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  1. #1
    Q14n.Lyn's Avatar
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    Default Info Update Map Bothost IDGS Dota v7.00++

    Hallo IDGS Mania,

    Per 12-08-2020 , IDGS up map baru di bot IDGS-2.
    dengan memakai map Dota v7.00d1.
    Untuk IDGS-1 masih tetap memakai map 6.90a8 ya.
    Kami akan pantau hingga nantinya diharapkan semua bot di Bothost akan memakai map v7.00d1.

    Spoiler untuk Update Map v7.00d1 :

    • Added animation to Counterspell's duration
    • Fixed Arena of Blood not stopping units with free pathing (only passes Dark Ascencion, Arctic Burn, Firefly, Familiars and couriers now)
    • Eidolons spawned by attack count will now attack the same target as it's source even if autoattack is disabled
    • Fixed crash with F9 on some PCs
    • Fixed bug with some heroes talents and illusions
    • Fixed bug with spell block not working
    • Fixed Visage's cast range talent not working
    • Fixed Necronomicon's and Satyr's Mana Burn not being blockable by spell block
    • Fixed Ethereal Blast not being blockable by spell block
    • Fixed bug with Finger of Death, Mana Burn not providing visual effect when blocked
    • Fixed Rubick missing Mana Void Aghanim
    • Linken's Sphere now properly reacts on cooldown reset effects
    • Fixed refreshing Linken's Sphere not removing it's charge from the unit it was shared to before
    • Fixed bug with Spirit Bear's vision being reduced after death and quick rebirth
    • Fixed bug with triggered attacks and invisibility rune
    • Fixed Cold Feet stack limiter not working, it's not possible to curse the same unit again until it's frozen
    • Fixed Puck's Rapid Fire working even when Puck is dead

    Untuk mempercepat proses download map, bisa melalui Bot DL Map Official yang sudah disediakan,
    Atau bisa langsung mendownload pada link berikut

    Last edited by Q14n.Lyn; 22-08-20 at 15:47. Reason: update v7.00d1
    it's lyfe afterall..

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  3. #2
    Anjanette's Avatar
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    Update Map Dota v6.90a7

    For Download Map Dota v6.90a7

    >> Click Here <<

    Spoiler untuk Balance :

    • Every hero now starts with 3 TP Scrolls equipped
    • Scroll of TP now starts with cooldown, which ends when first creep wave spawns
    • Fixed Chain Frost cooldown being 145/115/60 instead of 120/90/60
    • Fixed Blink Dagger not using extra cast range from Talents
    • Fixed Torrent affecting invulnerable units
    • Fixed Unrefined Fireblast not wasting mana when casted on Linken's Sphere
    • Unrefined Fireblast now counts all manacost reductions as well
    • Relocate now properly stops forced movement effects
    • Toss can no longer toss invulnerable units
    • Fixed Thunder Clap's talent not affecting Primal Split's clap
    • Fixed Ghost Form (Kotl) movespeed not being updated to proper 335
    • Added auto-attack onto the target for Orchid, Bloodthorn, Urn of Shadows, Abyssal Blade (when an enemy targeted, attack will be queued unless player has queued another order)

    Spoiler untuk Fixes :

    • Fixed bug with miss chance being calculated later than expected
    • Improved creeps behavior when affected by Fear effects
    • Fixed learning talent while morphed (Kotl/Sven) leaving basic form's MS untouched
    • Fixed Ice Blast could ignore hero's HP being below the treshold if he kept blocking it's periodic damage
    • Fixed Spell Steal could use upgraded Gush version without Aghanim
    • Fixed Untouchable lasting forever until a hero is attacked
    • Fixed Frost Armor healing affecting Tombstone
    • Fixed Split Shot damage type piercing armor
    • Fixed yet another bug with Meepo and Aegis
    • Fixed Shrapnel charges talent bug
    • Fixed bug with Doppelganger and Manta causing hero's malfunctioning
    • Fixed Scroll of TP could be wasted by casting onto the fountain when already standing at the fountain

    • Talents chosen are now stored inside replay data as well with category "Talent#" and value equal to TalentNumber*10+ChoiceIndex (1-2, left-right)
    • Means Player 8 picking level 10 right talent will leave "Talent8"=1*10+2 (12, right)
    • Means Player 7 picking level 20 left talent will leave "Talent7"=3*10+1 (31, left)

    Warm Regards,


  4. #3
    Anjanette's Avatar
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    Update Map Dota v6.90a8


    Spoiler untuk Fix / Balance :

    • Fixed on-attack events malfunction
    • Huskar's 25 Talent changed from Burning Spears Pure Damage to Divine damage (magic immune penetrating) (still unable to target spell immune)
    • Bone Fletcher's 15th Right Talent changed from +15 Str to 15% Cooldown Reduce
    • Poison arrows now update it's cast range on order rather than on cast (that means 1st shot is no longer use previous range)
    • Fixed abuse with Essence aura and 0-cd abilities
    • Fixed Sammy-face on Pugna's Decrepify
    • Fixed Anti-Mage burning 2x mana per hit than intended
    • Fixed illusions with Manabreak talents not dealing damage intended by the burn
    • Fixed Ember Spirit staying still after Sleight of Fist
    • Fixed Statis Storm (agh) applying silence even on spell immune enemies
    • Fixed consumables could be shared between allies (not intended to)
    • Fixed bug with Couriers converting allied items to owned ones
    • Added "auto-attack after cast" support to Medallion of Courage, Solar Crest, Dagon, Guinsoo's Hex
    • Returned classic charges number indicator to Templar Assassin (only displayed when there are 6 charges or less)
    • Fixed bug with inability to share a ward with an ally who has no item slots available but one of his slots is wards

    Spoiler untuk Download Map Dota v6.90a8 :

    Warm Regards,


  5. #4
    Anjanette's Avatar
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    Update Map Dota v6.90a8i

    Spoiler untuk Download Map Dota v6.90a8i :

  6. #5
    Anjanette's Avatar
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    Hallo IDGS Mania,

    Per 12-08-2020 , IDGS up map baru di bot IDGS-2.
    dengan memakai map Dota v7.00d1.
    Untuk IDGS-1 masih tetap memakai map 6.90a8 ya.
    Kami akan pantau hingga nantinya diharapkan semua bot di Bothost akan memakai map v7.00d1.

    Spoiler untuk Update Map v7.00d1 :

    • Added animation to Counterspell's duration
    • Fixed Arena of Blood not stopping units with free pathing (only passes Dark Ascencion, Arctic Burn, Firefly, Familiars and couriers now)
    • Eidolons spawned by attack count will now attack the same target as it's source even if autoattack is disabled
    • Fixed crash with F9 on some PCs
    • Fixed bug with some heroes talents and illusions
    • Fixed bug with spell block not working
    • Fixed Visage's cast range talent not working
    • Fixed Necronomicon's and Satyr's Mana Burn not being blockable by spell block
    • Fixed Ethereal Blast not being blockable by spell block
    • Fixed bug with Finger of Death, Mana Burn not providing visual effect when blocked
    • Fixed Rubick missing Mana Void Aghanim
    • Linken's Sphere now properly reacts on cooldown reset effects
    • Fixed refreshing Linken's Sphere not removing it's charge from the unit it was shared to before
    • Fixed bug with Spirit Bear's vision being reduced after death and quick rebirth
    • Fixed bug with triggered attacks and invisibility rune
    • Fixed Cold Feet stack limiter not working, it's not possible to curse the same unit again until it's frozen
    • Fixed Puck's Rapid Fire working even when Puck is dead

    Untuk mempercepat proses download map, bisa melalui Bot DL Map Official yang sudah disediakan,
    Atau bisa langsung mendownload pada link berikut


    Warm Regards,


  7. #6
    Anjanette's Avatar
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    Hallo IDGS Mania,

    IDGS update map baru di bot IDGS-2.
    dengan memakai map Dota v7.00e4
    Untuk IDGS-1 masih tetap memakai map 6.90a8 ya.

