(00:00 / All) Free-retzstyLe : Shortest load by player [passion_xiii] was 3.04 seconds.
(00:00 / All) Free-retzstyLe : Longest load by player [Bm_Kw] was 9.28 seconds.
(00:00 / Free-retzstyLe(2)) Free-retzstyLe : Your load time was 4.87 seconds.
(00:00 / All) Free-retzstyLe : Game LODD1SPFF NO BUG/RE GPL+retz
(00:00 / All) Free-retzstyLe : By Free-retzstyLe On Bot Evo-9 will begin
(00:00 / All) Free-retzstyLe : Have a nice game and well play..
(00:00 / All) Free-retzstyLe : ================================================== =
(00:02 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : -sdsos6ulfnboosahscspff
(00:24 / Allies) Getah_Nangka : -cam 1.55
(01:07 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : multi dimana
(01:09 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : multi dimanahhhhhhhh
(01:14 / All) Free-retzstyLe : Player [JKT-GALAU] reconnected with GProxy++!
(01:23 / Allies) ~PaiN : -si
(01:23 / Allies) ~PaiN : -sddon
(01:23 / Allies) ~PaiN : -c
(01:24 / Allies) ~PaiN : -sp
(01:24 / Allies) ~PaiN : -fc
(01:24 / Allies) ~PaiN : -cam 2770
(01:25 / Allies) ~PaiN : -c
(01:26 / Allies) SePhirotg7p : -cam 1.7
(01:27 / Allies) SePhirotg7p : -si
(01:29 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : oke sini multi
(01:31 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : ga usa doom
(01:31 / All) ~PaiN : latency 70 dong host
(01:34 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : !l 70
(01:34 / All) Free-retzstyLe : Setting game latency to 70 ms.
(01:38 / Allies) ~PaiN : thx
(02:45 / Allies) ~PaiN : gw utan ya
(02:50 / Allies) SePhirotg7p : -reset
(02:52 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : solo ats
(02:55 / Allies) SePhirotg7p : gw tebing dah
(03:04 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : pling mantap
(03:07 / Allies) SePhirotg7p : y
(03:54 / Allies) SePhirotg7p : eh
(03:58 / Allies) SePhirotg7p : boleh lw ya?
(04:01 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : bleh
(04:05 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : no bug re doank
(04:13 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : pgnnya skalian bolehin chemical rage octa
(04:25 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : brubah jd alche yg ungu y klo mati?
(04:57 / Allies) SePhirotg7p : loh
(05:00 / Allies) SePhirotg7p : itu ga mc relo
(05:10 / Allies) ~PaiN : gk ada yg bagus skillnya
(05:28 / Allies) ~PaiN : Garena Total: Custom Hotkeys: ON
(05:46 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : -cam 2000
(06:10 / Allies) SePhirotg7p : bawah isi ih
(06:41 / Allies) Getah_Nangka : zzz mid sopo
(06:44 / Allies) SePhirotg7p : mid isi
(07:11 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : -ms
(08:31 / Allies) SePhirotg7p : -sp
(08:59 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : esense
(09:00 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : xin
(10:00 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : -morph
(10:20 / Allies) Getah_Nangka : ?TRIGGER
(10:26 / Allies) Getah_Nangka : ?trigger
(10:29 / All) Getah_Nangka : !cm
(10:41 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : !p
(10:43 / All) Free-retzstyLe : SodiumButyRate: 129ms, Getah_Nangka: 56ms, Bm_Kw: 46ms, retroholic: 44ms, SePhirotg7p: 42ms, ~PaiN: 42ms,
(10:43 / All) Free-retzstyLe : Free-retzstyLe: 20ms, JKT-GALAU: 15ms, -o0o-: 10ms, passion_xiii: 2ms
(10:51 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : !p
(10:53 / All) Free-retzstyLe : SodiumButyRate: 129ms, Free-retzstyLe: 110ms, ~PaiN: 61ms, Getah_Nangka: 55ms, Bm_Kw: 46ms, retroholic: 42ms,
(10:53 / All) Free-retzstyLe : SePhirotg7p: 41ms, JKT-GALAU: 15ms, -o0o-: 9ms, passion_xiii: 2ms
(10:57 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : !p
(10:58 / All) Free-retzstyLe : Free-retzstyLe: 149ms, SodiumButyRate: 130ms, ~PaiN: 62ms, Getah_Nangka: 55ms, Bm_Kw: 46ms, retroholic: 42ms,
(10:58 / All) Free-retzstyLe : SePhirotg7p: 41ms, JKT-GALAU: 15ms, -o0o-: 8ms, passion_xiii: 2ms
(11:27 / All) Free-retzstyLe : You have been timed out from the server.
