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Thread: Battle in this
  1. #1
    -Pierrot-'s Avatar
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    Default Battle in this


    It started with a flash, followed by countless number of arrows of light, pouring in a neat projectile from the magic circle shining beautifully at the tip of the sorceress's beloved staff.

    The super high class magic successfully landed on target, but the one-eyed demon still standing menacingly.

    It single eye lit red for a flashing moment. The angried giant was about to charge at the caster of the spell, but ultimately drawn by another source of agro.

    A slash to the shin.

    Followed by taunting smash.

    The last one was from their tanker. It was his job to drew the agro, after all.

    “Shock wave attack in five seconds!”

    Stood afar from the front line, a man in sand colored robe shouted, as he cast protection magic to all members.

    In response to the voice, the front attacker with huge sword resting on her little back, and the sturdy, sole tanker, fell back from their position to reduce the incoming damage, as the shock wave attack would hit harder the closer the target were to the caster, that is the boss monster of this room.

    A giant humanoid, wielding an extraordinarily huge stone mace.

    The Cyclops.

    Currently, they engaged in a fierce battle with said demon ; with five-man party consisted of one heavy armored knight as the tanker as well as their leader, a great sword wielder as their front attacker, a pair of sorceress and sorcerer as, in respect, the nuker and supporter, lastly an archer as well as trap master with great versatility.

    The one-eyed giant stepped its right foot with power, as he did a ridiculously huge swing with his mace from up above. The stone mace swung down sharply, cutting the air with terrifying sound, and even more when it kissed the ground. Creating a huge roaring sound and a massive shock wave that even reached the wall around it.

    “That thing is crazy. Its attack is practically has AoE of this entire room,” the black haired sorceress stated, as she protected her eyes from the considerable amount of dust.

    "Right!? It also washed off all my carefully planted traps. Man, what a waste," the archer boy also complained.

    The encounter rate inside the higher floor of Demon King’s castle was practically null. The usual small-fry loitering around were also absent. However, the boss defending the hall in front of a huge door with complex ornament leading to supposedly higher floor was, as expected, very strong.

    Good thing that their smart supporter could accurately time the pattern which the giant would use the shock wave.

    The ground start shaking when the Boss Monster’s stone mace met the surface of the tanker's shield.


    Stepping on a stone pebble, the tanker lost his balance.

    The Cyclops was about to punch the now standing on all four Tanker with its left hand, when an arrow imbued with numbing poison hit its right shoulder, rendering it paralyzed for a few seconds.

    The inhumanly heavy punch went straight to the ground, missed its target.

    The archer clicked his tongue. Even though he was aiming for the head, it landed on his shoulder, instead.

    The air started to rumble.

    "Brave your self!"

    A spell once again were casted by the sorceress.

    This time was a lightning magic.

    A huge one, at that.

    Enormous amount of lightning bolts raining down mercilessly at almost the same time to one huge target, shocking hard even the air.

    But again, it had no apparent effect.

    The giant still stand strong.

    The sorceress groaned in disappointment.

    That thing was practically immune to her magic.

    All of the damage done was thanks to the hard work of their front attacker. The cute blonde haired little girl with a great sword as long as the length of her petite body.

    Her golden hair fluttered gracefully in the air as he danced around the huge giant, dealing unbelievably fast slashes with her great sword.

    Did the Cyclops happy with that?

    No, of course not.

    It would happily crush her pretty litle head anytime.

    Not this time.

    Not when this pesky little guy with his silver shied still there.

    The said guy, though, were having hard time tanking.

    The ground was uneven, and damaged even more by the sorceress's super high leveled magic. The cyclops's arage punch didn't make his life any easier. He had to really plant his stance if he were to receive the gigantic humanoid monster’s attack with his shield.

    Moreover, he had to keep taunting for agro, keeping the little knight and the rest of the party safe and sound from the danger of the one-eyed demon.

    Battle in this world sure were different.

    “Man, I miss the other side already!” the tanker yelled half-heartedly. Upon the incoming attack, he quickly shifted his shield to the right side of his body, defending himself from a hook thrown by the giant’s left.

    “Oh, I can totally relate to you, leader,” the archer boy commented cheerfully while shooting his arrows, hindering the Cyclops’s movement.

    “In this kind of situation, what the hell are you two useless male talking about!?”

    The two just laughed when hearing the black haired sorceress's angered voice.

    “As expected of our leader. Still can keep his calm and joke in this heated moment of decisive battle. My lack of mental strength is become apparent," said the golden haired knight with her utmost respect.

    “Now, now. Please keep yourself focus, guys,” the tall supporter said in calming voice as he casted a powerful healing magic for the two front liner.

    It was an undeniable fact that fighting in person is much, much more difficult than sitting it through the screen and sets of buttons.

    Achieving the same level of prowess as the previously controlled character, with them now acting as the character was no easy feat.

    There were also countless factor to consider.

    Projectile of ranged weapon, the terrain, et cetera.

    Both feets on the ground, hands firlmly gripping weapon and shield, wind blew past the bodies, piercing roar of a monster with thrice the size of human, sweat running down the cheeks, and adrenaline pumping through the blood.

    The battle was undoubtedly real and terrifying.

    But the light-hearted atmosphere was still there.

    Perhaps this is why they were the strongest party.

    In this game world.
    Last edited by -Pierrot-; 14-09-15 at 02:49.

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