    Spoiler untuk Changelog Update Map v7.00e4 :

    • Slightly updated terrain (forest mainly)
    • Trueshot aura bonus reduced from 22/44/66/88% of AGI to 22/33/44/55
    • Added "Boots of Travel Consumable" recipe (Troll Headhunter's Shop)
    • Costs 1800 gold; requires Boots of Travel;
    • When combined with Boots of Travel, turns Teleport ability into unit-targeting, grants 100 charges and make it to not lose a charge when Teleporting;
    • Automatically consumes when picked up by owner with no upgrade;
    • Movespeed bonus remains the same, doesn't stack with other boots
    • Neutral gold increased by 10-15% (still lower than it used to be at 6.XX versions by 11%), experience by 5% (compared to 6.90 - reduced by 20%)
    • Mid and easy lanes can pull their closest neutral camps now (other camps unchanged)
    • Ground Couriers no longer trigger Land Mines
    • Night Stalker's Dark Ascention will no longer trigger Land Mines (because he is flying)
    • Hand of Midas now causes aggro for other neutrals
    • Telekinesis now provides assists on stunned enemies
    • Roots no longer affect target's priority (autoattack won't pick another unit, affects Troll primarily)
    • Shard Golems (the ones spawning after killing Mud Golem) now properly adds up to player's controlled group hotkey
    • Chat command "-mute #" now also blocks the muted player's sounds from Chat Wheel
    • Added Alt-click support for Bounty runes and Shrines
    • Critical Strikes now use attacker's special animation if he has one
    • Fixed bug with Glyph and CM/CD modes
    • Fixed bug with Spirit Breaker's aghanim not decreasing cooldown
    • Fixed bug with Bottle and Rune not being automatically used after 2 minutes
    • Fixed Focus Fire granting 1000 AS instead of 475 as intended
    • Fixed Walrus Punch not dealing bonus damage when Break applied
    • Fixed Mystic Snake Agh interaction with Lotus Orb
    • Fixed Mystic Snake Agh not using cooldown reduce talent
    • Fixed Infernal Blade affecting some wards
    • Fixed Glyph icon not going into cooldown when Glyph toggled via Circle of power
    • Fixed Tiny with Tree Grab couldn't properly rightclick nearby a fogged tree (now it's disabled)
    • Fixed abuse with Arc Warden and Moon Shard
    • Fixed Juggernaut's Left Talent level 25 not working (1s Omnislash)
    • Fixed Omnislash not giving proper duration with Aghanim Scepter
    • Fixed Shadow Demon's Right Talent level 25 not working (bonus damage for Demonic Purge)
    • Fixed Abyssal, Nullifier not reflecting when being blocked
    • Fixed Assassinate (Aghanim) not being blockable by Spell block
    • Fixed Lotus not reflecting Nether Strike
    • Fixed incorrect reflection with Flaming Lasso
    • Fixed Batrider's damage being higher while Fireflying
    • Fixed Ghost Shroud slowing magic immune enemies
    • Fixed Tiny's illusions not increasing in size with Grow!
    • Fixed missing lightning FX on Thunder Strike
    • Fixed Spectre and some other units not being moved with height-affecting abilities
    • Fixed unit's current movespeed couldn't be properly checked when under some debuffs with 0 movespeed (affects some movement abilities like Fire Remnant)
    • Rubick can no longer steal Templar Assassin's Aghanim ability (it had no use for him)
    • Fixed multiple Demonic Purge not dealing damage in some situations
    • Fixed Demonic Purge not dealing damage to Disrupted units
    • Meat Hook will no longer drag unit affected by Flaming Lasso
    • Fixed one more rare crash on game start
    • Fixed Consumable Travels (non-eaten) granting Aghanim's stats
    • Fixed Split Shot's damage
    • Fixed some items sell prices not being correct
    • Fixed an issue with Rubick stealing Tempest Double
    • Consumed Boots of Travel will now launch cooldown of other Boots of travels existing on the caster
    • Added back Butterfly's Flutter ability
    • Fixed Talisman of Evasion still granting 25% evasion instead of 20%
    • Fixed Elune's Arrow cooldown not being updated
    • Fixed Razor's 25's Talent granting old AS bonus as well as the new one
    • Fixed Walrus Punch could miss
    • Fixed Bristleback's auto-quill could cause attack effects not to proc
    • Fixed Phantom Strike could cause Phantom Assassin to stuck inside the terrain
    • Fixed Nether Swap could cause units to stuck inside the terrain
    • Fixed Shadow Word effect not being visible
    • Flying Couriers vision reduced to minimum
    • Fixed bug with crash in public games appeared in e2
    • Fixed (?) rare bug with talent not being learned when clicked
    • Fixed Rubick's passive visually working on allies when it buffs himself only
    • Fixed CM mode picking stage table's bug
    • Fixed rare bug with Meepo Clones killing courier solely causing courier respawn label to not appear
    • Fixed bug with invisible units being visible to enemies (from e2)
    • Fixed bug with spell channeling animations (from e0)
    • Fixed stolen Shapeshift not working on Rubick

    Untuk mempercepat proses download map, bisa melalui Bot DL Map Official yang sudah disediakan,
    Atau bisa langsung mendownload pada link berikut:

    For Download Map 7.00e4 CLICK HERE

  8. #7
    Anjanette's Avatar
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    Aug 2007
    Thanks: 40 / 296 / 272


    Hallo IDGS Mania,

    IDGS update map baru di bot IDGS-2.
    dengan memakai map Dota v7.00e6
    Dan untuk IDGS-1 masih tetap memakai map 6.90a8

    Spoiler untuk Changelog Update Map v7.00e6 :

    • Abaddon's illusions can now benefit of Frostmourne - they increase counter and apply silence just like the hero himself
    • Fixed Blademail's cooldown and manacost (e5's bug)
    • Fixed Queen of Pain's illusion obtaining Spell Block talent as well
    • Fixed Infest Out could case Lifestealer to stuck
    • Fixed Halbder still causing normal Maim instead of Greater Maim
    • Fixed Torrent lacking visual slow effect
    • Fixed Rubick not gaining bonus MS from the stolen Exorcism
    • Fixed rare bug with Tornado
    • Fixed one more rare case with Tempest Double acting after death
    • Toss will no longer teleport heroes who died and instantly bought back back to their original trajectory
    • Landmines now play sound only for mine's enemies when they're looking at something nearby it instead of globally

      ================================================== ==============================================

    • Reduced Necronomicon's manaregen from 200%/250%/300% to 100/125/150
    • Blade Mail's manacost increased from 25 to 60
    • Can no longer disassemble Arcane Boots when not on the Fountain and it's on cooldown
    • Fixed bug with Focus Fire and permanent invisibility sources
    • Fixed bug with Wisp and End Tether stucking the Wisp's commands
    • Fixed Blinding Light could stuck an enemy
    • Fixed Glimpse could stuck an enemy
    • Culling Blade no longer goes into 0.25s cooldown when used
    • Fixed Enchant not being blocked by Linken's sphere
    • Fixed Keeper of the Light aghanim being undroppable
    • Viper Strike is now a proper projectile-based ability which gets reflected/blocked on projectile hit (not projectile launch)
    • Fixed Viper Strike dealing double damage on the very first tick
    • Nethertoxin cooldown increased from 6 to 14
    • Fixed buyback cost being 0 until creep spawn event
    • Fixed ward place where wards had no vision
    • Added new ward place nearby Roshan's Pit (does not affect neutral camp)
    • Added some white trees (on the sentinel's side)
    • Fixed Torrent slowing attack speed of affected units
    • Snowball now applies stun effect on the allies taken inside, effectively preventing them from acting for the duration
    • Increased priority of items with recipes against non-recipe items to improve item combinations
    • Fixed bug with unkillable creeps after some effects
    • Fixed bug with Lone Druid's level 25 talent left not working
    • Fixed Bounty runes giving 10 less gold if picked up instantly on spawn
    • Ring of Health can now be sold for full price when bought at fountain area, as any other item, in the first 10 seconds
    • Added floating text info when Slark gets +1 Agi for killing
    • Added floating text info with the gold stolen by Jinada's attack (visible for Bounty Hunter only)
    • Pipe will no longer apply shields on Tombstone Zombie (it had no sense anyway)
    • Fixed bug with multiple Will-o-Wisp summoned at the same time
    • Fixed bug with Courier losing his transfer items order when an upgrade to the courier bought while delivering
    • Fixed Shockwave moving invulnerable units
    • Chronosphere will now affect Tricks of the Trade, pulling Riki out of his hidden state
    • Land Mine's aoe color density reduced
    • Tempest Double will now properly inherit Boots of Travel Consumable
    • Meepo can no longer buy Boots of Travel Consumable
    • Fixed Spell Steal interaction with Leap
    • Fixed Spell Steal (agh) granting old cooldown upgrade to Chronosphere
    • Fixed Spell Steal (agh) not upgrading God's Rebuke

    Untuk mempercepat proses download map, bisa melalui Bot DL Map Official yang sudah disediakan,
    Atau bisa langsung mendownload pada link berikut:

    For Download Map 7.00e6


  9. #8
    Anjanette's Avatar
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    Aug 2007
    Thanks: 40 / 296 / 272


