    Denied external scourge top Tower
    00:10:54 starcraft    Denied external sentinel bottom Tower
    00:14:42 Kopi_DauN    Destroyed external sentinel top Tower
    00:14:49 ada          Destroyed external sentinel mid Tower
    00:19:21 aLL-b        Destroyed intermediate sentinel mid Tower
    00:20:07 KaizerJR     Destroyed external scourge mid Tower
    00:20:26 silenze_corp Left the game
    00:20:27 ada          Stats: 18 creep kills - 3 denies - 0 neutrals
    00:22:51 aLL-b        Destroyed intermediate sentinel bottom Tower
    00:24:08 ada          Destroyed intermediate sentinel top Tower
    00:26:44 KaizerJR     Disconnected
    00:26:44 ronyxqd      Stats: 47 creep kills - 1 denies - 14 neutrals
    00:26:51 aLL-b        Destroyed base sentinel top Tower
    00:27:02 aLL-b        Destroyed sentinel top melee Barracks
    00:27:09 aLL-b        Destroyed sentinel top ranged Barracks
    00:29:23 Kopi_DauN    Destroyed base sentinel mid Tower
    00:33:36 ada          Destroyed sentinel mid melee Barracks
    00:33:45 ada          Destroyed sentinel mid ranged Barracks
    00:33:54 Kopi_DauN    Destroyed final sentinel mid Tower
    00:34:02 aLL-b        Destroyed base sentinel bottom Tower
    00:34:10 ada          Destroyed sentinel bottom ranged Barracks
    00:34:15 aLL-b        Destroyed sentinel bottom melee Barracks
    00:34:30 Kopi_DauN    Destroyed final sentinel mid Tower
    00:34:45 World Tree at 75%
    00:34:49 World Tree at 50%
    00:34:52 World Tree at 25%
    00:34:54 World Tree at 10%
    00:34:54 Scourge Won
    00:34:57 PusherStreet Finished
    00:34:57 aLL-b        Finished
    00:34:57 tau-lah      Finished
    00:34:58 starcraft    Finished
    00:34:59 ada          Finished
    00:34:59 ahak         Finished
    00:34:59 Kopi_DauN    Finished
    00:35:05 ronyxqd      Finished
    00:35:05 Game terminated

    Analisa :
    5  silenze_corp Phoenix            1Left the game       20:26 230s at 00:01  32s at 16:18  53( 77)  3 10  25  3 10 11  0
    Vgame Crew
    Mw Curhat Tentang Saya ? Disini
    Quote Originally Posted by -RezoN-
    "Lagipula Haramnya knp ? Pencipta Lo Ngeciptain Binatang **** itu Untuk ap ?
    Untuk Lo Pelototin Doank ? "

    itu ga pantes di ucapin ama staff. next time hati" berposting

  16. #210
    v!Q's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Thanks: 387 / 154 / 140


    code :
    00:00:00 Game starting
    00:02:01 Creep spawning
    00:04:13 neoronaldo First Kill: Killed Mucikari_gaul
    00:12:41 MASTER_DBZ Disconnected
    00:12:41 Gochin Stats: 25 creep kills - 3 denies - 0 neutrals
    00:15:27 MUAK_NYOSS Destroyed external sentinel top Tower
    00:16:14 Gochin Destroyed external sentinel bottom Tower
    00:16:53 MUAK_NYOSS Destroyed external sentinel mid Tower
    00:17:33 Gochin Destroyed intermediate sentinel bottom Tower
    00:23:42 Gochin Destroyed intermediate sentinel mid Tower
    00:25:01 sh_in Destroyed base sentinel bottom Tower
    00:25:08 neoronaldo Destroyed sentinel bottom melee Barracks
    00:25:13 Gochin Destroyed sentinel bottom ranged Barracks
    00:26:09 neoronaldo Destroyed intermediate sentinel top Tower
    00:26:50 RED_LABELS Disconnected
    00:26:50 MUAK_NYOSS Stats: 44 creep kills - 0 denies - 10 neutrals
    00:27:16 Gochin Destroyed base sentinel mid Tower
    00:29:28 Gochin Destroyed final sentinel mid Tower
    00:32:40 neoronaldo Destroyed sentinel mid melee Barracks
    00:32:45 Gochin Destroyed sentinel mid ranged Barracks
    00:32:55 Gochin Destroyed final sentinel mid Tower
    00:33:02 World Tree at 75%
    00:37:27 World Tree at 50%
    00:37:32 World Tree at 25%
    00:37:34 World Tree at 10%
    00:37:35 MUAK_NYOSS Left the game
    00:37:36 Scourge Won
    00:37:36 TEST Finished
    00:37:37 sh_in Finished
    00:37:37 neoronaldo Finished
    00:37:37 Mucikari_gaul Finished
    00:37:37 Gochin Finished
    00:37:37 Alcindor Finished
    00:37:37 bLp-ZhenD- Finished
    00:37:37 Game terminated

