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  1. #16
    Join Date
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    woo emang pada bajak bajakan ya ?
    klo urusan kita ngirim scriptna ke IDGS aman apa ngga ? diambil / ditiru juga kah ?

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  3. #17
    .ALX's Avatar
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    Spoiler untuk Disclaimer :
    All content such as text, images, sound and any form of graphics on this site is for information only and are not intended for trading purposes stock and / or other transactions.

    We strive to display the content as accurate as possible, but Indogamers content providers and all partners, including management consultancy and developer of content from other parties on this site, are not liable for any errors and delays in updating data or information or any losses incurred due to actions relating to the use of information presented.

    Indogamers is not responsible for the consequences directly or indirectly from any text, images, sounds and all forms of graphic produced and delivered in a variety of readers or users of the rubric "public" like U-Report, Reader Comments, Forum, Polls, Chat and more. However, the right to organize and edit Indogamers contents of the reader or user in order not to harm another person, institution, or a particular body and stay away from pornography or offensive content sentiments of ethnicity, religion and race.

    All contents either in the form of text, images, sounds and all forms of graphics presented the reader or user is the responsibility of each individual, and not the responsibility of Indogamers.All the work that was published in Indogamers well as text, images and sound as well as all forms of graphics are the copyright Indogamers.

    Spoiler untuk Privacy Police :

    Privacy Policy

    Indogamers is a Community Game Online service providers are provided for FREE and can be used for servers running.

    Indogamers Privacy Policy

    This Indogamers Privacy Policy, IDGS providing online gaming as a service (Service) which can be played via the internet and websites Anyone who uses these services are required to understand the rules that apply IDGS and you are responsible for all Internet connection costs.

    You are not allowed to use the website and Services are provided to perform activities of Hacking or Cracking.

    You can use portal IDGS and Forum IDGS, you are required to register and fill out the registration form. You agree to provide the correct data, accurate, current and complete information about yourself. If the data you provide is untrue, inaccurate, incomplete, then Indogamers have the right to postpone or even refuse to provide Services to you.

    Indogamers uses IP addresses to measure usage and analyze trends, administer the website and collect information for its databases.

    A cookie is a piece of data stored on your hard drive containing information about you. Cookies identify you for our database, but provide no information other than that which you have already provided Indogamers .Cookies also can enable Indogamers to track and target your interests to enhance your experience on our website.

    You may review, update or correct personal information or your account on your User Panel.

    The email address you provide for order processing will only be used to send you information and updates pertaining to your order.

    We will not rent, sell or share your information with third parties. However, we may disclose your personal information or any of its log file information when required by law or in the good-faith belief that such actions are necessary to: conform to the edicts of the law or comply with a legal process served on us; protect and defend the rights or property of Indogamers, or visitors of Indogamers; identify persons who may be violating the law, the legal notice, or the rights of third parties; co-operate with the investigations of purported unlawful activities.

    Third-party websites or services linked to Indogamers are not covered by this Privacy Policy. These websites may collect personally identifiable information about you and place a cookie on your browser. Indogamers is not responsible for the privacy practices of the third-party websites and companies.

    You are solely responsible for safeguarding the secrecy of your password.

    Indogamers is not responsible if you volunteer personal information online that is accessible to the public. You may receive unsolicited messages from other parties or it may be used in a manner that violates the law, your personal privacy or your safety. By submitting such information, you assume the risks and sole liability arising as a result of such information being displayed.

    If you are not a resident of the Indonesia, you understand and agree that Indogamers stores and processes your information on computers located in the Indonesia, any by providing any data to Indogamers, you consent to the transfer of such information to the Indonesia.

    In the event that Indogamers is acquired or merged with a third party entity, we reserve the right to transfer or assign the information we have collected from you as part of any change of control. In the unlikely event of our bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, receivership, or assignment for the benefit of creditors, or the application of laws or equitable principles affecting creditors' rights generally, Indogamers may not be able to control how your personal information is treated, transferred or used.

    Although we strive to protect your personal information, Indogamers cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us, and you do so at your own risk.

    Indogamers Acceptable Use Policy

    This Indogamers Acceptable Use Policy, in conjunction with the Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and other terms and conditions of use which are incorporated herein by reference and may be posted and applicable to specific services, governs your use of the Indogamers website and are collectively referred to as the Agreement.

    Indogamers may modify the Agreement which will become effective immediately upon posting on the website. Your continued use of the website and any associated services, the Services, indicates your acceptance of the Agreement. If you are dissatisfied with anything related to the Indogamers website, your sole remedy is to discontinue use of the Services. You use the Services of Indogamers at your own risk.