(11:27 / All) Free-retzstyLe : GProxy++ is attempting to reconnect... (158 seconds remain)
(11:27 / All) Free-retzstyLe : GProxy++ is attempting to reconnect... (147 seconds remain)
(11:27 / All) Free-retzstyLe : GProxy++ reconnected to the server!
(11:27 / All) Free-retzstyLe : ==================================================
(11:30 / Allies) SePhirotg7p : z
(11:30 / All) Free-retzstyLe : Free-retzstyLe has lost the connection (timed out) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect.
(11:30 / All) Free-retzstyLe : Please wait for me to reconnect (153 seconds remain).
(11:30 / All) Free-retzstyLe : Player [Free-retzstyLe] reconnected with GProxy++!
(11:39 / Allies) SePhirotg7p : set
(11:39 / Allies) Getah_Nangka : ah
(11:39 / All) ~PaiN : hostnya itu
(11:39 / All) SodiumButyRate : i know
(11:54 / Allies) Getah_Nangka : *** gara2 iklan
(12:01 / All) SePhirotg7p : wkowko
(12:01 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : rip
(12:56 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : ad curir ga
(12:56 / Allies) Getah_Nangka : radar itu?
(12:58 / Allies) ~PaiN : taee
(15:19 / Allies) ~PaiN : keras amat
(16:01 / Allies) Getah_Nangka : zeus bb sakit
(16:06 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : iy
(16:09 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : rip
(16:49 / Allies) ~PaiN : owalah essence
(16:51 / Allies) ~PaiN : gk baca tad
(16:54 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : iyo
(16:55 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : xin
(17:03 / Allies) ~PaiN : gw nyari BM dulu dah
(17:05 / Allies) ~PaiN : creeping dulu
(17:10 / Allies) ~PaiN : gk ada yg bisa di kill heronya
(17:34 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : keras bat ini rexar
(17:38 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : ulti ogre y
(19:03 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : dedd
(19:18 / Allies) Getah_Nangka : no ;v
(19:20 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : engga
(19:22 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : rexar mksdny
(19:26 / Allies) Getah_Nangka : oo
(19:34 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : ku tau kamu setrong
(19:42 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : -si
(20:07 / Allies) SePhirotg7p : 'udah aga gw selow
(20:07 / Allies) SePhirotg7p : wkwk
(20:36 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : waekwoa
(20:39 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : ditubruk mati
(22:02 / Allies) ~PaiN : wkwkkwwk
(22:03 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : ga kw culing
(22:03 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : waekowekoa
(22:07 / Allies) ~PaiN : jangan
(22:18 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : wele
(22:21 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : mantap cok
(22:28 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : dikumpulin
(22:29 / Allies) ~PaiN : su
(22:29 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : buat gua
(22:29 / All) Free-retzstyLe : Player [Getah_Nangka] reconnected with GProxy++!
(22:30 / Allies) ~PaiN : laba2
(22:48 / Allies) Getah_Nangka : *** mna break
(22:58 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : as
(23:05 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : rencar
(23:05 / Allies) Getah_Nangka : syla mana break?
(23:07 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : ppk
(23:08 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : iy
(23:10 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : lgsg abis mana
(23:19 / Allies) Getah_Nangka : ga bisa nova -_-
(23:45 / Allies) SePhirotg7p : ya
(23:48 / Allies) Getah_Nangka : cas
(23:57 / Allies) SePhirotg7p : wokwko
(24:16 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : trek
(26:08 / Allies) Getah_Nangka : awkkawkwk lucu xin maen sruduk aj
(26:18 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : emg nob dia
(27:04 / Allies) ~PaiN : ***
(27:05 / Allies) ~PaiN : sakit
(27:52 / Allies) SePhirotg7p : trakc
(27:53 / Allies) SePhirotg7p : lah
(29:30 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : ga ad rencar
(29:32 / Allies) SePhirotg7p : hajar
(29:42 / All) SePhirotg7p : ea
(29:46 / All) SePhirotg7p : ultinya ngebug
(29:58 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : oshit
(29:59 / Allies) ~PaiN : tod
(30:00 / Allies) ~PaiN : wkwkwk
(30:02 / All) JKT-GALAU : ?
(30:03 / All) SePhirotg7p : jgn bug
(30:05 / All) JKT-GALAU : dungu ga akan mati
(30:08 / All) JKT-GALAU : eh
(30:10 / All) JKT-GALAU : dungu pasti mati
(30:17 / Allies) ~PaiN : bug apaan?
(30:18 / All) JKT-GALAU : dimana bug nya>?
(30:19 / All) SePhirotg7p : itu ulti laba2 permanent
(30:21 / All) SePhirotg7p : cok
(30:26 / All) JKT-GALAU : lah ****** ya?
(30:36 / All) SePhirotg7p : ?