    Update New Map Dota Allstars v7.02A1

    Spoiler untuk DotA v7.02 Allstars Changelog :


    • Fixed Chain Frost bug
    • Fixed Dark Ascencion uncontrollable status

    Brewmaster updated
    • Drunken Brawler:
    • Now also has passive component. Provides 10/15/20/25% evasion chance against attacks and 24% chance to deal critical damage for 145/160/175/190% of normal damage. When activated, chances are multiplied by 3.
    • CD from 23/21/19/17 to 29/25/21/17
    • Primal Split cast time from 0.65 to 0.55

    Reworked Brewmaster's Aghanim:
    • No longer grants bonus stats and movespeed to Spirits;
    • Now adds second charge to Primal Split with the same cooldown;
    • Also grants ability to instantly end the channeling, causing Brewmaster to appear on top of the Spirit who ordered the prematural end.
    • Talent level 25 left from +175% Drunken Brawler Critical Strike Damage to +80%
    • Talent level 25 right from -75s Primal Split Cooldown to Brewlings Gain Drunken Brawler Passive

    • Improved charged abilities behaviour with adding/removing charges (Aghanim related mostly)
    • Fixed Clinkz' new talent level 25 messing up HP bonus
    • Fixed Troll's new talent level 25 text not being updated
    • Fixed MK's aghanim clones attacking Roshan (they should not)
    • Fixed Spirit Siphon not updating charge count on levelup properly
    • Fixed (?) Enrage (Aghanim) causing Ursa to stop acting when used
    • Fixed incorrect Spell Reflection with Life Break
    • Fixed Overclocking stun lacking status debuff
    • Urn of Shadows, Spirit Vessel, Orchid, Bloodthorn, Dagon, Halberd no longer reset caster's current action (still interrupts channel)
    • Added chat command "-mutew #" and "-unmutew #" to ignore Chat Wheel sounds from player #
    • Courier can no longer use Healing Salve, Clarity or Mango on itself
    • Nightmare'd unit will no longer completely lose vision of his own (you will see your position properly now)
    • Using Enrage (Aghanim) or Battle Trance (talent upgraded) will now properly register spell cast when under disables

    Grimstroke related
    • Fixed Adaptive strike now working with Soulbind
    • Fixed cooldown talent affecting Stroke of Fate instead of Ink Swell
    • Fixed bonus Stroke's damage talent granting 50% instead of 40%
    • Fixed Soulbind lvl 3 CD


    Short version: Troll's ultimate reworked; Clinkz's Strafe is stronger now; Monkey King & Troll got Aghanims; New Aghanim effect for Clockwerk; new Caustic Finale for Sand King; Dust of Appearance now sold by 1 charge and cheaper.

    Mode AP: Fixed gold penalty for pick delay being applied to both teams instead of the team which didn't pick the required amount of heroes
    Mode RD now provides 50 heroes to pick (as well as CD)
    Fixed bug with doubling stuff on DL mode
    Fixed Wisp's Spirits damage not being upgraded on Talent learn if Spirits are already summoned
    Fixed Super VIP chat color not saving properly
    Fixed Elder Dragon Form illusions not having proper form when illusions are created from rune of Illusion
    Fixed Runes spawning every 4 minutes instead of every 2, but from 4'th minute
    Fixed Arctic Burn (Aghanim) granting bonus attack speed instead of movespeed
    Fixed Arctic Burn becoming uncontrollable issue with Aghanim's upgrade
    Fixed bug with Blur causing game to run out of groups
    Fixed rare visual bug with Hookshot
    Fixed Spirit Lance still applying it's effects when blocked by spell immuninty or invulnerability
    Fixed (?) rare bug with abilities with low cooldown becoming unclickable when cooldown reduce effects applied
    Fixed picking Sniper's Shrapnel Charges talent not removing ability's cooldown
    Also fixed similar charges issue with Ember Spirit, Bloodseeker and Shadow Demon's charges
    Fixed Demonic Purge (Agh) having lower charge's cooldown than expected
    Fixed custom sounds (Chat Wheel) not respecting ingame volume setting
    Fixed Earth Splitter always slowing for 50%
    Fixed Grave Chill duration not being updated to 6 seconds
    Fixed Mjollnir's active ability's lightning prioritizing heroes instead of being random
    Fixed stolen Upgraded Wrath of Nature not creating Treants
    Rewritten healing system (Salve, Clarity, etc)
    Fixed Break not disabling Dragon's Blood, Dragon's Blood's talent, Feral Impulse properly

    Dust of Appearance now goes with 1 charge, gold cost from 180 to 80

    Glyph now works 7 seconds for towers and 4 seconds for creeps.
    Towers now have multishot When Glyphed, attacking 3 closest enemies with every attack. The first towers multishot at 2 targets instead of 3.

    Troll's ultimate reworked:
    Troll unleashes a powerful battle trance, that forces you to continuously attack the closest enemy unit within 900 range, prioritizing heroes.
    Damage does not kill you during this mode. Grants you bonus lifesteal, attack speed and movement speed. Applies a Basic Dispel.
    Lifesteal: 40%/60%/80%
    Self Move Speed Bonus: 25%/30%/35%
    Self Attack Speed Bonus: 140/170/200
    Duration: 6.5
    Cooldown: 90
    Mana: 150

    Added Aghanim's upgrade to Troll:
    Reduces Whirling Axes coodown by 5. Ranged Axes dispel basic buffs from affected enemies. Melee Axes dispel basic debuffs from the Troll himself.

    Troll's level 15 right Talent from +3 Fervor stacks to +5 Fervor AS
    Troll's level 25 right Talent from -6s Whirling Axes Cooldown to +2s Battle Trance duration

    Added Monkey King's Aghanim upgrade:
    When Wukong Command is learned, Monkey King starts to spawn monkey soldiers near himself with 4 seconds cooldown. Soldiers do not spawn while invisible or on trees. They attack any enemy nearby, except for Roshan. Soldiers only attack buildings when Monkey King himself is within 500 range.

    All Wukong Command's Soldiers now restricted with 600 radius vision instead of default vision

    Stone Remnants, Ancestral Spirit can no longer be clicked by other players (to prevent missclicks)

    Most of STR heroes are updated to the latest dota2 patch stats:

    Talent's 425 AoE Death Coil improved to 500 AoE

    Death Coil
    Missile speed reduced from 2000 to 1300
    Damage/heal from 120/165/210/255 to 110/160/210/260
    Self-damage now equals 50% of the heal/damage value
    Cast range from 500 to 575

    Acid Spray DPS increased from 15/20/25/30 to 20/25/30/35
    Unstable Concoction cooldown from 22/20/18/16 to 16
    Unstable Concoction manacost from 120 to 90/100/110/120
    Goblin's Greed base gold reduced from 4 to 3
    Goblin's Greed max gold bonus reduced from 20/24/28/32 to 15/18/21/24
    Goblin's Greed Stack duration from 40 to 36

    Strength gain from 3.6 to 3.4
    Berserker's Call cooldown increased by 1

    Wild Axes manacost from 80 to 65
    Inner Beast AS bonus from 10/20/30/45 to 15/25/35/45

    Hoof Stomp
    Cooldown from 22/19/16/13 to 18/16/14/12
    Manacost from 115/120/125/130 to 100/110/120/130
    Damage from 80/110/140/170 to 100/150/200/250
    Stun duration from 2/2.25/2.5/2.75 to 1.7/2.0/2.3/2.6
    Increased area from 315 to 330

    Double Edge cooldown from 5 to 4

    Duration from 4 to 3.5/4.0/4.5
    Aghanim's Scepter now adds 1 more second to the duration
    Cooldown from 110/100/90 to 100

    Chaos Knight
    Chaos Bolt
    Min damage from 60/90/120/150 to 90/110/130/150
    Max damage from 180/210/240/270 to 180/220/260/300
    Min stun from 1/1/1/2 to 1.25/1.5/1.75/2.0
    Max stun from 2/3/4/4 to 2.2/2.8/3.4/4.0
    Manacost from 140 to 110/120/130/140
    Cooldown from 10 to 13/12/11/10

    Reality Rift debuff duration from 8 to 6

    Cooldown from 125 to 75
    Manacost from 125/200/275 to 75/125/175

    Yeah, not a STR hero, but requires tweaks
    Now provides 100% evasion against ranged attacks for the duration
    Duration from 4/6/8/10 to 3/4/5/6
    Cooldown from 40/35/30/25 to 34/30/26/22
    Manacost from 90 to 70

    Talent level 15 Right 15% Cooldown Reduction to -7s Skeleton Walk Cooldown
    Talent level 20 Left +10 Death Pact Duration to -10s Strafe Cooldown
    Talent level 25 Right +8s Strafe Duration to +50/5% Death Pact Health/Damage

    Str gain from 3.7 to 3.5
    Hookshot's cooldown from 70/55/40 to 60/45/30

    Aghanim Upgrade reworked: now grants Overclocking ability
    Resets Clockwerk's ability cooldowns and grants him 40% bonus movement and 200 attack speed for 8 seconds. Clockwerk becomes stunned for 4 seconds after the duration runs out. Cooldown 60.

