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  1. #91
    gokhiel-comm's Avatar
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    hy master,,ngmg2 ttg mkb gw jadi inget post qt yg di thread kardel,,
    gw mo nannya ne,,dulu kan gw pernah nyaranin kardel tuh mkb 2 biji
    nah itu persenannya gmn?apakah dia stack ama skill pasifnya kardel yg juga mini stun?
    klo stack,mislkan dr 5 pukulan,,berapa pukulan yg jadi mini stun??

    trz,,kata tmen gw skadi klo di pake hero ranged buka orb,jadi mo pake deso sangyas mjolnir gpp
    nah tapi klo dipake hero melee katanya orb,,jadi g stack ma deso sangyas dll,,apa betul??

    haha lucu juga di page 2 ada yg nanya GG ama harass,,gw juga donk,,kan klo anak2 luar tuh suka ngetik "lol" ama "rofl"
    maksudnya ketawa kan??tp suka g pas gt kejadiannya,,jadi maksudnya lol ama rofl itu apa y??

    nice thread^^

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  3. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluedarknezz View Post
    master gw nanya overides orb effect di anub'seran's geminate attack maksudnya gimana seh
    truzz di Venomancer's poison stingtulisannya orb effect doang ga ada tulisan
    orb effect does not stackgimana tuh
    gw cuma mo jawab yg veno poison sting,,
    maksudnya does'nt stack itu skill pasifnya dia "posion sting"
    kan klo g salah pada level 4 damage 20 tiap detik slama 7detik kan??
    nah misalnya kita nembak 3x,,dia g stack (20x7x3) tp tegantung pada serangan qt yg terakhir,,jadi tetep 20 damage tiap detik slama 7detik,,

    beda ama panah apinya huskar,,klo ini stack tapi cuman mpe 5 panah api,,klo dah panah yg ke 6 dah g stack lg,,ato percuma..

    mungkin ada yg mo nambahin?^^

  4. #93
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    oi!!!! postingan omninya kemana nih............. baru mau di copy dah ilang !!!!!!!!!!!!! huehuehue meteor ato m4ste12 posting ulang pls ....................::

  5. #94
    gokhiel-comm's Avatar
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    koq sepi ni thread??pdhl guna lho..

    oh y master,,
    bisa tolong deskripsiin skillnya karken shellnya levi??
    trz tulisan merah pas kita pick spectre itu maksudnya apa yach??

  6. #95

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    Gw juga gak tau.
    Kok reply2nya banyak yang ilang..

  7. #96

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    Ya uda de, nih gw post ulang...

    Everything you ever wanted to know about this ability

    If you just want to know how much damage you do while Omnislashning and don't care about how it works technically, read the basics.
    Spell facts
    Trigger basics
    Extra attacks in detail
    Minor errors in the calculations
    Usable formulas
    If you are in a game and need to know how many attacks you can make with a certain IAS, check #5.

    1. Spell facts


    Yurnero moves around the battlefield, slashing many enemies. Yurnero becomes invulnerable while Omnislashing.

    Level 1 - Attacks 3 times.
    Level 2 - Attacks 5 times.
    Level 3 - Attacks 8 times.

    Cooldown: 130/120/110 seconds.

    Level 1: 200 mana, 130 sec cooldown.
    Level 2: 275 mana, 120 sec cooldown.
    Level 3: 350 mana, 110 sec cooldown.

    Casting range: 450 units
    Jump range: 575 units
    Extra: Ministun on the first target
    Duration: 1 - 1.5 seconds (level 1), 1.8 - 2.2 seconds (level 2), 3 - 3.5 seconds (level 3)
    Slash duration: ~0.4 seconds
    Slash damage: 150 - 250 (Attack type Hero, Damage type Normal. Reduced by armor, not blocked by magic immunity)
    Can attack while slashing: Yes

    Can cast on: Organic non-ancient enemy units.
    Can jump to: Visible alive enemy units.

    (Yes, this means you can start Omnislash on someone, and then jump to an ancient (Golem, Roshan etc))

    No buffs (including Berserk from Mask of Madness) will be removed when activated since it only makes in invulnurable, not magic immune.

    Additional attack effects like lifesteal, bash, chain lightning, maim, critical strike, cold, etc will only be precent on the additional attacks during Omnislas, not on the standard 3/5/8 attacks it states it will do (which in fact isn't an attack at all).

    2. Trigger basics

    First of, the tooltip is a bit missleading since the spell itself don't care if you attack or not. The spell is completly triggered and works the way that when it is casted Juggernaut is moved around to different enemies dealing some triggered damage.
    Ability started.
    Juggernaut is made invulnurable and unselectable.
    Juggernaut is moved to the selected target.
    A trigger deals 150-250 hero damage to the target.
    The attack animation is played.
    If all slashes have been done, go to 7. Else, choose a new random target and go to 3.
    Juggernaut is made vulnurable and selected.
    Note that the trigger never cares about what status Juggernaut have, or what items/attack speed/etc. It even never tries to make an attack with him. Thats why the tooltip is missleading because it says that Omnislash will deal 3/5/8 attacks which is false. Anyway, this is not all damage that will be dealt when Omnislashing. The trigger don't inactivate Juggernauts ability to attack, so when he is moved around with triggers he will try to attack anything that is close (autoattack). The problem is that the attack is interrupted on each move he does (each slash in Omnislash) so he can't attack freely.