    chat log :
    00:00 bLp-ZhenD- U00C All Shortest load by player [TEST] was 6.43 seconds.
    00:00 bLp-ZhenD- U00C All Longest load by player [MASTER_DBZ] was 15.94 seconds.
    00:00 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Gochin Your load time was 6.93 seconds.
    00:00 bLp-ZhenD- U00C All This game is hosted by IDGS (
    00:05 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies back office libur lah
    00:06 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies -clear
    00:19 TEST N0MU Allies mksd ny apa kk
    00:20 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies wah *** nvmku d ambil
    00:38 MASTER_DBZ Nfir Allies emng ada naman lo di sini
    00:48 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies nama gw never
    00:49 MASTER_DBZ Nfir Allies enk aja ngo punya lo
    00:55 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies awkakkaa
    00:57 TEST N0MU Allies nama asli dia never kk
    00:57 MASTER_DBZ Nfir Allies yaphets ni
    01:02 MASTER_DBZ Nfir Allies boong
    01:03 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies never phets nama panjang
    01:11 TEST N0MU Allies liat aja ktp dia kk
    01:13 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies eh kalian para keroco bisa diam?
    01:14 MASTER_DBZ Nfir Allies ngepet aja
    01:18 TEST N0MU Allies nama istri ny fiend
    01:22 TEST N0MU Allies -clear
    01:30 RED_LABELS Harf Allies wanjis bawa2 istri
    01:31 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies atas aja
    01:32 RED_LABELS Harf Allies hahaha
    01:39 MASTER_DBZ Nfir Allies nama gua yaphets aja diem2
    01:50 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies ktahuan bgt boongnya
    01:55 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies alay lu lebay
    01:56 MASTER_DBZ Nfir Allies dih ga percaya
    02:06 TEST N0MU Allies dosa,istri ny janda loh kk never
    02:09 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies BISA DIAM GAK JINK?
    02:15 TEST N0MU Allies nga kk
    02:15 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies KALIAN ITU AMPAS SEMUA
    02:19 TEST N0MU Allies so i care?
    02:23 MASTER_DBZ Nfir Allies itu kenapa ya
    02:26 MASTER_DBZ Nfir Allies mens kali ya
    02:29 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies y
    03:08 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies rede
    03:17 TEST N0MU Allies tarik
    03:30 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies bodooh cuk
    03:55 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies km apain td hen
    04:24 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies BANSAD
    04:44 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies skilln apa si
    04:52 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies regen itu
    05:15 RED_LABELS Harf Allies wah 3 biji
    05:38 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies wound duluan hen
    05:48 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies susa kill brati ini
    05:53 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies knp
    06:00 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies skill ny heal
    06:25 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies healnya itu gak instan jink
    06:36 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies HEN
    06:37 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies AYO
    06:43 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies tar
    07:26 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies KAN ****
    07:31 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies loh apa sih skill ny
    07:42 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies hilang terus bisa sambil mukul
    07:48 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies km nunggu terlalu lama
    07:53 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies dia dah lv 6
    07:53 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies timingnya g pas jeng
    08:01 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies koq bs full lg
    08:15 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies ****** kukira km dota terus hen
    08:21 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies baru skali jing
    08:30 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies ad nvm
    08:46 TEST N0MU Allies 0
    09:11 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies pedis jg
    09:36 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies koq pada *** smua lv ny
    09:47 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies hutan
    09:48 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies bro
    09:54 TEST N0MU Allies ia umi
    10:12 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies ****** sakitny
    10:25 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies apa sih skill nya lu koq geli bgt
    10:53 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies wah surem nih
    11:14 TEST N0MU Allies ayo be el pe
    11:34 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies nick kota di harap
    11:36 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies **** juga ini orang
    11:50 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies kbnykn hero baru
    11:56 TEST N0MU Allies kok ga harap
    12:00 TEST N0MU Allies dl tiap hari main sama dia
    12:09 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies KM TAU AMPAS?
    12:09 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies nipu baru skali jg
    12:20 TEST N0MU Allies yakin 1x
    12:29 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies niat ******
    12:29 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies ^ping
    12:29 bLp-ZhenD- U00C All Gochin: 76ms, MASTER_DBZ: 75ms, bLp-ZhenD-: 63ms, sh_in: 54ms, MUAK_NYOSS: 46ms, Mucikari_gaul: 42ms,
    12:29 bLp-ZhenD- U00C All Alcindor: 27ms, neoronaldo: 23ms, RED_LABELS: 18ms, TEST: 14ms
    12:29 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies gunamu ulti apa hen?
    12:29 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies ^synclimit 500
    12:29 bLp-ZhenD- U00C All Setting sync limit to 500 packets.
    12:29 RED_LABELS Harf Allies wah putus
    12:41 bLp-ZhenD- U00C All MASTER_DBZ has lost the connection (timed out).
    12:43 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies dimarahin vilky km wkaakkaa
    13:12 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies ****** suda mau lotar
    13:15 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies nyolong warisan terus kabur
    13:34 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies wah sakit kepala itu bath sakit amat
    13:53 TEST N0MU Allies wah *** hen
    13:54 TEST N0MU Allies bt bener
    13:55 TEST N0MU Allies wkwk
    14:03 TEST N0MU Allies hero bru sampah
    14:12 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies paling lu aj blm terlalu lancar
    14:31 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies arcen gw
    14:52 TEST N0MU Allies mw gak
    14:53 TEST N0MU Allies huskar
    14:55 TEST N0MU Allies gw lempar lo
    14:59 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies arcen gw dl
    15:01 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies lu maju aja
    15:17 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies BUNGUL
    15:21 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies MUSUHNYA DI DORONG
    15:21 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies 3b
    15:22 TEST N0MU Allies wkwkwk
    15:25 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies WKAKAKA
    15:27 TEST N0MU Allies yg kelempar dia malah
    15:38 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies gila langsung full
    15:56 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies wah anjing2
    16:06 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies **** ****