    Str gain from 26 +4.0 to 24 + 3.7
    Base Int from 13 to 15

    Dragon Knight
    Strength from 19 +3.6 to 21 +3.4
    Int from 15 to 18

    Earth Spirit
    Str from 21 to 22
    Rolling Boulder damage from 70/80/90/100 to 70/90/110/130

    Tauren Chieftain
    Str from 24 to 26

    Str gain from 3.2 to 3.4
    Agi from 15 +1.8 to 13 +1.6

    Burning Spears now cost 3% of the current HP instead of constant 15 HP

    Spirits blast damage from 20/40/60/80 to 30/50/70/90

    Agi gain from 1.4 to 1.6
    Int gain from 1.5 to 1.8
    X Mark the Spot cooldown from 38/30/22/14 to 24/20/16/12

    Base STR from 26 to 25

    Agi gain from 1.0 to 1.7
    Int gain from 1.4 to 1.7

    Summon Wolves manacost from 145 to 125/130/135/140

    Cooldown from 24/22/20/18 to 18
    Manacost from 15/20/25/30 to 35/40/45/50

    Shapeshift duration from 18 to 28
    Shapeshift cooldown from 110/95/80 to 125/110/95
    Shapeshift movespeed from 650 to 550

    Int gain from 1.7 to 2.1

    Slow increased from 60% to 75%
    Cooldown from 14/13/12/11 to 13/12/11/10
    Manacost from 90/100/110/120 to 80/90/100/110

    Skewer damage from 70/140/210/280 to 70/150/230/310

    Reverse Polarity manacost from 200/250/300 to 150/225/300

    Night Stalker
    Str gain from 3.2 to 3.0
    MS from 300 to 295

    MS from 300 to 315
    STR from 22 +3.6 to 24 +3.4

    CD from 14/13/12/11 to 18/16/14/12
    MC from 85/100/115/130 to 80/95/110/125

    Heavenly Grace
    Duration from 12 to 10
    STR from 7/14/21/28 to 8/16/24/32

    Guardian Angel
    Duration from 6/7/8 to 5/6.5/8
    Aghanim now grants 40 HP regen to affected units

    STR gain from 3.7 to 3.5
    INT from 18 to 16

    Supernova's HP from 5/8/11 to 6/8/10 (Aghanim 3 more)

    STR gain from 4.0 to 3.0
    AGI gain from 1.6 to 1.5

    Meat Hook CD from 21/18/15/12 to 18/16/14/12
    Rot slow from 11/18/25/32 to 14/20/26/32
    Flesh Heap STR bonus per kill from 1.0/1.5/2.0/2.5 to 1.5/2.0/2.5/3.0
    Flesh Heap magic resistance bonus from 6/8/10/12% to 12/14/16/18%

    Sand King
    STR gain from 3.2 to 3.0

    Caustic Finale reworked
    Sand King's attacks inject a venom that causes enemy units to move more slowly and violently explode when it dies. Killed Illusions do not deal bonus damage for it's health amount.
    Damage radius: 500
    Base damage: 70/90/110/130
    Max victim's health as damage: 10%/14%/18%/22%
    Movement speed slow: 10%/15%/20%/25%
    Debuff duration: 5
    Notes: The debuff can be refreshed. Does nothing upon expiring. Deals area damage only when the target dies to an enemy.

    Damage per pulse from 110/110/110 to 110/120/130

    Bash of the Deep now deals 200% of bonus damage against non-heroes non-illusions

    MS from 315 to 325

    Manacost from 60 to 30/40/50/60
    No longer provides bonus damage, but instead affects allies with increased movespeed
    Grants 8/12/16/20% bonus MS for affected allies and himself

    God's Strength
    No longer grants 10/20/30 bonus STR
    Damage bonus from 80/120/160% to 120/160/200%
    Duration from 25 to 40

    Talent Level 25 Right from +40 STR God's Strength to +50% God's Strength Damage

    STR from 25 to 27

    Kraken Shell damage block from 12/24/36/48 to 18/30/42/54

    STR from 23 to 24

    Whirling Death
    Base damage from 90/120/150/180 to 80/120/160/200
    Attribute reduction from 15% to 13/14/15/16%
    Debuff duration from 14 to 12/13/14/15
    AoE from 300 to 325
    Manacost from 70 to 80

    Reactive armor stack duration from 10/13/16/19 to 10/12/14/16

    Treant Protector
    STR gain from 4.1 to 3.4
    MS from 270 to 280

    Eye in the Forest
    Cooldown from 35 to 40
    Now has 3 charges

    Ice Shards manacost from 105/105/110/115
    Tag Team bonus damage from 25/50/75/100 to 20/45/70/95
    Walrus Punch slow duration from 2/3/4 to 3/4/5

    Pit Lord
    STR gain from 3.3 to 3.0
    Attack range from 175 to 200

    AGI gain from 0.8 to 1.2

    Cast range from 625 to 650
    MC from 70/85/100/115 to 85/90/95/100
    Now deals double damage to non-heroes

    Skeleton King
    STR gain from 3.2 to 3.0

    Wraith Form (Aghanim)
    Now provides Wraiths with 25% bonus MS and 75 AS for it's duration

    Spoiler untuk DotA v7.01 Allstars Changelog :


    • Fixed Eidolons level 3 had no attack ability
    • Fixed Rubick with Aghanim stealing Spirits (Wisp) granting no effect
    • Fixed Observer Wards being available for the purchase for the first picks at All Pick
    • Fixed Halberd not recounting status resistance on pickup
    • Fixed Arcane Bolt level 2 being available earlier than it should
    • Fixed Track still lasting forever, providing vision
    • Fixed Burrowstrike (Aghanim) had incorrect cooldown


    • Yet more improved perfomance
    • Fixed Spirits (Wisp) with Aghanim not appearing again on respawn
    • Fixed Track having no duration limit
    • Fixed Dust of Appearance not working
    • Fixed Brain Sap's Aghanim and Surge's AoE talent malfunctioning
    • Fixed some players being muted on the game's start
    • Fixed bug with double-picking the same hero
    • Improved movement type altering abilities perfomance
    • When Elder Dragon Form ends, it will now unstuck the caster and destroy trees around him


    • Improved perfomance
    • Hero's attacks' from below (low ground) now follows pseudo-random distribution when calculating miss chance, meaning there are now lesser chance of getting multiple misses in a row
    • Bloodseeker's Thirst, Track, Amplify Damage, Thunder Strike, Life Drain now provides vision just over the target instead of a small area around it
    • Fixed (?) morphed Illusions spawned not using their very first animation properly
    • Increased model's size of Mars
    • Fixed Aeon Disk's buff being undispellable
    • Spirit Vessel heal reduction increased from 45% to 60%
    • Fixed Crimson Guard's active granting 2 more armor than intended
    • Fixed (?) Rubick's issues with multiple polymorphs stolen
    • Fixed Rubick couldn't properly use Soul Assumption
    • Fixed stolen Chemical Rage not providing HP regen
    • Fixed stolen Bronze Dragon not providing flying movement
    • Fixed Elder Dragon form splash malfunctioning since a1
    • Fixed Elder Dragon with Aghanim not providing illusions properly for any illusion-making ability
    • Fixed Fortune's End still being disjointable
    • Fixed Psi Blades not working


    • Fixed issues with network protocol on some servers causing players to drop immediately
    • Illusions now properly use percentage movespeed bonuses (for instance, Psionic Trap against illusions)
    • Fixed range markers (towers) not appearing
    • Fixed '-mute #' chat command not affecting chat wheel
    • Fixed Spirit Vessel not providing heal reduction properly (could only cancel heal increasing effects)