    The amount of extra attacks you will deal while Omnislashing is based on your Increased Attack Speed (IAS) and luck (2 random elements in Omnislash, and one in the Warcraft III engine). Here you have two graphs showing how many attacks you will make in average, and the maximum number of attacks you possible can make.

    The same graph but with maximum values instead.

    So for example, if you got 140% IAS and do a lvl 2 Omnislash you will get in average 2 extra attacks.

    Total damage would be: 150-250 * 3/5/8 + AttackDmg * NumExtraAttacks

    3. Extra attacks in detail

    How come it's luck involved in a simple skill like this? For each slash, there is 3 values that matter if Juggernaut will be able to deal a blow or not.
    How long each slash lasts.
    How Juggernaut is turned relative where the target is standing.
    How long the reaction time for Juggernaut to realize thats an enemy is nearby is.
    Slash duration

    The Omnislash trigger is using waits to pause the trigger for a specific time. These are very unreliable and will always pause longer then specified. They are extremly inaccurate for small delays, like the one in Omnislash. It is specified to pause for 0.25 seconds, but will most often pause for 0.4 (about 0.375 to 0.45) which makes an Omnislash lvl 3 last between 3 and 3.5 seconds.

    How Juggernaut is turned

    For each jump Juggernaut is positioned somewhere around the target. If he is facing towards the target, he can begin the attack immediately. If he is facing away from the target, he must turn so the enemy is within 45 degrees his looking direction. With a turn rate of 0.6 (which is Juggernaut's) it takes 0.14 seconds at most to turn to face the target.

    This should not be a problem actually. The trigger is turning Juggernaut, but he is turned wrong. It's just like the trigger would first turn Juggernaut so he faces the target, then move him to an random location around the target keeping the direction he is turned. He will then mostly be facing the wrong direction.

    Reaction time

    Warcraft III features something called reaction time. It is how long a unit takes at most to react to enemies drawing close. Since Juggernaut doesn't get any attack order for each jump, he must react to the enemies that are close. In DotA the reaction time is set to 0.25 seconds (default value). So at most Juggernaut will wait for 0.25 seconds before even thinking about to attack.

    All these three combined will produce a graph that looks like the ones above. I assumed a slash duration of 0.4 here for the graph to be readable.

    4. Minor errors in the calculations

    All these calculations is only correct when there is only one target in the vicinity. Since there is no attack order, he will aquire a target himself (the AI) and it doesn't have to be the closest or the one he is looking at. This is only guessings, if anyone can confirm this behavior of the hero AI I would be glad.

    This means that maybe Juggernaut will attack another unit instead of the slashed target.

    5. Usable formulas

    Maybe it takes too long time to look at the graph to be worth it if you are playing. So here you have some relativly easy to remember formulas for how many extra attacks you get in average if you have that much IAS and this level on Omnislash.

    Level 1: 0.6 + 0.5*IAS
    Level 2: 0.9 + 0.8*IAS
    Level 3: 1.5 + 1.2*IAS

  8. #97

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    Quote Originally Posted by gokhiel-comm View Post
    gw cuma mo jawab yg veno poison sting,,
    maksudnya does'nt stack itu skill pasifnya dia "posion sting"
    kan klo g salah pada level 4 damage 20 tiap detik slama 7detik kan??
    nah misalnya kita nembak 3x,,dia g stack (20x7x3) tp tegantung pada serangan qt yg terakhir,,jadi tetep 20 damage tiap detik slama 7detik,,

    beda ama panah apinya huskar,,klo ini stack tapi cuman mpe 5 panah api,,klo dah panah yg ke 6 dah g stack lg,,ato percuma..

    mungkin ada yg mo nambahin?^^
    Orb effets doesn't stack itu maksudnya orb effect itu ya gak stack, misalnya kalo pake skadi ato deso.

  9. #98
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    itu gw juga tau =_=a

  10. #99

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    Quote Originally Posted by gokhiel-comm View Post
    hy master,,ngmg2 ttg mkb gw jadi inget post qt yg di thread kardel,,
    gw mo nannya ne,,dulu kan gw pernah nyaranin kardel tuh mkb 2 biji
    nah itu persenannya gmn?apakah dia stack ama skill pasifnya kardel yg juga mini stun?
    klo stack,mislkan dr 5 pukulan,,berapa pukulan yg jadi mini stun??

    trz,,kata tmen gw skadi klo di pake hero ranged buka orb,jadi mo pake deso sangyas mjolnir gpp
    nah tapi klo dipake hero melee katanya orb,,jadi g stack ma deso sangyas dll,,apa betul??

    haha lucu juga di page 2 ada yg nanya GG ama harass,,gw juga donk,,kan klo anak2 luar tuh suka ngetik "lol" ama "rofl"
    maksudnya ketawa kan??tp suka g pas gt kejadiannya,,jadi maksudnya lol ama rofl itu apa y??

    nice thread^^
    Gw mau jawab yang ttg skadi.
    Skadi mau meele atau ranged juga tetep aja orb, gak bakal stack sama deso,dll.
    Untuk lebih jelasnya, ada tabel orb effects yang uda di-copy sama master dari, cari aja..

