00:00 Leash All [pub-1] -
Shortest load by player [PUBLIC-VIOEREN] was 6.16 seconds.
00:00 Leash All Longest load by player [Leash] was 12.33 seconds.
00:00 Leash *Computer Slot* Your load time was 12.33 seconds.
00:00 Leash All This game is hosted by IDGS (
00:03 Leash All nvm
00:10 PUBLIC-VIOEREN Nfir All [sa-1] -
latency 70 bisa?
00:13 pipipupupipu Nfir All silahkan
00:13 Leash All pipu gmana ?
00:16 Leash All !l 70
00:16 Leash All Setting game latency to 70 ms.
00:18 Leash All !sl 150
00:19 Leash All Setting sync limit to 150 packets.
00:19 PUBLIC-VIOEREN Nfir All okeoke
00:22 Leash All HFGL
00:25 Leash All bacot on
00:26 PUBLIC-VIOEREN Nfir All glhf
00:31 pipipupupipu Nfir All gl hf matamu
00:35 pipipupupipu Nfir All balas dendam ya
00:35 [OMG]-CinepleX- All [sa-1] -
Bacot ON !! Saling menjatuhkan separah mungkin !! Tapi ingat Rules IDGS berlaku
00:36 pipipupupipu Nfir All jgan rata lagi
00:38 Leash Observers wakawkakw
00:41 Leash Observers gw rekap
00:42 Leash Observers dah gw siapin
00:43 PUBLIC-VIOEREN Nfir All siap
00:43 [OMG]-CinepleX- Observers oke
00:43 Leash Observers awkawk
00:45 PUBLIC-VIOEREN Nfir All slow ae
00:47 [OMG]-CinepleX- Observers leh uga u
00:48 [OMG]-CinepleX- Observers cepet
00:50 Leash Observers oh jelas
00:56 [OMG]-CinepleX- Observers gara" mati lampu jd semangat ya
00:57 [OMG]-CinepleX- Observers awkkawkaw
01:02 pipipupupipu Nfir All [sa-1] -
dengar2 kemarin kalah sama juragan ya?
01:04 pipipupupipu Nfir All ini siapa lu tau?
01:11 PUBLIC-VIOEREN Nfir All siapa ya???
01:21 pipipupupipu Nfir All [sa-1] -
biasa juragan manggil guru
01:24 pipipupupipu Nfir All [sa-1] -
lu aja kalah sama murid
01:26 pipipupupipu Nfir All bijimana
01:27 PUBLIC-VIOEREN Nfir All ohhhhhhhhhhh
01:30 pipipupupipu Nfir All ngalah aja bro?
01:33 PUBLIC-VIOEREN Nfir All [sa-1] -
kok kalah sama juragan?
01:34 pipipupupipu Nfir All biar enak
01:41 pipipupupipu Nfir All ooh kalah sma gue ya berarti?
01:52 pipipupupipu Nfir All adoh blom apa2 dah kalah dluan mental
01:55 pipipupupipu Nfir All bkin apa ni bagusnya
01:59 pipipupupipu Nfir All sharing2 kita
01:59 PUBLIC-VIOEREN Nfir All play aja uda
02:01 PUBLIC-VIOEREN Nfir All entar rata
03:01 pipipupupipu Nfir All [sa-1] -
bisa farm ga kk
03:07 PUBLIC-VIOEREN Nfir All banyakan gw kali
03:11 [OMG]-CinepleX- Observers kwkwak
03:14 [OMG]-CinepleX- Observers leh uga bacotnya
03:16 Leash Observers [sa-1] -
pdhal sama
03:17 PUBLIC-VIOEREN Nfir All ngakak
03:18 Leash Observers paan bnykan
03:20 [OMG]-CinepleX- Observers maka e
03:38 PUBLIC-VIOEREN Nfir All ??
03:44 pipipupupipu Nfir All apa cih
03:52 Leash All 0 1
03:55 pipipupupipu Nfir All asik
03:58 pipipupupipu Nfir All 0 2 lagi
04:02 pipipupupipu Nfir All biar nanti gw kejar kembali
04:03 pipipupupipu Nfir All hihi
04:19 pipipupupipu Nfir All b dong
04:21 pipipupupipu Nfir All trr mati
04:24 PUBLIC-VIOEREN Nfir All jangan kbanyakan curhat
04:24 PUBLIC-VIOEREN Nfir All ati2
04:31 pipipupupipu Nfir All jadi harus gmana =(
04:38 Leash Observers vaguard ?