    Added Aghanim Scepter for Dragon Knight
    Improves Elder Dragon Form effect by 1 level. When level 3 reached, turns into Bronze Dragon instead. Bronze Dragon has flying movement (but normal ground vision) and 40% bonus magic resistance. Bronze's Corrosive Breath deals 30 DPS instead of 20, his splash equals 115% of the original damage (instead of 75%), and the slow effect increased to 60% MS and 60 AS.
    • Batrider's base damage increased by 3
    • Fixed Sticky Napalm instantly disappearing
    • Nether Swap can now target cycloned targets
    • Fixed stolen Nether Ward dealing damage to allies
    • Fixed stolen Counter Spell not granting magic resistance
    • Fixed Duel not working against status Resistance


    • Fixed Javelin providing bonus damage without counting spell resistance of the target
    • Fixed Overload's bounce spreading full damage in the AoE instead of Overload's normal damage only
    • Wolf's Bite now counts the respective Talent for critical strike effect
    • Fixed model path of Void and Ogre Magi
    • Fixed Aeon Disk being able to proc on Couriers
    • Fixed Aeon Disk procing too early (before reductions), it now counts the final damage only
    • Fixed Crash with Dust of Appearance
    • Changed Time Walk HP restore to healing effect (to be properly affected by heal manipulations)
    • Fixed minor bug with Retaliate causing 'error' messages to be displayed


    • Reworked on-damage effects to use the final damage
      It affects Life Drain, Kraken Shell, Bulwark, Bristleback, all sources of attack lifesteal, Open Wounds, Cold Snap, Borrowed Time, Bristleback

    • Reworked charge-based abilities (charges granted from talents mostly)
    • Increased Captains Draft hero pool from 28 to 50
    • Fixed Urn stats weren't updated
    • Fixed Dagon's recipe description
    • Added quick buy support to Maelstrom
    • Fixed Enfeeble with talent granting incorrect bonuses
    • Fixed Cataclysm cooldown not being used when casting Cataclysm
    • Fixed Cataclysm not working on double-click
    • Fixed Invoker's Talent level 25 for Melting Strike armor not working
    • Increased Melting strike limit from -10 to -20 armor
    • Omniknight's left talent level 25 from +3s Repel duration to -60s Guardian Angel Cooldown
    • Fixed Heavenly Grace restoring full HP
    • Purification and Shadow Wave can now target spell immune allies
    • Windrunner's Aghanim changed:

    now affects Windrun, granting it 2 charges, phased movement while windrunning, and passively grants 30% evasion
    • Mute chat command can now mute observer slots as well
    • Removed autocast on Bloodlust

    Casting Alacrity, Cold Snap, Nasal Goo, Bloodlust, Empower, Homing Missile, Arcane Bolt, Ancient Seal, Death Coil, Aphotic Shield, Open Wounds,

    Hurl Boulder (Primal Split), Track, Amplify Damage, Chakra Magic, Soul Assumption, Static Link, Ion Shell, Surge,
    Purification, Heavenly Grace, Shadow Wave, Shadow Word, Frost Shield, Spirit Siphon, Telekinezis,
    most of the neutral abilities obtained with Devour, Arc Lightning, Frostbite, Ensnare, Tether, Sunder,
    Shackleshot, Glimpse, Mystic Snake, Brain Sap, Paralyzing Cask, Flaming Lasso, Disruption, Cold Feet, Fate's Edict,
    Culling Blade, Astral Imprisonment, Press The Attack, Lightning Storm, Primal Roar, Double Edge,
    Medallion of Courage, Solar Crest

    no longer interrupts hero's current order


    Vengeance Aura, Feral Impulse, Necronomicon's Archer's Aura, Mekansm Aura, Shiva's Guard, Crimson Guard's Guard (active ability), Ring of Basilius, Vladmir's Offering, Pipe, Thunder Lizard's Drum Aura, Satyr Hellcaster's aura, Mana Aura (Troll Priest), Toughtness Aura (Wildkin), Furbolg's movespeed aura, Resistance aura (centaurs and small furbolg), Packleader's Aura (Wolf), Kobold's Aura area increased from 900 to 1200

    • Neutral Centaur Khan will no longer perform Stomp when fighting too far from his camp
    • Harpy Storm mana pool reduced from 400 to 150
    • Harpy Storm mana regen increased from 1 to 3

    Frost Armor (neutral Ogre Magi):
    • Armor bonus reduced from 8 to 5
    • Enemy AS slow from 20 to 25
    • Enemy MS slow from 30 to 25
    • Now affects ranged attackers as well

    • Tier 1 towers damage from 100-120 to 88-92, BAT from 1.0 to 0.9
    • Tier 2 towers HP from 1900 to 2500, armor from 15 to 16, damage from 170-180 to 170-174, BAT from 0.95 to 0.9
    • Tier 3 towers HP from 1900 to 2500, damage from 170-180 to 170-174, BAT from 0.95 to 0.9
    • Tier 4 towers HP from 2100 to 2600, damage from 170-180 to 170-174, BAT from 0.95 to 0.9
    • Team gold bonus for tower destroying reduced from 100/120/140/160 to 90/110/125/145 (tier 1/2/3/4)
    • Bounty for towers reduced from 150-250 for all tiers to 75-165 / 95-185 / 115-205 / 135-225 (tier 1/2/3/4)
    • Team gold bonus for rax destroying reduced from 100/175 ranged/melee to 90/155 ranged/melee
    • Rax destroy bounty reduced from 100-150 to 90-135

    Kills & Assists
    Assists bounty rescaled - now it's [(30 + Victim Net Worth * 0.038) / Number of Heroes]
    It no longer includes any comeback mechanic or ally/enemy total networth
    Streak ending bonus gold rescaled from 60*Streak (up to 8) to 65+35*Streak (up to 8)


    Powerup runes now spawn starting from 4th minute instead of 2nd minute

    Rune of Illusions
    Rune of illusions now acts like Manta Style (grants short invulnerability, basic dispel and swaps positions) instead of normal illusion spawn

    Bounty Rune
    Now grants Reliable gold


    Sange reworked:
    Bonus damage reduced from 10 to 8
    Maim removed
    Now grants 16% Status Resistance

    Sange and Yasha update:
    Bonus damage reduced from 16 to 12
    Maim removed
    Now grants 20% Status Resistance

    Sange and Kaya update:
    Bonus damage reduced from 12 to 8
    Maim removed
    Now grants 20% Status Resistance

    Halberd update:
    Maim removed
    Now grants 20% Status Resistance

    Enfeeble reworked
    Now reduce target's attack speed instead of damage
    Reduces attack speed by 50/75/100/125
    Now also decrease target's status resistance by 36/44/52/60%
    Duration from 20 to 8
    Manacost from 95 to 50/75/100/125
    Cooldown from 8 to 12/10/8/6
    Debuff can be dispelled now by any dispel

    Talent +100 AS reduction improved to +125 AS reduction
    Talent "Steal attack damage" changed to "Steal attack speed"

    Enrage no longer increases Fury Swipes damage
    Duration from 4 to 4/4.5/5
    Now grants 50% Status Resistance

    Repel renamed to Heavenly Grace
    Heavenly Grace no longer grants spell immunity
    Heavenly Grace grants 50% status resistance, +7/14/21/28 Str and +8/12/16/20 HP regen instead for 12 seconds
    Heavenly Grace applies strong dispel when being applied (once, not continuously)

    Spirit Breaker
    Bulldoze now grants 34/46/58/70% Status Resistance when activated

    Sprint (Aghanim) now provides 40% Status Resistance while on water

    Now has innate 25% Status Resistance

    Added new item Crown
    Crown is a basic item, can be bought from the same shop as Circlet and Branch
    Grants +4 all stats
    Costs 450 gold
    It replaces various recipe's requirements like Bracer, Null Talisman and Wraith Band
    Bracer, Null Talisman and Wraith Band are no longer used in any recipes
    Crown has pushed out Magic Stick, you can find Magic Stick at the shop with healing potions

    Drum of Endurance
    Recipe changed: now requires Crown, Sobi Mask, Wind Lace and recipe of 600 gold
    Now grants +4 all stats, +50% mana regeneration, +20 MS (Stackable)
    No longer has charges
    Activation bonus AS increased from 35 to 45
    Cooldown increased from 30 to 60

    Urn of shadows
    Recipe changed: now requires Sobi Mask, Circlet of Nobility, Ring of Protection and recipe of 335 gold
    Grants +2 all stats, +50% mana regen, +2 Armor

    Circlet of Nobility
    Goldcost from 165 to 155

    Gauntlets of Strength
    Goldcost from 150 to 145

    Slippers of Agility
    Goldcost from 150 to 145

    Mantle of Intelligence
    Goldcost from 150 to 145

    Rod of Atos
    Recipe reworked: now requires Staff of Wizardry, 2x Crown, Recipe of 850 gold
    Now grants +10 strength, +10 Agility, +20 Intelligence

    Recipe reworked: now requires Belt of strength, Boots of Elvenskin, Mantle of Intelligence and Recipe of 1300 gold
    Now grants +6/8/10/12/14 All stats per level

    Meteor Hammer
    Recipe reworked: now requires Perseverance, Crown and recipe of 250 gold
    Now grants +8 All stats, 140% MP regen and 6 HP regen.

