is it true?
or i was the one who dont understand it?
after quite some experiences of being failed in romance of life
i began to think,in which ways i was wrong ?
lately i was found quite a good article which explaining just some of fool actions which
i implemented in my romance life
between being a loosy man or being a Glossy man

and there were explained about all the things that i have been done before
which belonged to loosy one
thats where i realized,why i keep failed
and from there i was also began to learn up everything i could understand
i try to apply it in real life
sometimes its work out according to whats was written in that article
but not all of them going smoothly
is it me who dont understand it well enough?
or is it work only to some people?
or did i dont apply it well enough?
maybe some of forumers in here also through what i've been through