    16:08 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies jadi gg gini cuk
    16:14 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies jadi smua hero musuh
    16:17 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies INI
    16:22 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies asu2 tau gt mid aj aku
    16:41 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies ayo woi
    16:44 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies itu temanmu kalau tes hero baru mending local game aja
    16:46 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies ******
    16:53 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies ruiner 2 orang ini
    17:26 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies ***** EMANG INI OMNI *******
    17:31 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies KEBANYAKAN CREEPING
    19:03 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies ADA ORANG
    19:32 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies ulti
    20:01 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies dalem aj woi
    20:21 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies ad aa ad skill lu gabungin
    21:26 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies was
    21:27 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies ramw
    21:30 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies rame
    22:11 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies arc
    22:17 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies dalem aja
    22:21 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies ati2 lotar
    22:37 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies batunya gak reveals map
    22:41 TEST N0MU Allies ia
    22:53 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies B
    22:56 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies WOY RUINER
    22:59 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies PUKIMANYA
    23:19 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies itu temanmu kah hen
    23:22 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies g
    23:23 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies omni
    23:26 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies BAGUS2
    23:29 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies KUMAKI AJA TERUS
    23:45 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies dalem aja
    24:00 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies ****** ad 2
    24:11 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies KM kena skill hero baru
    24:26 MUAK_NYOSS O016 All pingdong
    24:32 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies ^ping
    24:32 bLp-ZhenD- U00C All MUAK_NYOSS: 159ms, Gochin: 82ms, bLp-ZhenD-: 61ms, sh_in: 61ms, Mucikari_gaul: 53ms, neoronaldo: 50ms,
    24:32 bLp-ZhenD- U00C All RED_LABELS: 25ms, Alcindor: 25ms, TEST: 17ms
    24:37 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies dalam aja obs
    24:44 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies b
    24:48 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies wew
    24:56 TEST N0MU Allies aku jagain
    25:01 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies skillnya remove buff hen
    25:06 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies *** ini omni
    25:13 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies -afk
    25:15 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies KU SUDAH BILANG DIA RUINER
    25:17 TEST N0MU Allies -afk
    25:57 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies 3 menit
    25:59 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies kena parser
    26:03 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies -afk
    26:03 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies -afk
    26:07 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies kena itu
    26:38 TEST N0MU Allies b km
    26:50 bLp-ZhenD- U00C All RED_LABELS has lost the connection (timed out).
    27:04 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies ^banlast leaver
    27:04 bLp-ZhenD- U00C All Player [RED_LABELS] was banned by player [bLp-ZhenD-] on server [].
    27:10 sh_in E02K All mao dikelarin jg
    27:11 MUAK_NYOSS O016 All GG ya
    27:11 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies MASI ADA AJA DI PUBLIC AMPAS2 DOTA
    27:18 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies LONTEEEEEEEEEEE
    27:55 TEST N0MU Allies hen
    27:58 TEST N0MU Allies km ambil semua jaa warisan ny
    28:06 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies km aktif di forum kah hen?
    28:19 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies sini gem
    28:24 TEST N0MU Allies madnes km mw ambil jg hen?
    28:26 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies g
    28:35 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies madnis kasi aku
    28:38 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies madnes
    29:29 MUAK_NYOSS O016 All ROTO
    29:41 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies arcanenya sama sama ******
    30:06 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies obs
    30:50 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies sama2 mreka
    31:01 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies ayo sikat
    31:02 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies sama2
    31:38 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies glinding
    32:27 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies kurang pas
    32:36 TEST N0MU Allies gelinding ny pendek
    32:40 TEST N0MU Allies ga bisa jauh" bgt
    32:43 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies tadi jg ga d majuin omni nya
    32:44 MUAK_NYOSS O016 All uda ya
    32:54 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies ****** batridernya
    32:54 MUAK_NYOSS O016 All msh ga ngaku
    32:55 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies wakakkaa
    32:55 MUAK_NYOSS O016 All wkwkwkw
    33:00 bLp-ZhenD- U00C All yah sudah mo d apain lg om
    33:04 MUAK_NYOSS O016 All ok
    34:14 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies km gak ikutan tourney lg kah hen
    34:17 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies ga
    34:20 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies vilky gak maen lagi?
    34:52 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies gile hen
    35:01 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies bot azure di server lain itu
    35:07 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies yg kita menang tourney
    35:12 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies baru dimatikan bulan ini
    35:15 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies wkoakaoa
    35:21 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies \g ngerti
    35:28 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies itu yg kita dpt bot gratisan itu
    35:36 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies mulai desember
    35:45 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies sampai bulan 5 kemarin
    35:50 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies ohh
    35:52 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Allies gak bayar aku
    36:17 MUAK_NYOSS O016 All wkwkwkkw
    36:44 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies serang
    36:57 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies ;langsung
    36:58 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Allies tabrak
    37:29 TEST N0MU All tq
    37:35 bLp-ZhenD- U00C All MUAK_NYOSS has left the game voluntarily.
    37:36 bLp-ZhenD- U00C All TEST has left the game voluntarily.
    37:37 bLp-ZhenD- U00C All sh_in has left the game voluntarily.