04:42 [OMG]-CinepleX- Observers kyknya
04:48 [OMG]-CinepleX- Observers eh
04:50 [OMG]-CinepleX- Observers prese
04:55 Leash Observers leh uga
05:09 PUBLIC-VIOEREN Nfir All bs farm ga
05:12 Leash Observers 1 1
05:18 Leash All 1 1
05:18 PUBLIC-VIOEREN Nfir All wahhh
05:19 pipipupupipu Nfir All hihi
05:20 PUBLIC-VIOEREN Nfir All oke lah
05:24 PUBLIC-VIOEREN Nfir All [dik|sa-2] -
salah gerak dikit
05:24 [OMG]-CinepleX- Observers nyaris
05:25 [OMG]-CinepleX- Observers wkkw
05:28 Leash Observers ga pas td
05:30 Leash Observers 1x miss
05:30 [OMG]-CinepleX- Observers ia
05:32 [OMG]-CinepleX- Observers klo gk 2 0
05:38 pipipupupipu Nfir All b ah
05:39 pipipupupipu Nfir All atut
05:44 PUBLIC-VIOEREN Nfir All lols
05:45 [OMG]-CinepleX- Observers cm 1 aja ya ini ?
05:48 [OMG]-CinepleX- Observers [dik|sa-2] -
sisanya adik u
05:49 pipipupupipu Nfir All roshan yu bareng
05:49 [OMG]-CinepleX- Observers nge obs
05:51 Leash Observers kita 1
05:54 PUBLIC-VIOEREN Nfir All yuks
05:56 Leash Observers baca internal cb
05:56 [OMG]-CinepleX- Observers [dik-1] -
adik u cuti
05:57 [OMG]-CinepleX- Observers awkkaw
05:57 pipipupupipu Nfir All dluan kk
05:58 Leash Observers ada gw post
06:03 Leash Observers ga cuti
06:05 Leash Observers cloning dy
06:09 Leash Observers /whois aaw-
06:27 pipipupupipu Nfir All kk beli ring mau bkin apa?
06:33 pipipupupipu Nfir All [fu-1] -
batel furyz ya
06:37 PUBLIC-VIOEREN Nfir All cincin lord of the ring nih
06:38 PUBLIC-VIOEREN Nfir All ati2
06:40 [OMG]-CinepleX- Observers pake cloning z
06:47 Leash Observers baca post an gw diinternal
06:53 Leash Observers itu kan keliatan dy cloningan wakkwa
07:16 [OMG]-CinepleX- Observers kawkawkkawkaw
07:19 [OMG]-CinepleX- Observers gk ada ss pic
07:24 [OMG]-CinepleX- Observers ****** bener asli ini
07:28 [OMG]-CinepleX- Observers entah makan apa itu orang
07:41 PUBLIC-VIOEREN Nfir All farmingny kurbis
07:55 pipipupupipu Nfir All atit kk
08:03 [OMG]-CinepleX- Observers kok gk mkir sm sekali ya
08:07 Leash All 1 2
08:08 pipipupupipu Nfir All aduh
08:10 PUBLIC-VIOEREN Nfir All hehe
08:12 pipipupupipu Nfir All remake yu
08:15 pipipupupipu Nfir All [sa-1] -
08:15 [OMG]-CinepleX- Observers ud jelas itu thread ada ss pic
08:17 PUBLIC-VIOEREN Nfir All awwww
08:21 Leash Observers id nya dy post
08:24 Leash Observers pake id moon
08:26 Leash Observers bkn aaw
08:27 pipipupupipu Nfir All ti ati kk aku lothar ntar
08:31 PUBLIC-VIOEREN Nfir All wah serem
08:37 pipipupupipu Nfir All yes dapat pu invi
08:45 PUBLIC-VIOEREN Nfir All wah gw haste
09:12 Leash Observers hajar ja
09:13 Leash Observers ******
09:16 Leash Observers malah lari
09:18 [OMG]-CinepleX- All 2 2
09:21 PUBLIC-VIOEREN Nfir All hore
09:24 Leash Observers menang td
09:26 Leash Observers kalo ga muter
09:28 [OMG]-CinepleX- Observers maka e
09:32 pipipupupipu Nfir All aku hoki
09:33 pipipupupipu Nfir All yihaa
09:59 Leash Observers ga da live report
10:00 Leash Observers eeq
10:01 Leash Observers lupa
10:04 pipipupupipu Nfir All kk remake ga?
10:06 pipipupupipu Nfir All aku takut
10:09 PUBLIC-VIOEREN Nfir All aku jg takut
10:11 PUBLIC-VIOEREN Nfir All jd gmana dong
10:12 PUBLIC-VIOEREN Nfir All [sa-1] -
10:20 pipipupupipu Nfir All dluan dong
10:41 [OMG]-CinepleX- Observers ea
10:42 [OMG]-CinepleX- Observers ea
10:42 [OMG]-CinepleX- Observers ea
11:01 pipipupupipu Nfir All TQ
11:01 Leash All pipipupupipu has left the game voluntarily.
11:02 Leash All [pub-1] -
[00:00] PUBLIC-VIOEREN has left the game voluntarily.
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