    You agree while using Indogamers Services, that you may not:

    Use the Services for any illegal purpose;
    Use any robot, spider, site search and/or retrieval application, or other device to retrieve or index any portion of the Services, with the exception of public search engines;
    Transmit any viruses, worms, defects, Trojan horses or other items of a contaminating or destructive nature;
    Reformat or frame any portion of any web page that is part of the Services without the express permission of Indogamers;
    Collect or harvest any personal identifiable information or solicit users;
    Impersonate another person, whether real or fictional;
    Permit any third parties to use your name and password;
    Violate or attempt to violate Indogamers systems or interfere with the normal use of the Services by users;
    Resale Indogamers products and Services;
    Post Content containing restricted or password only files;
    Post advertisements or solicitations of business;
    Transmit any form of solicitation or Spam;
    Submit any Content that falsely implies sponsorship of the Content by the Services, falsify or delete any author attribution in any Content, or promote any information that you know is false or misleading;
    Promote an illegal or unauthorized copy of another person's copyrighted work;
    Submit Content that is libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, abusive, harassing, threatening, unlawful or promotes or encourages illegal activity;
    Submit Content that violates the rights of others, such as Content that infringes any copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret or violates any right of privacy or publicity, or that is libelous or defamatory, or that directs any user to the content of a third party without consent of the third party;
    Defame or libel any person; invade any person's right of privacy or publicity or otherwise violate, misappropriate or infringe the rights of any person;
    Export or re-export Content in violation of the export or import laws of the Indonesia or without all required approvals, licenses and exemptions;
    Post any links to any external Internet sites that are obscene or pornographic, or display pornographic or sexually explicit material of any kind.

    No failure in delay in exercising or enforcing this policy shall constitute a waiver of the policy or any other right or remedy. If any provision of this policy is deemed unenforceable due to law or change in law, such a provision shall be disregarded and the balance of the policy shall remain in effect.

  4. #18
    MoeFi_LoverS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by .ALX View Post
    Spoiler untuk Disclaimer :
    All content such as text, images, sound and any form of graphics on this site is for information only and are not intended for trading purposes stock and / or other transactions.

    We strive to display the content as accurate as possible, but Indogamers content providers and all partners, including management consultancy and developer of content from other parties on this site, are not liable for any errors and delays in updating data or information or any losses incurred due to actions relating to the use of information presented.

    Indogamers is not responsible for the consequences directly or indirectly from any text, images, sounds and all forms of graphic produced and delivered in a variety of readers or users of the rubric "public" like U-Report, Reader Comments, Forum, Polls, Chat and more. However, the right to organize and edit Indogamers contents of the reader or user in order not to harm another person, institution, or a particular body and stay away from pornography or offensive content sentiments of ethnicity, religion and race.

    All contents either in the form of text, images, sounds and all forms of graphics presented the reader or user is the responsibility of each individual, and not the responsibility of Indogamers.All the work that was published in Indogamers well as text, images and sound as well as all forms of graphics are the copyright Indogamers.

    Spoiler untuk Privacy Police :

    Privacy Policy

    Indogamers is a Community Game Online service providers are provided for FREE and can be used for servers running.

    Indogamers Privacy Policy

    This Indogamers Privacy Policy, IDGS providing online gaming as a service (Service) which can be played via the internet and websites Anyone who uses these services are required to understand the rules that apply IDGS and you are responsible for all Internet connection costs.

    You are not allowed to use the website and Services are provided to perform activities of Hacking or Cracking.

    You can use portal IDGS and Forum IDGS, you are required to register and fill out the registration form. You agree to provide the correct data, accurate, current and complete information about yourself. If the data you provide is untrue, inaccurate, incomplete, then Indogamers have the right to postpone or even refuse to provide Services to you.

    Indogamers uses IP addresses to measure usage and analyze trends, administer the website and collect information for its databases.

    A cookie is a piece of data stored on your hard drive containing information about you. Cookies identify you for our database, but provide no information other than that which you have already provided Indogamers .Cookies also can enable Indogamers to track and target your interests to enhance your experience on our website.

    You may review, update or correct personal information or your account on your User Panel.

    The email address you provide for order processing will only be used to send you information and updates pertaining to your order.

    We will not rent, sell or share your information with third parties. However, we may disclose your personal information or any of its log file information when required by law or in the good-faith belief that such actions are necessary to: conform to the edicts of the law or comply with a legal process served on us; protect and defend the rights or property of Indogamers, or visitors of Indogamers; identify persons who may be violating the law, the legal notice, or the rights of third parties; co-operate with the investigations of purported unlawful activities.

    Third-party websites or services linked to Indogamers are not covered by this Privacy Policy. These websites may collect personally identifiable information about you and place a cookie on your browser. Indogamers is not responsible for the privacy practices of the third-party websites and companies.

    You are solely responsible for safeguarding the secrecy of your password.

    Indogamers is not responsible if you volunteer personal information online that is accessible to the public. You may receive unsolicited messages from other parties or it may be used in a manner that violates the law, your personal privacy or your safety. By submitting such information, you assume the risks and sole liability arising as a result of such information being displayed.

    If you are not a resident of the Indonesia, you understand and agree that Indogamers stores and processes your information on computers located in the Indonesia, any by providing any data to Indogamers, you consent to the transfer of such information to the Indonesia.

    In the event that Indogamers is acquired or merged with a third party entity, we reserve the right to transfer or assign the information we have collected from you as part of any change of control. In the unlikely event of our bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, receivership, or assignment for the benefit of creditors, or the application of laws or equitable principles affecting creditors' rights generally, Indogamers may not be able to control how your personal information is treated, transferred or used.