    # Nick Hero Reason Time AFK1 AFK2 APM K D C D G A N
    1 TEST N0MU Finished 37:36 22s at 32:27 17s at 20:11 92( 94) 7 9 94 01422 11 0
    2 Mucikari_gaul N0HP Finished 37:37 40s at 01:31 32s at 32:47 57( 64) 8 7 30 03351 11 1
    3 bLp-ZhenD- U00C Finished 37:37 19s at 22:12 17s at 29:55 80( 81) 10 6 148 81583 15 35
    4 MASTER_DBZ Nfir Disconnected 12:41 24s at 07:08 24s at 08:45 104(122) 2 7 29 3 4 2 0
    5 RED_LABELS Harf Disconnected 26:50 187s at 23:42 54s at 00:00 69( 87) 2 6 49 0 3 4 10
    6 Gochin H00Q Finished 37:37 59s at 29:27 51s at 00:01 89(100) 9 8 99 5834 6 19
    7 MUAK_NYOSS O016 Left the game 37:35 24s at 17:41 24s at 26:53 96(101) 8 6 84 0156 16 0
    8 sh_in E02K Finished 37:37 68s at 31:55 56s at 26:29 55( 65) 10 4 40 0619 7111
    9 Alcindor N017 Finished 37:37 37s at 32:01 26s at 23:08 120(129) 2 9 50 1998 10 29
    10 neoronaldo N0MD Finished 37:37 38s at 27:48 29s at 29:45 70( 79) 6 4 54 11354 5 3

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