    Recipe reworked: now requires Soul Booster and Kaya
    Now grants 425 HP, 425 MP, 200% mana regen, 16 Intelligence, 12% Manacost Reduction, 8% Spell Damage amplification
    Mana Battery (passive charges collector) now grants 0.35% spell Damage amplify per charge
    Bloodstone no longer affects respawn time
    Manaregen per charge reduced from 1 to 0.5
    Basic charges amount increased from 12 to 14
    Heal effect on death removed
    Pocket Deny removed
    Added Bloodpact active ability
    Costs 30% of maximum mana. When used, transfers 30% of maximum mana into HP over 2 seconds as a heal. Cooldown 85
    This buff can be dispelled by enemies but it doesn't get cancelled by receiving damage

    Soul Ring
    Recipe reworked: now requires Ring of Protection, 2x Gauntlets of Strength, Recipe
    Recipe cost is 275 now, total cost is 740
    Now takes 170 HP instead of 150 (mana bonus unchanged)
    Cooldown from 30 to 25

    Veil of Discord
    Recipe reworked: now requires Helm of Iron Will, Crown and recipe of 700 Gold
    Now grants +6 Strength, +6 Agility, +15 Intelligence, +6 Armor
    Magic Weakness (active ability) no longer reduces target's magical resistance, instead it increases any spell damage applied on him by 20%
    Cooldown incerased from 20 to 25

    Goldcost reduced from 550 to 450

    Gloves of haste
    Goldcost reduced from 500 to 450

    Shadow amulet
    Goldcost reduced from 1400 to 1000
    No longer grants attack speed

    Goldcost reduced from 1200 to 1000

    Recipe reworked: now requires Cloak, Gloves of Haste and Shadow Amulet

    Lothar's Edge
    Recipe reworked: now requires Broadsword, Shadow Amulet and 2x Gloves of Haste

    Recipe reworked: now requires Broadsword, Chainmail and recipe of 500 Gold
    Grants +28 damage, +5 Armor and active Damage Return ability (the same)

    Quelling Blade
    Goldcost reduced from 200 to 130
    Bonus damage for melee reduced from 24 to 13

    Can now put up to 3 Mangoes into a single item slot (regeneration stacks)

    Orb of Venom
    Goldcost from 275 to 300
    Now provides 15% slow when used by a melee unit
    Now lasts 2 seconds instead of 3
    Now deals 2 damage per second for both melee and ranged attackers

    Sobi Mask
    Goldcost reduced from 325 to 175
    Mana regen bonus reduced from 50% to 30%

    Recipe cost reduced from 775 to 475
    AS bonus reduced from 30 to 25

    Recipe changed: now requires Hyperstone instead of Crystalys
    Now grants +30 Attack damage and +90 attack speed instead of 68 Damage and 30 Attack speed

    Goldcost from 1500 to 1100
    No longer gives 10 damage
    Now provides True Strike with 25% chance, with an additional 80 damage bonus when procs
    Can't proc on spell immune targets

    Monkey King Bar
    Bonus damage reduced from 66 to 42
    Bash's damage is now added to normal damage instead of being a separate damage instance
    True Strike chance reduced from 100% to 75%
    Bash ability unchanged (yet)

    Abyssal Blade
    Bash's damage is now added to normal damage instead of being a separate damage instance

    Bash's damage is now added to normal damage instead of being a separate damage instance

    Battle Fury
    Cleave value updated from 35 to 60%

    Recipe reworked: now requires Mithril Hammer and Javelin
    Now grants +24 Damage, no bonus attack speed
    When lightning procs, the attack cannot miss
    Can't proc on spell immune targets

    Now grants +24 Attack damage and +65 Attack speed
    When lightning procs, the attack cannot miss
    Can't proc on spell immune targets
    Can no longer be disassembled

    Void Stone
    Goldcost reduced from 850 to 825

    Ring of Health
    Goldcost reduced from 850 to 825

    Dark Troll Warlord
    Ensnare cooldown from 20 to 15
    Raise Dead cooldown from 25 to 18


    Ancient Apparition
    Reduced Ice Vortex mana cost from 40/60/80/100 to 40/55/70/85
    Reduced Ice Blast max travel time from 2 to 1.75

    Increased Culling Blade kill threshold from 250/325/400 to 250/350/450

    Increased night vision from 800 to 1200

    Increased movement speed from 290 to 295
    Increased base armor by 1
    Sticky Napalm
    Damage is no longer halved against non-hero units
    Reduced damage per stack from 10/15/20/25 to 6/12/18/24
    Increased radius from 375 on each level to 375/400/425/450
    Flaming Lasso
    Increased cast range from 100 to 175
    Increased cooldown from 100/90/80 to 120/115/110
    Increased Flaming Lasso secondary target search radius from 450 to 600

    Increased Wild Axes damage from 30/60/90/120 to 40/70/100/130
    Reduced Wild Axes mana cost from 80/85/90/95 to 80 on each level

    Increased armor from 3 on each level to 3/5/7.
    Rescaled health from 1500/2200/3000 to 1400/2200/3000.
    Increased health regeneration from 1/2/2 to 2/4/6.

    Now has 30% status resistance.
    Increased armor from 0/3/6 to 0/4/8.
    Increased health regeneration from 2/4/4 to 2/4/6.
    Immolation DPS increased from 20/40/60 to 25/50/75

    Reduced health from 1000/1500/1900 to 1000/1400/1800
    Increased health regeneration from 1/2/2 to 2/4/6
    Increased mana from 500/750/750 to 900 on each level
    Increased magic resistance from 0 to 25%
    Increased attack damage from 15-25/35-45/55-65 to 25-35/45-55/65-75

    Base attack damage increased from 47-57 to 52-58
    Increased Warpath attack damage per stack from 22/28/34 to 25/30/35
    Nasal Goo Aghanim's AoE increased from 825 to 950
    Aghanim's Viscous Nasal Goo max stacks from 4 to 8
    Level 10 right talent changed: from +25 AS to +20 Movement speed
    Level 15 left talent changed: from +6 Viscous Nasal Goo stacks to +25 attack speed

    Bounty Hunter
    Rescaled base intelligence and gain from 19 + 2 to 22 + 1.9
    Increased movement speed from 315 to 320

    Incapacitating Bite slow increased from 16%/26%/36%/46% to 20%/30%/40%/50%
    Spiderling's health increased from 280 to 320
    Spiderling's magic resistance reduced from 40% to 25%
    Spiderite's health increased from 100 to 120.
    Spiderite's magic resistance reduced from 40% to 25%.

    Chaos Knight
    Phantasm Cooldown reduced from 145 to 125
    Increased base Agility from 14 to 18
    Increased base armor by 1

    Holy Persuation now provides +10/15/20/25 MS and +8/16/24/32 damage to the persuaded creep

    Reduced movement speed from 315 to 310

    Crystal Maiden
    Increased base intelligence from 14 to 16 (damage unchanged)
    Increased movement speed from 275 to 280
    Reduced Freezing Field (upgraded) Frostbite tracker timer from 2 to 1.75

    Dark Seer
    Increased base agility from 12 to 18
    Reduced base armor by 1
    Increased damage from 25/50/100/200 to 100/150/200/250
    Reduced mana cost from 100/130/160/190 to 60/90/120/150

    Increased attack range from 175 to 200
    Increased base armor by 1
    Reduced Scorched Earth duration from 16 to 15
    Increased gold bonus from 20/80/140/200 to 50/100/150/200
    Reduced Devour health regeneration bonus from 3/7/11/15 to 1/5/9/13

    Dragon Knight
    Reduced Breathe Fire mana cost from 100/110/120/130 to 90/100/110/120
    Increased Dragon Tail damage from 25/50/75/100 to 50/75/100/125
    Increased Elder Dragon Form Splash Attack radius from 300 to 350

    Reduced Fissure duration from 8 on each level to 6.5/7/7.5/8

    Reduced Malefice cooldown from 18/17/16/15 to 14 on each level
    Demonic Conversion
    Increased duration from 35 to 40
    Reduced Eidolon attack point from 0.4 to 0.3