    Although we strive to protect your personal information, Indogamers cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us, and you do so at your own risk.

    Indogamers Acceptable Use Policy

    This Indogamers Acceptable Use Policy, in conjunction with the Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and other terms and conditions of use which are incorporated herein by reference and may be posted and applicable to specific services, governs your use of the Indogamers website and are collectively referred to as the Agreement.

    Indogamers may modify the Agreement which will become effective immediately upon posting on the website. Your continued use of the website and any associated services, the Services, indicates your acceptance of the Agreement. If you are dissatisfied with anything related to the Indogamers website, your sole remedy is to discontinue use of the Services. You use the Services of Indogamers at your own risk.

    You agree while using Indogamers Services, that you may not:

    Use the Services for any illegal purpose;
    Use any robot, spider, site search and/or retrieval application, or other device to retrieve or index any portion of the Services, with the exception of public search engines;
    Transmit any viruses, worms, defects, Trojan horses or other items of a contaminating or destructive nature;
    Reformat or frame any portion of any web page that is part of the Services without the express permission of Indogamers;
    Collect or harvest any personal identifiable information or solicit users;
    Impersonate another person, whether real or fictional;
    Permit any third parties to use your name and password;
    Violate or attempt to violate Indogamers systems or interfere with the normal use of the Services by users;
    Resale Indogamers products and Services;
    Post Content containing restricted or password only files;
    Post advertisements or solicitations of business;
    Transmit any form of solicitation or Spam;
    Submit any Content that falsely implies sponsorship of the Content by the Services, falsify or delete any author attribution in any Content, or promote any information that you know is false or misleading;
    Promote an illegal or unauthorized copy of another person's copyrighted work;
    Submit Content that is libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, abusive, harassing, threatening, unlawful or promotes or encourages illegal activity;
    Submit Content that violates the rights of others, such as Content that infringes any copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret or violates any right of privacy or publicity, or that is libelous or defamatory, or that directs any user to the content of a third party without consent of the third party;
    Defame or libel any person; invade any person's right of privacy or publicity or otherwise violate, misappropriate or infringe the rights of any person;
    Export or re-export Content in violation of the export or import laws of the Indonesia or without all required approvals, licenses and exemptions;
    Post any links to any external Internet sites that are obscene or pornographic, or display pornographic or sexually explicit material of any kind.

    No failure in delay in exercising or enforcing this policy shall constitute a waiver of the policy or any other right or remedy. If any provision of this policy is deemed unenforceable due to law or change in law, such a provision shall be disregarded and the balance of the policy shall remain in effect.
    dowo temen...
    artine opo kui mas? bhs inggrisku ora cetho
    percuma dowo lak ga ngrti aku artine

  5. #19
    F4CK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EXILEDNONAME View Post
    woo emang pada bajak bajakan ya ?
    klo urusan kita ngirim scriptna ke IDGS aman apa ngga ? diambil / ditiru juga kah ?
    dulu sih kurang aman msk jamannya ******, g tau kalok jaman skrg.
    saiki aman g fa? @MoeFi_LoverS;

  6. #20
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    Default Variable simbol %

    update lagi,

    sebelumnya variable bisa digunakan melalui beberapa perintah :
    /set : untuk set variable standar
    /var : untuk set variable hanya sementara
    /set -u60 : untuk set variable dengan waktu yg di tentukan (saya gunakan contoh untuk 60 detik)

    maap sebelumnya gatau bahasa yg pas buat di atas
    perintah di atas bakal masuk ke tab "variables" di mIRC pada Script Editor

    Spoiler untuk menyimpan :
    /set %contoh1 abc

    Spoiler untuk membaca :
    /msg $chan(1) %contoh1

    script di atas di masukan pada script / perintah tertentu,
    semisal pada contoh sebelumnya, kita hanya menambahkan di baris tersebut
    Spoiler untuk menyimpan :
    on *:text:!save*:#: { /set %contoh1 $2- }

    Spoiler untuk membaca :
    on *:text:!read:#: { /msg $chan(1) %contoh1 }

  7. #21
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    Default Penggunaan Hak Ases User Menggunakan Note

    update lagi,
    sebelumnya saya udah share penggunaan hak akses user menggunakan tab "users" di

    Spoiler untuk Step 1 Register :
    on *:text:!register:#: { /writeini -n dataregister.ini Verifikasi $nick OK | /msg $nick Terima Kasih :) }

    Spoiler untuk Step 2 Check :
    on *:text:!check:#: {
    var %checkregister $readini( dataregister.ini, Verifikasi, $nick )
    if ( %checkregister == OK ) { /msg $nick " $+ $nick $+ " sudah di Verifikasi. }
    else { /msg $nick $nick tidak terdaftar } }

    Sekian :)
    Last edited by EXILEDNONAME; 10-07-17 at 20:19.

  8. #22
    distrash's Avatar
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    uwaw , mantep mang ah , salam dari MR

  9. #23
    retzstyLe's Avatar
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    thread lama lagi nih blom di close yaa, kangen hvso cf nya HIGH_WAR_LORD baek bgt whehehe

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