Like hell it's gonna get crowded. Everytime a newcomer comes through, another old dweller dissapears.
soal : Susah juga sih, mengingat minat orang indo yg lemah banget soal bahasa inggris.
Like hell it's gonna get crowded. Everytime a newcomer comes through, another old dweller dissapears.
soal : Susah juga sih, mengingat minat orang indo yg lemah banget soal bahasa inggris.
“The planet is fine. The people are fucked.”
― George Carlin ―
It was difficult, given that mostly Indonesian have low interest toward english
soal: lol, gw jadi gak enak karena jarang ngepost di SF ini, berhubung kadang2 gw bingung juga mao reply gmn dalam bahasa inggris. Kalo istilah dunia fansub, bingung milih antara literal ato liberal translation, kadang2 juga nge-blank, lupa vocab bahasa inggris.
WII~ loooongcatpost
lol, I feel bad that I seldom appear here, sometimes I dunno what to reply in English. In a fansub world, I'm confused with literal or liberal translation, sometimes it's going blank, forgot the English vocabulary...
soal: gue juga sama, kadang kepikiran mau reply tapi bingung kata2nya. yah, yang penting gue tetep ganteng
Me too, sometimes I wanted to reply, but I don't know what words to use. Well, what's important is I'm still handsome
soal: hari ini kampus gue banjir dan terpaksa gua pulang naik motor sambil nyeker.
Kamu tahu otot saya?
Today my campus got flooded, I got to go home riding my motorbike without my shoes on
soal: di atma kan bro? sepupu gue motornya bejat kerendem banjir...katanya doi naro di kosannya yang deket atma, hancur2
Pen spinning is not about how many busts and spreads you perform, its about having fun and making your own style
Professionals have standards.
Be polite.
Be efficient.
Have a plan to kill everyone you meet.GA TERIMA BARCEN
Soal: Gapapa, kebetulan lewat. Sekalian aja
Pen spinning is not about how many busts and spreads you perform, its about having fun and making your own style
Professionals have standards.
Be polite.
Be efficient.
Have a plan to kill everyone you meet.GA TERIMA BARCEN
LIONGPLAST - Jual Bahan Proses (PP, HI PS)
Telp: 021 9990 2855 Hp : 0817 088 9549 BB : 2773DE9C
i'm afraid to meet a kuntilanak if we play hide and seek, it's better to play chess with the hansip in the guardhouse while smoking and drink coffee
Q: sumpah mati cape gua nge terjemahin kata kata lo, ribet bener dah, semoga aje terjemahan nya bener yak, main dota lg ahhh gw ~
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