    Aghanim Scepter now also adds Sproink ability
    Leaps backward and dodges incoming projectiles. Jump lasts for 0.4 seconds, traveling for 500 distance.
    Caster can act freely while flying, but the cast itself interrupts channeling effects. Cooldown: 3, manacost: 50

    Ember Spirit
    Increased Searing Chains cooldown from 11/10/9/8 to 13/12/11/10
    Increased intelligence gain from 1.8 to 2.2

    Faceless Void
    Aghanim's Scepter upgrade: increased Time Lock radius (after Time Walk) from 250 to 350
    Time Lock now stuns non-heroes for 2 seconds

    Reduced base armor from 2 to 0
    Reduced gold bounty from 20 to 8
    Reduced experience bounty from 16 to 12 (Mega-treant unchanged)

    Increased base intelligence from 19 to 21
    Reduced Homing Missile launch delay from 3 to 2.5
    Reduced Flak Cannon cooldown from 20 to 18

    Rescaled Berserker's Blood max attack speed from 140/200/260/320 to 160/210/260/310
    Increased agility gain from 1.4 to 1.8
    Increased base attack damage by 2
    Reduced Inner Fire knockback distance from 550 to 400
    Life Break can no longer deal damage to Roshan

    Level 10 left Talent from +40 Chaos Meteor contact damage to +30% Chaos Meteor Damage
    Level 15 right Talent from +1 Forge Spirit to +50 Ice Wall DPS
    Level 15 left Talent from -15s Cold Snap Cooldown to -8s Cold Snap Cooldown
    Level 20 right talent from Cataclysm to -8s Tornado Cooldown
    Now summons 2 Forge Spirits when Quas and Exort both level 4 or higher
    Invoke cooldown increased from 6 to 7
    Invoke cooldown now gets reduced by 0.3 per each level of Quas, Wex, Exort
    Invoke no longer has Aghanim Upgrade
    Aghanim's Scepter now grants Cataclysm possibility to Sun Strike

    Omnislash now grants 40 attack speed for its duration
    Omnislash attack rate divisor reduced from 1.7 to 1.6

    Increased base strength from 18+2.3 to 20+2.5
    Increased base attack damage by 3
    Reduced attack range from 600 to 575
    Increased Lightning Storm damage from 80/120/160/200 to 90/130/170/210
    Increased Pulse Nova radius from 450 to 475
    Aghanim Upgrade: Reduced Lightning Storm strike interval from 1.75 to 1.5 whenever Pulse Nova is active

    Infest can no longer target illusions (due to inner issues)

    Reduced base higher attack damage by 4
    Reduced base armor by 1
    Increased Light Strike Array cooldown from 7 on each level to 10/9/8/7
    Increased Fiery Soul attack speed bonus per stack from 40/55/70/85 to 40/60/80/100
    Reduced Laguna Blade mana cost from 280/420/680 to 250/400/550
    Increased Laguna Blade damage from 450/650/850 to 500/700/900

    Increased base attack speed from 100 to 115
    Increased base armor by 1
    Increased base agility from 15 to 18
    Increased Impale cast range from 500 to 575
    Reduced Hex unit movement speed from 140 to 120

    Eclipse can no longer waste beams on invulnerable units

    Increased base attack damage by 2
    Reduced Stone Gaze mana cost from 200 to 100
    Increased base strength from 15 to 17
    Increased base intelligence from 19 to 23
    Mystic Snake
    Reduced cast time from 0.4 to 0.2
    Reduced cooldown from 11 to 10

    Increased Divided We Stand level requirement from 3/10/18 to 4/11/18
    Meepo can now buy Boots of Travel Consumable again (clones still do not benefit of movespeed)

    Increased base STR from 20 to 22
    Increased ING gain from 1.1 to 1.5
    Attribute Shift bonus STR and AGI increased from 4/5/6/7 to 3/5/7/9

    Monkey King
    Increased base armor by 3
    Increased Boundless Strike stun duration from 0.4/0.8/1.2/1.6 to 0.7/1/1.3/1.6
    Reduced Mischief cooldown from 20 to 15
    Jingu Mastery bonus damage reduced from 60/90/120/150 to 40/70/100/130
    Reduced Wukong's Command soldiers attack rate from 1.2 to 1.1

    Naga Siren
    Increased movement speed from 320 to 330
    Reduced Mirror Image cooldown from 45/40/35/30 to 40/36/32/28

    Nerubian Assassin
    Increased base intelligence from 18 to 21
    Increased Impale damage from 80/140/200/260 to 100/160/220/280
    Reduced Impale cast point from 0.4 to 0.3
    Increased Vendetta damage from 250/375/500 to 300/450/600

    Reduced strength gain from 2.8 to 2.6
    Reduced intelligence gain from 2.9 to 2.7

    Fortune's End is no longer disjointable
    Reduced Purifying Flames cast time from 0.3 to 0.15

    Ogre Magi
    Reduced agility gain from 1.9 to 1.5
    Reduced Fireblast mana cost from 75/85/95/105 to 70/80/90/100
    Now deals its first tick of damage immediately, instead of 1 second after the debuff is placed
    Increased mana cost from 90 to 100
    Aghanim's Scepter upgrade:
    Reduced Unrefined Fireblast current mana as mana cost from 60% to 30%

    Supernova no longer refreshes Teleport Scroll cooldown

    Increased agility gain from 1.7 to 2.5
    Increased turn rate from 0.5 to 0.8
    Increased Illusory Orb damage from 70/140/210/280 to 75/150/225/300
    Waning Rift is now a ground-targeted ability with 300 cast range, first teleporting Puck there and then applying its effects. It doesn't disjoint projectiles.
    Increased Dream Coil initial damage from 100/150/200 to 125/200/275
    Aghanim's Scepter upgrade:
    Increased Dream Coil link break stun duration from 1.8/3/4.5 to 2/3.25/4.5

    Meat Hook cooldown reduced from 27/22/17/12 to 21/18/15/12
    Meat Hook can now drag runes, restoring Meat Hook's manacost when it happens

    Reduced Decrepify cast range from 700 on each level to 400/500/600/700
    Reduced Nether Ward duration from 30 on each level to 18/22/26/30

    Queen of Pain
    Increased strength gain from 2.3 to 2.4
    Reduced Shadow Strike's initial damage from 50/75/100/125 to 30/60/90/120
    Increased Shadow Strike's mana cost from 110 on each level to 110/120/130/140
    Increased Sonic Wave mana cost from 200/250/300 to 250/400/550

    Phantom Assassin
    Increased base attack damage by 3
    Reduced Phantom Strike attack speed bonus from 100/125/150/175 to 75/100/125/150
    Reduced Blur (Aghanim) cooldown from 12 to 10
    Reduced vanish dispel delay from 0.75 to 0.5
    Reduced evasion from 20%/30%/40%/50% to 15%/25%/35%/45%

    Phantom Lancer
    Increased base intelligence from 19 to 21
    Rescaled Spirit Lance mana cost from 125/130/135/140 to 120 on each level
    Increased Spirit Lance damage from 100/150/200/250 to 100/160/220/280

    Pit Lord
    Increased attack range from 150 to 175
    Pit of Malice
    Increased root duration from 0.9/1.2/1.5/1.8 to 1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8
    Reduced cooldown from 22/20/18/16 to 21/19/17/15

    Reduced Smoke Screen's mana cost from 90 to 75

    Shadow Demon
    Shadow Poison is no longer dispellable

    Shadow Shaman
    Increased base intelligence from 19 to 25 (damage unchanged)
    Rescaled Serpent Ward gold bounty from 26-38 to 28-36
    Increased Serpent Ward attack damage from 50/80/110 to 50/85/120

    Shadow Fiend
    Reduced Shadowraze mana cost from 90 on each level to 75/80/85/90

    Increased Arcane Curse damage per second from 16/24/32/40 to 16/26/36/46
    Reduced Global Silence cooldown from 130 on each level to 130/115/100
    Increased Last Word damage from 80/120/160/200 to 120/160/200/240
    Aghanim's Scepter upgrade:
    Increased Last Word radius from 600 to 650

    Reduced Shadow Dance cooldown from 60 to 80/65/50

    Increased Corrosive Haze armor reduction from 8/13/18 to 10/15/20
    Bash's damage is now added to normal damage instead of being a separate damage instance
    Guardian Sprint
    Reduced active movement speed bonus from 20%/28%/36%/44% to 16%/24%/32%/40%
    Rescaled river movement speed bonus from 5%/20%/35%/50% to 10%/20%/30%/40%
    Increased Slithereen Crush mana cost from 80/95/105/115 to 90/100/110/120
    Reduced Slithereen Crush river health regeneration bonus from 35 to 30 and river armor bonus from 12 to 10