(30:42 / All) JKT-GALAU : sejak kapan ulti laba bisa dibug
(30:44 / All) JKT-GALAU : dungu x
(30:56 / All) SePhirotg7p : coba aja lu pake pas rengkar
(31:36 / Allies) Getah_Nangka : anjir mana breanya -_-
(31:43 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : go
(31:46 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : asem
(31:47 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : nice
(32:16 / Allies) ~PaiN : skill paaan itu
(32:16 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : ada mata ga
(32:18 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : poon
(32:19 / Allies) ~PaiN : kok gk gerak gw
(32:23 / All) Free-retzstyLe : poon sama reverse
(32:24 / Allies) ~PaiN : iya kek mata pohon
(32:24 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : stun smw
(32:27 / Allies) Getah_Nangka : ultio roof
(32:30 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : mana mata poon
(32:31 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : potong
(33:21 / Allies) SePhirotg7p : sabar
(33:44 / Allies) SePhirotg7p : kok tahu dia
(33:44 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : -ms
(34:24 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : !sl 500
(34:24 / All) Free-retzstyLe : Setting sync limit to 500 packets.
(34:34 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : wow
(34:38 / All) Free-retzstyLe : Player [retroholic] reconnected with GProxy++!
(35:28 / Allies) ~PaiN : *** rame
(36:10 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : ocan dl
(36:14 / Allies) SePhirotg7p : go
(36:31 / Allies) Getah_Nangka : wa radar
(37:25 / Allies) ~PaiN : cok
(37:27 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : njer cacat aegis
(37:56 / Allies) SePhirotg7p : ***
(38:05 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : tae pede bat aegis lgsg mati
(38:10 / Allies) ~PaiN : sorry
(38:35 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : -ms
(38:58 / All) SePhirotg7p : see?
(39:02 / All) SePhirotg7p : itu ga mati2 ultinya
(39:22 / Allies) ~PaiN : iye
(39:24 / Allies) ~PaiN : gk mati2
(39:31 / Allies) ~PaiN : bilang gih
(39:45 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : itu brp detik njir
(39:46 / All) SePhirotg7p : bug ga?
(39:49 / Allies) SePhirotg7p : permanent
(40:05 / Allies) ~PaiN : walaupun dia mati?
(40:12 / All) Free-retzstyLe : cok
(40:17 / Allies) SePhirotg7p : ban aja itu
(40:18 / Allies) SePhirotg7p : bug
(40:46 / All) SePhirotg7p : otaknya pake lah
(40:52 / All) SePhirotg7p : kalo belom rengkar jgn dipake itu ulti
(40:53 / All) Free-retzstyLe : apa itu satanic permanent + damage
(41:44 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : kok bs ngebug gt
(41:53 / All) JKT-GALAU : mana ada sih bug2
(42:44 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : nnti gw cek replay la
(42:47 / All) JKT-GALAU : org emg gt klo dah kalah
(42:50 / All) JKT-GALAU : nuduh2
(42:51 / All) SePhirotg7p : masih mau bilang ga bug?
(42:57 / All) JKT-GALAU : dimana bugnya?
(42:58 / All) JKT-GALAU : jelas2
(43:01 / All) JKT-GALAU : tadi ilang
(43:05 / All) JKT-GALAU : ******* *****
(43:06 / All) JKT-GALAU : buta
(43:10 / All) SePhirotg7p : ****** ya
(43:13 / Allies) ~PaiN : tadi gw juga liat
(43:13 / All) JKT-GALAU : elu ******
(43:14 / All) JKT-GALAU : liat sr sndiri
(43:15 / All) JKT-GALAU : *****
(43:18 / All) SePhirotg7p : gw bukan baru maen kemaren
(43:18 / All) ~PaiN : cek replay
(43:22 / All) JKT-GALAU : iya
(43:23 / All) SodiumButyRate : CD 40
(43:25 / All) JKT-GALAU : lu main baru 2 hari lalu
(43:29 / All) JKT-GALAU : bukan kemarin emang
(43:42 / All) SePhirotg7p : udah salah masih ngelak
(43:44 / All) JKT-GALAU : jelas2 gw hit td kaga ada ulti laba
(43:47 / All) JKT-GALAU : salah?
(43:49 / All) JKT-GALAU : buta
(43:56 / All) JKT-GALAU : nih gw tongolin diri ke line
(43:59 / All) JKT-GALAU : liat ya
(43:59 / All) JKT-GALAU : dek
(44:00 / All) JKT-GALAU : pake mata
(44:03 / All) JKT-GALAU : bangcat
(44:18 / All) SePhirotg7p : kalo ulti pas lu rengkar itu permanent ya dek
(44:26 / All) JKT-GALAU : EH ******
(44:36 / Allies) Getah_Nangka : jng endiri di cas
(44:38 / All) JKT-GALAU : KALAH2 AJ
(44:39 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : -cam 2000
(44:39 / All) JKT-GALAU : GA USAH NUDUH2
(44:42 / All) SePhirotg7p : udah jelas2 itu nyala trus
(44:43 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : -cam 2100
(44:51 / All) JKT-GALAU : LIAT MID ******
(44:52 / All) JKT-GALAU : ADA GA NI
(44:54 / Allies) ~PaiN : tadi
(44:57 / All) ~PaiN : tadi
(45:42 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : cd
(46:47 / Allies) ~PaiN : ea
(46:48 / Allies) ~PaiN : gk mati2
(46:48 / All) SePhirotg7p : see?
