The Cellars of Hawezar are a series of small, one-room dungeons that can be found in the Hawezar region of Sanctuary. They are a great source of loot, experience, and crafting materials, and they can be a challenge for even experienced players.

What are the Cellars of Hawezar?

The Cellars of Hawezar are a series of small, one-room dungeons that can be found in the Hawezar region of Sanctuary. They are randomly generated, so each one is different. The Cellars are inhabited by a variety of enemies, including undead, demons, and beasts.

How to find the Cellars of Hawezar?

The Cellars of Hawezar are scattered throughout the Hawezar region. They are not marked on the map, so you will need to explore to find them. However, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of finding a Cellar:

Look for areas with a lot of dead trees.
Look for areas with a lot of fog.
Look for areas with a lot of bloodstains.
What rewards can I get from the Cellars of Hawezar?

The Cellars of Hawezar can be a great source of loot, experience, and crafting materials. You can find a variety of items in the Cellars, including weapons, armor, jewelry, and crafting materials. You can also find a variety of runes, which can be used to modify your skills.

How difficult are the Cellars of Hawezar?

The difficulty of the Cellars of Hawezar varies depending on your level and gear. However, even experienced players can find the Cellars to be challenging. The enemies in the Cellars are often tougher than the enemies you will find in the open world, and they can deal a lot of damage.

Tips for surviving the Cellars of Hawezar

If you are looking to survive the Cellars of Hawezar, there are a few things you can do:

Make sure you are at a high level and have good gear.
Be careful not to get overwhelmed by enemies.
Use crowd control effects to your advantage.
Use potions and flasks to stay healed.
Be prepared to run away if necessary.


The Cellars of Hawezar is a challenging but rewarding part of Diablo 4. If you are looking for loot, experience, and crafting materials, then the Cellars is a great place to visit. Just be prepared for a challenge.

Here are some additional tips for surviving the Cellars of Hawezar:

Use the environment to your advantage. There are often environmental hazards in the Cellars that you can use to your advantage. For example, you can use fire pits to damage enemies or you can use water to slow them down.

Be patient. The Cellars are not a place to rush in and start fighting. Take your time and pick your targets carefully.

Have fun! The Cellars are a challenging but rewarding part of Diablo 4. So, relax, have fun, and explore the dungeons. You can get more help from if you need to buy d4 gold