    Reduced Shrapnel charge replenish time from 40 to 35

    Spirit Breaker
    Spirit Breaker's level 20 talent changed from -50% ultimate cooldown to -7s Bulldoze cooldown
    Reduced Charge of Darkness cast time from 0.47 to 0.3
    Reduced Nether Strike cooldown from 100/80/60 to 90/70/50
    Aghanim's Scepter upgrade:
    Increased Charge of Darkness charge speed bonus from 100 to 175 and cooldown from -5 seconds to static 7 seconds

    Storm Spirit
    Level 25 right talent from Overload pierces magic immunity to +2 Overload bounces. It only bounce the bonus damage, original attack damage has no effect. Provides slow and damage effects on the affected targets as normal attacks. Picks up a random target on each jump.
    Reduced Ball Lightning mana cost per 100 traveled units from 12 + 0.7% to 10 + 0.65% of max mana.
    Increased agility gain from 1.5 to 1.7

    Talent +150 Gold/Min replaced with -28s Blast Off cooldown
    Talent for Land Mines cooldown reduction improved from -2 to -4 seconds

    Templar Assassin
    Increased base strength from 19 to 21
    Increased base attack range from 140 to 160
    Increased armor reduction from 2/4/6/8 to 5/6/7/8
    Increased cooldown from 6 on each level to 12/10/8/6

    Increased Reflection duration from 2.5/3.5/4.5/5.5 to 3.25/4/4.75/5.5

    Improved Ice Shards behavior to prevent spawning unpathable caves

    Reduced strength gain from 2.8 to 2.6
    Reduced Overpower mana cost from 75 to 40/50/60/70
    Reduced movement speed slow from 10%/25%/40%/55% to 10%/20%/30%/40%
    Increased cooldown from 9/8/7/6 to 11/10/9/8

    Vengeful Spirit
    Increased base intelligence from 17 to 19
    Illusion spawned by Aghanim no longer instantly dies when being Hexed
    Magic Missile
    Increased projectile speed from 900 to 1350
    Increased cast range from 550 on each level to 575/600/625/650

    Increased movement speed from 275 to 280
    Increased Plague Ward health from 75/200/325/450 to 120/230/340/450
    Increased Venomous Gale initial damage from 25/50/75/100 to 50/75/100/125

    Increased attack projectile speed from 900 to 1400
    Reduced Soul Assumption mana cost from 150 on each level to 135/140/145/150
    Increased base attack time from 0.4 to 0.5
    Increased damage from 20/40/60 to 25/50/75
    Fixed Familiars not being a valid target for some abilities
    Fixed Gravekeeper's Cloak affecting Familiars on any range

    Increased Shadow Word cast range from 450/550/650/750 to 450/600/750/900.

    Aghanim reworked:
    No longer updates Focus Fire
    Now grants upgrade to Powershot
    Grants global cast range. Once 2600 distance covered, the flight is prolonged, but the arrow can hit a single hero only. When it happens, it deals damage and may cause that hero to die if his health went below 13%. Kill threshold scales based on channel time as well.

    Winter Wyvern
    Increased base damage by 2
    Increased Cold Embrace base heal per second from 20/26/32/38 to 30/35/40/45
    Aghanim's Scepter upgrade:
    Reduced Arctic Burn mana cost per second from 30 to 20 and increases movement speed by 25%

    Strength per level from 2.5 to 3.0
    Added Aghanim Scepter upgrade: passively spawns Spirits around Io, casting the ability has no effect while holding the Scepter
    Spirit's ability for toggling range cooldown reduced from 1s to 0.05s
    Spirits can now affect ancients properly
    Spirits no longer ignore Familiars
    Fixed Split Shot interaction with Tether's Allied attack talent

    Bug fixes
    • Fixed Blinding Light causing ally's Pounce to dispell earlier than it should
    • Added route re-counter to Timberchain so hero won't run back
    • Fixed stolen Chronosphere STILL being Aghanim'd on Rubick with Aghanim
    • Fixed Walrus Punch could miss on chance-based evasions (but not 100% evasion like Windrun)
    • Fixed Arena of Blood causing allies to miss as well when they're out of the arena
    • Fixed Break disabling Spirit Breaker's Bulldoze's MS bonus
    • Fixed Snowball not muting inventory properly
    • Fixed Stifling Dagger could target couriers
    • Fixed Chronosphere's radius talent not granting bonus MS to Void on it's edges
    • God's Rebuke can now affect couriers
    • Fixed Vendetta not applying Break effect
    • Gush now properly acts as a projectile ability instead of instant effect ability
    • Reverted changes with Infest's selection
    • Fixed Troll's enrooting attack not being disabled by Break
    • Fixed Troll's root could proc on spell immune target
    • Fixed ultra rare bug with Snowball
    • Fixed Undying's talent for Tombstone's HP granting half of the intended HP
    • Fixed hero illusions not receiving base 25% resistance (they cannot make use of any other spell damage reduction bonuses)
    • Fixed hero illusions not receiving Fate's Edict spell resistance (the only exception)
    • Fixed Primal Split could cause Brewmaster to suicide under some circumstances when all 3 spirits are properly killed
    • Fixed (?) bug with Aghanim's Blessing upgrade and courier delivery
    • Fixed No Available Groups error with Wisp and Mars ingame
    • Fixed rare bug with Berserker's Call and physical invulnerability sources
    • Fixed Refraction not counting multiple damage instances properly (a pack of Remote Mines would be counted as a single one)
    • Phantasm (aghanim) illusions can now be properly selected with hotkeys when casted onto an ally
    • Fixed Focus Fire attacking while being under Fear effect
    • Fixed Spell Steal (Aghanim) could be casted at illusions with no result
    • Fixed Will-o-Wisp could be placed outside the map
    • Fixed Hookshot depending on Clockwerk's current position instead of the original position
    • Fixed False Promise level 3 manacost and cooldown
    • Fixed Plasma field slowing spell immune enemies
    • Fixed Necronomicon's item mana regen not being updated
    • Fixed Wisp's Spirits Slow talent not working
    • Fixed Assassinate (Aghanim) not being upgraded with Aghanim Upgrade when reflected
    • Fixed Tricks of the Trade not being castable at spell immune units
    • Fixed Quill Spray affecting Tomstone's zombies
    • Fixed couple more game crash reasons
    • Fixed (?) rare bug with permanent spell block
    • Fixed rare bug with attacks not being detected (thus they had no on-attack effects)
    • Fixed bug with Blur not being toggled off when attacking
    • Fixed one more case of Tempest Double's clone moving around
    • Fixed (?) Fear effect not cancelling pre-ordered item's casts when affecting stunned units
    • Fixed bug with stolen True Form
    • Fixed Tether could target couriers
    • Illusions created from hexed units will no longer inherit Hex'd appearance but will have all normal properties of the target
    • Fixed Boots of Travel couldn't target flying units
    • Fixed (?) bug with Flesh Golem leaving permanent damage-over-time debuff
    • Fixed Diffusal Blade could target enemy wards with no effect
    • Fixed Tag Team slow not being dispellable
    • Fixed Mars' Spear could pin an enemy to Arena Of Blood from outside
    • Fixed Mars' Spear could pin an enemy to item shops
    • Fixed Soul Catcher not affecting Spirit Bear
    • Fixed Mekansm and Guardian Greaves had 25 seconds heal cooldown instead of the same cooldown as on the caster (means Dazzle can heal more often than others due to his cooldown reduction talent)
    • Fixed Decrepify couldn't affect an allied Tombstone
    • Fixed Phase Shift allowing to use item abilities from under Chronosphere
    • Fixed Blur level 4 manacost
    • Mars Spear can now pin another unit if the first one died
    • Fixed Skewer could cause unit to have permanent flying movement
    • Fixed Frost Shield not being dispelled on death
    • Fixed Moon Glaive not working properly when there are invalid targets nearby the target
    • Fixed Vampiric Aura affecting allies while being dead
    • Fixed Sinister Gaze not being dispellable
    • A few item swaps in the side shops for more unified layout
    • Fixed Stasis Trap not being dispellable
    • Fixed Nether Strike not providing vision over the target properly
    • Fixed Lightning Bolt's unusual interaction with Linken's Sphere
    • Fixed Crimson Guard's Guard (active ability) not granting 2 bonus armor to affected units
    • Fixed Quill Spray refreshing itself when procing from Bristleback
    • Fixed bug when Gem could be pawned

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    Source: 701 & 702

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