(47:01 / All) SePhirotg7p : masih mau bilang ga bug?
(47:10 / All) JKT-GALAU : GA
(47:11 / All) SodiumButyRate : maybe
(47:14 / All) SodiumButyRate : its miracle
(47:21 / Allies) ~PaiN : wkwkwk malah denial
(47:23 / All) SePhirotg7p : ngakak gw
(47:24 / Allies) ~PaiN : giliran ada fakta
(47:44 / All) SePhirotg7p : itu liat dek
(47:47 / All) SePhirotg7p : buka matamu
(47:55 / All) JKT-GALAU : bodo amat ******
(48:09 / All) retroholic : rexar e fix sesat wkowkow
(48:09 / All) SePhirotg7p : OKAOWKOAKWWAOK
(48:27 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : dah gw ss
(48:30 / All) SePhirotg7p : AWOKAOKAWOKAWOKA
(48:31 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : lebh dari 1 menit
(48:36 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : gw coba post ruiner
(48:39 / All) JKT-GALAU : KALAH NUDUH2
(48:40 / All) JKT-GALAU : GJ
(48:43 / All) SePhirotg7p : NGAKAK GW
(48:48 / All) retroholic : araredan kabeh
(48:52 / All) SodiumButyRate : berdua begok smua
(49:50 / Allies) Getah_Nangka : atas
(49:55 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : ga ad tele
(49:56 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : wwkw
(50:01 / Allies) ~PaiN : ambil dah
(50:05 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : ga ad
(50:06 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : slot
(50:07 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : ambil aj
(50:46 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : dahdah
(50:47 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : wadepak
(50:49 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : skitny
(51:01 / Allies) ~PaiN : gw udah depak itu
(51:09 / All) SodiumButyRate : makanya
(51:11 / Allies) ~PaiN : pake silver edge
(51:12 / All) SodiumButyRate : bacot mua sih hihi
(51:12 / All) JKT-GALAU : salahin lagi
(51:15 / All) JKT-GALAU : ulti laba
(51:20 / All) JKT-GALAU : buat kekalahan kalian
(51:24 / All) JKT-GALAU : nih gw ga pake
(51:26 / All) JKT-GALAU : biar ga nangis
(51:28 / All) SePhirotg7p : udah salah masih ngelak wkwkow
(51:32 / All) JKT-GALAU : salah dimana?
(51:35 / All) JKT-GALAU : nyala ga skrg?
(51:37 / All) JKT-GALAU : ga nyala kan?
(51:39 / All) JKT-GALAU : brrti bukan bug
(51:41 / All) JKT-GALAU : bodoh
(51:53 / All) JKT-GALAU : kalah ngelak
(51:53 / All) SePhirotg7p : BACA YA DEK LU PAKE ULTI PAS RENGKAR
(51:53 / All) JKT-GALAU : kawkawka
(51:55 / All) SePhirotg7p : BACA
(51:58 / All) JKT-GALAU : BACA YA DEK
(52:02 / All) JKT-GALAU : BACA
(52:25 / All) SodiumButyRate : wkekwew
(52:25 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : *******
(52:35 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : kw ulti apa cok necro
(52:35 / Allies) Free-retzstyLe : waekoekoaw
(52:37 / All) JKT-GALAU : gapapa kok
(52:40 / All) JKT-GALAU : naluri manusia jahanam
(52:45 / All) JKT-GALAU : kalah nyalahin org
(52:49 / All) JKT-GALAU : wajar
(52:56 / All) SodiumButyRate : wajar 2 suket
(53:01 / All) JKT-GALAU : keawokoawe
(53:04 / All) JKT-GALAU : emg ulet keket
(53:04 / Allies) ~PaiN : Garena Total: Custom Hotkeys: OFF
(53:04 / All) Free-retzstyLe : JKT-GALAU has left the game voluntarily.
(53:05 / All) Free-retzstyLe : SodiumButyRate has left the game voluntarily.
(53:06 / All) Free-retzstyLe : passion_xiii has left the game voluntarily.
(53:06 / All) Free-retzstyLe : ~PaiN has left the game voluntarily.
(53:07 / All) Free-retzstyLe : -o0o- has left the game voluntarily.
(53:07 / All) Free-retzstyLe : retroholic has left the game voluntarily.
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