  11. #100
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    WTF!? This got stickied!? 0.o
    hy master,,ngmg2 ttg mkb gw jadi inget post qt yg di thread kardel,,
    gw mo nannya ne,,dulu kan gw pernah nyaranin kardel tuh mkb 2 biji
    nah itu persenannya gmn?apakah dia stack ama skill pasifnya kardel yg juga mini stun?
    klo stack,mislkan dr 5 pukulan,,berapa pukulan yg jadi mini stun??
    di stack tapi gak stack lsg, ada itung2annya...
    Jadi chancenya sebesar:
    40% + 30% + 30% - 2 x 40% x 30% - 30% x 30% - 30% x 30% x 40% = 100% - 24% - 6% - 2.4% = 67.6%
    Dari 5 serangan keluar 3 ato 4 biji ministun...
    trz,,kata tmen gw skadi klo di pake hero ranged buka orb,jadi mo pake deso sangyas mjolnir gpp
    nah tapi klo dipake hero melee katanya orb,,jadi g stack ma deso sangyas dll,,apa betul??

    haha lucu juga di page 2 ada yg nanya GG ama harass,,gw juga donk,,kan klo anak2 luar tuh suka ngetik "lol" ama "rofl"
    maksudnya ketawa kan??tp suka g pas gt kejadiannya,,jadi maksudnya lol ama rofl itu apa y??
    Skadi pada hero ranged adalah Buff Placer bukan orb effect, cman karena Desolator adalah Orb Effect sekaligus Buff Placer, maka gak stack. Tapi klo sama Mjollnir dan Lifesteal, dia stack. Klo SnY, bisa diliat di thread gw ttg orb effect.
    LOL = Laughing Out Lout
    ROFL = Rolling On Floor Laughing
    ROFLMAO (bonus nih) = Rolling On Floor Laughing My Ass Off
    oh y master,,
    bisa tolong deskripsiin skillnya karken shellnya levi??
    trz tulisan merah pas kita pick spectre itu maksudnya apa yach??
    Kraken levi itu adalah semacam Linken Sphere yang jalan tiap 8 detik. Jadi, bisa dibilang, tiap 8 detik setelah dia belajar tuh skill, dia dikasih Linken (Spell Block) yang lsg dicabut lagi setelahnya.
    Spectre tulisan apaan sich? gw jarang make dia...

  12. #101
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    itu tuh, yang arti tulisannya : kalo spec pake skill Haunt, item di inventory spec nga isa di drop, gitu???, trus ak pernah denger di thread ini kalo nda salah, ak nangkepny gini(blm coba sih). kalo spec pegang DR, DRnya nga drop kalo death timingny pas ama Skill Hauntnya, bener nga tuh?? need confirmation...

    Bnet Junior/Pro :Catasthrophe
    Bnet Diablo2 Borilus : Lucian(Druid)

  13. #102
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    Seinget gw itu bukan haunt de, tapi dagger, jadi klo Spectre mati pas dia lagi phasing (kan klo abis make dagger, collison kita jadi 0, tembus segala macem, itu namanya phasing), item apapun gak bakal drop...

  14. #103

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    Quote Originally Posted by M4Ste12 View Post
    Seinget gw itu bukan haunt de, tapi dagger, jadi klo Spectre mati pas dia lagi phasing (kan klo abis make dagger, collison kita jadi 0, tembus segala macem, itu namanya phasing), item apapun gak bakal drop...
    Tambahan nih, bukan cuma item gak bakal drop, tapi item yang efeknya aktif pas mati juga gak aktif, kayak aegis.
    Jadi kalo ada aegis, trus mati pas phesed, gak bakal aktif tuh aegis.

  15. #104

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    Quote Originally Posted by gokhiel-comm View Post
    koq sepi ni thread??pdhl guna lho..

    oh y master,,
    bisa tolong deskripsiin skillnya karken shellnya levi??
    trz tulisan merah pas kita pick spectre itu maksudnya apa yach??
    Gw mau nambahin nih dari penjelasan si master,
    Kraken shell tuh cuma ngilangin status, sedangkan linken itu spell block.
    Jadi, kalo linken kan efek magic ilang secara keseluruhan, sedangkan kalo ini tuh yang ilang cuma statusnya, damege tetep ada.

  16. #105

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    Akhirnya di sticky juga

    Numpang lewat mo nanya

    kalo drawven sniper kan ada headshot tuh
    kalo di kasi cranium basher 1 itu ngaruh ga yah

    sorry pertanyaan wa payah keseringan pake sniper tipe assassinet dari pada battle T_T

    chance nya tambah brp ya ? itu aja thx before....

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